The Road: 2nd Gear

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:59 am

Rebecca was pissed, the wounded man had helped her true, but she hated having a gun pointed at her like that even if it had ended up helping her. Before she could think through the consequences of firing off a loud shot while the lights were searching for her she spun and hip fired the double barrel at the crazy with a chain and hook probably blowing the bastard away and quickly reloading to find his friend. She had some ammo but probably not enough to take on a whole group, she started walking towards her motorcycle intending on getting out of here before she was overwhelmed.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:40 am

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A guttural roar escapes the woman's throat as she moves to lunge at you, but she slips in the mud again and skids briefly forwards on her front, ass sticking up in the air. Her body heaves and you think she is about to shout and lunge again when you realize she is sobbing.

"Hey! What you doin' to the lady ya pervert?" You hear a voice shout.

Looking up you see two armed men stagger out of the a nearby bar towards you as they eye up the women predatorily.

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Old spent shell casings and fragments of bone crunch under foot as you follow the trail towards the MFP HQ. Blasted wrecks clog the street as you near the now the shattered remains of what passed for Justice in the waste, and you realize some sort of carnage must have happened here before it fell. As you edge closer to see desiccated remains nailed to poles and crucifixes, tattered remains of MFP uniforms flutter in wind from bony limbs. The outside of the building is scarred by battle and the right wing is burnt out and partially collapsed. The shutters on most windows are down but some have been blasted or torn open along with the front door. To the left you see a large ramp leading down to some blasted open garage doors.

The tracks disappear in the debris field outside.

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You line up your shot but too late the Crazy lashes out with his chain, raking it down you arm and tearing the shotgun from your now numb grip. The thrashing of brush under foot signals the arrival of the other Crazy who dives low through the crops to take out your legs at the knees. You feel hands all over you as the pair drag you kicking and fighting out of the field, the one with chain wrapping it around you throat as he drags while the other unbuckles your belt as he carries a leg. The cold night air bites into your flesh as your jeans are wrenched down by the Crazy but he let's go of your leg to remove them completely you knee him in the balls and he staggers back a few steps to recover.

As you struggle you notice two figures watching you from another nearby field just as trucks lights fall of them. The pair quickly dart back into the crops as the trucks engine roars to life and storms in after them
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:23 pm

Rip quickly grabs his shirt, and tries to wipe all the dirt and gunk off of the woman with it. He attempts to console her.
"It's ok, everything will be fine. You need to be strong for your girls. True strength isn't always physical, it's also keeping your cool when absolutely nothing goes away. The second you lose it, your enemy will win. I've seen it happen countless times before."
He also attempts to keep the two men away. This situation is complicated enough as it is, the last thing he needs right now is some horny guys attempting to get into this woman.
"Please back away, she's very vulnerable right now. One wrong move, and BAM, our eyes are clawed out. Trust me guys, it's not worth it, all your going to get here is pain and confusion."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:30 am

Rebecca gasped as she was thrown around by the two crazies, she kicked, screamed, bit and thrashed to pull away from them but could do nothing as they yanked her pants down. She manages to finally break away and attempts to pull her pants back up before anything else. Next she scrambles for her shotgun loading another two rounds into the chamber and shooting the nearest crazy who was stupid enough to still be around.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:37 am

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OOC: I'm not sure if the dice gods just hate you or are just too busy laughing at the madness.

The woman whimpers silently and scuttles back as take a step towards her with your shirt. As you move you suddenly feel the mud beneath you shift and your feet suddenly slide out from under you, toppling you over. It takes a moment for your mind to catch up, but when it does you find yourself face to face with the woman now pinned in the mud beneath you, her face beet red. Your hands, which you thought would be cold, being pressed into the mud and all seem oddly warm... and holding something soft yet firm when you squeeze... and oh god you're holding her tits.

Oddly enough, your words about her being vulnerable are somewhat misinterpreted, being delivered by a shirtless man with his pants around his ankles, pinning a near naked him woman to ground and copping a feel.

"Oh, you're going to be the one confused and in pain here," The pair of men growl as they advance on you, cracking knuckles

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You try to make a break for it but can't break free from the grasp of the other crazy, your jeans still around your ankles. Grunting in your ear, the Crazy behind you heaves upwards and lifts you off the ground momentarily before slamming you down hard on your back, driving the air from your lungs. Coughing and spitting up phlegm as you try to force your lungs to work again you feel him drop down on top of you, pinning you down as he drags his tongue slowly up your neck. In sudden horror you hear and feel him ripping your panties away, leaving you bare below the waist.

The other crazy rolls back and forth on the ground nearby, still cradling his junk from when you kneed him. In the distance you see another dark figure crawling awkwardly from the field you were dragged from.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:37 pm

Rip knows this is not going to end well no matter what he does, so he decides to give up on bullshitting those two guys. He quickly rolls off the woman, and stands up pulling up his pants, but leaving the shirt for the woman to clean up with. He approaches the two guys and begins to talk.
"Listen, you seem like decent guys, concerned for this random woman's safety and all. I respect that. Believe it or not, I wasn't trying to do what you think I was trying to do. I'd be all for sitting around and explaining the ludicrous events that led to this, but I guess if I'm not convincing enough, go on-"
He opens his arms and braces for a hit.
"-take a swing. I won't be mad."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:55 am

Rebecca began to panic as she felt him force her onto her back. She attempted to knee him in the crotch and pull away from the man. "Get off of me! I'm going to make you regret this you little shit!" She cried out trying to keep her expression clear of fear. While she was not a virgin she had yet to be taken by force, a fact she was quite proud of and would struggle to maintain. Still she could now feel the cold air on her pussy as the panties were torn away and knew it was only a matter of time before he yanked his member out to begin pushing...
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby spitfyre » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:01 am

Gew trudged on thinking to himself with every step the probably that this whole mission had gone to shit when he found that trashed bike and that he probably would even find the man. HE shook his head, knowing that if he went back empty handed, things would not go well for him. So he kept going. When the tracks disappeared, Gew swore to himself, but went to the front of the building. He listened for a brief second, and went on in scouting out the room as he entered MFP HQ.
When life give you lemons, get sour 'bout life. Image
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:57 am

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The men's faces suddenly split into grins and they start laughing, hard. Doubled over, one holds his sides as his chest heaves up and down with mirth, leaning against you for the support while the other walks around you and hoists the girl up over his shoulder.

"Hey, you see this guy 'ere?" The one leaning against you blurts out to the other, alcohol clearly on his breath, "He's alright, you know that, alright."

"Hey let's keep this party going," The other replies, "Where's the next bar?"

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The Crazy pinning you downs seems to be more experienced than his compatriot and stays one step ahead of you as you try to squirm out of his grasp or make distance to strike him. Using one hand his manages to pin your forearms above your head, keeping you down with his weight while his other hands snakes down, stroking first your neck slowly then circling a tit before tracing down your stomach to the cleft between your legs. Thighs pressed together, you try to stop his digits slipping past your creamy flesh to no avail and his talented fingers start to circle around your clit and trace your out lips. Biting your lip you manage to block out the unwanted sensations trailing through you body.

Seeing the action the other Crazy seems to make a rapid recovery and quickly hobbles over.

"You fucking skag slut," he shouts, stinging your cheek with a hard slap, "Time for you to kiss it better."

Reaching into his pants, he pulls out his bruised cock and balls. Dropping his knees either side of your head he lets his equipment dangle just above your nose and mouth.

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Stepping into the foyer you see this too still bares witness to horrors suffered here. Dried blood ingrained into the tiles from where bodies were dragged or stacked. You try to ignore the gouges in the floor from finger nails as people tried to stop themselves from being dragged out. The wind wales and whistles through the abandoned hallways and rooms as you approach the processing area and central booking. Just as you are about to strep though the entrance from the foyer you stop yourself as you see a trip wire running along the bottom. Examining the wire reveals it attached to a can filled with spent shell casing and other rattling debris, but nothing overtly dangerous.

Silently clearing the wire, you stop and hear a faint moaning in the distance, coming from a hallway to your left. Following the sound leads you down a short flight of stairs to a series of rooms filled with holding cells. All appear dark and empty apart from the last at the end. In the last cell, illuminated by a handful of a small candles a woman lays on a bed, her back to see. She doesn't seem to know you're there as her leather skirt is hitched up above her waist and as she slowly fingers her wet pussy. The cell door appears to be locked.

"That fucking bitch," the woman sighs in pleasure, "if I ever find her I swear I'll tear her ass in two."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:28 am

Rip stands in awe for a moment, amazed he might walk out of this without a scratch after all. He cringes slightly as the men pick up the Leader. He helps the leaner get his bearings before he tries to throw out a hopefully helpful suggestion.
"Maybe you should let her walk herself, she seems more than capable."

Something tells Rip that the lady won't be to fond that these men are doing the work for her. Though in the state she is in, he'd be grateful if that formerly intimidating Cult Leader returned to her former glory. It didn't seem like the women in that bus could function without her. He looks back to see the current state of those mysterious ladies. Whatever happens, he continues to follow the two guys.
"I can bring you to the one that got me in to this whole mess."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:24 am

"Get off of me!" She cried out struggling as she was brought to the ground. She was ashamed to admit her excitement at his stimulation... it had been a very long time but... these men were monsters, preying on those who were trying to get by in the wastes. There was no way she was going to submit to them. She felt the slap and then looked back to him only to find his member dangling in her face. She didn't really see a way out of this if they kept their guard up the whole time... so she opened her mouth taking the tip of his member into her mouth and told herself she was doing this because it was her best shot at escape, not because she enjoyed it.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:18 am

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The War Boy cackles with glee at your apparent submissiveness at sucking his cock. He keeps his hips still, forcing you to do all the work, as he reaches one hand and back to slide under your shirt, cruelly massaging one breast while his partner reaches up to grope the other more skillfully. All too quickly the War boy tenses and groans, spilling his seed into your unexpecting mouth before pulling out to paint your face. The surprise momentarily costs you your focus and the Crazy between your legs gets enough purchase to drive three fingers inside you, curling and spraying them apart as they piston back and forth while he works your clit with his thumb. Your pussy quickly starts to moisten as he works.

"You done already, Pup?" The more skilled laughs, making you moan slightly to make his point, "Blew your engine before the race even started?"

"Fuck you," The younger snaps, grabbing a handful of your hair to wipe his cock clean.

"Exactly the point, let me show you how a warrior takes his wench." The man cackles, with drawing his fingers from inside you as he leans back to unbuckle his belt and fly, "Then maybe your skank ass is next, huh?"

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The men seem to ignore you as they stagger down another few side streets into the doors of some club. Following them in you see the club is nearly vacant, a handful on lost souls nurse drinks while they stare longingly a withered topless dancers on a stage. The two men, apparently familiar here, wave to the bartender as they pass, snagging a few bottles and walk into the private room.

The room is mostly dimly lit apart from of a brilliant circle that illuminates a small stage with a central pole. The men continue to jostle each other as they sit at a table at the back of the small room. You see another doorway near the stage, covered by a curtain.

"Just sit right 'ere, Little Lady," One of the men chuckle, sitting the woman on their lap, the bulge in their pants obvious, "Hey, have a little drink?"

The man presses a bottle of hooch up against her resisting lips.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:22 am

Rebeca kept still and let him thrust into her mouth for a second before glaring up at him as she realized he meant for her to please him. Reluctantly she began bobbing her head up along the mans shaft apparently bringing him to a quick climax. She caught a mouthful and then a few sticky strands across her face. She glared at him and spit up the cum letting it all drip down her face and chin. "Fucker." She muttered before she let out a gasp of pleasure as the more experienced crazy withdrew his fingers. "Hey, don't put that in there without a condom asshole!" She said trying to struggle again as she figured he was about to abuse her pussy. She had no desire to get knocked up by these fuckers and struggled to find a nearby weapon.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:06 pm

The dancers just remind Rip of how much he has fucked up in the past, and how much he fucked up now. So far, Jessie is the only girl he's ever been with for an extended period of time that has not inadvertently been screwed over by him. Seeing the bottles does give him an idea though. He waited to be inside the private room before commencing with his plan.

"Fuck it, the bitch thought I wasn't good enough to breed. I'm going to enjoy seeing this."

He grabs two bottles of booze, and promptly opens one, taking a sip of the sweet liquid. He waits for both men to be fixed on to the woman, before sneaking up behind them, and comedically whacking them over the head with the two bottles simaltaneously, hopefully knocking them unconscious.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:51 am

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Bucking and squirming you manage to shift the Boy sitting on your chest off, but as your hands scrabble through the dark they come up empty of a weapon. Using your movement against you the other Crazy rolls you onto your stomach and knees, grabbing a handful of hair and yanking back as he starts to spear your pussy with his cock. The man may have been good with his fingers but is a master with the ten inches of hard flesh he indomitably surges inside you, hitting all of the right places as it does so. With a final buck you feel his hips pressing yours down into the mud, barely pausing before he's pulling with a slow determination and slamming back in with force.

Your body is almost in shock as it struggles to comprehend the pleasure of the violation forced into it. Each time you think you're becoming used to his ministrations he changes again and fresh wave of pleasure further erodes your resolve. You know you can't take much more of this before you break.

"Oh don't worry Baby," he chuckles into your ear, "I won't forget about this sweet asshole,"

You're not sure if its terror or excite that causes your stomach to churn as you feel his fingers, slicked with your pussy juices, slowly start to circle and then massage your rosebud, and sink forcefully in.

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Your plan almost works, successfully sneaking both bottles, but just before you swing the rickety floor board beneath your feet lets out a loud creak. The man not holding the girl looks up at the last moment a sees your blow coming, jamming his elbow into your inner arm and jarring the bottle from your grasp. The one with the girl is too distracted forcing his bottle past her lips to notice and blow quickly deals with him. In a shower of glass and spirits he collapses to the ground, burying the girl underneath his girth.

With the element of surprise gone the other man quickly jumps to his feet and kicks his chair into you, stumbling you but not knocking you over.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:54 pm

"So fucking close..."
Rip was unsure on his ability to take on this man in direct hand-to-hand. He remembered a trick from an old book he read, that always gave the main character the advantage no matter what the situation. He whistles, and waves to someone who doesn't exist the now irate man.

If the man turns around, Rip will pick up the chair and try to whack him across the head with it. If the man doesn't turn around, Rip will pick up the chair, and toss it at the man's head in an attempt to knock him off his guard, and maybe even knock him out with a lucky headshot.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:34 am

Rebecca yelled as she was forced down into the mud and the crazy mounted her from behind. She tried to resist her bodies urges but after a while she realized her cries of anguish had now turned to reluctant moans. Her hips began to rock back against each thrust and she tried not to look at either man, ashamed her body was responding to the skill demonstrated by the crazy. When he started rubbing her clit she couldn't help herself and began to let loose pleasurable cries with each movement.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:04 am

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Your plan seems to work as the man spins to swing at the nonexisting attacker, leaving himself completely open. The chair disintegrates around him from your blow as he crumples to ground. unmoving.

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Seeing your capitulation the Crazy let's go of your hair as he thrusts into you, snaking the hand down your back and then under your arm to cup and massage a breast. Your pleasure continues to grow and grow as his cock seems to fill your entire existence and his fingers nimbly work your ass, quickly building you to orgasm when suddenly he pulls completely from both holes. You don't have much time wonder what he's doing when you feel the head of cock press against your backdoor and start to force itself inside with the same strength it used to punish your pussy.

The Crazy rolls your T-shirt up over your head and cups both your breasts, pulling you off the ground with your back against his chest. You feel his lips against your neck as his fingers tease your nipples, distracting you slightly as inch after inch of his cock squeeze inside you ass. Once fully inside this time he gives you a moment to rest but is quick to continue his dominating pace. Lost in heat you barely notice his grunts change in pitch, when suddenly his pulls again and slams his cock deep inside your pussy, filling it with seed and sending you into a body convulsing orgasm of your own.

"Fuck, Sheila!" He shouts as he stands, softening cock slopping out of your cum drenched pussy, "Just might have keep you around."

He walks around you and lifts your head up by the hair, using as handful of it to clean his cock as he stares into your eyes.

"You taking your turn, Boy?" He grins, his eyes still staring.

"I aint takin' no sloppy seconds," The War Boy pouts somewhere behind you, "Ain't right making me touch your seed."

"I didn't come in her ass, dipshit, and how is she tight and sweet back there," He chuckles, letting go of you, "Let's see how you fair with a real woman, I'm sure you hand wont get jealous."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:11 am

Rip sighed, relieved he was able to avoid conflict for the time being. He goes over to the poor woman, and shoves the unconscious man off of her and on to the floor. He reaches out his hand to help her up.

"Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?"

If she doesn't respond, he attempts to throw her over his shoulders, and carry her out of the bar.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:11 am

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Rolling the bulk of the man off the woman takes some doing but when you finally heave him off you find the woman conscious but dazed and unresponsive. Picking her up you head back out in the main area and head for the door.

"Hey!" You hear a shout from the bar, "Where the fuck do you think you're taking my girl?"
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