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The men's faces suddenly split into grins and they start laughing, hard. Doubled over, one holds his sides as his chest heaves up and down with mirth, leaning against you for the support while the other walks around you and hoists the girl up over his shoulder.
"Hey, you see this guy 'ere?" The one leaning against you blurts out to the other, alcohol clearly on his breath, "He's alright, you know that, alright."
"Hey let's keep this party going," The other replies, "Where's the next bar?"
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The Crazy pinning you downs seems to be more experienced than his compatriot and stays one step ahead of you as you try to squirm out of his grasp or make distance to strike him. Using one hand his manages to pin your forearms above your head, keeping you down with his weight while his other hands snakes down, stroking first your neck slowly then circling a tit before tracing down your stomach to the cleft between your legs. Thighs pressed together, you try to stop his digits slipping past your creamy flesh to no avail and his talented fingers start to circle around your clit and trace your out lips. Biting your lip you manage to block out the unwanted sensations trailing through you body.
Seeing the action the other Crazy seems to make a rapid recovery and quickly hobbles over.
"You fucking skag slut," he shouts, stinging your cheek with a hard slap, "Time for you to kiss it better."
Reaching into his pants, he pulls out his bruised cock and balls. Dropping his knees either side of your head he lets his equipment dangle just above your nose and mouth.
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Stepping into the foyer you see this too still bares witness to horrors suffered here. Dried blood ingrained into the tiles from where bodies were dragged or stacked. You try to ignore the gouges in the floor from finger nails as people tried to stop themselves from being dragged out. The wind wales and whistles through the abandoned hallways and rooms as you approach the processing area and central booking. Just as you are about to strep though the entrance from the foyer you stop yourself as you see a trip wire running along the bottom. Examining the wire reveals it attached to a can filled with spent shell casing and other rattling debris, but nothing overtly dangerous.
Silently clearing the wire, you stop and hear a faint moaning in the distance, coming from a hallway to your left. Following the sound leads you down a short flight of stairs to a series of rooms filled with holding cells. All appear dark and empty apart from the last at the end. In the last cell, illuminated by a handful of a small candles a woman lays on a bed, her back to see. She doesn't seem to know you're there as her leather skirt is hitched up above her waist and as she slowly fingers her wet pussy. The cell door appears to be locked.
"That fucking bitch," the woman sighs in pleasure, "if I ever find her I swear I'll tear her ass in two."