Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:49 am

Avalin follows Mel and stands next to her waiting for them to finish talking before introducing herself.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby reaperfrost8 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:29 am

Gherman was suprised "well at least I now know who's been talking in my head but I don't know your name mind telling me" Gherman asked politely "also I do need help do you have a weapon or can I book that lets me summon something you see I kind of don't have much on me but me wings and well cloth" Gherman was hoping she had something to help him out also him in this bind "I really need a miracle right now"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:20 am

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"My name, of course, I am Liebe but you can call me leah. as for combat I believe I can help." she puts her soft hand onto your left one. Your hand has a sudden burning sensation in some shape. When she lifts her hand a white symbol is on your hand of what appeared to be a half moon over 3 dots and a small outline of a heart in the bottom middle all of which where snow white. "Touch the half moon to summon me and I will do the best i currently can with my missing memories. Touch the half moon and one of the dots and think of a command and I will be summoned and do as told to the best of my ability with a larger portion of my memories no matter what it is. Sadly, a defect of such an ability is I cannot remember your command or what I did when you issued it. I can only do this three times every three days so use this ability wisely. At anytime you can press on the ehart to communicate to me whether I am on the mortal plain or not and press on the half moon to unsummon me if I am already summoned. " she then clasps her hands together. "I look forward to working for you my new master!"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lights_shadow » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:23 am

Irissars opened her eyes and looked at the Lizard, giving the 'more appropriate" outfit a once over and smirking. "That is my name but as for Feathers I've no clue where he went off to. He just walked off." Stretching she yawned a little before walking over to Mel. "That isn't what I thought you meant by appropriate clothing but" Irissars just shrugged and then whispered to Mell. "He's been trying to shift that dress for a few days now." After winking at Mel the demonic looking girl caught her eye. "Are you collect us non-humans now?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:52 am

"Wait a minute. We're not just going to go after them right away are we? We need a proper plan, I'm not leading a suicide mission here!" Sabrina explains.

"So, first off, we all need to find a quiet place where we can all plan together undisturbed, and get to know each other somewhat. It's essential if we're going to work together after all." Sabrina says. Hoping to get the others to see reason in being more prepared before going in almost blind.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:24 am

Abel was smiling when Sabrina proclaimed that they shouldn't rush in and needed to plan ahead. "Oh no no no, I was merely thinking that we could do that bit of preparation outside of the town." The young mage was not typically foolish in such ways. Unlucky in several areas but not hideously foolish. "The inn isn't really the best place for peace and quiet to be perfectly honest. And with how… hectic things have been the town might be in an uproar." He said giving reasons for why it should take place outside all the while adjusting his hat with a sheepishly broad smile. "We'll just make camp and then talk things over after a short walk."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:17 am

Now that sounds like a much more rational plan of action.

"Now we're making sense. Besides, I just arrived into town myself, and would enjoy a good nights rest before going into any potentially dangerous situations... Also, does anyone here have a map of the surrounding area? It would help with forming a plan and for me to show roughly where I saw the bandits last." Sabrina explained. While she was just as eager to do something exciting, she had been traveling for quite a while. While she was an Elf and could keep going for a while longer, a good meal, a good bath and a bed to rest on would be highly appreciated.

"So, any of you already got a room here at the inn? Perhaps it would suffice as a meeting room, or are there too many of us?" Sabrina asked, looking at everyone in the group.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Sundance » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:12 pm

Coria keept her silence up as the others talked. Instead she tried to think about all this. Attacking such a big band of bandits would be risky, and even more without a solid plan. Yet Able seem to have on, so Coria nodded to his words. "To get a room would be a good idea and to be honest, i could use a bath too." She looked up, her face and much of her dress and skin still covered in ash.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:37 pm

Abel folds his hands together with his index fingers touching his lips. It was a quirk of his to do this when he felt something was off with a suggestion "I doubt we have enough for individual beds, doubt they have rooms for about five people, and I doubt they will let all five stay in a single room together. So… do we have the money to afford beds?" Abel was thinking things over as he also had a silent concern that if they stayed in the town the men Coria was worried about might come looking for her. Still if they were going to insist on it… "We'll need two rooms at least. One for the ladies and one for the men." The issue with the map however had yet to be resolved by the mage. He did have part of the answer though but that might not be good enough. "I do have a map but… it's incomplete. I have been basically trying to make a map as I traveled." His map was… well there's no way to put it nicely… it's lousy.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:22 pm

Gillan held up a small bag of gold and approached the innkeep.

"Would this amount be enough for two rooms and enough befs for the five of us? I have not much need for the gold."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:59 pm

Mel listened as Iris explained the angel wasn't there at the moment. He'd seemed so gung ho about the bandits she'd assumed he'd have gotten a few people together by now. She blushed when the cat mentioned the man had been trying to off load the dress for a bit which probably meant she had some idea of what the man had wanted. When she mentioned Ava Mel turned back to the demoness and decided to introduce her. "This is Avalin, She was also looking into taking care of the bandits. Seems there is some reward for them, so I invited her to join us. As for the collecting of non-humans I stumbled into Ava by chance and you two each approached me yourself."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lights_shadow » Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:25 pm

Irissars grinned at the blush, showing off her feline fangs but then rolls her eyes at the final remark. "Grow a sense of humor, we'll get along so much better." Her attention was the captured by the demonic girl whom she circled once and smiled. "Haven't seen one of your kind in a long while but anyway, it's good to have you with us." She lets out another yawn before heading into the inn, glancing over her shoulder. "Now that there's three of us we might be taken seriously." She saunters up to the bar, finger waving at the waitresses as she passed them, the staff and usual patrons of the bar taking a second look due to the tight leathers that they'd never seen her in before now.

She walked up along side the woman holding up a small bag of gold. "Hey there Sweets, I won't be coming back like you thought." She smirked at the barkeep. "You may as well take down the bandit bounty, I'm taking it on with some people."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:36 pm

Avalin walks up and shakes her hand." It is a pleasure to meet you , If you two need a place to stay I rented a room, I'm also a somewhat skilled illusionist enough to make them feel real thanks to Malice and Fulishoa , if you hear two different voices it's most likely them though they wont talk to you at first." she points to her lute nd flute when introducing them ."Other then that I'm pretty good at spellcraft." she snaps her finger and relights her elfgrass pipe." but if any of you want to room with me I'd be happy to share , I'll just use my bedroll on the floor."
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:21 pm

Sabrina crossed her arms feeling partially offended.

"Wait a second! That's not what I meant, I only suggested to talk over details in someone's room before we headed off, I have plenty of gold myself. And I'm sure everyone here could pay for their own room for at least one night. There won't be any need to stuff us all into the same room." Sabrina complained.

"Now, if we've agreed on this, we should probably all relax and rest before deciding on a plan." Sabrina said, sighing about how much this had begun to remind her about noble get together where everyone wanted to get their own ideas and wills through, while not listening to anyone else.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:02 pm

Abel laughed very sheepishly and smiled weakly as he meekly spoke "Sorry. I guess I misinterpreted what you meant." There he went again, sticking his foot in his mouth or winding up causing the worst case scenario. Apparently his fortunes were so bad that it could curse even his party members it seems. Or maybe he was just reading too much into it but he was expecting things to somehow snowball out of control in some form sooner or later. The look he had upon him was one written in full apology.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:47 pm

"Look, it doesn't matter. Let's continue this a bit later. How does two hours sound?" Sabrina asked the others in the group.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:22 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Thatd be 10 gold sir" It would be 10 god for 5 rooms an you currently have 3.

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"Oh, okay I'll take it down, I'll miss working ya darling." she says while heading toward a table of men.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:38 pm

Avalin walks up to irissars looking at her with a grin, " how about me , you , and Mel go to my room and have a drink or two and plan our strategy? " She said waving Mel over.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lights_shadow » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:02 pm

Irissars smirked at the man and called over to him as he was walking way. "Too right you'll miss me." She giggled softly and looked around the room, spotting a familiar, if tear stained, face. "What room are you in? I'll be up in a bit." Once she got the room number she shouted over to the barkeep. "Drex, if a winged guy turns up tell him the rest of us are in her room planning it out." She thumbs to the demon-girl and then walks over to Coira. "Hey, Sweety, looks like you've made more friends." She smiles to the woman, tilting her head to the side.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:30 pm

"My room is the third door to the right ." She then walks back over to mel." Meetings in my room third door to the right , is there anyone else joining us?."
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