by Lady Foxy » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:03 pm
The Shadow Reaper, Above the Jedi Enclave's Inner Garden
The Commander told the troopers to stealthily climb down and to turn their cloaking devices on, which they did without hesitation. ''I was told we have to eliminate a Jedi, the one we were after before. And to capture some Jedi Padawan named Satele. If you mind, I'll be on my way.'' He rappeled through the hole on the Enclave's roof, meeting with the rest of his cloaked troops as he cloaked himself too.
Dantooine, Jedi Enclave Meditation Room - Hallway
Satele stood up and did as requested, running to the security room thoughtful of Master Hurati's intentions. ''The security room must be close enough, I just passed by the Inner Garden so it must be right here!'' She thought to herself while the door swiftly opened, revealing a complex security room filled with technicians. Satele lifted and lowered her hand to pull the alarm's trigger, causing a bit of disruption between the technicians before she informed them of the situation.
Dantooine, On a Bar next to the Black Market
A red-faced Twi'lek approached Rizzy, giving him a friendly punch. ''Hey, anything new on the market?'' He asked him, taking out a couple of credits.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''