by Nanospliccer » Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:37 pm
The clearin'... smells like a promiscu'us nightmare. These are exactly th' sorts of vile collections o' sex magick that I always would avoid like the bleedin' plague, giv'n ta them a berth as wide as the Sand Tower is tall. I'd give them th' whole bleedin forest if'n I could leave it without walkin' inta trouble, an' barrin' that I'd burn the whole lot if fire had the same singular hatred I did. As it stands, the damned stuff is so hungry it'd jus' as well eat me as the cursed magicks that soak this spot in poison and lit'l flitterin' succubi... As soon as I feel it start to affect me I steel my mind 'gainst its 'fects, same as always, and I step back an inch. I keep my hat low as my idiot companions seem set on walking straight in an' speakin' with the demonesses, who give a predict'bly unhelpful answer while blissfully unaware of the hateful gaze burnin' them to magical slag an' dust underneath the shade of a straw hat... I grit my teeth as the fairies laugh, quickly pulling one'o'tha waterleaves out o' my pack an' piercin' th film with one fang. Th' taste o' the sugar inside seeps inta my maw through the lit'l hole I made, calming me somewhat as I look towards th' big lass.
Ugh... oh, no...
Th' cloth coverin' her chest is nearly startin' to get soaked all th' way through with what I c'n only assume is... milk? Th' lass is a cow, after all, but that'd be an ev'n surer sign that she's been taken under th' glade's magic than her mostly-hidden tent 'round 'er more private regions. 'Er voice is startin' to quaver'n spots like a Mornin' Woodpecker's cry, an' 'er eyes 'ave this look to 'em, like the desp'ration in 'er blood an' her head an' the emptiness pullin' at her nethers has gotten to th' point of no real return... though, this is th' first good look I've taken of her, since I was tryin' to avoid lookin' too closely in th' influence of the musk from th' camp. Wit' the way my eyes are bein' pulled to th' heave of her chest an' the strain on her straps, I'm startin' to think that was likely a good idea.
I pull my hat low again.
Th' big lass' request fights through mists o' thought an' cont'mplation as I review my other companions. Th' bitch who called me a rat is o'er there tryin' desp'rately ta track some smell while barely holding her lust in, based on th' view I now had of her lit'l fuzzy butt. As it retreats away from me towards th' path her group took to follow, I quietly take th' opportunity to mutter to myself 'bout how I'd show her who was really a rat. 'Er companion seemed equally glisten-flanked, an' I could only imagine that very little actual bloody tracking was goin' ta be done 'fore they gave up and decided to share in their magic-infused mis'ry... I pictured a couple of wayward thoughts, leadin' to one stray sent'nce escapin' a loose and careless muzzle, leadin' to a slow removal of each article, one by one by one, 'til the more bestial of th' two can't take it anymore and pounces like a cat on 'er prey. Th' heat of blood an' sex would consume ev'ry sense as peaked nip grinds over its twin from anoth'r body, muzzle closes around muzzle and tongues writhe like fightin' snakes in mouths they don't belong to, tastin' the fire of th' other as they fuel eachoth'r an' lay togeth'r, fur o'er fur o'er grass, while a set of sly an' nimble fingers find a nice lit'le burrow t' call home... 'fore I shook myself from my haze an' shifted my gaze toward th' other path, finally rememberin' what the big lass wanted from me. I didn't 'xactly feel like meetin' her gaze at th' moment, an' now my only concern was the growin' burn of bloody embarrassment in my cheeks, of all bloody sunforsaken buggers 'f an involuntary reaction at this moment in particular... Note: Feel free to raise my OP for that if you wish.
"Yeah, steps, smells or snapped sticks I c'n follow em." I sigh. "But I want to know what's truly going on here, first. You said we were gonna look fer Ursula, th' bear I was speakin' about? Now yer askin' me to track this Esmerelda girl I've likely nev'r seen before in me life, and yer askin' me to do it without any benefit ta me other than helpin' you." An' 'sides, if I went an' tracked th' other two, seems I'd be far more likely to see those visions become a reality on th' oth'r side of th' brass scope... an' I feel a deep need to get away from th' Big Lass at the moment. I'd really rather her not see me like this...
Alright, what 'xactly has gotten inta you, Slugcat!?
I feel my claws beginnin' ta dig inta my hands as I try to steady meself on the very air 'round me by ballin' my hands inta fists 'round nothing at all. I chew on my leaf twice, take a deep breath, and raise my hat, finding myself staring th' big lass right in th' eyes. I resist th' thousands of distractions my mind suddenly conjours outta thin air an' keep lookin'.
"I expect some reward if'n I'm goin' ta be helpin' you with yer own problem." I say bluntly, lookin' from her ta th' whitecloth behind 'er with th' nervous look on 'er mug. The girl clearly noticed some of the same details in our shared leader(?) as I have, an' I c'n only imagine that she either wants ta help or wants ta be outta th' way when th' lust-bomb finally detonates. Frankly, I... couldnae care any less, right now. I just want to get away from this accursed place, either with trackin' an' a reward in mind, or headin' back ta th' camp to look for another lead on Ursula...