Cutscene for end chapter 2/ beginning chapter 3. (Dang it, now I have to put some effort into this.)
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The triumphant, yet exhausted gang gathers the energy to walk out of the cavern and the temple, albeit not quite easily. They did not meet any goblins and/or other monsters n their way out, living that is. As the gang made their way to the place where the captives were holed up they saw several bodies of the plant monsters. Apparently killing their father, and having his soul dragged into the farthest pits of hell kicking and screaming, made them kick the bucket as well, which would explain the large pile of buckets near their corpses.
The rest of the day was spent gathering the captives and making their way back to camp. Kaz finally got a chance to get her clothes bac on, much to Dax's dismay, and Sort got a chance to go take a bath in the nice, hot water. The rest of the day and night went by with little of interest happening. The journey back was rather uneventful as well. Mex, Kaz, and Nyx had to spend most of their time dealing with the traumatized women, who showed a clear discomfort around the men in the group. Sort did his best to distill this sense of nervousness they had, normally by playing up Dax's cat-like appearance and overall, doing his best to emberass the neko guy. Doing things such as, petting him on the ears, or by waving a stick and asking him to play "fetch", or at dinner time, calling him by yelling.
"Here, Kitty, Kitty! Come get your food!"
Alas, Sort's mild attempts at humor could not distill the un-comfort the women had. This in turn made them avoid Sort, Dax, and Vic, while hovering over Mex, Kaz, and Nyx. Needless to say, Sort and Mex had almost no contact during this week long trip due to the crying, tripping, overall useless village women that looked to her for comfort and protection. This was the same for all the group, as the captives drove a wedge between them, socially.
By the end of that week, there was no better and more magnificent sight to Sortaix, than the gates of the next settlement. He saw not a village, but a place to dump the annoying women and not have to put up with them anymore. The town was of a fairly large size, it was in the middle of transitioning its' wall from that of wood, to a true wall of stone. The budding town, looked to posses several opportunities, both good and bad for the group, and hopefully food, as the extra baggage consumed a fair share of the dried fish. In fact, they had used up, the last of their food several hours ago at breakfast. Which meant the first and foremost goal of the group would be to resupply, and get ready to move on.
As the group neared the large gatehouse, which had only one of it's large wooden doors, while the other was being built, a guard greeted them. He was clad in what looked to be mostly leather armor with a strong, metal shield and a short sword. He did not appear to have any hostile intent, just a doorman. He raised his hand to the adventurers and spoke to them.
"Halt! what business do you have here in Temark?"
"We are mercenaries. We have here with us several captives of the goblin clan, that was harassing travelers through the forest. We are here to see them safely as we continue on our journey to the capital city."
Sortaix responded, not wanting to admit he just wanted rid of them. The guard to a few moments of consideration before allowing them in, without any incident. The group then entered into the town, at the end of the towns main street. Sort led the group further town the main street, till they reached the town square. At the square they could easily see, a blacksmith, a guard station, an inn, a tavern, a fletchers shop, a store that looked to sell magic things, as well as a building under construction.