@TOG, JayJay ~ In Tuchanka; Within a Krogan Fort.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
*Can't really post, I need JayJay's post to continue. D:!
@Napsii, In the planet Azuli Terra; The Monte-Vieul Cathedral.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Chedraou let out a chuckle, nodding when she mentioned that the stone was well-aged.. In fact, the architecture was quite impressive, the design of the building not looking human-made at all.. Nonetheless, it was a Cathedral..
''Oh? Well then, Jessie must have a very clear sight for bringing you both here. This Cathedral, is the site where most of my people visit or other species come too. We welcome all and offer blessings to the needed.'' He said with a grim smile, something in his black-filled eyes.. Just seeming to 'enter' Josephine's soul.
Jessie was standing behind Josephine, not entirely that close to her due to the 'offer the Goddess some space' rule she had thought up after several.. Unwanted accidents. She was looking around in awe, not paying any attention to Chedraou.
@Hades, Alchemist ~ In the planet Soulas Das-Nobu; Within a wrecked train shuttle.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Tu'Vak on his own wouldn't be able to pull the jammed doors open.. Not without getting exhausted or forcing his natural strength.. Maybe even getting hurt in the process.. When Claire ran over there to help him, a couple of sparks began to leak from a hanging cable nearby.. Reminding them that staying here any further would be fatal..
But with the strength of the two combined.. Would they be able to open the door?.. The answer would be when Claire counts up to three, hopefully the two will pull as hard as they can..
The flames and smoke around not getting any 'better'..
@Rooiehan, In the planet Azuli Terra; On the rooftops of the Hotel opposite of the Marquis.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Time went fast for others, but for a sniper it wasn't.. Yuuko's careful aim, her slow squeeze on the trigger.. The scope's reticule aiming at the fat guy's head..
Anthony glanced at her direction, shortly before a bullet smoothly slammed into the fat bastard's skull.. Blood spraying on the balcony; none near Anthony.. The man falling face-first as the woman now flirting with the bodyguard let out a loud scream.. Anthony 'pretended' to be shocked to 'death' as well, crying out as he held the now dead, fat guy's chest as he showed no signs of life.. The bodyguard going over and pushing Anthony out of the way, checking on the wounds..
Anthony took that chance to start his way out of there, beginning to move through the startled crowds.. If Yuuko would keep aiming toward them, she'd notice two men dressed in black cloth following after him.. Keeping their distance, but nonetheless seeming to engage in a silent pursuit..
The target was dead. True. But Anthony would be in trouble, REAL trouble really soon..
@Zender, In the planet Verol; Dan's Hideout.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Dan shrugged when Jon mentioned the Ultragian Viking's base event at first.. But then he quickly raised both eyebrows and let a quiet whistle..
''Dayum, that's impressive there Admirell Edgy.. Hmm, talk 'bout stuff..'' He said with a grin while Jon revealed his new nickname, Mr. Point-Man.. Chuckling before stepping out of the well-built room..
If Jon followed him, he'd see Dan beginning to punch a wall for some reason.. Eventually getting cracks in it, the material sounding very 'cheap', probably made on purpose as the now large hole in the wall revealed the outside.. The rest of the nearby buildings and the strands of 'laundry' lines hanging across.. The 'top' of tents and whatnot hanging around too..
''Aye, aye then Edgy. I hope you're good at jumping off of buildings, eh? All you have to do is.. Step out and..'' But Dan didn't need to say more, already falling the tremendous way down.. Smirking to himself as he did so.
@Reaper, In his own Ship; Kitchen.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Saeko quietly ate her soup, glancing at Ravier half-way when she was done before finishing on chewing a small piece of cooked and nicely cut chicken..
''You don't pray, then who do you thank your food to?'' She asked curiously, but mostly a bit bothered by the fact that he didn't pray before eating.. Something telling her that either he disrespected their people's Gods, or that he had his own reasons.
@Gorbaz, In his own Ship the Apis; In the small planet Vadrium.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Indeed, nothing but the surrounding clouds were above him.. Although the planet was now having a global thunderstorm, nowadays those natural events didn't even bother anything really.. Unless the planet had any lack of technology of course, or low-level tech..
The escape pod began to give out a distress signal, seeming to have landed on top of a mountain.. Maybe on a large edge or something, huh?.. .. ...
@Ikechi, Angel. ~ In a Shuttle outside of the planet Soulas Das-Nobu, A fight starting up.Epic Battle Music starting up:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaXGyukTlF4&feature=fvstSpoiler (click to show/hide):
~Let's do this!
The engine room had enough space for them to brawl and maneuver around, although they wouldn't be fighting in a large school gym-like space though..
Haze would feel that inevitable pounding in her ears as the man began to run- No, charge at head while his large combat knife; dangerous and deadly was held with one of his hands.. Giving her the impression that she was going to get slaughtered into pieces if she didn't move.. Or stabbed, but who would want to find out if they were in her place?.. After all, she was just standing there..
Emile field of vision, locked onto Haze would allow him his combat and reaction skills to function smoothly.. If not dangerously, because the girl assassin was almost standing there..
This didn't seem like the start of a nice conversation, a tough battle about to begin.. Quick or slow.. Tough or easy.. Brutal or merciful.. Things just got seriously serious. Indeed..
Battle Stats!Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Emile: 100%, Charging at Haze.
Haze: 100% Currently standing there.
Susan: 100% Staying near the doors, away from the actual action.. Not appearing to be a threat really.