by Noosie » Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:48 pm
Raji's immediate response is rage. Thankfully for everyone involved her thought process is still getting back up to speed, meaning that rage arrives at nearly the same time as sanity. Forcing her hands to stay a safe distance from both the arrogant monk and from her sword, she meets the not entirely undeserved words with some more of her own. And for the first time since leaving her room, those words are something other than slurred profanity.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, let's all talk down at the pissed knight. Like t'see you move in this crap y'lil git." This last part in punctuated with a glare at Shima, one rendered ineffective by both the visor of the helmet and the difficulty the unsteady warrior has in maintaining it.
"Now. Right." The plate-mail clanks as Raji shakes her head, trying to clear the red mist from her eyes. When she continues, her voice has lowered from a shout to merely being somewhat obnoxious. "If'n I heard correctly, you two are about to go after some poor sod with your fancy kung-fu and yer puny... "sword". I happen to like a bit of bountying myself, an' if I say so myself I can handle a fight or two. So I got to thinking, maybe if I were to come along, y'could go after some bigger game. More money for everyone, we're all happy, and if yer still sick'f me, we never see each other again. Howsabout it?"
Raji's attention remains mostly on Shima throughout her little speech, though she jerks her head towards Greg as she comments on his weapon. Were her face visible at the close of her proposal, and were she less likely to beat down anyone who said so, her look could almost be described as sheepish.
The Token Evil Party Member