Sort did not move, he did however draw his bow and aim it at the woman. His light magic was picking up something it didn't like, and this chick was the cause of it. He walked over to her carefully and stopped short once he was close enough to see her eyes, her bright purple eyes. Sort didn't hesitate he let loose a light arrow, which hit the woman, causing an inhuman shriek as the familiar took on its true, and horrendous form. It hit the ground with a thud and began trying to pull the arrow from its' body. Before it could however, Sort grabbed the creature by the throat and put a dagger of light up to it's throat.
"Who the hell are you familiar, what happened to that woman you were imitating, and where is she?"Sort yelled in fury as the creature tried to raise its' clawed hands up to protect itself.
"Sssss. I did nothing to her. I merely used her appearance to escape the orcs that killed my master. The woman is still their captive, their toy. I did nothing paladin, I swear to you, I merely took her appearance to escape!"The creature pleaded as its' midnight black flesh began to emit a dark purple blood. It's spiked tail whipped around as it screeched once more. This in turn caused some of the guards to rush over. They stood by Sort.
"Wait, that thing looked like Captain Merah!""Who?"Sortaix asks.
The guard then responds.
"That thing looked just like our captain, she left with a few soldiers to investigate the rumors of orcs in the area."Sort looked to the familiar once more before pulling it up with him.
"Alright Familiar, you are coming with me to the guard post, and your going to tell us everything."With that Sort hauled the Familiar up while the guards got the doors open to their post.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(The woman is Hades character, you will have to wait for her to post.)
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.