by Taria » Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:19 pm
Sarenrae nods her head in acknowledgement before admonishing. You are likely to fast many trials in the time to come, but if you always compromise who you are to succeed, what will be left?" Sarenrae bring sphere of sunlight closer and closer to your person as she points to direct your attention to behind. As the light gets closer, your shadow only elongates and becomes larger. Your silhouette seems to gain a life of its own as the wings become ragged, and the hands sharp claws. The morning sky fades to a darkening night and the doppelganger begins to form a three dimensional creature clawing its way of the ground, coming closer and closer towards its connection to your feet. Jut as it i about to be upon you, your entire body is lit in flames, banishing all of the shadows around you. Instead of burning, the warm glow form inside you and instead seems to heal. (New ability: once per day, for a single channel, you gain the effects of variant channeling for fire)
Four more hours have passed and everyone is fully rested. The triple sun rays still hang ominously in the sky, beaming flaming death all across the ground.
Part of the moderator team. Lover of roleplay, playing games, and story writing