Gordian Orgias

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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:48 pm

Avalin looked up at the young man just strumming the strings of her lute, her eyes still covered "And what's the price ? A service or gold ?" she then smirked at the sound of how nervous he was "Oh how cute , I love it when their nervous how about this you give me a offer on a service , but I will get a free room , food, and drink." she tapped the table with her boots reaching into her satchel retrieving some elf grass into a fancy pipe snapping her fingers to make a small fire to light it huffing some of it then blowing it out." Well what shall it be ?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby DeltaSynergy » Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:37 am

Gillan approached Abel, Coria and Priscilla after noticing something was rather off.

"Is something the matter?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:04 am

Two gold for one night seemed reasonable enough, she had visited more expensive places. However, there was still the slight possibility she might not sleep here tonight. previous experience had taught her not to pay for anything until certain you will use it. So for now, the money were staying with her. A warm meal could also wait.

"Right, thanks." Sabrina thanks the man before going over to look at the board. While not really hurting for money, a few extra coins in the pouch would not hurt, besides she has to find something to pass the time during her stay.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Laughing Hyena » Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:30 am

"I believe I can. However it would take some time. And by the sound of it, it is time that we don't have at the moment." Abel said honestly. He couldn't promise her that it would be a guaranteed success but he was going to try and he had already heard about what she had gone through now that she openly acknowledged it. No wonder she looked terrified. Not just because of her magical outburst but also because of the situation that was coming.

Now that Abel heard that part about some kind of blackmail to be paid off with flesh, there was no question he needed to do something. If he wasn't invested before in this situation and as such he considered a few things. Clasping his hands together with the fingers touching his lips he continued to search his mind for a way to work this to a more favorable ending. Killing these men might be the simplest option but it could very easily backfire if not done right. He doubted he could talk them out of it. And he doubted he could convince the guards to turn a blind eye to this without outright bribing them… and they may keep the money and then back out of their word. And he doubt there were women in the guard as well or else it might be better to go to those guards to report this. Hence he came to his own decision.

"Then I'd say we should buy some provisions and head out of here." He honestly had been hoping to put up his feet but his step father would not allow that to go ignored. His eyes dance for a moment as if a fire had been struck within them. The other option is when they show up behind the inn to… well he would not even voice that but Abel was having the same line of thoughts as Priscilla. Either way he took a seat near Coria and then looked up at Priscilla. "But how do you two wanna handle this?" Able was talking because for him talking helped to sharpen his thoughts and give better clarity than mulling them out in silence. Also he felt he had no final word on what they should do. Didn't seem right to take control like that. But anyone could see the concern on him now.

Looking over towards Gilian he was surprised another person came over to them. It made sense considering how distressed Coria looked. However it was not his place to speak on the matter. It was after all quite personal and Abel was prying already as it was. So his eyes glanced over to Priscilla and Coria figuring that it was best for those two to say something about it. "Erm well… Whatever the case my vote is that our time would be best spent on an adventure. Might be worthwhile to see the bounty board or whatnot so we can earn coins to our names."
Last edited by Laughing Hyena on Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:54 am

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"Wait... you really are willing to..." he says awkwardly, failing horribly to nonchalantly cover his erection. "uh... *ahem* I can only get you a free room." he says sounding a bit more confident, though that still doesn't add up to much.

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You find the board to only have two peices of paper posted. The first was 50 gold to deal with wolfs attacking a women's farm. The other was 500 gold to find and dispose of the bandits and their leader, it was issued by the kingdom of Toural, the kingdom you are currently in.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:31 am

Mel found the dick would be humorous in how well it matched with its owner if she wasn't about to probably be the first woman to ever grace it with a touch. Hopefully he is as inexperienced as he deserves to be. Maybe she'll get lucky and he'll finish prematurely. Grimacing as he became impatient with her thoughts, she decided it probably was best to get started so she can leave. Not being particularly enthusiastic and doubting his lasting ability, she did little more than bobbed her head and suck lightly on the short fat dick. She heard the door open a few minutes later. She continued her work, but with little else to do but continue her sucking she couldn't help but listen to the dealings between the shopkeeper and his customer.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:04 am

"A free room , meals, and drinks for as long as I stay , if so then yes me and you will shake the bed once for every day I stay here got it?" she says getting up from her chair puffing from her pipe then blows away then grabs his hand dragging him behind the counter and into whatever room was discrete ." So do we have a deal or not?if not then I'll simply be on my way and you will have no sex, no music, no fun, but right now I just want a room so this will be a small session for the room ." she then unbuckles his pants pulling them down and she pulls her top down so her breasts are free an she takes off her skirt, "Don't you dare be gentle ,I want you to be rough and I swear if you don't I'll make you regret it entirely, and I have my ways ." she then bends over a chair her tail revealing itself pushing the cloak aside , her tail then moved to jerk him off tugging him closer to her ."The only two holes I'll give you permission to cum in is my asshole and mouth got it?" she then pulls him in to jam his cock in her pussy and she moans a bit now letting him take control her hood still up.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:15 am

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The customer began talking "Excuse me, how much for this dress?" it was a feminine voice. "That is- hhg, only 1 gold 50." He says trying his best to conceal his moans, he puts his right hand on your head. "You know, they're is a better dress you just need to go a bit, deeper." He says shoving your head down to the balls of his cock laughing a bit. His dick starts to twitch in your mouth.

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"Yes ma'am!" He says excitedly as he grabs the base of your tail with his right hand and roughly grabs your left cheek with the other. Using the leverage he forces all five inches of his dick into you at once. He lets out a moan before pulling out again and repeating the processes. The force pushes your face against the table with each thrust causing the stacks of dishes to shake and clang. "So- ugh, why do- mmh, have a- ta-tail?" He says between moans and thrusts.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:27 am

Mel was not pleased to feel the man's hand against her head. She had hoped he would be cautious about alerting customers to him getting head behind the counter, but it was clear he was willing to push her. While she didn't want to get up and walk out and alert the woman checking out dresses, she definitely needed to find another way to reprimand him lest he thinks he can just get away with breaking his word. She growled at him in warning, but when he pushed her head down she was not going to let that stand. She bit down on the mans cock for testing her patients. She didn't want to draw blood quite yet, but he would certainly have teeth marks showing for a few days.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:36 am

Avalin moans a little louder as she is being fucked hard her tail wags with the pleasure coursing through her body and she begins massaging his balls with it," Be-cause *nya* father- was not -huff- human, now! HARDER!" she says loving her rough treatment her body flowing with pleasure "Spank me ! mmmf!" she bucked back in retaliations in her natural demand for dominance .
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:52 am

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The man yanks you off his dick letting out a yelp. "Oh everything is fine over here... just dropped something!" He shouts to the women worrying she may become suspicious. He then lowers his head under the desk and whispers "If you bite again, you're leaving this store naked. Now start sucking again, and try harder."

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He raises his hand on your butt cheek and quickly brings it back down hard spanking you. He picks up his pace to match your thrusts back, spanking in rhythm. He then pulls out and asks "Why not take your hood down before we finish?" he says as he starts to prod your asshole.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:03 am

her tail pulls him into her asshole with a loud grunt,"Beca-use I L-like to re-remain anony-mous " she moans loudly her pussy dripping wet loving how rough it is her body surging with pleasure and she bites the table moaning loudly her breast pressing up against the table .
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:09 am

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"I-I cant take anymore!" He shouts before slamming his whole length in her tight ass and yanking her tail back with all his might. He releases multiple waves of cum into her ass before pulling out his dick releasing two more ropes of cum. The first splattering on her ass and the second on her back and also splashing on some of the clean dishes. Panting he falls back into a chair and says "Those dishes need to be clean, so if you wouldn't mind cleaning the ones i dirtied well seal the deal." He says still panting. He is referring to the plate that has a large splatter of cum on it.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:18 am

she moans but didn't climax sadly so she is uncontrollably horny craving more she wiggles her cum covered ass some of it leaking from her hole she then looks at him licking the cum off the plate ."Mmmmm do you have just a little more in you to cum on my face and breasts?" she then goes to try to get more
Last edited by lilgrunt1 on Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:24 am

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"I... I think you'll have to take the lead on this one" he says still quite exhausted. Leaning back in his chair he begins stroking his dick to get it hard again.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:30 am

she crawls up to him on all fours then licks his tip before shoving it in her mouth massaging his balls trying to making him cum that much again.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Firehead » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:33 am

This man certainly did not know his place. He failed to follow the agreement he made and now he was threatening to fail to follow it even further. "We agreed if you touched me I would be walking out of here with the dress. So consider that little nip your only warning, but don't think I'm not getting this dress if you screw up again. I won't bite you again, but you will regret if you fail to follow our simple agreement again." If he didn't object she would get back to her work.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:44 am

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The man places his hand on your head and starts to guide her head up and down his dick. He moans uncontrollably as you get faster. "I can't get you free drinks but I hope this is a close second." he laughs as starts to reach his peak "How about you use those tits of yours... please" he says revealing he is still a bit shy about this. (you can make him cum on your turn)

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He didnt object as you begin to suck him off again, he begins to reach his peak. The women at the store puts the dress on the counter and as she puts the gold down says "What is the wet noise I hear?" the man responds a bit worried and gasping from your work "Oh uh, probably nothing" the women simply lets out a hmph and takes the dress walking out the door. When she leaves he laughs "Weew! That was close wasn't lil lady?"
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby lilgrunt1 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:54 am

she pulls his cock out of her mouth and begins using her tits bouncing them up and down his cock until he climaxes some hit her face and the rest covers her tits, she then proceeds to lick the rest of the cum off his shaft then goes to the water supply cleaning herself , and after she cleans herself her asshole still dripping with cum she puts her clothes back on including her panties and walks out of the inn and explores the town. but first walks to the back of the inn to smoke some elf grass from her pipe.
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Re: Gordian Orgias

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:48 am

Sabrina frowns inwardly at the small amount of jobs, considering them. Dealing with wolf was out of abilities. Presuming it's a whole pack and that the pack would most likely keep together, fighting the wolfs was not an option without backup, which meant she'd have to find another way to get rid of them, or to find, and share the reward with some other people by having them help out. Unfortunately, her own knowledge on wolfs doesn't account for much, meaning she won't be able to find an alternative to dealing with the wolfs besides slaying them with the help of other people. Deciding to leave this option to consider in case she made any adventurous friends in town later on, she considered the other one issued by the actual kingdom.

While she had information on the bandits, she was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to sell the information in anyway. In fact, is she went to any official military outpost like the guards and demanded compensation for the information, they could just force her to reveal the information by threatening to brand her as a conspirer against Toural itself. She would have to keep the information to herself until the opportunity arose to use it for her own benefit. And once again, this was a mission she really wouldn't be able to take on alone. Taking out bandits usually meant doing so with more people than the bandits could muster, taking them on by oneself would be suicide.

So, this meant that none of the current jobs were something she could currently do, and that any additional sum of money she could acquire were out of her reach. She might as well see if she could acquaintance herself or get some allies in here. Perhaps this group coming for the board themselves? They were already a group, and since both quests were group missions, they most likely wouldn't refuse a temporary addition to their numbers. She casually steps a bit out of the way as they approach, politely giving them room to look at the board.
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