by VintageBass » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:40 pm
There seems to be a weight that has been lifted from the holstaur's shoulders. Feeling relieved that she managed to get out of a sticky situation with Mimi, even though technically she already is in one with her body getting her armor wet, Kassy soon finds the area where the gathering is held and smiles at all of the bountiful crops there are. She even feels happy knowing that the cleric is by her side, even if she's exaggerating their friendship to a more romantic relationship just to get the heat being brought by the bunnies. Plus the other girls heading off into the bushes to have some fun with each other. This got something going inside of the holstaur's mind, feeling annoyed that, while the whole encampment is feeling some sexual energy and the girls are all right with doing what nature intended, they are here to help feed everyone and going off to do that just rubs her the wrong way.
She can only sigh at this before getting to work. This feels all too natural to the holstaur, getting down and digging her hands into the soil, plucking away at what the earth has to give and put it all into the basket. So much here and a ripeful bounty, it's making Kassy smile and forgetting the fact that there are bunnies slacking on their job. This feels so much like home, she even checks the various vegetables to see how delectable they look before putting it into the basket. She even teaches Priea a few things about what to look out for, even throwing some pointers to Slugcat, only guessing she does have some knowledge with her surviving on her own. It's more than enough to show just how much Kassy is attuned to her own side of nature, and getting their baskets filled up to feed all the herbivores back at the encampment.
During this time, she gives the cleric some gentle pats, trying to calm her down after shocking her with the revelation about them being in a relationship. "Sorry I had to do that, but it's just to keep them from hopping onto me," she whispers to her. "Plus, I don't mind if we're together. You're a sweet little angel and I'm happy to see that you're doing well." The holstaur smiles at Priea with the most warmest of smiles, letting that tension ease up inside of her. There's also Slugcat's compliment, and she nods off to that. Although it's not fooling her that Kassy's struggling with her sexual tension.
Once Kassy got to the point of she has a full basket of goodies, she recalls what Slugcat said and ponders it over. It would be nice if both Kassy and Priea take a break from this madness.. wait, both her and Slugcat? That did throw her off a bit, but if she's offering the same thing to Priea by her "whitecloth" title, then she has a smile to give. "Sure, that does sound lovely," she replied. "In fact, I can use a bath myself. My clothes are getting sticky and need a good washing." That is probably the best idea that has been suggested. The three of them take their own absentce after their harvest, go relax in a pool and Kassy can work out her frustration there, if Priea and Slugcat don't mind. Plus they can look for Slugcat's bear in the process, making this a win-win for them. She likes it! "Well, whenever you two are ready, let's go find that pool!"
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
- Nash Bozard