Sort smiled as he walked down the street. His imminent destination to leave the mother f*** no good *** annoying as ***** moronic, little **** in the care of the guards to finally get the **** away from every last ****** one of them. Once Mex grabbed his arm, his day only got better. One of the women gave him a dirty look as he and Mex were able to show there affections once again, but all he did was give her a one finger salute, before wrapping his arm around Mex and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Yes, I wanted to dump them, but look at it this way. We show up in town without any food, a little bit of money, and a crap-load of scared victims with us. We look like heroes and the townspeople hear of our deeds and are more likely to help us." He gives Mex and tight hug and uses it to whisper to her
We don't have to be heroes, for people to follow us, we just have to let them think we are, and they'll help us. All we have to do is wield this lie in the right way and it can help us greatly, or hurt us, you never know." Halfway to the guard post a strange woman jumped down in front of him, he jerked a little for a magic blast but, was able to halt his reflexes. She spoke to Dax a little bit and Sort replied to her.
"Howdy Miss, Can I help you with something?"Napsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Kaz entered the magic shop and discovered it was like most magic shops. There were staffs potions and the like all over the place. It was fairly lacking in decoration, and if KAz new anything about lumber, the coor of the wood would tell he the store was relatively new. There was a young man behind the counter, no more than twenty years old. He is reading a book and looking rather bored, not even paying attention to Kaz. But, more important than anything else, in a display case on the counter beside him is a pair of gloves that looks exactly like her water mage bikini.
Alcatraz maximum security facility:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
As Nyx walked into the tavern she drew a few eyes from some of the patrons, most of them farmers or some other menial unimportant job, simple men. As she walked up to the bar she could feel the eyes on her. The bartender does not even hide the fact he is looking at her tits as he replies to her.
"Sake? I might have a bottle of sake, let me check."
The bartender goes into a back room and brings out a bottle of sake after several minutes. Once he gets back, he places the bottle on the bar, now looking at Nyx's neck, rather intently.
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.