Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:49 pm

Sharya hadn't realized Mardock had followed them and jumped in surprise as she suddenly heard him from behind. She wasn't really sure how to respond but thankfully Ey'ala spoke up in her defense. "That's right! And if anyone does blame you it's probably because of how dark and scary your tent gets when you see bad things!" She retorts before turning back to the craftsman with a huff of her own. After giving it a bit of thought, Sharya eventually selects a talisman and counts out the 50 coins needed to buy it. "I'll take this. Thank you!"

Next, she turns towards the path Mardock had pointed out to her. If anything bad were to happen, the forest would probably be the place for it which has Sharya a bit nervous. But if what Mardock said was true, than Sharya's will would have to be strong to change her fate! She wasn't about to back down now. "Hey Ey'ala, if the fortune meant what I think it meant and that man is after Esmeralda then we might not have much time to get to her first. I'm going to go on ahead without the others." She says to her raven companion before turning back to Mardock. "Thanks for your help. And... sorry for the misunderstanding." And with that, she makes her way into the forest in search of Esmeralda.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:17 am

Mardock laughed as as Ey'ala and Sharya replied. "True enough, though in my line of work rumors can be harmful". The small rabbit craftsman takes the coin and hands Sharya a small necklace with a charm on the end. "Pleasure doing business with you." He says with a smile.

As Sharya runs to the forest, she is meet by Nilyne. The two travel north until the path splits in three, all heading north with no tracks to lead you. However the smell of lust is still coming from that direction do you could ignore the path and just travel through the bush.

As Zalira continues to please the young merchant, she continues to fondle the elf's breast. At the same time, she tries to mimic Zalira's actions and began to slip her fingers into the elf's pussy and began to finger her. Giving and receiving, Maribelle's breathing became harder. "I want you too...." She said with another satisfied moan.

Mimi and most of the other bunny girls are impressed by how comfortable Kassandra is with harvesting food from the forest "Wow your a natural" Mimi comments with a smile. As Kass, Priea and Slugcat discuss plans to find a pool to for cleaning themselves, they see a fox man running down the path they just traveled down. He stops to catch his breath. "Are you *huff* Nilyne's friends" he says. Mimi comes over to you and gasps. "Stefan? What happened, I thought you were still in your tent." She said. Having caught his breath he stands. "I was but a traveler said she was going to try and find Esmeralda. She called herself Nilyne. She's already traveling deeper into the forest and asked me to find her friends. Someone mentioned seeing you come into the forest with the gathering party so I followed you here" Stefan says looking at the four of you. " I can lead you to where Nilyne is".
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:17 am

A string of intense moans predate Zalira's first sex orgasm, her lack of experince in the face of the relentlese waves of pleasure that were pumped into her nethers making her reach the edge rather quickly. She giggles lustfully, sliding Maribelle's fingers between her lips and sucking on them so she can taste herself on the human girl's hand, as she keeps up her finger-work on her lover's tunnel until she came, as well.


Unlike her mistress, Ey'ala was wary of Nilyne due to her previous encounter with the wolfess when she was not yet merged. Despite this, she offered her greetings, though she remained perched atop Sharya's shoulder the whole time, not desiring to get closer than was necessary.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:02 pm

"I...dont think I can last much longer" Maribelle says as Zalira's fingers still work her lower folds. When the elf takes her fingers and begins to suck on them, the sensation is too much. Maribelle lets out a long moan as she to has her first orgasm. As her legs go weak she falls into Zalira's waiting arms. (+1 LP)
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:49 pm

"Certainly! Actu'ly, I crossed o'er a river on my way here which likely flows down this way." Oth'rwise, th' beastman camp wouldnae be here, since th' washin' an' drinkin' would all be done with fresh water, an' that needs'ta come from somewheres... though, wit' the amount of whitspit these sorts of places are bound'ta produce, I wouldnae be surprised if they could wash th' clothes wit' that, too... "Should be jus' o'er-"
Wait... what was tha'? I stop searchin' through the berries an' crouch low, drawin' my rifle from its sheath. I turn'ta our tracks, looking down th' scope through th' brush an' leaves...
"Trouble, big lass..." I growl. "An' I can't quite tell wha' it is... It looks mostly elfish, I think..." An' whatever it is, it's tracking us, an' quickly... and it's clothed.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:12 pm

Nilyne Glances at the bird and opens her mouth and grins before shaking her head and moving forth, rushing a head her smell leading her as she follows the scent of lust in the air, moving quickly to catch up to the scent. "Come on... and be quick." She growls out her tail wagging gently behind her as she moves. Castign a glance to the huge raven. "Don't worry the animal may wish to eat you but the elf knows not to. You'll be fine. I've little desire to harm you." She states as she prowls forth, continuing on the most direct path to the smell of lust
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:54 pm

Kassandra checks over her work, making sure that they got enough food to feed the majority of them, along with checking the quality of the food and also figuring out what their plan is about the pool. Hearing Mimi complimenting about her work, a blush appears on her cheeks and she rubs her head bashfully in response. "Aww, it was nothing," she replied. "When you spend your time growing up on a farm, you tend to know a few things here and there, and I was glad I could apply it here." Plus with her getting in age, it does help that she still has it in her willing to get down and dirty in the earth to harvest a bounty . Unlike the others who are off getting down and dirty through a different mean... and just the idea is slowly creeping back into Kassy's mind and making her shiver. She needs to find a way to burn this lust off, and perhaps finding this pool Slugcat is talking about can help her out, along with getting her clothes washed.

Speaking of, she listens carefully to what she had to say while also trying to remember how the island is. It finally took her a moment to realize the river that happens to be the north of Glassmill, clearly forgetting that was there as well. This does bring up some intrigue with Slugcat in her possible origins, saying she's from across the river and the bear she mentions sounds like a polar bear. Then again, spending time standing around and mulling on it isn't going to help them out, so Kassy got herself ready to head on off with her compatriots and begin exploring the woods for the beat while heading towards the river.

That is until a fox man pops in. Kassy stops in her tracks and takes notice of the handsomely young man, her cheeks showing the same color of flush as when she saw Duke. However that quickly changed when the man explained himself, saying that a traveler has gone off to find Esmeralda, and Mimi identifies him as Stefan, meaning this fox is the mate of Esmeralda. Kassy takes a hold of her head, shaking it off from her perverse thoughts and shuddering from the lust burning inside of her. It's getting painful and she really needs to find that outlet soon. However, there is that worry that one of the other members in her party, being Nilyne, is off by herself in search of Esmeralda and could land into the mysterious man's hands. Kassy nods off to Stefan's question and simply follows him, taking Priea and Slugcat with her so they can go meet up with the wolf elf.

She did stop to hear that Slugcat pointed out some trouble in the distance and the description sounds like it could be Nilyne. "That might be Nilyne," she explained to the ferret. "Don't shoot, she's on our side. If you can see where she's going, then tell us." She isn't sure what is going on at this point, but whatever it is, there's going to be trouble coming and she needs to prepare herself for it.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:56 pm

Priea had been somewhat looking forward to the plans she, Kassy, and Slugcat had just made when a Fox man rushed up to them, apparently having come to ask for help due to Nilyne apparently being in some sort of trouble. As Stefan finished, Priea instantly glanced towards Kassy," Well? Shall we get going? We can always clean up after whatever trouble is most likely to be waiting for us", Priea noted with a some what snarky smile, quite sure they'd run into some sort of trouble, but she figured together they could handle any amount of it. Of course the Kassy seemed to take control of the situation, making Priea fight not to grin as it reminded herself of the little fantasies she'd had when younger of her Hero coming back to take her along on adventures and now it was real... of course she wasn't going to admit to such a thing, last thing she needed was Kassy thinking she was a weirdo.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:18 am

As Sharya makes her way through the forest, she spots a familiar form up ahead. "Kai- er.... Nilyne!" She calls out, rushing ahead to catch up with the wolf girl. "Are you looking for Esmeralda too? Oooh do you have her scent?" She asks after noticing Nilyne on all fours with her nose to the ground. It was so cool that she could do that and meeting up with Nilyne has Sharya feeling a lot more comfortable in this unfamiliar forest. She still keeps a close eye on her surroundings in case of trouble as she follows behind Nilyne.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:18 am

Nilyne follows the smell down the center path, as the five of you follow you reach a clearing filled with red blooming flowers. Flying around in this small clearing are a small group of fairies with red flowers in their hand. There seem to be about four of them all wearing what looks like dresses made of leafs. They don't seem to notice you at first but then the smell hits you. It was sweet and causing your body to heat up:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Arousing Pollen Resist Roll (Wis, Average)
Kassandra: 8 + 2 =10
Preia : 17 + 3 = 20
Sharya: 7 + 2 = 9
Nilyne: 3 - 2 = 1
Slugcat: 17 + 3 = 20

Kassandra Divinity Roll (d20, Average): 18, Lust Effects Resisted
Sharya Misfortune Roll (d20, need>4): 1, Critical Miss

You immediately recognize this smell as being the one hanging over the camp along with the beastman's musk. As you breath it in, it doesn't seem to affect Kassandra, Nilyne & Slugcat as strongly. Nilyne and Sharya aren't so lucky. Nilyne gets a large sniff of the pollen as her tries to smell out Esmeralda (-2 OP). Meanwhile a fairy flies right in front of Sharya giving her a large whiff of the pollen. It takes her a lot to keep from orgasm but she keeps herself calm (-4 OP).

That same fairy flies back around along with the others to approach you. "Hi!" She says ecstatically. "Did you come here to play?" The fairy asked as all of them continue to hold those red flowers.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kassandra: (HP): 16 (OP): 6
Preia :(HP): 11 (OP): 7
Sharya: (HP): 9 (OP): 2/6
Nilyne: (HP): 11(OP): 4/6
Slugcat: (HP): 7 (OP):8
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:36 pm

Nilyne looks up from the floor to Sharya and gives her a smile before nodding. "I do... she's north... smells like sex." She states with a shrug before moving on slowing down a little to allow Sharya to keep up without trouble before they bump into the other three. Looking at them closely she tilts her head and eyes slugcat. "Who's the rat cat?" She asks motioning to the ferret with a wolfish grin before she stands up and moves along, her hips swaying as her tail wags behind her.

Moving onward she peers at the fairies before stepping up and gasping, panting as her tongue rolls from her mouth and she shakes her head, viciously trying to keep herself calm as she feels a heat rise in her body. "Ah... what.." She growls lowly in anger believing she was being tricked. Seeing the fairy she looks at her closely, examining her with a glare. "We're here for Esmerelda. Seen her little one?" She asks in a business like manner, trying desperately to keep the desire and need from her voice though it pops in on the occasion.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:19 pm

"I shall.. take your word for it," Ey'ala replied to Nilyne's assurance about the hybrid's intent. She goes where Sharya goes, following their companion until they meet up with the rest of the group, where a newcomer seems to have joined them.

When they reached the clearing, the raven took in a very familiar scent along with the others, though to her surprise she realized it did not require any effort on her part to resist its effect. The fairies were quite peculiar, and Ey'ala was about to attempt a questioning but then Nilyne went on ahead, looking very distressed.. and she was not the only one to be such. Before the familiar could do anything about it, another fairy went on right in front of Sharya and allowed her to inhale a large amount of that aphrodisiac.. was it coming from the flowers, the fairies or both?

The best that Ey'ala thought could do was harden the grip her claws had on Sharya's shoulders, inducing a faint pain that might help combat the orgasmic effect or at least remind her where she was, but it did not seem to do that much. "Are you alright?" the raven asks her and this time she braced herself so in case something else would happen, she would be ready to do something about before it was too late.


Zalira giggled, kissing Maribelle on the lips again and squeezing her into a last hug and staying like that a while before letting go to re-dress herself. She would have loved to stay more and cuddle, but the human girl's family was bound to come back eventually.. and she had things to do, unfortunate as it was. "I have to go now, but I'll be back.." she whispered with a final kiss before walking out of the cart hesitantly. Composing herself, she went back into the camp to look for the others, asking around if need be.
Last edited by An Ying Hu on Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:32 pm

Sharya follows Nilyne until they meet up with Kassy Priea and a girl she didn't recognize. Introductions were in order, but Sharya was quickly distracted by the field of red flowers they happened upon. "Oooh, they're so pretty! And they smell so sweet! ....Maybe a little too sweet." As she inhaled the sweet aroma, Sharya felt her body getting steadily hotter. She was so focused on the flowers that she didn't even notice the fairy until it flew right in front of her face, dousing her with an overpowering dose of the sickly sweet scent.

The arousal that had been slowly building up inside Sharya suddenly exploded, causing her legs to quiver uncontrollably and practically force her to her knees. Her hand flew to her crotch instinctively and she let out a low moan as she found herself soaking wet. A silly grin spreads across her face as the fairy comes back to talk to them. "Play? Hehe... Sure! What are we going to play?" She giggles, feeling giddy as her mind is clouded in a haze of lust until she feels Ey'ala's claws dig a bit harder into her shoulder. Sharya yelps, more out of surprise than pain, and quickly stands up straight. "Ah.... Y-yes, I think I'll get through this... Th-thank you." She stutters out, smiling weakly at Ey'ala as she struggles to clear her head and takes deep breaths to try to get her body back under control.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:05 pm

As Zalira walks out the wagon, she passes Duke carrying a few of their wares. He nod to you as he walks by ... directly to the cart where you and Maribelle just were. Before you can do anything a fox man waves to you before run in your direction. Once he reaches you he catches his breath. "You came here with a woman called Nilyne correct? She's waiting for you and the forest" He says as he points towards the forest entrance to the north.

The fairies seem to smile when you mention Esmeralda. One fairy with a small tiara comes up to speak. "Oh the fox girl. She was a fun one. She would come to play with use a lot. The last time she came by she went deeper into the forest that way." As she pointed out the direction, the other three did as well. Two pointed northeast while the lead fairy and the other one pointed northwest. "Or was it the other way" Then all four switched which direction they were pointing as the laughed. The fairy that passed Sharya glared at Ey'ala as she interrupted the fairy's fun.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:50 pm

Kassandra follows after Stefan's directions with Slugcat and Priea in tow, finally getting herself caught up with Nilyne, Sharya and the raven belonging to the witch. She gives the four a wave, smiling lightly before finally taking notice of the fairies in the area and the many red flowers they are playing in. The place looks lovely and seeing all of the fairies leaves the holstaur in awe, watching the tiny fair folk flying about and carrying their flowers in their hands. It's a lovely sight... until her nose picks up a strange scent. This smells familiar, like what was lingering over the encampment... was it possible that these flowers were the very thing that is making all of the beastmen, including Esmeralda, go mad with lust? Somehow getting another sniff of the stuff doesn't seem to be affecting Kassy all that much, but she's already dealing with the pain coursing through her so it's not like it's going to do that much besides dirty up her clothes more.

Instead, Kassy looks around at the fairies and listen to them talking to the others, simply staying silent and figure out what the best action is here. Hearing Nilyne talking about the ferret, she did frown at that before moving on to the fairy, asking if they were here to play. "Sorry, I'm not here to play with you," she replied. "I'm here with them," pointing to Nilyne and Sharya, who seems to be struggling with the same thing the holstaur is going through, "trying to find someone... actually, make that two people. My friend here is looking for someone important and we could use some help on that." If it means getting away from this smell as well, then Kassy will be pleased. Her body is aching from this pent up tension and she isn't sure how much longer she is going to last.

At least they have an idea who to look out for when it comes to Esmeralda. Although where she has gone off is another question. These fairies are pointing in opposite directions, leading them off in possibly a circle. This isn't going to work. Kassy pinches her eyes together and starts formulating a plan. "All right, thank you girls, we'll take it from here," she said to the fairies before turning to the others. "OK, seeing they're pointing in separate directions, we can split off and head off in those directions. You think you can get an idea of Esmeralda's scent Nilyne?" Kassy guess that with Kailyne fused with Nighteyes, it'll be possible for the two of them to use Nighteye's tracking to help pick up a scent and follow that. The holstaur turns to Slugcat, getting a lookover her and starts forming an idea. "Can the same be said with how you're... dressed?" she asked, still realizing that the ferret isn't wearing any basic clothes, just decked out in everything else. "If we have someone who can track smells, we should be fine. Maybe footprints as well, too. Just... something to help us out." Kassy points towards one of the directions the fairies were pointing towards. "My group will take this way, you can take the other. We'll meet back up here or at the encampment if we found something or we don't after some time. Sound good?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:01 pm

Zalira returns Duke's nods, trying her best to look innocent as she passes by him rather quickly, not wanting to be here when the man figures out what happened between her and his sister. However, she bumps into a beastman with news for her - it seems Nilyne had discovered something, and since now she knew the direction in which to go, she hesitated no longer. Without even thanking her informant, she went on as quick as she could to reach the others within the forest.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:37 am

Nilyne glares at the fairies as they become increasingly unhelpful before she turns to Kassy. "I can try." She sniffs the air looking for the one that leads more prominent and using it to head off in that direction, snapping her jaws at the fairies should they get close to warn them off. Picking her direction she looks to the others. "We're missing one, the elven woman that has a bird." She states pointing to the bird on the other elf's shoulder. "Huh... wrong sister." She smirks and shakes her head before looking around. "We should hurry, The mark was complete when the fox man last saw her. if the rumor we learnt back at the town is true Lucian will come for her soon." She states before crouching down and following the scent, moving slowly to make sure she doesn't get it confused with anything else while allowing her group to keep up with her.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:50 am

Sharya's attempts at clearing the lustful thoughts from her head aren't going well, especially since they're still so close to the intoxicating aroma of those flowers. While Kassy and the others are planning their next course of action, Sharya is staring vacantly, mouth hanging slightly open and all, at the fairies and flowers. The smell was soooo gooood.... If just the fairy had made her feel like this, grabbing a bunch of flowers and taking a big whiff would definitely make her cu- Wait no no no! Sharya shakes her head in a renewed attempt to get a hold of herself and hastily follows after Nilyne. Hopefully getting away from these flowers would help.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:18 pm

Priea kept silent for the moment, worried as she could tell how much trouble Kassy was having for some reason... the mark truly must have been messing with her in some way and Priea wished she could do something to help relieve the older woman in some manner. For now she'd let it go, but once she and Kassy were alone she'd bring it up and find out if there was anything she could do. Priea also had picked up on how the others in her party were reacting... it making her truly confused as to just what was making them like this when she didn't detect a thing...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:37 pm

The clearin'... smells like a promiscu'us nightmare. These are exactly th' sorts of vile collections o' sex magick that I always would avoid like the bleedin' plague, giv'n ta them a berth as wide as the Sand Tower is tall. I'd give them th' whole bleedin forest if'n I could leave it without walkin' inta trouble, an' barrin' that I'd burn the whole lot if fire had the same singular hatred I did. As it stands, the damned stuff is so hungry it'd jus' as well eat me as the cursed magicks that soak this spot in poison and lit'l flitterin' succubi... As soon as I feel it start to affect me I steel my mind 'gainst its 'fects, same as always, and I step back an inch. I keep my hat low as my idiot companions seem set on walking straight in an' speakin' with the demonesses, who give a predict'bly unhelpful answer while blissfully unaware of the hateful gaze burnin' them to magical slag an' dust underneath the shade of a straw hat... I grit my teeth as the fairies laugh, quickly pulling one'o'tha waterleaves out o' my pack an' piercin' th film with one fang. Th' taste o' the sugar inside seeps inta my maw through the lit'l hole I made, calming me somewhat as I look towards th' big lass.

Ugh... oh, no...

Th' cloth coverin' her chest is nearly startin' to get soaked all th' way through with what I c'n only assume is... milk? Th' lass is a cow, after all, but that'd be an ev'n surer sign that she's been taken under th' glade's magic than her mostly-hidden tent 'round 'er more private regions. 'Er voice is startin' to quaver'n spots like a Mornin' Woodpecker's cry, an' 'er eyes 'ave this look to 'em, like the desp'ration in 'er blood an' her head an' the emptiness pullin' at her nethers has gotten to th' point of no real return... though, this is th' first good look I've taken of her, since I was tryin' to avoid lookin' too closely in th' influence of the musk from th' camp. Wit' the way my eyes are bein' pulled to th' heave of her chest an' the strain on her straps, I'm startin' to think that was likely a good idea.

I pull my hat low again.

Th' big lass' request fights through mists o' thought an' cont'mplation as I review my other companions. Th' bitch who called me a rat is o'er there tryin' desp'rately ta track some smell while barely holding her lust in, based on th' view I now had of her lit'l fuzzy butt. As it retreats away from me towards th' path her group took to follow, I quietly take th' opportunity to mutter to myself 'bout how I'd show her who was really a rat. 'Er companion seemed equally glisten-flanked, an' I could only imagine that very little actual bloody tracking was goin' ta be done 'fore they gave up and decided to share in their magic-infused mis'ry... I pictured a couple of wayward thoughts, leadin' to one stray sent'nce escapin' a loose and careless muzzle, leadin' to a slow removal of each article, one by one by one, 'til the more bestial of th' two can't take it anymore and pounces like a cat on 'er prey. Th' heat of blood an' sex would consume ev'ry sense as peaked nip grinds over its twin from anoth'r body, muzzle closes around muzzle and tongues writhe like fightin' snakes in mouths they don't belong to, tastin' the fire of th' other as they fuel eachoth'r an' lay togeth'r, fur o'er fur o'er grass, while a set of sly an' nimble fingers find a nice lit'le burrow t' call home... 'fore I shook myself from my haze an' shifted my gaze toward th' other path, finally rememberin' what the big lass wanted from me. I didn't 'xactly feel like meetin' her gaze at th' moment, an' now my only concern was the growin' burn of bloody embarrassment in my cheeks, of all bloody sunforsaken buggers 'f an involuntary reaction at this moment in particular... Note: Feel free to raise my OP for that if you wish.

"Yeah, steps, smells or snapped sticks I c'n follow em." I sigh. "But I want to know what's truly going on here, first. You said we were gonna look fer Ursula, th' bear I was speakin' about? Now yer askin' me to track this Esmerelda girl I've likely nev'r seen before in me life, and yer askin' me to do it without any benefit ta me other than helpin' you." An' 'sides, if I went an' tracked th' other two, seems I'd be far more likely to see those visions become a reality on th' oth'r side of th' brass scope... an' I feel a deep need to get away from th' Big Lass at the moment. I'd really rather her not see me like this...

Alright, what 'xactly has gotten inta you, Slugcat!?

I feel my claws beginnin' ta dig inta my hands as I try to steady meself on the very air 'round me by ballin' my hands inta fists 'round nothing at all. I chew on my leaf twice, take a deep breath, and raise my hat, finding myself staring th' big lass right in th' eyes. I resist th' thousands of distractions my mind suddenly conjours outta thin air an' keep lookin'.

"I expect some reward if'n I'm goin' ta be helpin' you with yer own problem." I say bluntly, lookin' from her ta th' whitecloth behind 'er with th' nervous look on 'er mug. The girl clearly noticed some of the same details in our shared leader(?) as I have, an' I c'n only imagine that she either wants ta help or wants ta be outta th' way when th' lust-bomb finally detonates. Frankly, I... couldnae care any less, right now. I just want to get away from this accursed place, either with trackin' an' a reward in mind, or headin' back ta th' camp to look for another lead on Ursula...
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