by Icaelus » Sun May 14, 2017 8:41 pm
And just as quickly as it had started, it was over. The spider lay in a lifeless, bloody heap on the cave's floor. But the damage had been already done, chiefly in the form of a gaping wound through Aunt Eleanor's midriff.
"Eleanor. How bad is it? I can patch yo-"
Eve had been in the midst of forming a Life Sigil as she jogged towards her wounded aunt. But Aunt Eleanor was more than capable of performing her own treatment, instead scrawling the sigil of Life upon her own body. Her skin as her canvas, her blood as ink. This would be the day that Eve would remember to never, ever underestimate a practitioner of the art of Sigils. Especially one as powerful as her aunt..
In the next few seconds after Eleanor had finished the Sigil, the massive wound had closed itself, the skin knitting itself back together in a pair of jagged scars. A pair that would have quite the story behind them, if Eleanor ever chose to tell that particular tale.
"I didn't think that was possible.."
Evelynn sighed in relief, finally managing to shake off some of the awe of witnessing such a medical miracle performed just moments before. She smiled grimly at Anna's little wave, nodding to acknowledge her cousin's gesture. Right now, she was a massive bundle of nerves. Watching Eleanor suffer such a grievous wound had really kicked her into overdrive, her mind frantically suggesting and discarding plans and options of how they were going to kill the spider, then save their aunt.
It had all come to frankly what was quite an anti-climatic end...but hey, all for the better, right? Eve was a woman of many talents...but Sigils were one field she had yet to strive in.
"Says Ms. Deadeye. That shotgun's doing some real work!"
She forced a laugh, a false cheery facade replacing that intense worry that had just plagued her expression. She couldn't think too much about what had happened, what COULD'VE happened. Good lord, working with others and caring about their well-being was a good deal more...difficult than she had originally thought.
As per Anna's suggestion, Eve moved up closer. Sticking together to ensure their line of fire didn't collide was important, Anna had that right down..
Her ears pricked up at the skittering of legs scratching upon stone, spinning to the source of the sound and raising her SMG in one fluid motion. The next damn spider was already upon them..and it was going for Eleanor, again?!
Eve's eyes widened in momentary shock as the spider lunged, her body reacting on pure instinct, backpedaling out of the spider's path with a quick jump backwards. Holy shit, these things were fucking quick!
Her boots ground harsh lines into the dirt floor as Eve strained to catch her footing, to recover enough posture to squeeze off another salvo of super-heated light at the newcomer. Adopting her favored shooter's stance as she swung her SMG to the ready, she was relieved to see that like them, Eleanor had handily avoided the spider's piercing lunge. She would probably be fine if she could still move like that, wouldn't she?
Off to her side, the Shopkeeper bellowed once again, momentarily chasing away the darkness of the cave with burning amber. These spiders were quickly learning a lesson too late that close encounters with a trigger-happy girl with a shotgun was a terrible, terrible mistake..
Evelynn's lips quirked at the thought, taking a second to properly line up her shot. Her finger clenched the trigger, loosing another blazing round of super-heated cerulean towards the doomed spider.
Sleep unbeknownst to I, this one lives in perpetual need of coffee..