Champions of the Corrupt IC

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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Icaelus » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:15 am

Rayn swallowed back her nerves as Jason stepped up to get in her face, noticing that he actually had to bend down a little too just for that little face-to-face talk. Wow, he was one big dude in more than one way, wasn't he..
"Your decision is wrong. Sure, those punks over there might harass others and collect the odd protection fee, but that's no reason to just go off and hang them!"
The girl growled at Jason, her stand on the matter very clear and very obviously ignored by Jason as he told her to shove off and go join the City Guards or something. A deep insult in every word. The City Guards were hopeless, notoriously corrupted within and one of the main reasons why Rivana had fallen to such disorder. The man shoved her back and Rayn stumbled, staggering to keep her balance. Jason Agroma might've been the so-called paragon of justice in Rivana, but he sure wasn't acting like it.
Rayn watched the Legionnaires leave with their leader, dragging the Earth Walkers along the ground by their wrists. She was utterly disgusted by their actions, especially those of their commander and leader. So much that she wanted to do some good deed just to get rid of this disgust she felt.
"This is the justice of Rivana? Are you serious?"
Rayn muttered, gritting her teeth at the shrinking back of Jason Agroma. He had said that the executions would be held the next day, but did she want to do anything about that? Standing against the White Walkers was borderline impossible with their skills and elemental advantages. It would be very, very difficult..and Agroma wasn't no cakewalk either.
"Damn it.."
The vigilante cursed, turning around. She would've to at least get back to her hideout first and grab a new canteen of water and possibly some rest. That last encounter hadn't went so well and the constant throbs of headache reminded her that Elemental Sickness wasn't something that could be ignored.
Sleep unbeknownst to I, this one lives in perpetual need of coffee..
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby napsii » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:27 pm

Adele's hand flew for her blade. The elegant silk pillow was carved in half as the icy blade sprang into existence, scattering the feather stuffing over the sheets. Protectively, the noblewoman covered her chest with her hand as she spun about to face the sudden voices. The foolhardy believed that those of noble birth and generals of great armies were cowardly in their paranoia. Rather, Adele had learned that assassins and assailants were all too common not to develop such a sense for danger. She tensed. The girl expected men in dark cloaks wielding daggers or clubs, but rather there were only two colorfully dressed young men in straw hats. As peculiar as it was, she immediately knew something was wrong. Either the Palace's security was shamefully incompetent, or these were no ordinary... twins? She supposed they looked like siblings. Either way, they were unnatural to have reached her room unfazed.

She held her sword out threateningly, obviously expecting an attack given how they had intruded on her while she was dressing. The translucent blade gleamed like an icicle might in the evening sun. A mix of embarrassment and disbelief settled in after her heart had calmed. She valued her privacy, and like any woman, she could not stand to be intruded on so crassly. She clenched her jaw, trying to keep a handle on her anger. For a precarious few moments, she seriously considered striking them down for causing such an affront to her privacy. The noblewoman took a cautious step back, instead. There was no telling what motive they had come here with if spying on her naked was an element in their plans. Their jolly song only made them more peculiar. Assassins -- well, sane assassins -- were not usually men of this character. But the word salesmen clicked in her head and she realized these were no assassins.

Indeed, they were another type of criminal altogether. But not the types that would draw steel.

She stepped up to them and raised a hand.

A duo of thwacks announced the two slaps to each of their faces, hard and swift enough to leave scathing red marks on their cheeks. Adele was not reactionary nor cruel enough to strike men down so quickly (even though they would have almost certainly been tried and executed for this crime in Kveyni) but punishment was not beyond her.

"Lecherous fools! How dare you intrude on a woman's privacy, much less spy on her?" she said with controlled outrage, not amused by their antics. An angry Adelphia was an intimidating sight. Her voice would rise, and yet her anger was compressed and disciplined. Her glare could probably melt metal and her words could sting the mind.

"What business do you claim to possess here?" she demanded, moving over to the coatrack for her cloak. She tied it hastily over herself, concealing her arms and upper body. She tried not to growl or mutter, even though she knew by instinct that calling for the guards wouldn't yield any assistance. The security in Rivana was lacking at best. She would have to deal with them herself.

She turned back to them with an intense look on her face. Her weapon was relaxed at her side, but the ice blade gleamed more radiantly than usual: she was consciously feeding her power into it, making it ever deadlier.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Reaver » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:56 pm

Razajin grunts as he drops to the ground from the elbow. The kick registers as a sharp pain in the side and a realization that this fight wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. When another hit doesn't come Razajin rolls onto his back, facing Veega with a wide grin plastered to his face. "Sir there is only one thing dirty about me and it isn't my dick." He scoops up a loose pile of earth into one hand as he stands back up. Razajin eyes James again, looking for some weakness to exploit while trying to buy himself enough time to figure something out. "You know something Veega? You are the most fun I've had in a while! Like honestly.... I hope I don't end up killing you too fast. And who knows? Maybe I might carry your head as a souvenir for a few days before tossing it in someone's window for fun. Also I'll be sure to leave your friends where the guards can find them. Then I'll say hello that shopkeeper friend of yours and reintroduce her to my dagger, axe, fists and anything else I just feel like hitting her with."
Razajin keeps his hand full of earth behind his back as he talks, hardening and crafting it into a miniature spear. He presses his thumb against one of the ends, molding it into a jagged tip with vicious barbs on the side. "This city has changed from the last time I was here. I can feel the fear throughout the city and the helplessness of the so called guards. I look forward to killing once again in this city and you’ll make a decent first kill to get back in the grind of things. After all, there are plenty of people in need of my noble talents. But enough chit-chat I got people to kill and places to destroy. And you are first on my list.”
Razajin dramatically ends his speech with a flourish of his new earth spear, pointing it at the sky before launching himself at his target again. This time as Razajin closes the distance between them, he elevates the ground in front of him to make a small ramp. With the extra height Razajin jumps off the end, giving him enough air to plant his spear into Veega’s head when he landed.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:11 am

Dax grinned as the tables turned on his would be muggers,"Oh looks like this is not your lucky day boys." He said smugly as he starts firing off more rock shards at the downed thugs. They would regret trying to mug him. Just like the last group did! This Time though... this time he was fending for himself. He was going to show them he could take care of himself! He gave a brief glance over his shoulder to see Shelby recovering from her attack. Only seeing the leg sweep before looking at his own targets for funny business.
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