The fall of Fair Frozen

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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby That_One_Guy » Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:32 pm

Garian laughed at his Uncle going along with the joke, "Alright, I'll make sure I do." He said and then stayed silent as he watched the glaciers melt, they were so close that he could almost touch them, that is how he felt. He didn't try though, he didn't want to risk falling off his uncle's shoulders. He thought about watching the Glaciers every year, even when his Father was with him. There was just something about the Glaciers melting on a cold planet that told him that things change but don't at the same time. He watched the crowd, all also watching the glaciers melt, wondering if this is the only time when people of different classes get together to watch something that marked the end of a season and the beginning of another.

But then he saw them, the soldiers wearing the same uniform as Uncle come towards them, he watched as they parted the crowd around them and headed towards Garian and his Uncle. He didn't know what they could want with them until they were close enough to tell Uncle that he was needed at the Command Center, he looked at him, a frown forming on his face, "Do you have to go to work, Uncle?" He asked, "Does this mean I have to go home now while you work?" He didn't like being home alone, but he grew use to it after all those times his dad left.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Inferi » Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:32 am

There were no words that Sameya could formulate to express what she was feeling at the moment. After so much time of trying so hard and always feeling like she was a step behind, her dream of going had finally come true. The timing was just so strange that it almost felt like it wasn’t real, or perhaps it didn’t feel real because it was actually happening. The reality of it not happening had become so normal that it actually coming to pass was one of the most unexpected things that could possibly have taken place.

She housed no resentment towards him for originally choosing someone else, for his words showed that it would have been out of a desire to see her become better rather than something negative. In fact, she was sure that, had she stayed, she would not have ended up regretting it. Her time here, learning under him, had been some of the best times of her life, and she knew that it would not have been the same if he had been anyone else. There was nobody else that she would rather have had as a teacher, and it went without saying that she wouldn’t be who she was if the situation hadn’t ended up the way that it had. Sure, she would still have the natural skill that she possessed, but transferring it to her work would have been done in a different method, as every person who oversees work has their own way that they wish to see things done and a different way in which they guide those below them.

The feeling that she had been more than a student or worker to the Magos had always been there, but the fact that he told her that she had been his most able child in his eyes was surprising. Surprising in the way that she had always suspected something of the sort but had never expected him to say it. The fact that they had both been aware of the fact that it existed had been enough, and she couldn’t deny that she had viewed him, in a way, as a second father. There was the biological one who had brought her to this point, holding her up to see the stars, and then the Magos, who had caught her there and pulled her up further, showing her what she could really do and what the possibilities for her talent were. Both had played an equal part in making her who she was, and both of them were deserving of the title.

As everything began to grow silent, Sameya couldn’t help but wonder what she actually thought about what she had done until now. The Magos’ words had struck a chord in her mind, bringing up the question of what her opinion actually was. All the time that she had been working, she had never thought of the machines she was making in the context of what they actually did. Well, she had, but it wasn’t something that she had put a large amount of thought into. She had made what she had while thinking of them only as machines, keeping the thought that their sole function was to exterminate the lives of thousands of individuals that could easily have been doing the same thing that she was. Now that he brought it up, though, she began to wonder. The sight of these machines did not fill her with the same thoughts, for what she saw when she gazed upon them was, above all else, the pride that she had felt upon the completion. His words spoke to a part of her that knew she may one day have enough experience to feel the same as he did, and she hoped that such a day was far off. Nevertheless, that part of her knew that he was right, that she would one day regret knowing that she had made such a thing. All she could hope was that the realization would not be something that would cripple her.

“I am glad you did tell me in person.” she said quietly, finally finding the words to say something that she wanted to. “Hearing it from you is much better than hearing it from a message.” She stopped for a minute, trying to find the words to speak what she was thinking. It was difficult for her to come up with the proper words, especially once her mind processed the title that he had referred to her by. Artisan. He had called her an Artisan, a title that she had never actually expected to hear in front of her name. It had always been something that she had thought was reserved for others, something that she had never expected to be referred to as by anyone.

It took a moment to get her mind working, but she finally came out with, “Perhaps we would have, but in the end I believe we would have been the same people. Even if we were, though, I would have liked to see what the possibilities of a different meeting would hold as well.” Even as she spoke, she knew that it didn’t contain what she had really wanted to say, but she hoped that he would know what she was trying to convey. If he was sentimental, she was as well, for the idea of making simple things, things that brought out the better parts of the human race, with him was a future that she would not have turned down.

With hands that she couldn’t keep from shaking slightly, she took the headband that he procured, placing it on her head as she said quietly, “Thank you. I won’t forget how you helped me get here.” It felt strange saying goodbye like this, but she suspected that she would never see him again. It was an inevitable part of life that people moved on, and she hadn’t realized until now how difficult such a thing would be. While she always had wanted to go to Mars, leaving here no longer seemed like the freedom that it had in the past. She was leaving everything she knew, including the people that she cared about, to achieve her dream. Nothing could be made without sacrifice, her father had told her the first time she had told him that she had wanted to go there, and she understood now what he had meant.

The internal conflict took less than a second to resolve itself, for the decision had been made before she had even started. Giving up this opportunity would mean rejecting everything she had done in the last five years, and she would never be able to live with herself if she did that. Even if leaving meant she would be leaving behind everything she knew, she had believed that it would be worth it for the last five years, and that wasn’t going to stop now that she was so close.

Her mind was spinning so much with what was going on in her personal life that Sameya barely noticed what was going on in the Manufactorum. There was too much happening at once, but one thing was clear: it was time for her to leave. She hesitated for just a moment, but her mind was made up and she started to go. One last thing was in her mind, though, and although she would never have acted upon it in a normal situation the current one made it seem like the right thing to do. Stopping at the Magos, she gave him a quick hug, saying, “Goodbye.” before she let go and started running towards the slag conveyors. If this was goodbye, then her emotions were free to at least do that one act, something that she had felt like doing on multiple occasions. Even if it wasn’t, her time of working here as she had been was over, and it would no longer be inappropriate. It was a quick gesture of thanks, something that told him she appreciated what he had done for her in a way that words could not.

Her pace was swift, not like her normal walk, because she knew that this way out was dangerous if the flow became unblocked. It did bring up the question, though, of why exactly she was exiting in this manner. It seemed a strange way to leave, almost like everyone was in danger. The people entering through the main door had finally caught her eye as she had started to run, and, almost immediately, something in her mind told her that something wasn’t right.
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with until you realize who's in command around here.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Hazard1325 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:47 am

Veronica thought on the encounter. She wondered if all members of the Adeptus Mechanicus had such morbid fascinations. They worshiped the machine spirits in all objects, she wondered if the spire had its own spirit and if it could die. What would happen then? The spire's were large enough to cause damage to other spires... would they fall one after another? Surly there were designs in place to prevent such a thing. Veronica had no way to be sure and the comment had disturbed her on some deep level.

Then again maybe it would be better if the spire fell. It would make the street so much less crowded, and there would be more food to go around... Veronica stoped her line of thought there. Those were selfish thoughts, heretical thoughts even. She remembered one of the imperial mandates that had been issued in the last few decades "Watch thy neighbors closely, heresy comes from those we least suspect." The idea disturbed her and she doubted any Arbite would take her seriously in her current state. It had probably just been a strange practice by the Adeptus Mechanicus in any case...

Was it time to return home? She thought it might be, slowly she walked back to the lifts that would take her back to the upper spires. She was in no hurry watching the people around her more then ever after the encounter. She didn't like the idea she wasn't safe in the streets. She wasn't naive enough to believe their weren't gangers, but they didn't scare her as much as the alternatives her mind could imagine. She walked along safer streets, the ones where the Arbite's patrolled often and even crossed by one of the local PDF garrisons.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby napsii » Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:30 am

"I like this place. There's a lot of history here." remarked Ishiko smartly, a bright smile on her face.

The old Astropath's Commission always injected her with an electric feeling; similar mix to the excitement from opening a birthday present and the anxiety of meeting new people. The girl never knew why, but she'd always likened it to an aroma that'd been baked into every wall and floor. It was, perhaps, one of the reasons why she valued her time here -- it was naturally uplifting, her parents would have theorized, but Ishi preferred to admire the pictures and sculptures printed into every face of the arched room. She sometimes wondered what it would have been like to see the epic scenes in motion, or stand on the battlefield, against the Xenos always assailing them. To no surprise, few citizens in the lower hives bought into Imperium propaganda, but Ishi sometimes wondered if the Emperor would ever rise again from the Golden Throne she'd read about to fix all of their problems.

She never seriously considered a career in the military for when she grew up. A lot of the boys from more privileged families up top always seemed keen to pick up lasguns, but Ishi's fear of firefights was cemented. Sometimes, when she slept, she'd hear autoguns going off down the corridors. It terrified her, and made sleep a luxury on some nights where the gangers were feuding hotly. Maybe it was the armorclad heroes of the Imperium, like the brave Space Marine legions and their leaders, that should have been doing the fighting. She knew her mother's work in the manufactorum was important, too, but that didn't appeal to her as a career either; the factories were greasy, hot, and didn't pay well. The girl stuck closer to her mother, slowing her walk a bit so she could soak in the worn imagery across the walls. St. Mercutia's Will was her battlefield -- her inheritance from her father.

Yet it didn't look as comfortable with the man in the blue coat standing there.

Ishi bit her lip, instinctively retreating behind her mother. Her distrust for strangers was natural. An adaptation, as if by evolution, to survive in the lower hives. Visitors to St. Mercutia's dressed in rags and scraps was the common fare, but the blue-purple robes were something that came to confuse her immediately. He looked like one of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but didn't they wear red?

Of course, her suspicion evaporated away just as her father's blue-eyed look settled on her. Her smile revitalized, and she sprung out from behind her mother to leap straight forward into his arms, returning his embrace tightly. All three of them together again, and Ishi wanted it to be perfect.

"Hi, Dad!" she said excitedly, the excitement of watching the Great Melt coming back to her.

"I'm good. We're gonna go watch the glaciers fall and stuff. You should totally come." she insisted with a nod. She almost wondered if he would decline. The outlying thought only made her more anxious.

Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby RavenLord » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:13 am

William looked up at the soldier. "Thank you sir but to be honest, i barely knew him. He never came home after i was born and all i know about him are what my mother told me." he replied, remembering how his mother always smiled when talking about his father. A small smile crept into his face, hidden by his scarf. Young Orphan cherished those memories. He fondly remembered the nights his mother told him stories about his father before he fell asleep. In Williams eyes, his father had been a legendary hero at first. He imagined him single-handedly fighting against enemies of mankind. Then years passed and William was forced grow up early from his childhood despite his age, thanks to absence of his father. His feeling of inspiration slowly turned into frustration and bitterness. He told himself that 'It was not his fathers fault. He had a duty and he was fighting for them.' yet even though his understanding, small bitterness remained, mainly because seeing other kids spend time with their fathers, even if its once or twice a year and he had secretly hoped to meet him some day, and that small hope was crushed with the news of his death. It was only small relief that he was at Emperors side along with his mother.

Yet with his fathers death, new door opened for William. Orphan realized that feelings of bitterness and frustration had passed. He attributed it to his fathers death, and it maybe so to an extent, but real reason was because of the opportunity his father had given him. "Sir! I accept your offer. I wish to go to Schola so i can serve The Emperor and make 'Him' and my family proud. William continued, eager and determined.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:40 pm

Dashing forward with the klaxons blaring in her ears, and being pushed on by Hilda's rather unique encouragement, Jika pushed herself harder, sprinting as fast as she could. The door was closing, and she could feel drops of water preceding the Melt splatting against her skin as her legs began to burn from the sudden exhertion. She threw herself forward at the last moment and half-rolled, half slid underneath the door, panting slightly as she came to a stop. "S-sorry" she whispered, as she picked herself back up. "Guess I need to train some more in the Pit to get faster, huh"

Listening to Hilda's advice, Jika nodded her head in understanding. The more experienced woman was right - there were so many ways that you could die in the underhive, it was far better to concentrate on the ways that you can live. Brushing off the worst of the grime, she followed Hilda through the ruins of what was once the top layer of the hive, but now was full of broken machines and bunks used by whatever scav decided to wander past. She hadn't even batted an eyelid at Hilda's destruction of an aged shrine to the Emperor. The way she saw it, if there really was an Emperor, then his gaze didn't go this far deep. It was the only explanation for the things that could happen so deep in the hive.

Entering the main room, she felt a wave of awe wash over her. There, in the middle of the room was the big boss of the Sump Suckers. The man with the iron jaw held all the power in the area that was once her home, and it was what she herself aimed to be like, one day. Perhaps even take over when he grew too old... Also, a large portion of the gang's upper echilons were there as well: The heavies Jason and Ash, Jason with his master-crafted heavy stubber which he never did say where he got it from, and Ash, a bear of a man with very little hair left and the gang's only heavy flamer. The tanks strapped to his back always seemed so light when he carried them, but that was more down to his muscles having muscles, more than anything else. Otto Schielman leaned against one wall, various ammo belts strapped all over, one for every concealed weapon he carried, plus his 'lucky' shotgun. Also in the room were the close combat specialists Ghostarm, on account of having two bionic arms with in-built buzzsaws from his time as a pitslave, and the stick-thin Cannibal, a waster from even furthur down the hive who just happened to be good with knives as well as the gang's official doctor, in his own way.

Others in the gang Jika hadn't come to know yet, but she still let out a chear at the rallying cry of their leader, thoughts of death long gone from her mind. After all, with names such as these, how could they fail to win?
One way, or another, I'm going to find you, I'll get you, I'll get you!
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Thaedael » Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:39 am

That One Guy - Garian Jorrell
Location - Confrontation on the blood-covered plaza

"Sir, I repeat, they want us to report back to Headquarters, something just isn't right, the reports are coming in from across all the branches. The governor needs us to mobilize" the man continued to stammer, his face a pale white, his Fair Frozen blue eyes pleading with the man. He was no older than Garian at best, a simple message courier running between the multiple Planetary Defense Force facilities and command centers, a young orphan by the looks of it. He wore a simple great-coat, the cuffs and collars the blue of the PDF, his armor a polished flak vest heavily padded over the coat. He would have been a handsome man by all accounts. One of the men that had walked behind in the wake of the courier's path finally stepped in behind the courier, an arm coming up and around the boy's back in a semi embrace as he pulled the boy towards him. Peering out from under the blue-purple dyed robes of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the man spoke, a re-breather with stylized teeth stenciled upon them, "Very good, seems that all has been pre-determined." the man said. With a flash of the robes, an auto-gun was pulled out from under the coat, a salvo flying true through the kid's head. The crowd flinched, everyone falling to a semi-crouch, before panic begun to ensue, the local civilians covered in blood, others wounded by the stray bullet from the kid. All around the sea of red-coats stood the forms of many men and women standing in the blue-purple robes, each brandishing an auto-gun of their own.

The robed man stood unmoved, the blood dripping along his coat and arms, the crimson life freezing to droplets of ice on his face, the mist of his re-breather continuing. He pulled back the hood of his robe, a head shaved balled with the straps of the re-breather running up along his scalp, and to either side of his face. "A Commander by the name of Siegfried Yorke Mordecai" the man stated matter of fact. "You have something I need, something I would very much be appreciative of if you parted with." the man said. Garian's uncle stood in spot, the snow falling around him as he beheld on all the sides the lack of his own uniformed men, and the overwhelming presence of the armed persons in the plaza. All around them people were fleeing from the fringes, those that were behind the backs of the concentric rings of the armed men. The people before them however, continued to lay down to the ground, their red-robes and off-shift clothes pressing down into the muddied snow of the plaza.

He was the only one standing, and by extension Garian. "A Commander who indeed goes by the name of Siegfried Mordecai, protector of all that the Emperor holds dear, protector of these worlds and the flock of our Sheppard. What is it that you bandits need? I have plenty of credits, enough for you all to disappear and get rejuvenation stimulants if need be. With enough left over to live out your extended lives away from these people. Name your price" the man stated defiantly, refusing to yield to the men before him. His finger's dug deep into the leg of Garian, a tight squeeze as if he was ready to pounce.

"A man does not simply rob a named commander for credits, what do you take me for, a simple bandit?" the man laughed. All around him the laughter was echoed by the armed people in the blue and purple livery. The man stepped on the back of a woman, pressing her deeper into the mud before once more shooting his auto-gun, the crowd flinching once more as the sound bounced off the unusually quiet form of the hive. All around them the sudden loss of noise of the manufactoria was noticed, before people regained the fear that had brought them to the ground. "Now then, give me what it is I ask".

"I do not know what you mean" the uncle looked away, a look of disgust on his face. Once more an auto-gun barked, followed by the succession of the other men shooting into the crowd of people gathered on the ground. "Some Sheppard you are" he stated to the man, spitting on the golden-eagle pauldrons. The uncle kneeled to one knee, as if ready to vomit, before sliding young Garion off his back. He turned his back on the man who had confronted them, kneeling to talk to Garian. "You are going to run, and you are going to run fast. Do not stop unless you see any of the PDF members that you have seen me talk to. Tell them we have an uprising occurring. There were many a thing I wish I could have told you. Just remember, that the life of the Emperor is precious, no matter the walk of life you chose"

Inferi - Sameya Leonis
Location - Pilgrimage of the Adepts

Oswald stood perched over his manufactorium, his form and mannerism reminiscent of the cyber-aquilas that took flight around the spires, mechanical mockeries of life that were designed to breath fake life back into the dead skies of Fair Frozen. His prized adept had made her escape, and he was again one with the Omnissiah, his organic parts once more giving way to the mechanical alterations of his body. Only his heart refused to give way to the path of the machine. Before him stood two armies, that of his own; the bionically augmented troops of his own manufactorum, and those of the unknown intruders before him. The leader of the group pulled back the hood of her robes, a face of polished metal with a styalized bird beak upon it, it's ever shifting reflections tracing the patterns of the beaten adamantium. With eyeless face, the mask turned upwards to the Magos on the gangway above, her head moving side to side as if with the predatory instincts of a bird. She spoke, the language of the machine gods, a burst that could only be described as a hissing of code, the language as inhuman as her appearance. There was more to her language, something deeper, something darker. The Magos spoke back, his humanity ringing across the chasm of the now baneblade-free hangar, the static especially thick on his vox modulator. "And if I refuse" he simply said with a head cocked to one side.

The woman sent another burst of code upward into the low hanging atmosphere of the manufactorum, all in her presence understanding full well her treachery and her foul ultimatum. Oswald let out a low laugh, oddly alien by any human standard, especially more so for a room full of adepts from all walks of the Omnissiah's path. He repeated that which countless Imperial agents have said to steel themselves against the oncoming onslaught, "Only in death does service to the Emperor end!" he roared defiantly, the manufactorum coming alive with the echoes of his rallying call. From underneath his crimson mechanicum robes the mechendrite came; each with as deadly a tipped instrument as they were useful in his life of crafting. The loud humming of laser scattered across the room, the concealed micro weapons of his mechendrite firing along side the melta torch of his trade, sending the herald of the enemy to one knee, her head clean melted off by a second blow.

The purple-blue robbed men begun to pour into the facility wave after wave falling to the disciplined firing ranks of the skii'tari. The gun servitors let loose the hot searing beams of light of the melta weapons, their bright blue beams shearing through metal and skin alike, the smell of burned flesh and melting metal coming across the room full well. It was as he came to fear, the rumors of the other Magos having heralded the tech heresy that would unfold here tonight. All around him the elite Skii'tari moved to place melta charges on dead-men triggers around the facility. By the Omnissiah and the all-mighty Emperor, a baneblade would never fight against the population whom brought it into being. From behind red glowing augmented eyes, Oswlad once again thought about the grand puzzle of life, and his fitting into it. Sameya Leonis would now be his only legacy, overshadowed by his life-long service of crafting machines of death that had sent countless thousands of souls to the screaming depths of the Emperor's wrath. The last of the charges was set, and one of the top-decorated Skii-tari came to his side, a muffled burst of machine code pushing out from under his heavily reinforced helmet, lights and sensors blinking across it's multi-eyed face. The preparations were complete, and looking to his side he merely smiled, "Call me sentimental..." he said. The soldier just cocked his head to the side, before jumping up and over the railing, his form falling to the group of men he commander below, joining into the vicious melee that had broken out across the floor of the manufactorum. The blue and purple of the corpses were piling up as the melee entered it's first and bloody iteration, the first of many skirmishes to come. The Magos let out a small prayer to the omnissiah, his humanity wishing it was the last things on his lip, before he himself joined the melee below.

Leonis continue to walk along the conveyor belts, their massive forms slowly feeding the waste material and slag up and away from the manufacturing parts of the manufactorum, from which it's name derived. All around her the adepts continued to shuffle, shock setting it at the reality that had occurred. All around them the sounds of gun-fire begun to echo, the fight sounding so distance, yet too close to comfort, the first time any of them having heard a gun fire with the intent of killing, much different than the testing gun-fire that had taken a backdrop to the loud sounds of the manufactorum in full swing of production. It was quiet, more so than anyone of them could have ever anticipated. They reached the opening to the trash ways, where fluids, melt-water run off and scrap were dumped, the mouth of the system a giant grate with the stylized adeptus mechanicus cog. The form of her overseer stood in front of her, before he finally turned on heel looking at the girl. "Any other man would have been jealous of being overlooked in favor of a girl such as yourself Adept Sameya Leonis. Under any other circumstances I may have even afforded myself the jealousy that should accompany such a decision by the Magos. You are an outstanding person, don't ever lose the curiosity in the Omnissiah's work you posses. It is with heavy hear our ways must part. Take care Artisan Sameya Leonis, may the Emperor and Omnissiah protect" the man said. He help feed her through the great, resting on the other side, one mechanical hand up against the beaten copper of the grating.

Hazard1325 - Veronica Meissen
Location; Awkward Aside, the Elevator Ride with a Bang

All along one side of the detour of a walk, the forms of the blue-uniformed PDF troops were present. Their forms were clad in the full riot gear that was used during revolts and uprisings, their bodies standing in a broad line from shoulder to shoulder. Across each of their flak vests were the various weapons in place, held carefully between white gloved hands; mostly lasguns with the occasional shock maul thrown in for non-lethal subjugation. They stood behind deploy-able shielding, bright lights mounted at every few hundred meters or so, their halos of light catching the falling snow as the individual flakes continued to fall lazily from the sky. Behind them was one of the main garrisons, the high walls being patrolled by soldiers in full gear, spotters with their enhanced night-vision goggles as well as auspex sweeping devices. Every window from the high command tower that overlooked the walls was lit from within, the low amber glow; tell-tales of an operation in place. The individual sights as she walked were enough to excite the noble-woman, especially since it was so rare a sight, even outside the small amount of trips she made. However it was the sum of the parts that continued to compound the unease she had felt.

There were a lot more of the people wearing the blue-purple robes she had encountered previously, five times as many as the PDF troops that patrolled along the opposite side of the walkway, almost as if in a stand off between wills. It did not concern her, and she might as well have not been there from the glances that seemed to pass right through her. She rounded the corner, coming face to face with one of the many elevators that took the nobles and their servants up higher into the spires, where the air was clean and where they concerned themselves with trivial things. Not the Meissen house-hold however. She made her way towards the elevator, the backlog of passengers stretching out to where she stood. Among them ran the arbites, the law enforcement of the planet, the unsavory task of authenticating identification as well as frisking the riders of the elevators, tasks delegated to them from the now occupied PDF.

One of the arbites roughly grabbed at her arm, pulling her to aside of the line, before forcing a scanner to one eye, the scanner confirming that she was indeed a noble as well as permitted to board the elevator that led to the spires. He then groped at her shoulders, breasts, love-handles, hips, thighs, shins, all the way down to the boots, before handling the inside of her crotch area down to her feet. He forced her round, repeating the process up and down the length of the back before giving her a push in the direction of the elevator, shouting with a "Clear.... Next!" to the other arbites that policed the line.

She was finally on her way home, her form herded by the many blue-purple robed men she had spotted previously, the crowd mentality of the congregation going towards the nearest empty car. Within the car stood many more of the weird adeptus mechanicus she had seen before, the woman that had started the avalanche of bad omens standing in front of her. "Fancy running into you again? Have you business with the spires as well?" she asked with a head cocked to one side. She motioned for Victoria to step inside the elevator, just as the weight capacity chimed to full, forcing the doors shut behind her.

"Here to witness the majestic nature of the nobles as well?" she said with an odd emotion of glee.

Napsii - Ishiko
Location; Gods Curse You, I Need a Doctor; Plight of a Wounded Man


Ravenlord - William Cromwall
Location - Ambush, Badge of Duty

"You say it like you don't want to know more lad" the man said. With a gloved thumb, he pointed up to the little inquisitorial shield atop his helmet, a simple silver =I=, the symbol meaning more than the rest of the insignia on his uniform combined. "Not every day you get to serve along side the scariest people in the Imperium, and it was even worse considering the much scarier things we fought against. By all means, I would tell you, but the very knowledge would make your mind collapse. Just know that he did his job, nothing more, nothing less, and that he was a hero. At least afford him that in your memories, regardless if you knew him or not" the main said simple. He rubbed at the Inquistorial I, wiping it free of condensation, it's brilliance shining from against the black of his carapace armor, every inch as clean as it was worn.

All around them the last of the soldiers had arrived, and they were ready to mobilize. Yet something continued to nag at the older gentlemen's mind, the hesitance forming at the side of his mouth, a tenseness in his neck. Call it intuition, or maybe experience from encountering the same story hundreds of times before. "Ronald" he said to one of the storm troopers that had gathered under the shelter of the giant stature, stone arm providing a mini shelter against the snow fall. The man stepped forward, his face still embraced by the warmth of a re-breather. "Go and ask those gentlemen what they are doing here" the man had said. The soldier get a muffled confirmation, before spinning on heel to walk towards one of the guys.

He turned back to face the kid once more, "It sucks, a lot of things are up in the air, I get it. Do we hate our fathers for having died in the service of the Emperor? Probably each and everyone of us standing here in front of you may have felt pangs of hatred towards their parent, the burden of growing up without a parent, or in my case, both parents. Regardless of how they chose to live and the results of it, it made us who we are, and we all have a part to play in the Emperor's grand scheme". It was clear his resolution and faith was unshakable, traits of having been psycho indoctrinated not just in the Schola, but as well as the Inquisition, with a probable side-dish of a mind scrub or two.

The man who had been identified as Ronald just moments before confronting a hunched man but with a tap on the shoulder. The blue-purple robed man spun in place, a knife thrusting for the neck of the storm trooper, only to make contact with the air, a simple sideways dodge and grab leaving his knifed hand in a wrist lock. With a simple force of the muscles, Ronald Disarmed the man, before flipping him over his back and unto the ground his face skyward. All around him the other folks in the same livery turned, anger in their eye as many assortments of weapons begun to appear.

"This has inklings of something far more foul" the inquistorial storm trooper said, a statement as damning as it could be true, and one who has seen so much did not say things idly. A heavy stubber opened up fire on Ronald from the mezzanine, the bark of the loud and large caliber gun echoing across the open plaza. The first few rounds bounced of his armor, sparks falling from his form, before the first round penetrated, a spray of red mist kicking up into the air. The captain threw on his re-breather, his muffled voice issuing commands to the storm troopers gathered around him. "Inquisitor, we may have a situation here... "

Gorbaz - Jika Solovar
Location - Gang scrappin - who wants to live forever?'

The man of a giant in the middle of the room continued to talk, his fervor in speaking ever present, his enthusiasm catching as he continued to talk to the assembled youth in front of him, the center of the octagonal room his platform. "The redemptionist-wanna-be's moving into our territory are nothing but dried up pussy scabs, using a fake organized front to scare others away. They wear the shitty blue-dyed robot robes of the adeptush shitticus, probably trying to emulate a cult to further add mystique to their small time ways. They carry an assortment of weapons, small autoguns and autopistols, with very little heavy weaponry so to speak. It turns out they are having a bit of a meeting further up in the abandoned power circuits of this block, and are openly mocking our authority. We will meet with the them, and we will fuck them. No one messes with the Sump Suckers and get's away with it!" he roared out large.

The rest of the gang continued to cheer, some of the younger juves shooting Hilda and Jika side way glaces, Jika especially with her matted down clothes hanging around her form especially close to her more personal areas, the rust and damp streaks of her rags leaving little to the imagination. Hilda stepped in front of her, shielding her body with her own as the man continued to talk. "The plan is simple, we sneak up on them from all sides, flamer at the exit, stubber with the main attack. We funnel them to the access corridors, and we cook the bastards, letting them join their redemptions, those wannabe fuckers" he said, his jaw groaning as it moved with his speech.

The two heavies looked at one another in solemn understanding. Carrying weapons as their own always made them prime targets, especially in so important of a position in a battle plan such as this. "The rest of you sump suckers, it's time to ween you off the fungal tit that brought you here, for some of you, it's your first time, for some of you it will not be your last, for others, well you were bound to scrub out sooner, so think of it as my mercy to you!" he shouted.

The rest of the gang laughed, some nervously, other apprehensively, but the majority full-well knowing this is what they signed up for when selling their bodies and souls to the man in front of them. Bodies especially for some of them, a fare share of women all around him, and the bionic replacements for many others that continued to serve with inspired duty and loyalty. "We are just waiting for the latest reports from our fastest runners, and we will move out" the man said.

As if on cue the door opened, the form of a juve walking through it. He waved nervously, about to say hello, before having his head cave in from the round of a arbites shotgun. The woman wielding the gun was in the robes of the blue-purple "pussy scabs" that the boss had spoken of, her every moment as alluring as it was threatening. "A little sewer rat the size of a small dog told me that we would find you here" the woman said. The rest of the gang were outraged, a total of all but a few guns pointing at the women ready to wipe her frakken existence from the surface of the under-hive. "I wouldn't do that, I insist" the woman said, a melta bomb primed in one hand, held out to one side from her body. "So let's just agree to disagree. You want in on our actions, we understand, but it's a little more at stake than you think. Turn around now and live, or die in a ball of unholy fire."

Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:04 am

Garian watched in shocked horror as the person in front of him was killed, gasping from the sudden power of the gun going off. The men crowded around his uncle, demanding something from him but didn't know what, and neither did he by the sounds of it. He wanted to stick up for his uncle, tell them to leave him alone, that he protected this planet, but he knew by the looks of them, that they didn't, and wouldn't, care. The shock soon turned to anger over them threatening him, his uncle, and he wanted to do something, anything. But he was young, and was never taught how to use a weapon, nor has he ever wielded one. He was helpless.

When his Uncle put him on the ground, Garian stood tall, not showing any fear from the people, though he was every bit scared of what they'd do. When his Uncle told him to find the PDF soldiers, he wanted to protest, he wanted to stay with his uncle, but deep down, he knew that his uncle stood a better chance against this group with trained professionals, not a young boy with no experience. So, meekly, he nodded and ran off down the plaza, hoping to find soldiers and tell them to go help his Uncle, their leader, in defending himself against those that seek to do harm. He hoped that the sounds of their Solid Projectile weapons would alert those around to go and help, but then it may be too late.

When he finally located some soldiers, he was out of breath, tired, he had never sprinted that fast or that far before, " danger....needs help...." He was panting, out of breath, "Leader wearing mechanicus robes.....Uncle is Siegfried Mordecai. Please help him!" He finished, stopping now to catch his breath, the cold hair chilled his lungs and made it harder to breathe, but growing up on the ice planet means he can deal with it more than those that didn't, he was still young though and needed a few more years in the cold before finally mastering it.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:52 am

The garrison seemed to be quite active, surely if there were anything to worry about the emergency vox systems would have already chimed in. Veronica looked around at the purple robed cult becoming nervous, could they be the reason for the active garrison? The PDF soldiers reminded her a bit of the factory laborers just dressed in formal clothing, but still slaves to thier duty. She had heard of nobles joining the guard or PDF's generally serving as officers and wondered how much was sent back to their family's. She shook her head and hurried along avoiding the crowds gaze.

Veronica made a surprised cry when the arbite grabbed her but realized he was just the inspecting the passengers. She stood still uncomfortable with the process annoyed that her identification wasn't enough. At the lift she looked up when she saw the woman again. Veronica was about to turn around before she realized such a thing would only annoy the arbites, and they weren't always gentle, especially with someone who looked like a member of the lower class. "Hello... I own an estate on one of the spires, its been in my family for a long time." She shifted uneasily now that she was face to face with this woman. "Are you preforming maintenance rights this evening?" Veronica tried to avoid eye contact obviously intimidated by the woman and her following.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Thaedael » Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:25 am


Unfortunately, duty and fear often follow the same path. We must follow the one, and conquer the other. - Ephrael Stern

++Incoming Transmission from Inquisitor Iyaden Frostborn++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
**Decryption engaging+++++++++++++20%...40%...60%...80%...100%...Parsing Now++++++++++++++
Terran Year 400.M41
This off course, is off the record, but since you are an old friend, nothing is barred to you. I am still not sure what caused such an uprising to have occurred. Fair Frozen as a whole has never been to outstanding in many regards, however as far as the hive-worlds in the whole segmentum goes, it was never terrible. For the most part the population enjoys the peace of their trade, their position far behind the enemy lines. What ever caused the uprising had to do with the chaos incursions from the eye of terror, of that I am certain. What I do not know, however, is that these things went so unnoticed until the day they had occurred, something especially rare with full planetary revolts. Regardless we continue to investigate what happened.
+End of Transmission+++++++Closing...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0++++++++++++++++++++

That One Guy - Garian Jorrell
Location - Confrontation on the blood-covered plaza

"There we go, a little less to worry about now eh?" the man said to himself, as he got up and spun to face the armed men in the plaza. "I guess we both know what you want, and we both know that only one of us will live. Little need for words now is there?" the man said. He took a deep breath, looking at all the people that continued to cower on the filth covered snow of the plaza, their forms hanging down and low to the ground, the red of their robes mixing into the red blood on the snow. All around him the armed men continued to move closer, more and more getting up from the ground to join them, their purple-blue robes rising from the ground like some infernal demon rising from a sea of blood. "Well then, guess nothing to do but just hand it over, just promise me you will not hurt these people."

The leader walked forward, hand outstretched. "You know full well that no one will survive but those loyal to our cause, nothing you can do will delay the inevitable". The man in the eagle armor simple nodded, resigned to a decision he made long ago with the position he held, putting his hand into the long coat that flowed from his body in the evening wind, snow continuing to fall all around him as he moved. With a movement swift in the eye, a power sword hummed to life, the glowing blade cutting through the uncle's own coat before severing the arm of the leader below the elbow, blood spraying out onto the dirtied slush of the plaza, people under foot moving to get away from it.

"So long as I draw breath, you will not have the necessary measure" the man said. He ran forward, kicking out the legs from under the leader before shattering his skull with a low percussive thump from a boltpistol that was concealed under his coat. The men around him staggered, their reactions slow as they brought autoguns to bear, gloved hands fumbling with safeties, cocking mechanisms, and ammunition as the only armed man in the service of the emperor ran forward. Full bodies exploded inwards, explosive bolt rounds punching through torsos before exploding in a deafening crack that shattered bones and innards outwards in a spray of gore.

With a swift movement he counter balanced his power sword, its stylized brazen brass eagle guard deflecting a bayonet from a lasgun, before skewering the man through the neck. He put his foot on the man's chest kicking him off his weapon before spinning on heel, coat flowing out around him in the wind, before landing a clean blow to the man's neck, severing it from the body. Sparks continued to kick off from the weapon, it's glowing blue form melting the snow in the very air, vapor trails flowing out from it as if in a time lapse photo.

With a barely audible fizzle of energy, the uncle was hit, a long-las from the terrace above having hit him clear through the leg. He collapsed to one knee, bracing himself with the power sword lodged firmly into the plascrete of the plaza, boltpistol firing away with unnerving accuracy at the man who took the shot, full plascrete planters exploding in a debris of dust and chunks of materials.

One of the heretics raised from the ground, having been content to lay in hiding, bayonet in hand. He stabbed the uncle clear through the arm, before having been beheaded with the the bolt pistol aiming backwards over the uncles shoulder. More and more of the men moved closer in, each with bayonet drawn on blades, the resounding click-click-click of an empty pistol signalling the end. "I take my seat at the left hand of the Emperor, where you foul heretics will die at the hands of your petty gods" the man said, acutely aware of the lures of chaos with his position on the PDF.

At once they begun to stab, each wound drawing more of the blood as he crumpled into the ground. All around him the bystanders had continued to run away, fleeing in all directions at the distraction the man had raised, most of the cultist either to busy in fighting, or to uncaring to give chase.

[Stay tuned until Raven Lord Posts]

Hazard1325 - Veronica Meissen
Location; Awkward Aside, the Elevator Ride with a Bang

Veronica was slowly ushered into the corner of the elevator as the woman and her group of adepts continued to move unto the lift, leaving only her and a group of thirty or so of them draped in the robes of the adeptus mechanicus. All of them had their hoods up, all but the woman who had greeted her so cordially in moments before the lift. "We are indeed here to perform a service upon the spire that has been avoided since the founding of these towering marvels" the woman said. She pulled back the mask on her face, the demonic beast face re-breather giving way to a woman who was as beautiful as she was young. She could not have been more than sixteen cycles by any guess, however she was so augmented it was hard to be certain that rejuve treatments weren't used at all.

Through pink lipsticked lips she talked, her voice sounding a lot more human, as if the mask was to hide her voice more than anything else. "And you? How fare you on an evening such as this? Have you business in the spire?" the woman asked. She continued to pull back her hood, long hair flowing from her head, silvery colored in pigment with a hint of purple, nothing that could be natural except for richest of people on the hive. From all around her head emerged the snaking cables that came out from her head and hair, running down the length of her neck to the robes that gathered around her neck, before hiding once more below other materials.

She tapped at the mask once more, holding it in one free hand as the other drummed perfectly manicured nails, patterns of cogs and admech skulls painted on each one, before slowly being hidden behind the work gloves of the admech, cables running in and out of the leather kit. All around her the men and women of her retinue stood perfectly still, each with hood over head, their face lowered to the ground in quite reverence to the lady who continued to talk to the cornered girl. "Common now, don't be shy. I am sure you are used to being the play thing of nobles, a body as pretty as yours. What are you, a mistress, a sex-slave, or just a lowly servant?" the girl said with a bit of a laugh.

From under her robes a single mechandrite emerged, its multiple segmented form snaking out through the folds of her rumpled clothes. It's tip whirred, before a long metal protrusion begun to feed it's way through the opening, waving back and forth as it moved closer to Vernoica.

Napsii - Ishiko
Location; Let's just have a nice illusion of a family.

Her father picked her up, both of his arms feeding their way between Ishiko's own, lifting her up from under her shoulder blades. "Look at you, it is hard to believe that only a few hours ago you were so sleepy that you couldn't even help me" the man said with a bit of a smile. His stern face continued to erode until he was beaming from ear to ear, knowing full well that she was clearly his daughter, and that he loved her more than anything else in all of the Imperium combined, save for his own wife, who continued to stare at him from the opening of the door, a disapproving look running across her pale pink lips. "And who was that, might I ask?" the mother asked with as much of a tone as one could muster after a long day of work, as accusing as it was angry. The father looked down to Ishiko, his eyes expressing very much that he thought he was going to be in for it, before he kissed his daughter on the forehead, hoisting her to rest in one arm as he moved towards his wife. He leaned in towards his wife, giving her a peck of a kiss on the cheek, Ishiko sandwiched between the two, her mother's arm stroking at her hair as they shared a moment.

She broke away first, walking out towards the door, father and daughter in tow. "He was one of the locals from the under-hive, saying that some sort of activity will be going down and that I should be prepared for wounded to be brought here, even offered me my weight in crowns." he said with an uneasy voice. "He was also inquiring about your daughter" he said, looking down into the blue eyes of his girl, before giving her a slight tap on the nose with his free hand. "My daughter?" she said rhetorically. "You know what I mean, so let's just drop all the pretenses of another day winding down, and pretend to be a happy family one more day, and enjoy the snowy melts" he said. The mother stopped dead in her tracks, before turning around, "We don't have to pretend, no matter how bad the situation, or how annoying the day, we are a happy family." She said, before taking Ishiko from his arms into one of her own, and wrapping her hand around one of his.

"So what did they want with Ishiko?" the mother said, her tone flat and curious, but with every barb of venom oozing from each word if he went as far as to say anything that would harm the girl in her hand. "I don't know, he seemed to think she was some prophet of the Emperor or something" he said shrugging his shoulders. "Either way, my affiliations with them will probably come to an end, don't want to end up on the other end of a gang fight, or worse, either of you guys." he said. "Guess it is time to stop wasting all our money on trying to help others, and just move on. I might just pick up a simple manufactoria job" he said, looking down to his daughter.

Before long they were near the lift, when a man approached. "You are the doctor right? The one we are supposed to take the wounded to right?" the man said, from behind him in a long corridor coming from the direction towards the under-hive came the groaning and shuffling of many people, some wounded and limping on, others carried on backs of comrades or stretches. All of them wore the purple-blue of the man from before.

Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby napsii » Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:53 am

``Well, I didn`t want to miss the Great Melt.``

Ishiko grinned brightly, feeling every centimetre of her body tingle with excitement. Nothing was a battery for her excitement like time with her parents. When their neighbours had died some years ago, their apartment was stripped to the bone for its meager possessions. Her parents scrounged only what was needed for the hospice and their family before the looters dug their claws in, but Ishi had been compelled to save a shelf of thickly-bound books -- scientific journals, folk tales and history textbooks of the sort -- from the slag heap. They had populated her days since, and their complex vocabulary pushed her intellect to her limits -- she possessed the increasingly rare trait of being literate. But when the intricacy of the writing became too frustrating to bear, boredom condemned her.

The tedium, as she had come to know through experience, was almost lethal.

But now she was here. The glacial melts were waiting for them, and perched in her father`s arm, scanning the drab corridors, the girl had her fingers crossed they might have the pocket money to stop for dessert at one of the few food stands. The seconds of joy erased the memory of the man in blue from her head just as quickly as it had been printed, but she felt her mother`s tension radiating and was upset. She chewed the inside of her cheek, a little downed by her parents`argument. She was mature enough to know that her mother wanted the best for them, but when she spoke like that, the girl wondered if she really was happy. The idea of her parents being miserable pained her, though, and she dismissed it with blind insistence. Of course they were happy!

She smiled again as she transferred from her father`s arm to her mother`s, quickly hugging close to relieve whatever worries her mother may have had. Hearing the subject orient to her, she blinked. In the lower hives, fame and attention from anywhere beyond one`s family was a bad thing. Her father`s reputation was as a just person, but that didn`t mean the hospice wasn`t thought of as a target by gangers. But to invoke fear was not the answer, either. Ishi had never seen it first hand, but chit-chat about ganger bosses meeting their fates at the wrong end of a rival group`s knife or an Arbites shotgun was hardly uncommon. Her ears passed over the way she had been described at first, until it boomeranged back to meet her with surprise. A prophet.

She scoured her vocabulary for the definition of the word. No, she wasn`t a prophet, but she suddenly felt like she had another reason to keep the blue-robed man at bay. She looked at her father almost immediately, hearing what he had said. Her heart almost sunk with what she figured was dread.

``It`s not a waste...`` she protested, visibly upset. It sounded like her father was... giving up.

But her intellect, limited as it was, couldn`t find a meaningful argument. Her father wanted to keep them safe, and she knew he`d rather put the hospice to bed than sacrifice himself or his family. She felt something hard and solid settle into her stomach at that moment, and was compelled to look ahead. Just as she did, the first of a train of blue-robed people shuffled out the door. She was fearful for just a moment, until she saw their wounds. She wanted to know who they were, and even more so wanted to know what the man from before had wanted with them, but it seemed like they weren`t going to see the Great Melt anytime soon...

I wonder what is going on... I`ve never seen these people before. she wondered. Even the outcomes of ganger firefights didn`t haul in this many injured, and these certainly didn`t look like gangers.

She shuffled out of her mother`s arm, landing on her feet with a pat, and looked up at her parents both pleadingly and questioningly.

Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Inferi » Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:33 am

As much in shock as the rest of the adepts, Sameya kept glancing back, trying to understand what was happening. Until minutes ago, this had been a normal day. Now, it had turned into both a dream-come-true and a nightmare. She wasn’t stupid enough to try and convince herself that the gunfire was due to a training exercise or something like that, because she would have known about that if it was. With that in mind, the only other logical conclusion was that there was now a battle going on in the place she had come to think of as her second home. What would have sparked such a thing, though? There was no reason to attack this place, and few would be stupid enough to attempt it. It was a baneblade manufactorium, and they were not without defenses. Whoever was doing this had to be powerful, and if they were powerful enough to think they would win she had no intention of getting anywhere close to them.

Fear continued to mix with the happiness she had been feeling as she ran, emotions running wild in her mind. Why did all of this have to happen today? The happiest moment of her life was now overshadowed by this, a flight for survival from an enemy that she did not know or understand. Why could she not leave on a happy note, as she had thought she would be? Her hand came up, briefly touching the circlet that had been given to her, and tears came to her eyes when she realized how final that goodbye had been. He had known what was about to happen, and had known that they would never be speaking again. If she had known that…well, she didn’t know if she would have done anything differently. Her goodbye had been final, but she had thought that he might still be here later when she was done with her training. Coming back had never seemed like an impossibility, not until now.

One last thing brought more tears, and that was the Oswald’s call. ‘Only in death does service to the Emperor end’. Words that confirmed it all, and made her increase her pace once again. She wanted to be out of here, before anything happened to make her share the fate of this place. The manufactorium as she knew it was gone, taken over in a blaze of battle, and she no longer belonged here. Her place was not in combat.

It was with these thoughts in mind that she reached the opening to the trashways, brushing the salt water that had been leaking from her eyes away. Tears could be shed later, when she was safe, for she knew that the Magos would likely not approve of her The sacrifice of someone should never be in vain, and she was not about to make his worth nothing by getting herself caught or killed.

The Overseer, though…she would never have expected him to say what he did. He had never said anything like that before, and it made her wonder how much of the Magos’ attention had actually been focused on her. She hadn’t thought it was that much more than everyone else, but apparently it had been more than she had been aware of. That explained a lot, actually, including the high expectations that many had seemed to have for her.

The fact that her overseer, too, saw her as an outstanding person brought a fresh wave of emotion to her mind, even as she was being lifted through the grate. Knowing that more people actually thought highly of her was something she had not thought about, and it actually almost made her feel worse. If they saw her as valuable, then she was the reason, or one of the reasons, that they were sacrificing themselves to let the adepts escape.

When she was on the other side she stopped for a moment, asking a question that the answer to was already clear: “You’re not coming, are you?”

Before he could even answer, though, she spoke again, knowing that she didn’t have time to ask such a question. Not to mention he probably wouldn’t even answer, as he would know as well as her that the answer was quite clear to both of them.

“Thank you.” she amended, and turned, moving forward. Those two words were sincere, and final enough to let the Overseer know that she understood he wasn’t coming. She now had even more reason to continue on and make it out, and she just hoped that she would fulfill the expectations of everyone that she was leaving behind.
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with until you realize who's in command around here.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:05 am

Veronica was surprised that the woman under the mask wasn't some horrible monster she imagined. In fact she was young and beautiful, quite the contrast to what Veronica could have imagined... why hide behind that awful mask? "You should go without the mask more often, its..." she wanted to be polite, she had heard the machine cults were strange in their views. "Less intimidating..."

Veronica's brows knit as the woman suggested she was some toy for the nobles. "Actually I'm the head of the household. Veronica Meissen, my father had a well off business for a while... until his death. Its been hard recently." She wondered why she was telling this to a random stranger, one that might in fact be dangerous being cornered in this elevator.

Veronica glanced nervously at the mechandrite, she had little experience with technology such as that. "What is that?" her voice remained calm considering the circumstances but she was again reminded she was trapped in an elevator with a stranger with only their accomplices to witness anything that happened.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby RavenLord » Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:23 pm

William accepted the words of old veteran with a simple nod. It was true that his father wasn't guilty and he knew it, yet despite everything, bitterness didn't just go away. Sure it was small, hidden deep beneath the darkest recesses of Williams own heart and it didn't stop orphan from respecting his dead father yet he knew there was a selfish part of him that blamed his father for not even visiting once.

He snapped out of it as Ronald was attacked by the blue-purple robed person. What? was all that came from the William as Ronald disarmed his attacker his swiftly. Then William saw weapons drawn by other blue-robed figures. He opened his mouth to warn Ronald but he was too late. In front of his eyes Ronald was shot and struck down. It had happened too fast. Williams mind tried to process what was happening.

His confusion didn't last long as his hands went for the old laspitol, which used to belong his father. Laspistol itself was clean and well maintained, thanks to Williams efforts. He had learned how to maintain a weapon and use it thanks to a friend of his mother, an old guard vet that was discharged due to age and injuries which was a rare thing.

William remained still and close to the stormtrooper, his one hand on his laspitol. He was tense, nervous and little scared but he tried not to show it, steeling himself. He had never killed another human being before yet he knew how to use his laspistol. He had practiced with it and knew one day that he would had to use it. He looked up to the stormtrooper. "Sir?" came from the young orphan as he awaited older soldier to give orders.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:05 am

Garian had done what he was told to do, find soldiers and warn them of the attack and watched them move ahead, he didn't want to get in the way, he knew better than to try and instead stayed put for a couple of minutes as the events sunk into his head of what had happened, what he had witnessed, of the look on his Uncle's face. H knew that there was trouble and he would have gotten killed if he had stayed with him, he'd have been a burden.

After waiting several minutes, his mind finally refocusing itself on the present situation, and his breath finally caught, he began to walk slowly back, the world seemed like a daze, he remembered hearing gunshots and screams from when the fighting begun, he didn't know if the soldiers made it in time or not, but he was sure he'll find out sooner or later, but he wasn't sure if he'd handle what he saw. Was his uncle alright? Did he win against those people? Would his father come back and investigate the situation? So many questions entered his head as he made his way closer to the plaza and towards his Uncle's last location.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Thaedael » Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:21 am

Napsii - Ishiko
Location; Let's just have a nice illusion of a family.

Ishiko's father stepped out between her and the injured soldiers who continued to filter in through the long gangway. With a strong hand he pulled her to stand behind him, pushing her red clad form against the back of one leg. Her mother stepped closer, placing a hand on either side of her shoulder, holding her still from above, sending the message that she was not to move quite clearly though her body language. "That was not our agreement. You have passed many an apothecary on the way to this humble area of the hive, what business do you have with us?" her father said defiantly to the men.

Their robes were a blue and purple, like the man they had seen before, yet these robes were not clean, nor were their origin as adept robes even clear, their forms covered in mud, blood, grime, oils, and the various other signs that had shown they were in a struggle. Many of them brandished weapons, autoguns and lasguns, military grade ones at that. Her mother drew closer, whispering into the ear of her husband. "Those are military grade weapons, no people should have access to those, only the unlawful in the under-hive." she whispered into his ear, her experience in the manofactorum giving her the ability to know this.

Her father nodded carefully as the man who had first approached them talked. "We can make it worth your time, bringing your more patients in a day than you would have seen in a lifetime. You could retake the life of a noble with the amount we are offering. Your efforts will not go unrewarded." the man said with a snarl. "For frakks sake man, there are people standing before dying, in front of your wife and child, have you so little of a heart as to see them suffer?" the man said. Her father, facing Ishiko once more, before kneeling down to the snow covered rusty gangway just outside the elevator door, the elevator representing family time with her father and mother she had looked forward too. "Do you want to go with your mother to the surface?" he asked in a quite whisper, loud enough so the others could hear him, but gentle enough to not have scared his child. He placed a hand on her cheek, stroking at it with the softness of a loving father.

Inferi - Sameya Leonis
Location - Pilgrimage of the Adepts

"It was a privilege to have served next to you. We never thought it would come to this, but with our preparations, the next generation will lead the way forward. This is not an end, but another beginning, to glories untold. May the Omnissiah smile upon your works always." The overseer retracted his hand from the great, before the whirring of a work servitor came up behind him. Attached to the purple flesh where it's shoulder would have once been, a melta torch roared to life, the sudden consumption of oxygen from the air making a whooshing sound as the hair of the adept on the other side of the grate had her hair blown towards them. "It is time we part, Emperor knows we will meet again" the man said, before gesturing her to run away. All around them the gunshots begun to get a little closer, the sounds of the warfare bouncing off the confined room of the waste processing facility. Other servitors begun to move in, their clawed hands grasping giant adamantium plates of armor, their pressurized talons grasping them firmly as they begun to place them against the face of the grate. At once the welding begun, the Over-seer directing his minions with unheard communication, getting them to seal off the exit of the facility with the make shift barricades.

From the other said Sameya heard the welding continue, the occasional blue white of the light burning into her retinas from down the waste pipe. All along her feet were the slag heaps, material waste, and other refuse flowing about, the melt water beginning to make it's way through as the system demanded to be flushed. One of the younger adepts grabbed at her hand, tugging at a sleeved arm with the her free hand. "We need to go Artisan Sameya, we can't let their sacrifice end in vain. They are entrusting the reputation of the finest baneblades in our hands, not to let us die in some waste removal infrastructure." the young boy said. He had tears welling up in his blue-eyes, younger than her by a good long shot. They all felt it, the shuffling, half mourning, half running group of adepts making their way through the dark towards where the dumping ground was.

They continued to run, the darkness all engulfing, only the lights from the various enhanced mechanicum members lighting the way as they continued to go deeper, and deeper into the hive. The walls were growing colder, frost lining them, as they continued their descent.

Hazard1325 - Veronica Meissen
Location; Awkward Aside, the Elevator Ride with a Bang

"Ah yes, the little Meissen girl that supposedly murdered her step-father..." the woman said with a simplistic smile. "As for my little friend here..." she said with a bit of a mischievous grin, her mechandrite slowly coiling itself around the arm of Veronice. "This is an extension of my will, a part of my body" she said it so plainly it was not hard for Veronica to understand the difference in values that a machine cultist would have to her own. Slowly the metal tendril continued to snake around the girl's arm, it's smooth form feeding around the folds of her clothes, before coming to rest in front of the face of the girl, the needle sharp metal extrusion aiming just below the eyes. "Pretty cool hmmm? Us Master-Artisans get the coolest of gadgets" the girl said, reminding Veronica that she was a young one, no more than a couple cycles older than her.

With a nod of her head to one side the tendril darted, flying straight and true above the girl's own head, its tip embedding itself in an interface with a Mechanicum Skull symbol, before the whirring and clicking of internal mechanism finally started. The mechandrite was still coiled around her arm, forcing it to be lifted up and away from her body, the clothes hanging from over curve of the younger girl. "Ah I see, pretty cute for a noble-girl. No wonder your step-father couldn't keep his hands off you." from behind her eyes lights begun to glow, the blue-green glow of interfacing panels reflecting inside her eyes. As swiftly as if it were more organic than mechanical, the mechandrite withdrew, giving the noble-woman her arm back as it continued to hover around the head of it's owner. She extended one hand towards it, rubbing at the tip of the protrusion, wiping off the grime and rust that had come from the socket.

"So the great head of the Meissen household is nothing but a little girl? Regardless, with your families... intimate knowledge of our organization, you may become a powerful ally indeed." she withdrew her hand from the mechendrite, extending it towards the girl cornered in the elevator. "My name is Master Artisan of the Forge; Catherine" she said with a bow of a head, "Pleasure to meet you."

That One Guy - Garian Jorrell + Ravenlord - William Cromwall
Location - Ambush, Badge of Duty

All around Garian and William the sounds of gun fire in the housing complexes of the Imperial Guard reverberated, the screaming of children and wives as they sought shelter. The veteran stepped forward, standing tall and proud under the statue of the saint as he flipped open the cover of his head's up display upon the fore-arm of his armor, the simple metal embossed with the inquisitorial seal giving way to a micro-panel of buttons and displays. At once he begun to flicker with it, before all around him the loud speakers in the area hissed with static, emitting a painful wail as the machine spirits refused the conflicting orders of the man. "Lay down your arms, or may the emperor judge you." the man said, his voice blaring across the square from all angles. All around him the soldiers under his command begun to pull into position, digging into the cover of benches, statues, columns, and any and all manner of cover. Others that were on leave from different units begun to filter into the space, trying to regroup, many being cut down from behind by the cultists following in pursuit.

The veteran turned on heel, placing a hand on the head of William. "Now is not the time for you to live and die in the name of the emperor, that comes later. For now live in his servant's care." He nodded to another soldier that grabbed the boy, pulling him from the wrist as he begun to walk faster, the pace fast for a man covered in as much armor as he was. "Come along now little Cromwall, can't leave the legacy of your father to die in a rotten place like this. There will be many victories in your name, but not today young master, not today." he said. They continued to run through their own reinforcements, the lines of planetary defense soldiers running on either side of them as they continued to go against the wave of the crowd. At once they were on a terrace, over-looking the main plaza at the base of the spire. All around on the ground were the bodies of citizens cut down, the snow matted down in foot prints and visceral fluids. "Emperor protect these poor souls." the storm trooper said. He pulled at the bead inside his un-clipped mask. "Inquisitor, it seems we have a full uprising. Emperor protect, out of all places, why home...?" the man said. He looked down at the child, rebuilding his composure before being brushed on the shoulder, a young and pretty woman in the uniform of the PDF, her hand dragging along a child. "He came to me, screaming to get help for his uncle who is down in the plaza below. Can you take him?" the girl said with pleading eyes.

The stormtrooper took a step back, before giving in, not seeing the danger of grabbing one more child. With any luck he too would be accepted into the schola at this rate. The woman looked at the man, "his name is Garian, take care of him well." she said, before running off to join the line of PDF soldiers that were getting ready to storm the plaza below from this vantage point.

Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Inferi » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:24 am

No matter how many times she tried to convince herself that the Overseer’s words, a promise that this was a beginning and not an end, were true, Sameya couldn’t help but dwell on her own thoughts. This was as much of an ending as her mother’s funeral had been. Even more so, since back then she couldn’t grasp the concept that her mother was gone. For all of her intellect, she hadn’t been able to understand what the ending of a life was, that it was something more final than anything else.

And now, when she finally did understand that, it hit her that much harder. Just when she had finally realized that she had a second family, it was being torn from her, and now she knew that all of her goodbyes to everyone she was leaving behind were final. There was no hope of seeing them again, and the thought brought tears to her eyes once more. It didn’t matter that most of those dying were people she had only known as co-workers, because their lives were still going to be ended by something that they were fighting so she and the rest of the adepts could escape. It was being done for the next generation, and although she understood why it was happening, she wished she didn’t. It was almost too much for her to think about, and once again she wondered why this was happening now. She couldn’t even feel happy, even though the final destination of this pilgrimage was where she had always wanted to end up.

Though the noises of the welding and the sounds of the bullets filled her ears after the entrance had been blocked off, Sameya could barely hear it. The words spoken to her as she had fled, first from Oswald and then again when the Overseer had spoken to her moments before, continued to echo in her mind. She wanted to remember all of them, wanted to keep the people that had brought her to where she was alive, even if such a thing could only be accomplished in her mind.

The tugging of her sleeve brought her back to reality, and she started a bit when the younger adept spoke to her. His words registered in her mind, but what really got through to her was the way they were spoken. His voice mirrored what she was feeling, and it reminded her that she was not the only one who was losing people she had known. Everyone else here was in the same situation that she was, and she was one of the senior members in the group. That bit was driven home painfully by the title that the younger adept used, reminding her that many now considered her to be an Artisan, not an Adept. She had to act like that, act stronger, if for no better reason than to make the ones who looked up to her have some hope. How many of these there were, she had no idea, but there was bound to be some that did. Even if there was only one, that one person’s actions might depend on her own, and they wouldn’t deserve to feel hopeless simply because she couldn’t control her own emotions.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she looked down into eyes that held the same emotions as her own and smiled, saying, “You’re right. Don’t cry, though. We’re not going to die here, so let’s find our way out.” Although her voice had managed to contain some optimism, she hoped she was right. Promising something to anyone that much younger than her wasn’t something she really wanted to do without certainty, but when there was none she knew she just had to hope, and try to get others to hope as well.

Only one thing really kept her hoping, now that she was able to think about it, and that was Oswald’s words. He had told her that there was a way out, a way to a ship, and she knew he wouldn’t lie to her about that. That kept her going, kept her from just stopping right there. Just knowing that her teacher had said there was a way out of here was enough to make her believe that there actually was, enough to make her get up and run with the rest of the adepts.

The chill began to encroach upon her as they descended, her garments doing little to keep away the cold. They were made for working in the manufactorium, not for descending into the hive through a waste disposal chute, and she wondered how well they would keep her safe in this situation. Already, wastewater was seeping into her shoes, sending chills up her legs, and she could feel the lower half of her legs, wet from the water, grow colder faster than the rest of her body. This would not be that dangerous, she hoped, but merely a discomfort as they made their way to the ship. Nothing was certain anymore, though, and all she could do was keep hope in her mind as she followed the lights of the mechanicum members farther down the chute.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby napsii » Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:14 am

Ishiko frowned.

Something hard and solid settled into the pit of her stomach. She felt stiff. Maybe it was the ozone of blood, sweat and gunsmoke on the chilly air poisoning her senses, but her every conscious thought seemed to be rebelling against the circumstances. The men, women and children who limped or were carried into the hospice were always no more than the average underhiver. Beaten, perhaps. Robbed, maybe. Caught in an accident or sudden illness, most likely. But none of them had ever filed up to her family so uniform, drenched in blood and wounds and bearing the same guns that her mother constantly tired to manufacture, and so stiffly demanded treatment. The folds of Ishi's robes were balled in her tight fists, her brown gloves -- modified rather crudely to be fingerless -- feeling itchy on her suddenly-damp palms. The hospice was set to be her inheritance, and her father had printed his ideals of compassion onto her so deeply that the desire to help these men and women was instinctual. But she tasted something metallic and segregating in the air that made her heart quicken.

These weren't innocent people, were they? The people she wanted to help didn't carry guns and armor. The inexorable nature of the lower hive had taught her to be afraid of anyone with a gun or a knife -- even if they were her own family. More than that, the girl's intellect couldn't stand the identity of these people: who were they? She wasn't divorced enough from the workings of Fair-Frozen to think that these were anywhere close to being the normal Adeptus Mechanicus she sometimes spied in the corridors or the surface streets. She was galled by their weapons, though, and shuffled back behind her parents wondering whether it would turn to violence or not. Nearly all of her didn't care for the idea of payment -- somehow, promises of wealth didn't stand up to the instinctual fear that Ishi was feeling rolling through her body right now. She reached up to hold her mother's arm, even if her reassuring presence didn't correct Ishi's slanted perspective on what was going on. She gripped tighter. Leaving her father alone to handle strangers seemed like a worse idea right now than it universally was.

She shook her head but gently, unable to look straight into her father's eyes. Perhaps she was afraid to defy the men, but her impulsive side couldn't stand walking away right now. Even her body language was enough to show that she desperately wanted to leave, but was unwilling to bring herself to.

"W-what are we going to do?" she chattered very quietly so that only her parents could hear. It seemed so hard to make a decision right now; she felt like she was being split in half.

Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby Hazard1325 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:25 am

Veronica cringed when the woman told her about her stepfather. "Just rumors... he developed an unexpected heart condition. He never visited the doctors... it was so... 'unfortunate' " She couldn't keep the scorn from her voice when she spat out the last word. Veronica glanced back up then away as the mechandrite buzzed around her eye, the point reminded her of the blade she had used when- she didn't allow herself to think about that time anymore. The metal that had snaked around her arm was cold, she didn't like the feeling. "P-part of you?" That made the encounter a little more awkward, she was uncomfortable with a stranger running this thing that was supposedly apart of her all over her arm.

When her arm was bent at the awkward angle Veronica tried to pull away but didn't want to damage the mechandrite, she had no idea if it was fragile or not so she stayed in place. She glared at the older girl when she mentioned her stepfather. "He never touched me." Mentally she added 'I made sure of that' her glare may have given some hint of her pride away but she regained her composure quickly.

Veronica shook the woman's hand glad to have a normal human gesture out of her. "A pleasure to meet you Catherine... but I'm afraid my fathers business is not going as well as it once was. If you have any advice... or need use of it please send a message and Ill be more then happy to try and fulfill it." Was this how business was run? Chance meetings in lifts? She felt so out of place in the world now that she was responsible, she hated the pressures all around her but did her best to keep it off her face.
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Re: The fall of Fair Frozen

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:16 am

Garian was practically in shock when they found him wondering the field, he wanted to find his uncle, was he still fighting? Was he in the midst of bodies? He would never know until the battle was probably over and the last of the heretics were dead. He felt the hands grab him and pick him up, he felt the man run out of the battle to a waiting guardsmen who took him, he was breathing slowly as his mind rattled. "My uncle, I got to find my uncle." He said slowly, he wanted to move on his own, but he felt that the moment he was put on the ground, he'd fall over.

He wouldn't cry, he remembered telling the both of them he'd never cry, and that was what he'd do, but at this moment he just wanted to do just that and nothing else. The cool air played with his breath and he felt the cool armor beneath his gloved hands, he felt tired now, just tired and wanted to rest. Maybe this day was nothing but a bad dream, a dream that he hoped wound end as soon as he closed his eyes.
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