Champions of the Corrupt IC

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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby napsii » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:40 am

Fascinating... Adele admired, although her mask of impassiveness wouldn't betray it.

Architecture -- structures, monuments and palaces of all varieties -- was one of her more dilettante interests. In her native Kveyni, the engineering, placement and erection of buildings, fountains, defenses and even the most frivolous of decor was considered an art in itself, passed down to generation. It was for this reason that the Cheliere family -- Kveyni's famous bloodline of architects and engineers -- had a seat in the citystate's nobility, their matriarch as an adviser to her father on matters of civil planning.

The regal, grand designs of Rivana and other westward cities were something she had longed to see outside of books, and the Palace did not disappoint. Though in the back of her mind, it was distinctly disappointed to know how much suffering there lay just beyond these very walls. She walked with a calm stride, pausing before the Queen to let the greetings conclude. She was as noble as her father had warned her, but sounded far more fatigued than Adele would have hoped for of a leader.

But she cannot be blamed. decided the noblewoman. The weight of politics and all of the usurpers and traitors that came with it was a burden none could truly bear.

"I thank you for your patronage, Queen Elspeth. While my stay has been short, I have been intrigued by what I have seen." said Adele with a polite bow, thinking it better not to dote on the earlier terrors. Although it was certainly intriguing. She let her lips turn upward into an easy smile, inwardly relieved to be in the company of those with genuine merit. It took all of her willpower to cleanse her first impression of Rivana; although her father wanted her to be objective, she wanted to focus on what the city had to offer at its peak.

"It gladdens me to be here," she went on, "I have been eager to test how much our cities could accomplish as allies. My father, my mother and my sister also send their regards." she finished. Her sister, being Adele's elder and thus heiress to the throne when her parents passed on, was Kveyni's most important politician in the long-term for this reason. Her parents grew old...

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:42 am

Shelby feels the second raising, higher than the last, and realizes that Dax intends to strike first. "Just don't do anything lethal, okay?" she whispers to him, not wanting either of them to get nailed with murder charges...

...right before he stomps the earth up, launching her skyward.

Being an Electric Walker, Shelby is rather in-tune with the sensation of falling. Just as lightning strikes down from the skies above, she has sort of a talent for doing things while descending. As such, she quickly unsheathes her sword, holding the actual blade back-handed to keep it from cutting anyone, then instantaneously calculates her plan of attack in her head:

One target still unoccupied, directly beneath, standing roughly 3 inches in front of touchdown point.
Appropriate attack form: blunt sheath-bash to right shoulder area.
Gravitational descent will amplify force of impact. Reduce applied physical force by about half to maintain non-lethality.
Keep blade ready for defensive use, if necessary. Electric powers are a last resort.

With her attack planned out, Shelby follows it through to the letter, swinging her sheath onto the targeted gangster's right shoulder with enough force to disable his right arm, but not enough to cause lethal damage. She then uses the inertial feedback of her strike to roll forwards in an airborne flip, landing on her feet behind her target. She also uses a small burst of electro-magnetic force to aid that maneuver, if necessary...but ONLY if necessary. The less they know about her Walker powers, the better.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Reaver » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:17 am

Killing is never easy for Razajin. He wouldn't be the number one hitman if he always got the easy kills. But that punch did catch him off guard, he really needs to get back in the swing of things. He gets up slowly, sheathing his weapons as he decides on a better method of pain and chaos. "James Veega, the second someone gave me your name on a paper sheet you died. Stop with the threatening because I don't back down and by the time the guards get here you, your friends and that bitch in the stall will either be missing limbs or dead... If they're lucky." He grins at the last part before taking a deep breath in preparation for his next move. The assassin stomps a foot forward with unnatural force, gesturing at Veega's two goons. He slides his body to the side before rocketing his fist upward as if uppercutting the air. He directs two trails of rubble just under the surface zoom towards the the thugs before they erupt as solid colums of stone each with a pointy end and each aiming directly at the grunts' guts but leaving Veega unscathed.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby berserkerhorn » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:53 pm

Jormag sighs in relief as her realizes that not a single person is here. He moves towards the door that is sealed. He wonders what other objects are hidden behind the door. "I feel bad doing this but... I guess it's only temporary." Jormag thinks to himself. He charges towards the closed door in an attempt to break it down.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Icaelus » Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:27 am

Gritting her teeth against a fresh wave of nausea and headaches, Rayn soldiered on. She rounded a corner and came across an ironic sight. Those Earth Walkers she had been trying so hard to escape from were now in the middle of a fight, if it could be called one. It looked more like a one-sided slaughter to her, actually. Of course, anyone that had the misfortune of crossing the infamous White Walkers of Riviana didn't usually get off unharmed. Walker gangs generally avoided them to great extent, with good reason. The White Walkers were incredibly powerful.
Struggling against the sickness, Rayn shuffled up, glancing at the only White Walker that wasn't bludgeoning the poor bastards with those light clubs the White Walkers were so fond of. Rayn watched the scene with some satisfaction. Those Earth Walkers had been a real pain in the ass. And they were the main cause of her Elemental Sickness right now. Rayn had little love for them.
Yet..she couldn't just ignore that single line the White Walker leader had boomed out for all to hear. The gang members would be sent to the gallows after this. A death sentence. Rayn yanked down her bandanna, taking a deep breath. She couldn't just leave them. She knew that most gang members didn't have much of a choice whether they wanted to join a gang or not. In a city as corrupt as Riviana, being in a gang usually meant your family was safe and provided for, on some scale. They wanted to protect their family. They didn't deserve death for that.
"Isn't death a little harsh?"
The girl approached the leader slowly, holding up her hands to show that she meant no harm.
"Most of those idiots there are just kids. They don't need to die like this."
Rayn said, lowering her hands. Part of her felt a little stupid for standing up for the gang members, her main problem in her little campaign against the Walker gangs. A bigger part of her felt that it was right..
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:23 am

As the sun sets of Riviana, the various shops and stalls begin to close, and the bars and clubs open up. As the temperature begins to drop, the lights come up and the sleazier side of the city comes to life. Careful travelers, tonight's a horrible ngith to have a curse...

Sentari, Blaire: (Back Alley District, your brothel)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Lex shifts uncomfortably, awkwardly rubbing his right arm. "And see, here's the other thing: I got nothing. I'm flat broke. I didn't even have enough money to pay for... This." He waves his arms around, gesturing to your now ruined brothel. Back in the lobby, a roasted piece of timber snaps and falls, black soot and white ash flying everywhere. Lex winces as it falls, knowing he caused all of this. He hangs his head, accepting his fate. "I'm sure if you took me to the Fire Gang, they'd pay you pretty well for me. Help you repair this place. Probably put me out of my misery..." The Fire Gang did seem pretty adamant about getting their hands on Lex. Handing him over would probably award you some sort of reward, but do you really trust them? And are you willing to potentially send a man to his death?

Hermes: (Heart District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You attempt to move the wind in certain patterns, sharpening it and aiming it towards the guard's groin. Unfortunately, his steel plate armor is too thick for your breeze to cut through, even around the cod piece. A wicked grin spreads across the guard's face. "End of the line, convict." Bringing the spear back even further, he starts to bring it down. You can almost see your life flash before your eyes...

...Until the guard is interrupted by a pair of familiar voices. "Oi, you two! Vincent! Jules! What's that you got there?" The guard's arm stops, and he lets out a loud sigh. Looking over, you recognize the source of the voice. The Flim Flam Brothers are leaning against the wall, one of them cleaning his nails. The two guard's keep their energy weapons trained on you though, tense and ready to end you.

"What do you want, Flimflam? I'm workin' here." The guard over you seethes through clenched teeth, watching you underneath him. The twins casually walk over to your and the guard, hands in their pockets. "See here Jules... The thing is, we need a favor from you." The twins lean on his shoulders, while the mustached one checks his nails again. "Yea, see Jules, we'd really appreciate it if she got into asylum. She's interesting, we'd like to keep her around a little longer." "Can't do that Flim. Jason's orders." The guard looks over at Flim, giving him a fake smile. Suddenly, Flim's eyes flash a dark purple, his face becoming much more sinister. Jule's eyes do the same, and his jaw goes slack. "No, Jules. I think you can ignore this order. Run along now." Jules's spear dissipates, and he suddenly bolts. Flim looks over at Vincent, who does the same.

The twins look back at you on the ground, smiling devilishly. "Well, well, well Flim. Lookie what we got here!" "Seems like you got a little in over your head a few moments ago. Riviana ain't like Wind Valley, you know. It pays to have friends around here. Friends like... Well, like us!" The twins give each other a quick little hand shake before putting their hands down for you to grab. "Whadda say, Herems. Need a hand?" They flash you their smiles, again reminding you of snake oil salesmen and con artists from Wind Valley.

Claire: (Heart District, Prison Cell)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The man holds you tight, not letting you crawl away. The musty scent from his prick fills your nostrils, turning you on a little. "Sure, i'll leave you alone... In an hour or two. Do good enough, and we'll be done that much quicker!"

Not giving you the chance to do it yourself, he grabs your hair and the back of your head and pushes, forcing his dick into your mouth. Pulling your head back and forth, he saws away your mouth, pushing deeper and deeper every time. His cock fills your mouth and presses on the back of your throat, choking you a little and turning you on a little more. "Damn bitch, you got a nice mouth... Maybe I'll keep you around a little longer." Suddenly, your mind is flooded with images of yourself in this cell for the rest of your life, forever being fucked by this man, sucking his dick till the end of time...

Kiku: (Back Alley District, Althaia's Apartment)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Jace puts his hand back, having not shaken yours. It looks a little happier when you change the subject, and furrows his brow, trying to recall what had happened. "Well, the thing is... I was trying to cut back from the Heart District to the Market. I had very important meeting there y'see, so I took a shortcut through the Back Alleys... Tried to avoid the Water Walkers, but as you could tell, it didn't work. They caught me, held me down, and.... Yea." Jace gets lost in his thoughts, remembering what had happened.

"...But then you came." Jace continues, breaking out of his thoughts. "You distracted them long enough for Jason to show up. And you brought me here, to fix me. Thanks, Kiku. I owe you." Jace looks into your eyes, genuine thankfulness in his eyes. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I'd be alive right now."

Adele: (Heart District, City Palace)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Elspeth nods politely while you speak, listening intently. She props her head up with her hand, rubbing her temples with her long, slender fingers. Her eyes flutter open and closed. You can tell she's clearly trying to keep herself from falling asleep, until it's her turn to speak.

"Yes, your sister... The heiress to the throne, correct? I cannot say I have heard much about your sister. Anyways, we will have to discuss this further in the morning. You see, I still have several duties that have yet to be attended to... Jason can show you to your room. Jason?" Jason, who had been standing stiller than a statue for a while, pipes up. "Yes, Lady Elspeth?"

"Please, escort our newest guest to her room."

"Yes, m'Lady. Lady Adelphia, if you would please follow me." Jason steps around the throne, starting down a hallway to the right. As you leave, you notice Elsepth letting out a loud sigh, watching you two go. Jason in particular.

Jason walks down the hallway, passing by two closed doors flanked by guards. They too salute Jason as he passes by, eventually stopping at the third closed door. "This will be your room for your stay. Breakfast is served every morning at seven o'clock exactly. If you have any questions, myself and Lady Elspeth are quite busy. Flag down a guard and they can help you. Now, if you would please excuse me, I still have five executions to get through today, and three drug raids." You notice hints of condescension in Jason's voice as he turns to leave, walking swiftly down the opposite hallway. As he walks away, two guards you didn't notice before follow him.

Reaver: (Market District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You launch two earth spikes at the two henchmen, but choose to leave Jame Veega alone. Luckily, your attack works, and the stone spikes pierce the two goons. Their blood pours onto the street, and the near by citizens scream and flee, giving you lots of room for your fight. Just remember, the commotion could be good or bad. You ARE in the Fire Walker territory after all, who might not take kindly to you disturbing business...

As his partners writhe and cry at his sides, James seems indifferent to their pain. Shrugging his shoulders, he calls back to you. "Ha! The only dead man I see is you. I eat Earth Walkers for breakfast. Lemme show you how a REAL man Walks!" Clenching his fists, James's hands and arms erupt into flames, revealing his abilities as a Fire Walker. Flexing a massive bicep, James lets out a hearty laugh before getting himself into a fighting stance and waving you on. "Now come on, Dirty Douche, let's see what you got!" Your move, Razajin...

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You charge at the door, hitting it with your shoulder, revealing that the door is stuck. You can tell that something is on the other side of the door, stopping you from opening it. Instead, all you get is a sore shoulder.

Rayn: (Back Alley District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The guards continue to beat the criminals despite your protest. Their leader, however, lets out a sigh and crosses his arms. "This is not your place, citizen. Please, stand back. Official busin-" You recognize a moment of realization in his voice. "Wait a minute... You're that so called 'vigilante' Arctis, right?" Throwing his head back, he lets out a loud, deep laugh. "You're lucky, kid. I could have you arrested forty times off the top of my head. Now get the hell out of here, before I change my mind." Turning back to the assault, you hear him mutter things under his breath, such as "assault, battery, attempted murder, unlawful treatment..."

Dax, Shelby: (Back Alley District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The Walkers all let out throaty laughs again at your request. "Leave you's alone's? Ha!" "Wouldn't be 'ery good Water Walkers if we did, now would we?" Seems asking them to leave you alone isn't an option...

Before they can react though, you two have already made a plan and are executing it. As Shelby is launched into the air, the Walkers quickly ending their laughter and draw their daggers. Each Walker is holding a five inch steel dagger, and from this height, Shelby can confirm that there are six of them. As Shelby comes down to strike the first Walker, they all slide away from her landing zone with alarming speed, without moving their feet! Shelby lands without hitting anyone, and trying to roll forwards, slips and lands on her ass. The street is covered in black ice!

The Walkers howl like laughing hyenas, seeing Shelby miss and fall. They dance and skate about, traversing the slippery surface with ease.As Dax sends his earth missles at them, they sidestep/skate away to avoid them, laughing and hamming it up the whole time. One of the Walkers slides back behind Shelby, speaking right into her ear as he passes. "What's the matter sweetie? Didja fall down? Here, let's help her up boys!" As he slides around Shelby, he moves just in time to reveal two Water Walkers skating towards Shelby as fast as they can. They throw their shoulders into her, knocking her back onto the dry pavement while making her see stars. Now on the dry part of the street, the two laugh and high five each other.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shelby: Dazed, on dry pavement.

Dax: Healthy, on dry pavement.

Water Walker: Laughing, on dry pavement.

Water Walker: Laughing, on dry pavement.

Water Walker: Healthy, skating on the ice.

Water Walker: Healthy, skating on the ice.

Water Walker: Healthy, skating on the ice.

Water Walker: Healthy, skating on the ice.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:28 pm

Claire screams in shock when she is grabbed by the man. "No pl-" she is interrupted by the man's member being shoved down her throat. She constantly gags on it as the man forces his dick down her throat more and more. Claire tries to push the horrible images out of her head. She tries to think of all the happy things, then she thinks of all the things she will never be able to do. Claire starts to cry softly. Tears streaming down her face, as the cock is being shoved down her throat.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:27 pm

Mere moments before her strike lands, Shelby suddenly finds her six opponents zipping out of reach, apparently via their Water Walker powers. Attempting a roll to minimize touchdown impact, she instead finds herself slipping and landing on her posterior. By the time she discovers the ice that made her fall, two thugs skate up and shoulder-bash her back down to the pavement. "It seems I took you boys too lightly...I'll be sure not to repeat that." She says in a voice as eerily calm as before, on the off chance that a thug may decide to bolt after seeing her less restricted abilities. Really, it'd spare him pain that he doesn't really need, so it'd be better for the both of them.

Shelby slowly gets back on her feet, but keeps her dazed senses as carefully tuned as she can manage, trying to be ready for the thugs' inevitable follow-up attack. While doing so, she keeps her posture low and on dry ground, points her sheath's tip at the nearest trail of ice behind a skating gangster, and fires an electric bolt at the ice. Ice is frozen water, after all, and water conducts electricity; in short, she intends to use the thugs' own Water Walker powers against them. While doing this, she keeps her sword raised in a defensive stance, ready to guard against the next ruffian that comes in to attack her.

While executing her own plan of action, Shelby does her best to maintain distance from Dax. He'll certainly have his own set of thugs to worry about, and she'd rather not get in the way of his attacks while dealing with her share of oafs.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:47 pm

Dax decides that he needed to even the playing field or else they would just skate around him needlessly hitting and bashing him into submission. That was no good. They just kept dancing out of the way of his projectiles! He certainly couldn't get in close with those knives and him having naught but his fists. He decided to take a gamble that might work or do nothing and which case he was going to be forced to start pumping out projectiles too thick for them to dodge. He stomped down on the ground sending a shockwave under the ice hopefully cracking up the thin black ice over the dirt, hopefully limiting their mobility and making KT easier to hit them. He decided to test it by launching a group of five projectiles in a star pattern flat to the ground and lead the target alittle.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:05 pm

As Hermes sees her desperation attack fail and the guard gear up to take her life, she has one final thought, 'At least I'm not being violated again.' She closes her eyes and awaits her warrior's death... only for it to be cancelled by voices that set her on edge even as they unwillingly draw gratitude from her. It's those damned FlimFlam brothers again, though it seems they have more pull than she expected, the guards knowing them by name. Then their eyes change purple and the guards run.
'Suggestion? Or straight out mind control?' she wonders as they go through their little spiel. She regards their hands suspiciously and brings herself up under her own power.

"I'm grateful for you saving my life. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm now in ya debt." She says, though it sounds like she's having teeth pulled as she says it, that's how much she doesn't like it. She keeps her eyes on their hands as she says, "Because of this debt, I won't ask ya how ya know so much about me when I've spent all my time here in an asylum nor how ya knew to show up when ya did. I WILL ask... why do it? It seems to me my life is worth a bit more than mere entertainment to the two of you with how often you've shown yourself before me."
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby SugarCookie » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:06 pm

Kiku giggles "Nah, they wouldn't of killed ya... they would've dragged you to their rape dungeons, throw you in with some guy named chuck who has really let himself go, keep you chained in a way so your ass is up, and do I really need to explain what he would of done with his giant (or small) fat guy dick? Let's just say after a while being anally violated would mean nothing to you ^^" She said in creepy story mode, then finished being creepy with "Name's Kiku by the way, if you didn't catch that" And she held out her hand, having failed to notice he had his hand out till he retracted it, she tried to re-attempted to initiate the shaking of hands, without being too awkward... the prison rape joke didn't count ^^
"So Althaia, wanna put this one on my tab? I'll pay you back eventually as soon as I pay back the other 9000 times ^^;"
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Reaver » Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:52 am

Razajin laughs at Veega's overconfidence as he pulls his daggers back out. "Wow you must be so stupid you can't even see your own death coming. I'll try to leave enough of you left for the city guards to identify so I get my money." Razajin crouches a little lower, his feet sinking a little into the ground. He spins one dagger so he is holding it in a reverse grip while he points the other one at James. The fact that his target is a fire walker only adds to the excitement. "Ohhhh pretty! I bet you can light some real neat firecrackers with those flames. I'll remember you whenever I need to like a stick on fire." He growls the last part out as he becomes serious and starts running at Veega. Knowing that staying too close to James for too long means being burned alive, Razajin opts for the quick strikes that will incapacitate him and give him the advantage. Razajin takes another deep breath and focuses on collapsing the ground under Veega's left foot, hoping it will unbalance him. Razajin ducks his head down as he passes James Veega so he doesn't get swiped by his fiery arms. The assassin aims a cut at James Achilles' heel to incapacitate him while Razajin keeps his other dagger up to ward off any attacks. "I hope you provide more entertainment for me than most thugs do." He snickers as he stops behind Veega, doing a little spin around to show his carelessness about the fight so far.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby berserkerhorn » Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:39 pm

Jormag sits down and waits for his shoulder to settle down a bit. "Well... it seems someone doesn't want to be seen..." Jormag whispers to himeself. "Little pig, Little pig! Would you please let me in?" Jormag says in a comical manner. He laughs at his own joke and realizes that there might not be someone behind the door. He sighs and gets back up. HE takes a seat in the chair and stares at the door.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Icaelus » Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:48 pm

Rayn took a shocked step back. Seemed like her "secret" identity wasn't that secret after all. Damn. Glaring at the leader, she strode defiantly towards the leader.
"'ll be Jason Agroma, then."
The girl stood in front of Jason, folding her arms defiantly.
"I respect you for what you're doing, but this is wrong. You can't just kill these kids off like that! Give them a chance."
Rayn tried to reason with the White Walker. Ugh. Why was she getting so caught up in this, she didn't really know either. She seriously should've been back in her hideout right now, relaxing and trying to cure that Elemental Sickness. Which was coincidentally still buzzing around in her mind, by the way.
The vigilante winced as a fresh wave of headaches hit her like a thrown brick, nearly staggering into Jason but just managing to keep herself steady.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby napsii » Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:03 pm

Adele thought the best of the Queen's fatigue, regarding her flickering eyes with sympathy. Soldiers exhausted and collapsed on the battlefield, and yet more fell to the trying nature of politics and authority than any warrior. Kveyni's noble court was meticulously organized; the times of its meetings were beholden to the phases of the sun and moon, and their nature was usually heavy under the weight of financial, military and civil matters. Even her mother, whom the young Adelphia had always regarded as a paragon of good health, was succumbing to an unhealthy pallor and new lines on her skin faster than was natural. Kveyni's politics chewed away at one's patience at the least, so the young woman could not imagine what Elspeth had to contend with.

'I understand. I thank you for your hospitality." she said shortly, bowing. Although she was eager to leap onto her mission (no matter her earlier misfortunes), she thought she understood Elspeth's fatigue enough to let the topic rest. She turned her look away from the Queen as she turned to follow Jason, but the monarch didn't fade from her attention. The Queen's sigh, sounding almost pained, made Adele's mind churn with bitter thoughts as she followed Jason down the corridor, well aware of the eyes boring into her. Darkly, she wondered what would become of her sister -- and yea, even herself, should she rise to the throne -- if they sat upon the throne of Kveyni. Her sister had been planning Kveyni's future for years.

She felt suddenly self-conscious, as if worried her simmering thoughts would spill out onto the floor for others to see. Impulsively anxious, she dismissed her brooding and turned toward Jason after regarding the room with interest.

"Thank you, Knight Agroma. Your service will not be forgotten." she promised. Her parents' neurotic side would feast on their daughter's kidnapping (and rescue) once they heard of it, but they would no doubt regard Jason with thankful words. In that instant, she wondered if they had spies or rangers in the city to observe her. Clicking the door shut, she heaved a sigh. For once, she didn't feel the weight of prying eyes on her. She turned toward the room, unsurprised by its lavish decor. The enormous four-post bed was obviously built for two, its embroidered pillows assembled high on silk sheets, while the regal dresser, nightstand and study desk were eerily clean. An impressive woven rug dominated the dark hardwood floor, while an embossed mirror reflected every particle of dirt on her clothes. A narrow door opposite the room drew her attention, and she opened it to a white, tiled room with a sophisticated bath, sink, and a shelf with toiletries.

She drew away her cloak and perched it on the coat rack, revealing her slim fitting clothing and armor beneath. She stripped away the stiff leather padding, her boots and her gloves as well as her blade and a small traveling pack that had been hidden in her cloak, leaving her standing in slim cotton leggings and a sleeveless, neckless shirt that fit closely to her body. Not the elaborate dress she was used to, but just practical traveling clothes.

She stepped into the polished bathroom, running a finger across her forearm. A scrape of dirt caked her fingertip. Hygiene was one of the young woman's highest concerns, as it was strongly linked to health. As well, it was ill-befitting of her to be dirty. Smoothly, she stripped away her leggings and shirt, revealing the close-worn black underwear beneath, and removed that, too, folding the articles into a pile she placed on a shelf. It took mere moments to figure out the polished gold knobs and levers that distributed water into the bath -- Kveyni had similar constructions. When it was hot and full, she procured a washcloth and tossed her hair back, settling her naked self into the bath with a relieved sigh.

To her surprise, it was almost an hour until she emerged with a towel draped across her figure, feeling relaxed and clean. She had meticulously vanquished all of the grime from her figure and neatly combed her hair. The faint scent of jasmine from the soap radiated from her as she folded the towel away, slipping into a new pair of fresh underwear. Doing up her bra, she regarded the shuttered window in silence. The room felt closeted, but she found the security comforting.

She sat on the edge of her bed, finishing preening herself as she tucked the hilt that was her blade beneath one of the bed pillows.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:39 am

Claire: (Heart District, Prison Cell)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You shake the horrible images from your head, and focus on the happy thoughts. That does nothing to stop the man from drilling your face, and neither do your tears. If anything, they seem to spur him on. "Yea bitch, cry! Lemme see those fucking eyes tear up, you fucking cunt!" Grabbing the back of your head, he pulls your hair back on forth, increasing the speed and depth of his thrusting. Every time he pushes your head in, your nose hits his crotch, his pubic hair ticking your nose. After another minute or so and sawing away, he pushes your head in and leaves you there, choking on his fat prick. Oh god, you can't breath. He's not letting go, doesn't he know you can't breath? Is this how you'll die, choked to death by a penis? You're getting light headed, your vision becoming fuzzier. His cock is too big!

Just before you pass out, he yanks your head back as you desperately gasp for air. His slick, smiley cock slaps you in the face, still hard and erect. "Damn bitch, you can take a cock well. But I'm here for something else..." Grabbing your full ass, he turns you around, ripping your already torn panties off. Pushing his face into your exposed pussy, his tongue swirls around inside, making you wetter than a bitch in heat. Although you may not enjoy this... Damn, he's good at it.

You're about to orgasm when he takes his face out, lining his cock up with your virgin fuck hole. "Enough foreplay bullshit. Time to break my new whore in!" He exclaims impatiently. Last chance....

Shelby, Dax: (Back Alley District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

While being calm in a fight is a good thing, Shelby's attitude does little to deter the Gangster. She fires off a shot at the ice behind the two leader attackers, trying to electrocute the ice. It works like the charm, the remaining four Water Walkers spasming uncontrollably as the ground beneath their feet electrocutes them. This leaves the front two free to body check her again, knocking Shelby back down.

As Shelby falls to the ground, she is faintly aware of nimble fingers moving in and out of her various pockets... And the sound of her coin purse being stolen!

Dax stomps the ground, sending shock waves to the miniature ice rink. The waves cause the ice to crack, the air pockets nulling the ice's slippery surface. The Water Walkers, not expect their ice rink to function like normal earth again, fall over, their momentum carrying themselves. This just makes them all the more easier for Dax's earth missiles to hit them, the rocks smashing against their leather armor.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shelby: On her ass, should expect some bruises in the morning.

Dax: Healthy.

Water Walker: Standing over Shelby, healthy

Water Walker: Standing over Shelby, healthy.

Water Walker: On his ass, should expect some bruises in the morning.

Water Walker: On his ass, should expect some bruises in the morning.

Water Walker: On his ass, should expect some bruises in the morning.

Water Walker: On his ass, should expect some bruises in the morning.

Hermes: (Heart District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

A little disappointed that you didn't accept their hands, the brothers shrug and shake their own hands. "No questions. This is why we like you, Hermes." Flim gives you a little wink, nearly making you gag. Giving you a pat on the shoulder, they turn you around to the asylum as it looms over you. "Well, there you are sweetie. Still sure you don't need our help inside? Looked like these two guards were giving you some trouble." The twins beam at the idea of 'helping' you, but something still seems really off about them...

Kiku: (Back Alley District, Althaia's Apartment)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Jace stands there listening to your story, a look of disgust and horror slowly spreading across his face. Even Althaia is silenced bu that one.

Jace shakes your hand slowly, still trying to comprehend why you told him that. "Right. Anyways." He seems rather eager to change the subject. "I guess I owe you one for saving me... I don't think I could take a dick too well." He seems to be loosening up a bit (Vague anal joke totally intended), even smiling a little. Damn, he is hot... Too bad your asexual.

Razajin: (Market District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

James chooses to say nothing, instead letting his actions speak for himself. You collapse the ground under James' foot, keeping him off balance. Unfortunately, he's had lots of practice fighting Earth Walkers, and was kinda expecting you to do that. As you try to slip past him, he drops his elbow into your back, knocking you onto the ground. He follows the elbow with a swift boot to the back, knocking the wind out of your chest. Before you get a chance to recover and counter, he's already stepped back! "That's some tough talk for a guy who fights like you do! That the best you got, Dirty Dick?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Razajin: On his stomach, wind knocked out of him.

James Veega: Healthy, arms on fire.

Jormag: (Housing District, Abandoned House)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Despite your best (/poor) efforts to open the door, it still refuses to budge. You sit in the old chair, and hear it creak under your weight. As you stare at the door, watching dust gather around you... It doesn't look like anything's going to happen anytime soon.

Rayn: (Back Alley District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The knight watches you approach, his arms crossed on his chest. He doesn't seem worried when you get closer, nor threatened by your defiance. "I would be Jason Agroma. So nice of you to notice." His voice, dripping with sarcasm, makes you a little nervous for some reason...

Listening to your please, Jason sighs, again. This time, he gets right all up in your grill, sizing you up. Oh. You never really noticed how much bigger he was than you... He's probably 6'9", with a frame built like a warrior: all muscle, but very little bulk. "What I am doing is quite the opposite of wrong." Jason seethes through obviously clenched teeth. "And need I remind you that I decided what is right and wrong in this city. You wanna go play hero? Fine then. Go join the City Guards. I'm sure all they need is another wannabe Legionnaire." Jason gives you a little push, making you stumble back. Snorting in contempt, he calls back over his shoulder. "That's enough. Take them to the holding cells. Executions will be tomorrow." His Legionnaries grab the now unconscious Earth Walkers by their wrists, their white clubs dissipating into nothing. As he walks backwards, Jason keeps his eyes trained on you for a while before turning back around, heading towards the Palace.

As Jason and his parry leave, you can't help but feel... Dirty. You feel like doing something good, just to stop this feeling of disgust rolling over you.

Adele: (Heart District, Palace)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The bath water refills your "Walker energy", making you feel much more invigorated and calm.

As you redress yourself, placing your sword underneath your pillow, something unusual happens...

"Flam! I told you no peeking! This is royalty here!" "I wasn't peeking! It'd be ungentlmen-like to peek!"

Whipping your head around, sitting on the other side of the bed are two twins who certainly weren't there when you sat down!


The clean shaven one lets out a little cough, an apologetic expression on his face. "You'll have to excuse my brother Flam here for any peeking he did while you dressed-" "I didn't peek!" Flam exclaimed. "We all know that if anyone here peeked, it was you Flim!" Flim rolls his eyes, and gives you a look saying "Can you believe this guy?" "Anyways!" Flim starts, eager to change the subject. "I suppose you're wondering why we're here. Well, before we get into that, allow us to introduce ourselves, and perhaps then you'll know why we're here!" Standing up, the twins link arms and speak in a sing song-y voice. "Well you got opportunity in this here-y community!" "He's Flim!" "He's Flam!" "We're the world famous Flimflam Brothers! Travelling salesmen, nonpareil!" They kneel before you, straw hats held out in front. Standing up, the look each other over, fixing each other's vest and clothes, making sure everything is just right.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:33 pm

Claire gasps for air as the man's dick is removed from her mouth. She breaths in as much as she can. She groans and moans as her pussy is licked. "S-sir. Pl-please Sto-stop!" Claire shouts. She looks around for a way to escape. She takes her foot and kicks the man's penis. She then runs over to the cell bars. "Please sirs! Please let me out! I'll do anything! Well. Anything besides the stuff he wanted! Please let me out! I'll pay you! I'll pay you all the money I have!" Claire shouts. "Please!" she says as tears continue to stream down her face.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:47 am

Feeling the thugs snag her coin purse, Shelby grunts with mild annoyance. She should've known these slight-handed miscreants would pull such a stunt...though, it's not like she'll let them run off with it. The wages of hard work are not to be parted with lightly.

Two targets nearby, standing within striking range after a body-check. Evidence suggests basic-level training in advanced combat maneuvers, augmented by ice-skating abilities.
Dax appears to be handling his lot rather well. Chance of interference from additional foes: negligible.
Chosen course of action: leg-sweep one target to the floor, and use his body to aid a strike on the second.

Not wasting a single moment, Shelby quickly springs from her sitting posture into a low-sweeping kick, aimed at the nearest thug's back of his knees. It's an area that's rarely if ever protected by armor or distribution of weight - as neither can be achieved without severe detriment to mobility - with the intention of knocking him on his ass for a change. Then, she intends to use the downed gangster's stomach as a footstool - further immobilizing him in the process - to send a rising sheath-bash up at the other thug's chin. Even if that happens to not knock him out altogether, the pain from such a strike is not one you just shrug off like it's nothing.

In her mind, Shelby admits that these men are trained decently well...or, at least as far as gang lackeys go. However, their initial advantage was due to her going too easy on them at first. Now that she's getting more serious, their chances to maintain that advantage will wear down, and eventually cease altogether. Were it not for the nuisance of Elemental Sickness, she would've just stun-shocked them all to the ground by now...non-lethally, of course.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby SugarCookie » Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:48 pm

(Too many lolz)

Kiku has one of those quick thoughts "Damn he is hot, and damn I am totally maybe asexual. I dunno, he is starting to grow on me. Wait, shit, what am I thinking? The last time something like this happened it ended in tears... and blood, with a severed arm, gashed eye, hair strewn about, and a sword through a chest. Totally not my fault, in fact I am starting to shudder thinking about it, moving on!"

After a few seconds in real time, she snaps her head back into attention and replies "Yup! So, if you think you can walk normally, and Althaia didn't sow your leg into the wrong place, or swap any organs like she did to the last guy, I think we should get you back to home, or where ever you call home."
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:49 am

Hermes gives the two a look of absolute distrust as they sidestep her questions and turn her toward the asylum. She tries her hardest to ignore the feeling of every cell in her body crawling and trying to surge up her throat to escape when one of them, she thinks it's Flim, winks at her.

"Either I'll adapt to them and get my weapons or I'll die in the process. Neither result should concern you." she says in answer to the proposed question, walking right through the front entrance of the asylum while trying to remember where they might've put her weapons. It's obvious these inferior ones won't do, so the sooner she has her Wind Valley specials, the better.
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