by napsii » Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:50 pm
Jin nodded, understandingly. Spellcasting was not a hard art to get into, if you had the privilege of knowing a magician. Most anyone could use the gift of the arcane, but it seemed like magic had been wrapped in such a superstition, that true magicians were hard to come by. Dilettantes like Zeph, though... well, they weren't precisely uncommon. And then the arcane spirits incarnate, like herself were well... rare. Her lips upturned into an amused smile. Again, it surprised her how the other races could never tell Iievyr from humans.
"That's pretty impressive," she commented brightly, seeing the horses calm and content as ever. "A lot of guys -- well, people in general -- seem to be terrible with animals." she added. It was true, as far as she was concerned. With humans or orcs or whatever other mortal species, if a pet didn't please them, then it went to the dinner table. Perhaps the average peasant was just too impatient (or ignorant) to keep a pet, but she adored them. She knew no animal magic but just by being quiet and calm, she'd come within arm's reach of some amazing creatures.
There was a silence for a while. The sounds of the giant became easy to tune out as everyone realized it was under control... mostly.
"So, Zeph. Tell me about yourself. I never caught your age, or where you came from." she smiled, just trying to make small talk. Zeph was an unusually nice guy. Good for a chat, at least.