by Sundance » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:00 pm
Looking around in the inn Coria noticed someone new. A strangly little, but somhow cute looking man. "What, i.." Ash still on the face she looked from Able back to him. "Yes, something is the matter." She didnt wanted to talk about all this again but as it seems Able was allready talking about them as a group. For a moment she remembered a book, filled with stories about brave friends who face adventures together. The titel was "Dragons in dungeons", and it was one of her favorit books. "Coria, Coria the adventuress." And maybe these two, or three if the cute little man would join them, would be her group. So she made a choice. "I rather die then let these man do this to me." For a moment there was a glimmer of fire in her eyes.
"Yes, an adventure it is. And with my share of the loot i will pay off these men." She looked over to Able and to Gillan who was allready talking about the bandit camp. "I..i could help you with this. I am not a good fighter, but i know a little about healing and history." A bit of the old naive hope was back in her face as she looked over to them, Able, Gillan and Priscilla.