Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:05 am

You all prepare to leave as Oliver and Caroline sit at the front. Meanwhile, Duke and Maribelle sit in the back with the rest of the group. Duke seems to have fallen asleep with no shirt in sight. Maribelle on the other hand seems to have a book in her hand. It's a small collection of poems. Every once and a while you see her peek over her book to glance at Zalira & Nailyne with a blush.

The trip is largely uneventful and soon the cart comes to a stop. You see a man with dog eyes and a tail talking to Oliver. Once they finish talking, Oliver walks towards the rest of you. "That guard over there is gonna led us to the encampment." You follow the dog man to a large group of tents, all of them varying in size and design. As you enter you also notice an odd smell whiffing through the air.

Musk Resist Roll (WIS, Average):

Kassandra: 4 + 2 = 2
Nailyne: 2 -2 = 0

While the smell doesn't effect most of the party, Kassandra picks up on the scent immediately. It was the smell of a Beastman in heat. Based on the strength of the smell, it was almost as if the entire camp was in heat. Kassandra could feel her lower folds moisten as droplets of milk began to dampen her armor. Kailyne now in her beast form is affected by the musk floating in the air. As Nilyne, the musk begins to heat up her body.(Nilyne & Kassandra are Aroused, Must make WIS Roll (Average) to resist sexual advances.)

As you enter, you notice a few distinct tents. First at the centre of the camp is what appears to be the largest and most ornate tent in the encampment. Gold trim and exotic fabrics detail the entrance. That would be the best place to find Esmeralda and Stefan.

You also saw a small tent to the side with a purple smoke flowing out. To the side you see a sign that says "Mardock's Fortunes"

In the west side of the encampment, you see a large number of beastman gathered around a ring. You can clearly see a Minotaur and a large beastman with Ram Horns wrestling.

To the east side of the camp are a group of tents that seem to house a number of craftsman. While most were still working, you see one with some goods actually ready for sale.

To the north of the camp near the forest you see a group of Wolf men and Bunny girls gathered together. They seemed to be preparing for some excursion.

It seems as though Oliver and his family are heading to the craftsman to drop off part of their shipment. Needless to say, there are plenty of places to explore in the encampment.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:17 am

Finally, the group makes it over to the encampment. Kassy wished that there was something to entertain them along the way, even looking at the sleeping Duke with his bare chest exposed and the like, but thankfully she did had Priea by her side and the two of them spent the time chatting it up. It was enjoyable for what it was, and it did help Kassy in putting her in a much better mood. She is feeling excited about meeting up with new people, finally exploring away from her home and taking on a challenge to help save the world! With her fellow compatriots by her side, there'll be nothing stopping them from tackling the bastard that cursed them and freeing everyone who he ran into!

That is until her nose picks up the scent of what appears to be beasts in heat. Kassy perks up suddenly from the smell, surprised that she is stumbling into possibly an orgy in the making and it is making her feel weird. Not only has her traveling companions helped twist her mind, but this musk flicking by her nose is really amplify those visions and making them real. Not to mention that her clothes and armor are getting wet, and that tightness she felt earlier got annoyingly tight, making her feel that bulge rubbing against her pants and having her cry out from the discomfort. Not to mention the milk that is leaking out, that has her worried about her well-being and making her wonder if she needs another milking to deal with this... plus something else to help burn off this newfound lust.

Her breathing getting heavy, Kassy pulls Priea close to her and hugs her, using her as a bit of a comforting device as she makes her way through the encampment. "Can you stay close?" she asked the cleric. "I feel... funny, and it hurts... I need to get away from here. Somewhere more private." The holstaur considers her current offers at the moment, trying to guess where the source of the musk is so that she can avoid getting a bigger whiff of it. The ring where the wrestling match is happening seems like a bad idea, as seeing the minotaur and ram duking it out will only have the match canceled with Kassy jumping into the ring. The fortune tent is probably not a good place, just in case that mist is actually the musk for some bizarre reason. There is also the craftsmen and where Oliver's family is at, and that does risk bumping into Duke and Maribelle, both who Kassy doesn't want to get mess up with while in her current state.

Maybe the wolves and bunnies can help ease her tension. Whatever excursion they're about to head on, it'll probably be far away from this place and to an area where she can clear her mind. "How about we take a trip with these lovely people?" she asked Priea. The holstaur looks over at the group and gives them a wave. "Hey, you don't mind a couple more folks joining you on whatever you're doing?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:56 am

The cart ride to the encampment was uneventful, somewhat to Sharya's dismay. Duke and Niliyne are both sleeping and Maribelle is reading which just leaves her and Zalira, whose raven has notably gone silent. So Sharya found herself taking in the sights as they went by and trying to come up with some interesting new spells. Zalira had a talking bird and Kailyne could fuse with her wolf now, so Sharya felt like she had to come up with something equally impressive. "Something with fire maybe..." She mumbled to herself. Fire was always impressive.

Before too long they had arrived at the encampment and Sharya snapped out of her musings and enthusiastically leapt off the cart. The encampment wasn't like back home at all, her town was pretty quiet but this place seemed so lively! There were shops being set up and beastmen fighting in a ring and.... a really odd smell that she hadn't noticed at first. It wasn't really good or bad, just kind of.... weird. Sharya shrugged it off for the time being as the purple tent caught her eye. "Mardock's Fortunes...." She read the sign aloud, not fully understanding it at first. "Fortunes like seeing the future? A seer?!" She exclaimed with a gasp at the realization. She just had to check that out and quickly made her way over to the tent.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:25 pm

Once they arrived, Zalira cast a look around, feeling a bit strange around people in general, let alone these exotic beast-like men and women that both unsettled and attracted her. Regardless, she rose with the confidence one would expect from the House of Aelan'ne. She went over to Niliyne to wake her up, drawing a soft hand gently into her fur and up to her muzzle, offering her a naughty smile before leaping out of the cart, Ey'ala soon following her.

She waited a bit to see where everybody else was going. The strange smell lingering in the air did nothing to her except add to her discomfort, but it seems at least one of the members of their party was affected deeper than that. "We ought to investigate this," the raven suggested, not feeling any different either but she was concerned regardless. Zalira was in the meantime looking at Maribelle again, who had set off with the rest of her family to the east side of the camp. "Yes, you go ahead and look into it. I will be.. around," she says with a smile, intent on going there, as well. Maybe I could catch some time alone with Maribelle and get to know her better.. she thought lustfully again, considering the pretty girl's apparent interest in her it would be rude not to reciprocate. "Are you sure it's wise for me to leave you alone?" the familiar inquired, only to be sent off by the young witch with a forceful "Yes, I know what I am doing! Go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later," and went on towards Oliver's group without a second thought.

Ey'ala sighs audibly, flapping her wings to soar around the camp and see what is there. Eventually she catches sight of Sharya, who seemed to be heading towards the tent with the purple smoke flowing from it. Courteously she approached, "Sharya, would it be a bother if I were to accompany you? I was dismissed by my mistress and I am not sure what to do in this place," she requested politely, peering at her with her bright yellow bird eye.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:44 pm

Priea spent a while explaining how she had pretty much taken Kassy's actions in saving her to heart, being the sort to not allow bullying at the orphanage while learning to heal those in need of it in turn, only to eventually be interrupted as Kassy seemed... out of it, making her look curiously before blushing as Kassy asked her to stay close while hugging her tightly to herself," Um, sure... what's wrong?", she asked, given her sense of smell was nowhere near Kassy's own. Priea found her companion/hero looking around frantically, making her frown before Kassy just up and asked one of the groups around them if they could come with. A part of her wasn't happy Kassy wasn't explaining herself to her... another was happy that Kassy continued to want to have her tag along, though the sight of the Wolfmen made her a tad worried... though anything male did these days.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:13 pm

Nilyne enjoys the ride closer inching closer to Maribelle and Zalira, her eyes closed for the entire trip as she rolls and shifts about whenever the rustling of the cart makes her uncomfortable before they finally arrive, the smell in the air making her growl low and with obvious desire. Her open opens and her eyes do the same as she tilts her head up grinning before she stretches and barrels out of the cart eager to see what is making her this way, so unused to this body she can only enjoy the feeling of desire and excitement rushing through her. Sniffing the air she prowls around, crouched as she looks around the camp, her eyes drifting over the people wrestling before moving to the bunnies and dogs gettign ready while her eyes eventually drift to the large tent. "I'll be in there!" She calls out to the group before darting inside, her paws patting softly on the ground as her red and black fur blow in the calm wind.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:27 pm

As far as everyone is concerned, the musk in the air isn't from one source but hangs over the camp like a blanket.

As Kassandra & Priea approach the group, one of the wolf men steps towards you. "We could use your help. We are going on a hunting and gathering trip. My boys are gonna track down some meat. While the bunnies are gonna prance around in the woods picking fruit." He said as the rest of the wolves laughed. One of the bunny girls didn't look pleased with how the wolf man had described their trip. "Well not all of us are carnivores, Desmond" she said in a mocking tone. "Anyway, my name is Mimi. We could use a hand"

Sharya and Ey'ala enter the tent to see a goat man in a long crimson robe sorting some strange items in a chest "Ah a visitor, I usually don't take customers on my off days. However, it's clear to me that you are one bound by destiny." The goat man says. Going to sit behind a table with a small bag, he holds out his hand. He makes a short motion. It seems you had to hand him some coin before he tells your future. How much he wanted was anyone's guess.

Zalira continues to travel with Oliver's family as they travel to the workshop. Once they reach one of the open tents, Duke begins to unload the carts. As Caroline and Oliver some of the craftsman, you noticed Maribelle was still hiding inside one of the other carts. This might be the best way to get some alone time with her. Looking inside the wagon you see Maribelle still reading.

Nilyne enters the tent to see the inside of the tent is as ornate as the outside with gems, cushions and satin blankets. At the centre you see a young man with brown fox ears and a tail ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/213413 ... blem_if%29 ). He seems to have a depressed look on his face. You then see him sniff the are as he notices you. "Who are you?" He says as if on the brink of crying.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:41 pm

Looking over the places she smiles and lets out a pleased huff before seeing the fox man. Looking him up and down she gives him a sniff before turning away until he speaks. "We are Nilyne. We came here with a caravan. Why are you upset?" She asks not bother to ask if he was just why he was as she looks about, wondering what she had wandered into in this strange camp that smelt so wonderful to her, making her skin tingle and her fur quiver before she took a spot to sit down. Now sitting down she looks at him with an unmoving gaze, watching him closely as she awaits his answer.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:55 pm

The holstaur picks up on how Priea is currently feeling, sensing she is worried about the paladin's current state of mind and how turned on she is. She is doing her best not to poke the cleric in the back, fearing just a bit of her reaction and it bringing up some bad memories of the like. Of course she can't keep things hidden and she pulls her away from the hunters to discuss it with Priea. "If you must know, that smell in the air is making me all hot and bothered... and it's taking its toll on me," she explained, wanting to keep her gaze on Priea and prevent her mind from wandering over. She even keeps her hands off her just to prevent rubbing Priea down. This is going to be tough. "I was hoping that with you by, you can help me out and make me feel... calmer, safer, knowing that you're here."

She gives Priea a gentle rub on her face, staring deep into her eyes with a kind and motherly look before her mind starts pulling that back and bring in the more juvenile and horny side of her. Shuddering a bit, Kassy pulls up and keeps Priea close to her before confronting the wolves and huffing. "Indeed! There's nothing to mock about that fact," she stated, agreeing with Mimi on that. She then extends a hand to shake with the others. "Anyway, my name is Kassandra and this is my friend Priea. So what exactly are you looking for? Is there anything we need to look out for, and do you have anything we can use to store it?" She really needs to keep her mind away from how good looking each of the bunnies look, instead have Priea before her and her sweet, innocent form. She wish to give the wolves a good smack, but she is worried about what might happen next, so she'll wait on what to do next and on Priea's own thoughts.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:07 am

Zalira slips into the wagon where the other girl was sitting, giving her a warm smile before taking a seat quite close to her. She felt comfortable being around Maribelle who seemed to be even shyer than herself. The blonde elf cast a look at the small tome which the girl was holding in her hands, the poetry book. "Recite to me," she asks with a smirk, her fingers trailing their way up and down her bared middrift in a slow, seductive motion, as she placed her right leg above her left knee and turned towards Maribelle to look her right in the eye and listen to her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:24 am

The fluttering of wings caught Sharya's attention as she made her way to the tent and she was delighted to see that Ey'ala had come with her. The raven's request to accompany her was a no-brainer really. "Of course you can!" She replies with a broad smile, brushing her hair off her shoulder so that the raven can perch there if she so desires before entering the tent.

Once inside, she meets the goat man who is presumably Mardock. His crimson robe did make him look rather seer like and he even said that she was bound by destiny! Sharya's eyes twinkled with excitement as she waited to hear about this destiny of hers. She waited for quite a few awkward moments before she finally realized that the man was waiting to be paid first. That made sense, seers need to put food on the table too after all, so Sharya pulled out the sizable bag of coins that she had "borrowed" from her parents before she left. She had plenty of money but how much would be appropriate? What kind of price could you put on learning your destiny? After thinking back on some of the prices of things back home, Sharya eventually counts out 30 silver coins and sets them on the table. "Is... Is that enough?" She asks, perfectly willing to pay more if need be.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:44 am

Mardock counts the coins given to him by Sharya. "This will do" he says as he puts the coins into a small pouch. "Now! Lets see what fate awaits you" . Mardock then takes a white powder out of the small bag and sprinkles it over the crystal ball. It begins to glow with a bright purple light filled with clouds. The clouds form shapes the entrance the fortune teller. "I see a life in bondage. A figure clad in a black and a castle which pierces the sky" He says in a low tone. The crystal's colour shifts to green and the goat man continues "However you will meet him again very soon, he will take something you were looking for." Pausing one more time the crystal shifts again

Fortune Roll: 2

The Crystal turns a dark gray as the tent goes dark. "However, you must be careful today. Great misfortune is about to befall you" With that final statement the tent returns to normal. The crystal ball becomes dormant. (Black Clouds are hanging over Sharya, "20% Chance to turn one of you next 5 rolls (Combat or Non Combat) into a Critical Miss")

In the head tent, the man wiped his face as he turns to Nilyne. "You're a traveler right?" He asks with a curious look. "I could always us someone to listen. Take a sit". The fox-eared man offers Nilyne a seat right beside him. "My name is Stefan. I led this caravan with my partner Esmeralda until she betrayed my heart" He said as the sad look returned to his face. It started a year ago. A mysterious man came into one of our camps. He was just a common trader exchanging wares with some of our craftsman. However, he took an interest in Esmeralda and our relationship." Stefan had to pause for a second before continuing. "One night I returned to camp early from a meeting with another beastman clan. I was going to surprise Esma but when I got to the tent I found her in bed with the trader. I burst in and tried to subdue him but I was overpowered. He spent the rest of the night fucking her right in front of me. I can still remember their faces, their moans from that night. When morning came, the trader left Esma on the ground covered in ...covered in .....".

Stefan couldn't finish the sentence. " After that everything changed. Every night I would find Esmeralda sleeping with a different man. Sometimes it would be people from the clan. Other times she would pick up strangers from the villages we visited. At first she would try to hide her escapades from me. But soon she didn't seem to care who knew about the sex she was having. Sometimes she would just offer herself up to everyone in the camp. Every time I tried to confront her about this, we would have sex and she would say that I'm the only man for her. Only to go back out to find another stud lay with." He paused on the brink of tears again. "That was until last week. I confronted her one last time and instead of trying to appease me with sex she walked away. The last thing she said was that we couldn't excite her anymore. The last anyone saw of her was in the forest". Finishing his story he slumps into bed.

In the cart, Maribelle begins to blush seeing Zalira there. She begins to flip through the book as if looking for a specific poem. At last it appears as if she's found the one she's looking for. Clearing her throat she begins to recite it.

"I dwelt alone
In a world of moan,
And my soul was a stagnant tide,
Till the fair and gentle Eulalie became my blushing bride-
Till the yellow-haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride.

As she reads from the book, Maribelle uses it to cover her face. But every now and then you can feel her peeking at you body as she gazes curiously at your form. While her dress does a good job hiding her form, you can tell that she is beginning to grow into her womanhood.

By the forest, Mimi seems to appreciate Kassandra's support. "Well Desmond and his hunting party are going to hunt down some boars he found along the outside of the forest. Meanwhile, there was a grove with wild berries, herbs and vegetables around that same area so we plan to tag along" She says as she points to the sacks and various baskets they have assembled for the storing their goods. Desmond's wolves also seem to be carrying weapons and rope for their boar hunt.

After traveling for a distance Silph 'Slugcat' Goreman finally arrives at the Esmeralda Encampment. It was a long trip but she finally arrives. Her last led as to the whereabouts of the demon king who had assaulted her had lead the feisty ferret here. A quick glance gave her a quick layout of the camp. Needless to say you have a lot of options for exploring.

Main Locations:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

First at the centre of the camp is what appears to be the largest and most ornate tent in the encampment. Gold trim and exotic fabrics detail the entrance. That would be the best place to find Esmeralda and Stefan.

You also saw a small tent to the side with a purple smoke flowing out. To the side you see a sign that says "Mardock's Fortunes"

In the west side of the encampment, you see a large number of beastman gathered around a ring. You can clearly see a Minotaur and a large beastman with Ram Horns wrestling.

To the east side of the camp are a group of tents that seem to house a number of craftsman. While most were still working, you see one with some goods actually ready for sale.

To the north of the camp near the forest you see a group of Wolf men and Bunny girls gathered together. They seemed to be preparing for some excursion.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:07 am

Well, this looks a right homely mess. I think I could picture stayin' here a spell, especially if that skunk I caught rufflin' threw my pack was half-right in his fast speakin', and that big ursa lass is here.
Aye, she'd be a sight for sore eyes and a nice place to rest if ever that there be out here in th' weald.
I figure th' best first move would be the only good first move, which be not movin' at all. I grab my pick from my pack an' start lookin' for a place to climb, to survey the camp from above and outside o' pryin' eyes. Look n' see what all is about this strange li'tl lot.
Gettin' up ta th' roofs, I scurry 'cross 'till I reach the large one in th' center. I climb up ta th' top o' the tip, and take the scope off my rifle to have a look 'round.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:49 am

Taking the offered seat Nilyne listens to the story, her head nodding at his beginning before he speaks of the man and his love. "Ah... " She states her hand coming to pet his back gently, giving him a soothing rub with her paws as he spoke about what happened to him and Esmeralda. Gulping a little she stared on fearing for her own future rather than this man's despair, her thoughts drifting towards the others in her group which one of them will be the first to fall down that road of unending bliss. Hearing she left them, finding no more enjoyment in them her ears twitched her mind racing before sh spoke. "How much did the tattoo cover her when she left?" She asks him with a hard stare. "Tell me..." She insisted. "I suffer the same fate as her, as do all my companions... we have all been with this man... one way or another he gets what he wants. He raped some of us. wooed others..." she offers with a gulp before sighing and shaking her head. "Where in the forest? If the mark has covered her whole body He'll be coming back for her..." She tells him with a worried stare.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:02 pm

The smile that took shape on Zalira's lips was bright and genuine, as she listened to the verses that seemed to flow from Maribelle's lips. She really did look like a blushing bride, in the way she tucked her face behind the book she was reading from, though the young elf was well aware of the girl's eyes which sometimes darted to her own form, and to the finger that caressed it. "You have fine taste in literature.. and in bodies," she complimented her as only a cocky person would, smirking and trying to take her hand gently into her own and bring Maribelle's fingers below her chest. If the girl did not shy away, she would brush them languidly across her own skin, to let the girl get a feel of her. In the meantime, Zalira's own gaze was appreciating Maribelle's form, at least in so far as the concealing clothes would allow. "I have never been this close to a human before," she confides in her, drawing herself close to the other her leg would touch Maribelle's own.


"There are more than two ways to interpret that remark," Ey'ala whispered to Sharya cautiously from atop the elven girl's shoulder. She had known some fortune tellers in her time who would curse their clients with light misfortunes so their fame would rise as seers when their tellings proved 'true'. She did not elaborate further unless asked though, not only because she was not certain whether or not this applied in Mardock's case, but also because she had no way to remove this curse if it indeed existed - she didn't want to frighten Sharya. Still, Ey'ala had the feeling that if the girl hadn't went here, these black clouds (proverbial or otherwise) wouldn't hover above her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:08 pm

Well at least Kassy does have an idea on where they're going and what they're getting. The boar hunting doesn't sound too bad, but in the back of Kassy's mind she is seeing poor innocent pigs being chased by these brutes of wolfmen, then serving them up over an open fire rotisserie style. She doesn't want to hurt pigs, even if these are just wild boars that aren't interested in the domesticated lifestyle, so Kassy favors being with the rabbits and picking some berries and vegetables. Actually the mention of vegetables did get her interested, smiling at the prospect. "Well that's certainly a delightful time," she replied. "I can help look around for vegetables, since I do have very good knowledge of the sort!" She happily takes a basket from the pile and prepares herself to head on out...

That is she lightly catches an odd noise from behind her. Curious, she pivots around and looks for the source of the sound, looking for anything that may be different about the place. Perhaps the mysterious man is showing himself, or there could be a ferret girl climbing up the tents and hopping around until getting towards the center. At first Kassy looks on in wonderment, amazed at what this particular beastman is doing and getting around the place. Next comes confused, trying to figure out why she would be doing this sort of act in the first place and also is she lacking some clothes. Finally comes shock in realizing that this ferret is climbing around with not much to protect her, making the holstaur worry for her safety. She tells Mimi and Priea she'll be right back before bolting it right over to the center tent to confront the new girl.

"Hey, what are you doing up there!?" she shouted towards the ferret. "Get down, you'll hurt yourself falling through if you make a hole in the tent!"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:50 pm

Ah, bleedin' hell... one o' th' things down there has turned its attention toward the wee Slugrat, eh? Well, let's see what the matter is, then...
I slam a fist against my chest, the little balled paw thumpin' softly 'gainst vines and tits as I struggle to get my heart to beat again. Breakin' back inta focus, I peer over the edge of the tent, down at the dear thing of beauty 'neath th' edge.
"Ah, piss off, big lass! I ain't about to start livin' up here!" I 'alf-shout, 'alf-whisper to the oddly... well-equipped cowbeast shoutin' away my position. "An tell no-un yew saw me 'ere, aye? I'm jus' lookin' for someone important, and I'll be outta yer ruddy sodden camp o' misfits!"
The ones inside the tent 'ave definitely heard me now. I hoped one o' them was th' bear who came to me before, an' tha' she would 'member me from that lovely night... or, if not that, then I'd rather nobody down there would 'member me so that I could find what I needed an' take my leave. Though... now that I'm lookin' at this lass, here...
"Actually, I think I have a question fer ya, if yew'd be ever so kind, big lass." I say. "Tha' mark... did you 'appen to see a bear come through here? Twice my height an' four times my weight? Fuzzier n' a piece of century old cheese left in a grass-mold sporin' ground?"
Ever cautious, I ready to grab any various tools, in case the big lass is even less smarterer than she looks... I reach fer my pick in my satchel, but I would be reluctant to use it if'n it came down to it...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:19 pm

Kassy watches the ferret hang up on top of the tent, noticing her pounding at her chest and getting the holstaur worried about what is going on with her. The moment she spoke to her, what got to her was her accent, which isn't something she heard before. It does intrigue her a bit in wanting to know where she came from that has such an accent, until she recalls her telling to hit it. Kassy puffs her cheeks out with how rude this ferret is acting, making her question about helping her if she doesn't want anyone to know she's here... That is until she brings up the mark on her chest. Kassy looks down and then back up at the ferret, pondering why would she be interested in the mark...

Maybe... wait, what about a bear? "Uh, I just got here with a couple of other individuals that have similar marks as me along with a merchant and his family," she explains to the ferret. "I haven't seen any bears coming on through here. Maybe she's one of the residents of the Encampment that I haven't gotten the chance to meet. Or maybe she's out in the woods..." That got an idea in her head. "Hey, me and some bunnies are actually going to go pick berries and vegetables! Why don't you come along with me and maybe we can look for your friend that way!" She did scrunch up at the description of the bear, really thinking about the fuzziness of mold on century old cheese. That's not something she wants to think about, although the rest of her description seems... curiously similar. But from where she's at it's hard to tell what is going on. So, Kassy takes her shovel and extends it out, hoping for the ferret girl to grab onto it and help pull her down into her arms to catch her.

"I'm more than willing to help you find her, if you want. My name is Kassandra, what's yours?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:44 pm

Similar marks... and similar to mine. Ursula must've come through here, sharing the same kindness to these poor fuzzfolk as she shared with me... It's 'nough to make a ferret jealous, actually.
I glare down at th' cowbeasty, considering my options. It was rightly possible that th' bear would be around here if she came through quickish an' left, like she did with me. This big lass seemed helpful 'nuff, aye, and there didn't seem a better way for me to get protection in this place. 'Sides, looked big enough that, in case'a trouble, she couldn'ae follow me through a savannah without gettin' caught on th' air.
"Alright, fine, big lass..." I say, creepin' o'er the edge'a th' tent and slippin' off th' side. I slip my pick outta my pack n' keep it nice and visible, though I don't like makin' threats. "Name's... Slugcat. Don't got a last name. Now, where'd ya say we could find tha' bear?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:43 am

Priea had enjoyed the confidence Kassy had that she could keep the paladin's head on straight, just eating it up for a moment... and yet almost as fast Kassy seemed to be rushing off towards some crazy looking Ferret person, watching for a bit she eventually made her way over with a frown towards the ferret calling herself Slugcat of all things, keeping silent while not very much liking the way this Slugcat is looking at Kassy, Preia for now was just ready to back her friend up in case she needed it.
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