Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:53 am

Seeing that the ferret isn't interested in taking her shovel, Kassy returns it to her side and watches Slugcat make her way down the tent. She takes notice of the pick that's drawn out, feeling a bit cautious herself, although she is more worried about what she is going to do with it to her than anything else. The holstaur takes that this is not going to be an easy task, but as long as they're on even grounds, she should be all right. Plus meeting another beastman like Slugcat with a similar mark is a nice touch. Although she does ponder about the bear. There has to be something she's not getting, but first is getting her situated with the hunt. "Let's meet some others and have you get set for a trip through the woods," she explained, motioning for the ferret to follow over to the bunnies and wolves and get her situated with them in her search for this bear. "There's also this sweet cleric named Priea I like for you to meet. Although given that there are two groups heading off and I'm going to be berry-picking, while the others are hunting boars, you're not going to be bothered by us doing our picking?"

Kassy soon sees that Priea isn't happy with the new arrival and she goes over to comfort her. "Hey, whatever is going on, I'll have you know that I was trying to help out a new friend," she explained to the cleric, petting her gently. "Anyway Slugcat, this is Priea. I hope the two of you can become friends, and maybe the three of us can look for this bear friend you're after!" she stated a bit too happily, a shining glimmer in her eye.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:06 am

Stefan looked to Nilyne as he meet her gaze. "Last time we spoke, the tattoos pretty much covered her entire body. After a while it was hard not to notice it spreading. " He says as he listens intently to your story. "I see. If you want to reach her before that devil does, she traveled into the forest heading north towards the center. There is a clearing we us to enter when we do hunting or gathering expeditions. " Before you can ask anything else the fox man takes Nilyne's hand. "You said you were like Esmeralda right? " Stefan's grip on Nilyne's hand tightened. His eyes filled with lust as he moved closer to Nilyne.

As Zalira's hand interlocks with Maribelle's, she doesn't resist. Maribelle lets Zalira guide her hand just below the elf's chest. As her fingers brush against Zalira's skin, Maribelle begins to relaxes. "Your skin is so soft and smooth. It's beautiful" As you legs touched you feel a gentle shiver from the young woman. It seems she's fine with letting you take the lead.

Perched atop the central tent, Silph 'Slugcat' Goreman is able to get a great view of the entire camp. Now you can see a holstaurus and a priestess standing around with the bunny girls and wolf men. You also get a peek inside the central tent to see a fox man talking to someone.

The hunting group are pretty relaxed as they see Slugcat descend from the tent and reaches Kassandra and Priea. Mimi and her group all seemed to smile when it seemed like all of you were going to be traveling with them. Though some of the bunny girls gave the Slugcat a funny look, not really knowing what to make of her. Desmond just huffed and turned away walking towards his group. "Have fun playing in the flowers. Come on boys lets move." He said as he lead his team into the forest. Mimi stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed her supplies. "I guess it's time for us to move out as well, lets go ladies" she says as she leads you and her team into the forest right behind Desmond.

Musk Resist Roll: (WIS, Average)
Slugcat: 11+3 = 14

While the musk is still strong, Slugcat is still able to keep her head on her shoulder.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:56 am

Ach, the smell of this place... Easy to tell it's a beastman pit, aye, what with the stench of sex in th' air an' the needless quarrel 'tween th' herb-pickers an' th' boarers. Wherever I go, it's the same ol' story with these groups. Whenever they ain't stickin' out of eachother, they be fightin' like cats and dogs durin' a bad breakup.
"It's Priea, aye?" I says to the priestess with ice in 'er eyes. "I don't intend to cause no trouble 'ere, so keep yer hood on. I'm lookin' for someone special to me, an' then I'm takin' my leave, aye? So jus' keep away with chain or magic n' we'll be a right friendly lot." I turn back t'wards th' cowbeasty, the big lass, an' I look up above 'er mark ta where her head lays on 'er shoulders. I see... somethin', in those eyes. Somethin' that makes me regret havin' my pick readied, now...
I put it away.
"So, if'n we're clear..." I grumble, lookin' from the cowbeasty to the whitecloth n' back. "...then I s'pose I'll head with you. Might find somethin' useful fer myself, anyhow..."
Shinin' eyes... happy, carin', concerned, and loving...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:41 am

Sharya watched with fascination as Mardock's crystal ball lit up and began to change colors in response to the powder the goat man sprinkled over it. Her fascination quickly turned to confusion however as she tried to comprehend the cryptic words of Mardock, and that confusion soon turned to fear as the whole tent goes dark and Mardock predicts that a great misfortune will befall Sharya. Even after the tent returns to normal, Sharya can't help but feel like there's still a foreboding atmosphere surrounding her. "R-right... I-I'll keep that in mind and be careful. Th-thanks!" She stammers out nervously before hastily exiting the tent.

Once outside, Sharya's eyes dart about frantically in search of anything and everything that could pose a danger to her. "Hey Ey'ala, what did you make of all that?" She asks the raven on her shoulder as she begins pacing back and forth in front of Mardock's tent. She wishes she could just put it out of her mind, but most of it seemed pretty important and so Sharya also felt she needed to work through it and get things figured out. "I mean, obviously the figure in black is the one we're after but what kind of castle pierces the sky? I don't even think I'm looking for anything really, so how is he going to take it from me?" As she's ranting, Sharya abruptly halts her pacing and heads over to the where the craftsmen are setting up their tents. Browsing wares seems safe and calming enough, and maybe she can find a good luck charm of some sort to ward off her misfortune.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:58 pm

Zalira lets out a feeble moan, unused to being touched like this by another for so long. Her nipples harden from underneath the thin, revealing bra, and she feels a pleasant tickle blossoming between her legs. Slowly, she raises both hands to her chest to undo the top and let her breasts free for Maribelle to see, before she brings the human girl's hand to one of them, trailing down her index over her nipple with a pleased gasp. She brings the other hand to Maribelle's own body, exploring the - for now still clothed - form with her gentle touch before drawing her face closer to the girl's to attempt a kiss on the lips. She wouldn't try to undress her just yet, letting her take her time and get comfortable.


"A very tall one," Ey'ala contemplated, ".. or one not even sitted on the ground," she was not aware of any kind of magic or technology that could make such a large building hover, but it could be a clever way to conceal a base. "As to the other matter, I think it's wisest to recall his exact phrasing, if you choose to believe in him," she pointed out, "Mardock said 'he will take something you were looking for'," emphasizing the past tense as she recalled from her eidetic memory. "This doesn't necessarily mean you are still looking for it. I am not saying I'm certain about any of this, but it might be something worth considering," she advised, and seeing that Sharya was getting more and more restless, she wrapped a wing around the back of her head comfortingly, though this act nearly made her lose balance as Sharya suddenly stopped. "Where are we going?" she asks, curiously.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:05 pm

Gasping as Stefan took her hand tightly and leaned closer his eyes sending a shiver down her spine as she parted her lips. "Not like that. I do not sleep with anyone and everything I have not fallen for his curse yet." She growls at the fox man as she tries to take her hand away, attempting to resist the lust in her body and mind right now and get out of this tent as quickly as she can. Not eager to be Stefan's attempts to forget and mourn his betrayed love by submitting to his desires like Esmeralda submitted to the desires of everything that walked.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:06 pm

Kassy begins to feel a little more happier seeing that Slugcat is starting to warm up to things. Granted she's only known her for a few minutes now, but seeing the pick going away is a good start towards things. However, Kassy does notice that she seems unfazed by the smell going around in the encampment, or rather she is aware but isn't being effected like the holstaur is. If that's the case, there might be something she could pick up on in order to prevent herself from going a little extra mad, because so far she is struggling to hold everything back and taking Priea off into the woods to take care of some business. With the nearly naked ferret joining them and her bearing it all, that just means bringing her along and easily get things done and over since there's nothing really getting in the way of things. There are also the bunnies that are heading out and going to go pick things, going to bend over and show off their soft, round asses to the holstaur...

Kassy shakes her head rapidly, trying her best to suppress the dirty thoughts plaguing her mind and focus on the task at hand. There will be time for those thoughts later and right now isn't one of them. The holstaur walks on over and grabs her own basket, proceeding to then give one to Priea and Slugcat, before following right behind the bunnies. "Right, lead the way!" she stated to the bunnies before looking back. "I'm sure you will, and maybe your friend as well!" She gives the ferret a friendly smile before focusing on the path ahead, taking in deep breaths so she can filter out the musk of the encampment and whatever nature has to provide. She also has Priea close again, keeping her by her side for that extra protection and hopefully the two of them can enjoy picking berries and the like.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:29 pm

Priea seemed to lose some animosity," Yeah, alright then", She replied to Slugcat's explanation, figuring her paranoia was unfounded for the moment, but then again it wasn't like anyone could blame her with these stupid cursed tattoo's corrupting their bodies. The rest of their party seemed to have wandered off and about doing who knows what as well... but Priea had to focus on Kassy for now, keep the Holstaur from losing control just like Kassy requested of her. Kassy at that moment seemed lost in her thoughts, only to start randomly shaking her head as Priea frowned worriedly, Priea following close to Kassy to gather a basket in order to help the Bunnies in turn. As they began to follow the bunnies, she noticed Kassy seemed to calm down a bit, making her smile as she lightly nudged Kassy," So are you doing any better?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:01 pm

Kassandra, Priea & Slugcat were traveling into the forest with Mimi. Desmond and his group of wolves seemed to have already split off to head to the boar's den. As you travel Mimi seems to drop back in the group to get a chance to talk to Kassandra and the rest. "So I have a good idea why your ferret friend is her. But what brings you to our encampment Kassandra?" She says as she nuzzles closer to the Holstaur. The three of you notice that all of the bunny girls seem to be getting more intimate with each other as you travel. Some of them are kiss while others are feeling each other up.

Sharya and Ey'ala travel to the craftsman's hut. While most of them are still working, one has a few Items out in the open. You can see a giant bow about Sharya's size, a wooden Buckler, some staffs that look to have magical inscriptions on them and an assortment of talismans. The one who made these items appears to be a small rabbit with a large hood covering his face. He gazes up at Sharya with a friend smile. "Anything I can Interest you in Miss?" He asks.

Maribelle fondles Zalira's breast as she kisses her enthusiastically. As she feels Zalira's hand explore her form she shivers again. Breaking the kiss she looks away for a bit. "I've never done something like this before. Much less with another woman." She says as she removes her dress to reveal a slender form in simple undergarments. "But being with you just feels so right." She adds as she moves in to continue kissing the Elf.

Pleasure Resist Roll (Wis, Average):
Nilyne: 17 - 2 = 15

Nilyne pulls her hand away causing Stefan to stumble back into the cushions in the tent. A look of shame now covered his face. "I'm ... I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me" He said as he looked away. "Please, find Esmeralda. I've done all I can to reach her but I can't. You might be the only person able to reach her since you appear to share the same fate." Stefan says. He still seems depressed but there is only so much you can do for someone.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:16 pm

Nilyne nods at him and stands. "The fact lust hangs in the very air didn't help Esmerelda." She states giving him a look. "I have a very good idea of what came over you. It might be why so many were willing to fuck her." She stated and looked around at the tent. "Stay here and sulk if you must but do not allow your grief to effect so many others because you never had the courage to make her stop." She hisses at him before leaving, her head shaking as she grips her bow. "So... she went North." She states and looks herself over. "We should change back.. we have never hunted like this before. Or have we..." She tilts her head and looks on. Glancing around the camp she shakes her head and heads north, moving lightly as if trying to catch up on someone she has no idea just how much of a head start she has and only vague directions to go on.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:45 pm

Zalira keeps herself close to Maribelle even though the other looked away for a short while, the young elf witch's breath hot on the human girl's face. "Neither have I.." she admits in reply, though there was a vivid eagerness in her voice which suggested she wanted this badly. Her sapphire eyes lit with desire as they took in Maribelle's beautiful slender shape, and Zalira moved to undo the girl's plain bra so now they were both bare-chested, before she moves closer to wrap her arms around the other into a tight hug. ".. there's nothing wrong with pleasure," she whispers into her ear as she lightly sways her chest so their nipples would rub against each other creating a tickling heat. Then the blonde elf would plant a trail of kisses down to Maribelle's neck, moaning a bit against her skin as her fingers would creep between the girl's legs.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:48 pm

Hearing Ey'ala's explanations does help Sharya calm down somewhat, though the thought that unknown danger still awaits her isn't far from her mind. "Hmmm... That does make sense. Thanks Ey'ala! You're so smart." She says with a small smile, reaching up to pet the raven's head affectionately. "I wanted to see what's being sold over there. We could run into some trouble here if we find the man we're after and I'd like to be as ready as possible. Oh, and maybe someone will know about Esmeralda." Thinking about it now, Sharya had gotten carried away and practically forgotten that they had come here looking for Esmeralda to begin with. "Wait a minute... I hadn't thought about this because she's not really a thing, but I am looking for Esmeralda..."

Once they arrived at the hut, Sharya found plenty of things that interested her. That bow was enormous! She wouldn't be able to wield it at all and she didn't know how to shoot a bow anyway but it was an amazing sight nonetheless. "Did make all of this?" She asks, looking down at the cute little rabbit in awe. "Well, you see I'm cursed." She paused for a bit to think about it. "Twice now I guess. These are magical items right? Can you tell me what they do?" Sharya moves over to look at the staves and talismans. "Oh, and do you know where I might find Esmeralda?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:47 am

Ach... 'course. Should'a guessed what I'd be gettin' into 'ere.
I lower the brim o' my hat between my eyes n' tha friskies over there, lookin' off to th' sides for exits in case of a full-blown berry orgy... the kind I didn't wish'ta be involved with again...
I shiver slightly at the memory, though with cold or heat I cannae 'xactly say.
Hazardin' a peak at the big lass, I see one'a th' bunnies of th' camp sidle up to her broadside an' ask all innocently 'bout 'er reasons fer bein' here, like the girl wasn't jus' tryin' to get close 'nuff to the big lass to feel fur 'gainst fur... I sigh audibly, roll my eyes, an' clear my throat.
"Oi, I ain't here fer..." I pause, grittin' my teeth. Maybe this is a bet'er time for some diplomacy... "Right, rabbit-girl... I ain't intr'sted in any of you, though I can certainly see why some would." This was... obviously a slight mistruth. I couldnae very well say tha' I was willin' to drown in girl's seed if given the opportunity... could I? Actu'ly, now that I think 'bout it, I likely could. Harefolk don't tend to care all tha' much...
"...Unfortunat'ly, I've got my cross over one particu'lr bear, n' I'd 'preciate any help you could give towards findin' her again. She's near twice my height n' 'round four times my weight, with fur white as snow an' soft as silk..." I trail off a tick, watchin' the snow-white silken harefolk for a spell...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:05 am

And now Kassy's mind took a sharp turn down to sexy rock bottom. Feeling Mimi getting closer to her, getting that heat and how soft her fur is compared to the holstaur's, Kassy starts to feel nervous about this advancement. Not to mention that the other bunnies are showing off just how friendly they are with each other, pretty much getting the start of an orgy going when they should be helping out the encampment with their food. Oh if this is how the bunnies are doing, she doesn't want to know what the wolves are doing... then that got Kassy thinking about those beastly studs, all of their red rockets out from their sheathes, dripping pre in excitement as they hunt through the woods, bending over and... Kassy's mind nearly exploded from the thought of both parties in her head, and her clothes are getting tighter and sticking to her fur.

This needs to end soon, otherwise she is going to go mad from all of this.

Hearing Slugcat discuss her lack of interest in the advancement, that got Kassy out of her tension and reeling her back into focusing on the task at hand. In fact, the description of the bear herself does have her questioning something. "Um, she doesn't happen to have horns or black spots, does she?" she asked Slugcat. "I don't think that bear you're talking about is all that common anywhere here. Unless she came swimming across from the north of here, I don't think finding her is going to be that easy." She pauses for a moment to think about it, using this to ease up more of that tension. "Actually, it'll be easy from your description since she'll be sticking out really easily. That does make things easier, thanks!" It does indeed, as knowing to look out for what sounds like a polar bear with well-kept fur to be soft as silk should make it easier to look than any other bear that may be roaming around in the woods during this time.

Of course the main thing to look away from are the bunnies coping a feel with each other and Mimi wanting to get to know these girls more personal. So, there is something else to keep her away. "By the way, I'm currently seeing someone right now, so maybe later, possibly not now?" she said, taking Priea and giving her a one-armed hug as Kassy steps away from the horny bunny and focus on the task they were supposed to be doing. During this time, the holstaur looks down at Priea and another idea popped into her head. "Say, can you do me a favor? Since I guarded you during the fight yesterday, why don't you help me protect me from these girls? Just... keep them off my bum and I'll make up for it later. Sound good?" She could throw this over to Slugcat, but would probably want less Mimi knowing about things and wanting Priea to help out more while juggling everything else that is happening right now. There is so much for the holstaur to handle, her clothes feel like ripping apart from how much stress they're taking from the milk leaking out and her loins just being on fire.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:41 am

Stefan nods as if to acknowledged that he's hear Nilyne's words but it seemed he was still in a funk. "We've been through the forest a few times already so there are some clear paths to travel" With that he stands up to guide Nilyne to the forest edge. The two of you travel north to the edge of the forest. Once you travel into the forest you see three paths laid out before. One goes further north into the forest, another goes west and is lined with wolf tracks. The last path travels east and hax a mix or bunny, human, cow and ... ferret tracks. "This is as far as anyone from the camp has traveled into the forest." Stefan said. "This was also the last place I spoke to Esmeralda before she headed north"

"I would appreciate it if you stop spreading such wild accusations". said Mardock who was right behind Sharya & Ey'ala now. Clearing his throat he began to speak again. "You are not cursed, at least not by me. Time and again people blame the messenger when they receive bad news. You were the one who choose to know their fortune. The power of mortal's will is strong enough to change fate itself." He said with a bit of a huff.

The craftsman remains quiet until Sharya asks him about the staves and the talismans. "You have a good eye elf. These staves are mainly for spellcasters that are starting out (AP Cost 6, Melee Damage 3; Weapon Slot; +1 Spellcasting Rolls), 200 SC each. These talismans mainly for looks. Though they still have a little magic in them (-1 Magic Damage to wearer), 50 SC each. Once you mention Esmeralda, Mardock interjects again. "The last time I saw he, she was leaving for the forest heading north. She had just had a fight with Stefan and just walked away." He then pointed to an opening to the forest that Nilyne had just entered with a Beastman.

In the cart, Maribelle is completely under Zalira's sway, she wrapped her arms around the witch elf and hold her close. She begins to breath harder as their bare chest touch. With every kiss Zalira lays, Maribelle pulls herself closer and closer to Zalira. As her fingers find there way to Maribelle's lower folds, she finds them to already be wet with anticipation.

Mimi and the other bunny girls all seemed to respect Slugcat's boundaries.

Pleasure Resist Roll(Wis, Average)
Kassandra: 14 + 2 = 16

Kassandra meanwhile convinces Mimi that she's seeing someone else. "Oh I didn't mean to hustle my way into your relationship like that." She says as she returns to the head of the group. It doesn't take long for all of you to reach your destination. In a clearing you find a wide variety of wild berries, asparagus, pepper grass, green onions, nuts and more. While a few began to harvest, some of the bunny girls began to split off from the group and headed into the bush north of you.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:51 pm

Priea frowned at the bunny girl's forwardness towards Kassy, though thankfully she found herself grabbed by Kassy and... Priea of course turned a dark red as Kassy claimed she and herself were in a relationship, just managing to nod as Kassy pulled the deception off, waiting till they were alone once more to glance towards the holstaur. Kassy's idea made her offer a smile and a nod, happy to assist Kassy however she could," I'll keep close and protect you then... though um, I-I think we'll be fine since they think you and I are...", she paused, unable to finish it as she felt weird thinking of Kassy in that manner as she'd never even had a boyfriend before, hell she wasn't sure if she even was into other girls... let alone an older woman.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:05 pm

Mhmm! Good to see th' fuzzballs keep their bleedin' distance, fer once. When Ursula came through 'ere, she must've taught these folks some culture an' respect, aye. That one didnae ev'n request th' sort of odd ferret-human-cow-hare encount'r I expected to come rollin' outta her muzzle... a-an' there's no chance I would've ever accepted somethin' like that, I'm bloody certain!
Wish I could say th' same fer my companion, 'ere. Th' whitecloth looks fine 'nuff, I s'pose, but the big lass is clearly feelin' a little less th'n dry at the moment. Nevertheless, I make n' effort to ignore the tension in 'er voice... so that I can make a simple, possibly slightly helpful request...
Helpful fer me? Th' big lass? Who c'n say, really...
"Oi, big lass? You seem like th' most knowledgeable sort 'ere, an'... well, you don't seem to be handlin' this well, if I'm hearin' yer tone right." Subtlety ain't my strong suit... "So why don't the two of us take our leave fer a spell, get yerself cooled off a bit? I think I know of a pool nearby where you might be able to rest n' relax unwatched..." ...mostly... "...an' afterwards we could do some searchin' fer th' bear? You could ev'n bring yer whitecloth, if'n you like."
Honestly, I don't have a single thread of an idea where a pool might be, but a long walk might be good fer th' big lass, an' I might be able to grind sommore knowledge out of 'er. Alternatively, wit' some plannin', I could ev'n engineer a sort of... 'accident' involvin' her and the local fauna...
Ach! Fack off, guttermind!
I shake my head slightly, clearin' away th' thoughts. This smell isn't ev'n that strong, an' if all it takes to send me ta dark places is a lovely stranger an' an opportunity, I need to spend more of my bleedin' time meditatin' instead of makin' drinks...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:40 pm

There seems to be a weight that has been lifted from the holstaur's shoulders. Feeling relieved that she managed to get out of a sticky situation with Mimi, even though technically she already is in one with her body getting her armor wet, Kassy soon finds the area where the gathering is held and smiles at all of the bountiful crops there are. She even feels happy knowing that the cleric is by her side, even if she's exaggerating their friendship to a more romantic relationship just to get the heat being brought by the bunnies. Plus the other girls heading off into the bushes to have some fun with each other. This got something going inside of the holstaur's mind, feeling annoyed that, while the whole encampment is feeling some sexual energy and the girls are all right with doing what nature intended, they are here to help feed everyone and going off to do that just rubs her the wrong way.

She can only sigh at this before getting to work. This feels all too natural to the holstaur, getting down and digging her hands into the soil, plucking away at what the earth has to give and put it all into the basket. So much here and a ripeful bounty, it's making Kassy smile and forgetting the fact that there are bunnies slacking on their job. This feels so much like home, she even checks the various vegetables to see how delectable they look before putting it into the basket. She even teaches Priea a few things about what to look out for, even throwing some pointers to Slugcat, only guessing she does have some knowledge with her surviving on her own. It's more than enough to show just how much Kassy is attuned to her own side of nature, and getting their baskets filled up to feed all the herbivores back at the encampment.

During this time, she gives the cleric some gentle pats, trying to calm her down after shocking her with the revelation about them being in a relationship. "Sorry I had to do that, but it's just to keep them from hopping onto me," she whispers to her. "Plus, I don't mind if we're together. You're a sweet little angel and I'm happy to see that you're doing well." The holstaur smiles at Priea with the most warmest of smiles, letting that tension ease up inside of her. There's also Slugcat's compliment, and she nods off to that. Although it's not fooling her that Kassy's struggling with her sexual tension.

Once Kassy got to the point of she has a full basket of goodies, she recalls what Slugcat said and ponders it over. It would be nice if both Kassy and Priea take a break from this madness.. wait, both her and Slugcat? That did throw her off a bit, but if she's offering the same thing to Priea by her "whitecloth" title, then she has a smile to give. "Sure, that does sound lovely," she replied. "In fact, I can use a bath myself. My clothes are getting sticky and need a good washing." That is probably the best idea that has been suggested. The three of them take their own absentce after their harvest, go relax in a pool and Kassy can work out her frustration there, if Priea and Slugcat don't mind. Plus they can look for Slugcat's bear in the process, making this a win-win for them. She likes it! "Well, whenever you two are ready, let's go find that pool!"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:51 pm

"You are very kind to say so," Ey'ala responded to Sharya's compliment as she rubbed her bird-head along the elven girl's palm with affection. She turned her gaze towards Mardock swiftly however, once she became aware that he was standing behind them. "I do not recall either Miss Sharya or myself accusing you of anything," she replied, still in a polite tone though with a sharp edge and somewhat protectively toward her companion, and as she saw it - it was the truth. She never claimed to be certain of Mardock's influence regarding this curse, and she had no way of knowing whether the fortune was telling the truth or not. With that, she fell silent, allowing the craftsman and Sharya to converse about the items he had in stock before the goat-man interjected with details on Esmeralda's location, pointing them in what seemed to be the right direction. "That is interesting.. I thank you," she offered him, rotating her head to look at Sharya and await whatever decision the girl might make.


Zalira crept her fingers into Maribelle's tunnel, gently exploring her with light movements of her hand, up and down, getting a first feel of the girl's pleasure spots. She knew her own well enough from self-exploration, but that was not quite enough for her. She felt as if she wanted to please Maribelle as much as she would be pleased. The young witch would keep up the kisses, on the neck and occasionally the mouth again as she fingered her lover for a while before she would reveal her own sopping nethers, trying to get a hold of Maribelle's other hand in an encouraging gesture for the human girl to do so as well to her. She let out a passionate moan, her eyes closing as she immersed herself into the moment. "I want you.." she whispers hotly as she keeps fucking her with her hand, widening her virgin tunnels step by step.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:52 pm

Once at the spot she hums looking at the three paths. "Cow... must be the beastman paladin." She states with a shrug before looking at him closely. "I shall head north... tell my allies those I came here with that I have gone after your love... if I am lucky perhaps I may return her to you before the bastard takes her." She states giving him a hard stare before she creeps down on all fours and begins to bound off, sprinting to catch up to her prey, using Nighteye's senses to pursue the smell to keep herself on the right path, possibly following the smell of desire and lust that would be rolling off of Esmeralda. "At least we made him tell th eothers before we chased after her... Wonder what the fuck it looks like when that tattoo covers your whole body... can't imagine being unable to hide it." She comments looking over herself. "Huh.... " She stops a moment and looks back at her ass, pulling her tight clothing up to reveal the mark. "Huh... same place... wonder if Nighteyes will have it once we split." She states with a shrug before pulling her attire back down and hiding her mark once more before pressing on.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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