Mardock counts the coins given to him by Sharya. "This will do" he says as he puts the coins into a small pouch. "Now! Lets see what fate awaits you" . Mardock then takes a white powder out of the small bag and sprinkles it over the crystal ball. It begins to glow with a bright purple light filled with clouds. The clouds form shapes the entrance the fortune teller. "
I see a life in bondage. A figure clad in a black and a castle which pierces the sky" He says in a low tone. The crystal's colour shifts to green and the goat man continues "
However you will meet him again very soon, he will take something you were looking for." Pausing one more time the crystal shifts again
Fortune Roll: 2
The Crystal turns a dark gray as the tent goes dark. "
However, you must be careful today. Great misfortune is about to befall you" With that final statement the tent returns to normal. The crystal ball becomes dormant. (Black Clouds are hanging over Sharya, "20% Chance to turn one of you next 5 rolls (Combat or Non Combat) into a Critical Miss")
In the head tent, the man wiped his face as he turns to Nilyne. "You're a traveler right?" He asks with a curious look. "I could always us someone to listen. Take a sit". The fox-eared man offers Nilyne a seat right beside him. "My name is Stefan. I led this caravan with my partner Esmeralda until she betrayed my heart" He said as the sad look returned to his face. It started a year ago. A mysterious man came into one of our camps. He was just a common trader exchanging wares with some of our craftsman. However, he took an interest in Esmeralda and our relationship." Stefan had to pause for a second before continuing. "One night I returned to camp early from a meeting with another beastman clan. I was going to surprise Esma but when I got to the tent I found her in bed with the trader. I burst in and tried to subdue him but I was overpowered. He spent the rest of the night fucking her right in front of me. I can still remember their faces, their moans from that night. When morning came, the trader left Esma on the ground covered in ...covered in .....".
Stefan couldn't finish the sentence. " After that everything changed. Every night I would find Esmeralda sleeping with a different man. Sometimes it would be people from the clan. Other times she would pick up strangers from the villages we visited. At first she would try to hide her escapades from me. But soon she didn't seem to care who knew about the sex she was having. Sometimes she would just offer herself up to everyone in the camp. Every time I tried to confront her about this, we would have sex and she would say that I'm the only man for her. Only to go back out to find another stud lay with." He paused on the brink of tears again. "That was until last week. I confronted her one last time and instead of trying to appease me with sex she walked away. The last thing she said was that we couldn't excite her anymore. The last anyone saw of her was in the forest". Finishing his story he slumps into bed.
In the cart, Maribelle begins to blush seeing Zalira there. She begins to flip through the book as if looking for a specific poem. At last it appears as if she's found the one she's looking for. Clearing her throat she begins to recite it.
I dwelt alone
In a world of moan,
And my soul was a stagnant tide,
Till the fair and gentle Eulalie became my blushing bride-
Till the yellow-haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride.As she reads from the book, Maribelle uses it to cover her face. But every now and then you can feel her peeking at you body as she gazes curiously at your form. While her dress does a good job hiding her form, you can tell that she is beginning to grow into her womanhood.
By the forest, Mimi seems to appreciate Kassandra's support. "Well Desmond and his hunting party are going to hunt down some boars he found along the outside of the forest. Meanwhile, there was a grove with wild berries, herbs and vegetables around that same area so we plan to tag along" She says as she points to the sacks and various baskets they have assembled for the storing their goods. Desmond's wolves also seem to be carrying weapons and rope for their boar hunt.
After traveling for a distance Silph 'Slugcat' Goreman finally arrives at the Esmeralda Encampment. It was a long trip but she finally arrives. Her last led as to the whereabouts of the demon king who had assaulted her had lead the feisty ferret here. A quick glance gave her a quick layout of the camp. Needless to say you have a lot of options for exploring.
Main Locations:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
First at the centre of the camp is what appears to be the largest and most ornate tent in the encampment. Gold trim and exotic fabrics detail the entrance. That would be the best place to find Esmeralda and Stefan.
You also saw a small tent to the side with a purple smoke flowing out. To the side you see a sign that says "Mardock's Fortunes"
In the west side of the encampment, you see a large number of beastman gathered around a ring. You can clearly see a Minotaur and a large beastman with Ram Horns wrestling.
To the east side of the camp are a group of tents that seem to house a number of craftsman. While most were still working, you see one with some goods actually ready for sale.
To the north of the camp near the forest you see a group of Wolf men and Bunny girls gathered together. They seemed to be preparing for some excursion.