Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:06 pm

I Followed with a nod, Listening to what he said "I Like Killing, But I prefer being sneaky about it, If that Fails I just sorta Fall back on instincts they seemed to have become a whole lot more savage lately, Also so what if I like to cuddle." I Mumbled the last bit Blushing "I hope you have some more clothes for me, I kinda went overboard with the Blood." I said Picking at my Suit hoping to get more answers when we got wherever we were going, "Do we have allies or anything, or should I just Assume everything non-human wants to kill me?"
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:11 pm

Bri turns her attention to the vamp that just entered through the side door. She had hoped to save him for last but her clumsiness had foiled that plan. With her detection inevitable, Bri took off sprinting at the vampire, intent on tackling him through the door and back outside. If the tackling was successfully she would attempt to squash this one's head like she did the last.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:40 pm

"Or you cold just puss out like a bitch." Katherine grumbled after the trigger was pulled for the last time, ending the fight. Another waste of good blood and information. "Well I guess time to somehow make this look like a gang-attack of some sorts." Looking around the room and hallway to see the incredible amount of cracked skulls and slashed up bodies. "Probably went a bit far..... Oh fucking well." Grabbing the dead and unconscious gangsters in the hallway and dragging them into the room with the rest of the corpses. She stood there for a couple of seconds, pondering how in the hell she was going to make this look like a group of humans did it. This was overkill for any gang and way too brutal and personal for a hitman or hitwoman of any sorts, so that only left one option. "A satanic cult!" Honestly that was the only thing Katherine could thing of that could even begin to start explaining the scene she was going to depict here. But first, secure the briefcase. She tossed it onto the desk in the room before opening it to see what all of this fuss, her awakening and lovely bloodshed had been all about.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:46 pm

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"If you prefer to be sneaky about it i advise getting better at sneaking." He comments and smirks before shaking his head. " I said i didn't care and I stand by that new blood. As for your clothes, I have nothing like that... the only clothes possible I have to fit you belong to my ghoul and she is a stripper." He comments giving you a look that says he wouldn't mind you in such. "As for allies yes we have allies, other vampires of the Sabbat and those the sabbat pay to do us tasks. All else are our enemies, we crush anyone that stands in our way." He comments before opening a metal door and pushing you inside.

Looking around you see it's more like a private suite than an underground dungeon as he begins stripping himself of his clothes and dumps them in a hamper with a bunch of others. "if you want to change put your ruined clothes in that. My ghoul will get them cleaned eventually." He comments as he moves to a fridge and takes out a bottle full of a chilled red liquid and turns on the TV, most importantly the news before pulling out a phone and sending a text, leaving you to join him or explore his haven

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Charging forth you attempt to rush him he sees you coming and grins giving you a snarl. "Camarilla whore!" he roars and charges into you as well. (1 success verse 3 successes. Vs rolls) crashing together you both are sent outside into the dirt but unfortunate he is positioned on top of her, her fangs bearing as he slams you against the dirt trying to daze you and pin you to the ground. "I'm going to carve you up and leave you for the sun!" he roars in your face before attempting to bring his claws down on your face. (2 succeses vs 4 player wins combat roll) The vampire keeps raining down blows but either due to your speed or his inability at fighting in such close quarters, you keeping dodging or managing to block his blows until you grab his arm equalizing the hold and preventing him for attacking you further. the vampire inside still yet to join you outside

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As you go about littering the place with bodies positioning them in make shift satanic ritual like poses before grabbing the case and start to open it up. With a click the briefcase opens to reveal it lined with bloodpacks, chilled thanks to the cases lining. Suddenly groaning can be heard in the room reminding you that you incapacitated two of them without killing something of a feat considering how unable you were to do so when you were trying. One looks rather uninjured while the offer is coughing up blood, reminding you that you broke his ribs.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:55 pm

Amelia gladly returns the kiss, moaning with rekindled lust in Crissy's mouth. It took some amount of self-restraint to abstain from pushing her mistress on the bed and fucking her with the still-wet dildo. She bit her lip at the very tempting thought, holding the idea off for later as she makes her way to the wardrobe and opens the wooden doors. Her eyes glitter at the beautiful collection of clothes that Crissy had, but she was still unsure what to choose as she had no idea what matters they needed to attend to.

"Where are we going?" she inquires, continuing to sift through the dresses, suits and gowns.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:00 pm

Oh dear god that hurts so much as I am down on the ground in pain welp that fuckin painful dear god as I stare at her clearly angry I realize welp I fucked up welp time to oh god my dick as she stamped my balls my body shaken from the shear strike going deeper on my dick oh god this it as I start to moan in pleasure oh shit are you serious y-yes mistress how may p-pl serve you?" as she her foot continues to slam I realize that her foot could feel my hard on and that not only that but it turns out I am masochist and if I dare move she will probably kill me oh god i am turned on please stop.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:11 pm

An Ying Hu
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Your sire busies herself with her phone sending and receiving text messages while you look over her selection. "I wouldn't worry about it, it's a simple vampire meeting. One vampire attends these things in a thong and corset pick whatever you feel most like you in." She offers with a giggle before pulling the towel from her body and dries her hair, fixing up her appearance as she waits on you to decide your attire. "If it helps it is considered formal but there is no dress code." She offers helpfully before leaning back on the freshly made bed to watch you.

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Your sire stops her assault and presses her foot softly down as if to make sure she feels what she think she feels. "Are you... Fucking hell you are." She laughs and pulls her foot off of your cock and balls. "Okay. Maybe you might be some fun after all." She chuckles darkly before moving to sit on your chest. "I've little task for you. You're going to go play guard on a deal I have taking place, anything comes to stop it, you kill, cops, other vampires you make sure this deal goes off. Am I clear?" she asks you delivering a smack across your face hard enough to snap your head to the side and bounce it off of the floor.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:11 pm

I huffed lightly but stripped as well before exploring looking around the place, looking for a shower first and foremost as I felt the blood drying on my body and it was a disgusting feeling to have, I also looked around to see if my sire's ghoul was anywhere around, wanting to see who my sire had serving him, besides that I just wanted to memorize the layout of the place, idly wondering if my sire was going to act like one of those drunken fathers on tv since the scene seemed to fit.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:26 pm

"Fuck Off!" Shouts Bri as she begins torquing her body sideways, attempting to pin the vamp on top of her to the ground. She quickly begins wrenching his arm inward, intent on shattering his humerus with her inhuman strength. If this vampire knew she was Camarilla then he definitely wasn't as green as the others. She intended to keep this one alive, at least until she could dispatch the other, and have herself a little taste test. If she managed to break the first arm then she would quickly break the other, along with both his legs, hopefully causing him to blackout and giving her time to deal with the last target.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:33 pm

She settled for a ball gown that somewhat resembled her previous one - a long black fabric ruffled from the waist all the way down if revealing her feet, decorated by a dark-silver sash woven around the middrift. The shoulders were bared and the cleavage was only deep enough to be tasteful. It goes well with my shoes too, she thought as she put it on, as her low-heel shoes had been mercifully spared the ravages of her and Crissy's lust. Amelia walked over to the mirror in the bathroom to dry and arrange her hair before returning where she could be seen by her mistress. "Well.. how do I look?" she asks smirking mischievously and teasing Criss by twirling once so the other woman could get a good view of her in the dress from all angles.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:40 pm

As I bounce back I stare her eyes still turned on by her foot stomp and that slap holy shit did turning me into a vampire make hypersensitive I stare at her smiling face with a face full of pleasure "yes mistress I will serve you" after that declaration I look at the rest of her still naked body and realize one a still have a boner and three shes on top of me "mistress is their anything else I may do to serve you ill do anything you want?" just please finish me off.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:51 pm

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Looking around you find a kitchen, a bathroom with running hot water surprisingly enough as well as a bedroom, just the one bedroom it seems. The lay out is fairly basic, bedroom into bathroom living room with adorning kitchen. Your Sire's ghoul however is no where to be found seems she is busy doing something or hasn't stopped by today. Stepping into the shower you cleanse yourself of blood, watching it wash down the drain in a crimson river while your sire smirks to himself and continues to go through his phone. "New Blood... When you're finished getting cleaned up and finding something to wear come here." He smirks to himself but otherwise seems willing to let you do as you please for now.

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As you wrestle together he grins and rests his face near yours. "Maybe we'll stake you rape you a little then leave you to the sun." he laughs menacingly as you both wrestle with each other(3 success vs 2 player wins) You manage to roll on top of him and gain an advantageous position above him.(2 Successes vs botched =Player major win) Snapping his arm you hear him howl in pain before you quickly disable the rest of his limbs roaring as you leave him there he crawls after you in obvious agony.

Leaving him to deal with the other the remaining vampire looks at what you did and runs back inside, following him you see him pull out a lead pipe from a crate and grip it tightly. "Come on bitch I going to fucking murder you." He hisses nervous and waiting on your to move.

An Ying Hu
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As you make your choice and move off you see your sire take her turn at the wardrobe and quickly puts on something casual, adorning her glasses and light bagging red jumper you found her in earlier this night before she turned you. Once you return and give her a twirl she laughs and smiles clearly impressed. "I think you'll be the most fabulously dressed there tonight." She offers before moving to you quickly and wrapping her arms around your waist. "Hard not to want to strip you back out of that..." She bites her lip and settles for a long kiss as her tongue pushes and laps at your lips before she finally breaks it. "Come there is a cab waiting for us downstairs. Just remember to be quiet and not speak up while the man on stage is talking." She warns with a grin before taking your arm and leading you down into a cab.

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Seeing your look she smirks and shakes her head. "No, no chance of that fledgling not after the annoyance you've caused. But I'll tell you want, does this task without a problem and I might consider it." She offers you before gripping your neck and squeezing it tight. "Fail and you die... am i clear?" She hisses before moving off of you and lifting you by you throat to your feet. "Go to the park near your own dorm you'll see a man with a trunk, guard him and the truck." She orders before releasing you and pushing you towards the doorway.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:54 pm

"Hmmmm blood-to-go, how courteous of them." Stuffing one of the bloodpacks in her pocket before turning her attention to the two survivors. She felt giddy, her body thrumming with excitement and anticipation. Before she knew it, she was on top the uninjured one, sitting on his stomach as she caressed his chest and neck. "Look at you.... You missed the entire party, although that is probably why you're one of the only two alive. Well for now at least." Growling as she dragged her teeth against the skin of his neck. She could feel his heartbeat pulsing against her teeth, the rhythmic thumping of flowing blood then she struck, holding his head aggressively in both hands as she sunk into his neck. Such warmth had to be hers, grunting as she tried to force her teeth further into his neck, wanting more faster. She drained him dry, not missing a single drop. With a satisfied sigh, Katherine released his corpse giving a kiss on the forehead before standing up. Well after looting his corpse, whatever he had on him was going to be more useful to her than anyone else at this point. She already had one gun in her pants, but another couldn't hurt, hell she should probably just loot everyone's corpse and see who had the best guns. "But first! There's one more to drink."

Katherine didn't waste anytime doing the same thing to the other gangster, only pressing down on his broken ribs as she drank him to have his last moments be ones full of pain. She didn't really have a reason for being such an asshole to that guy but then again who was left to judge her? She proceeded to loot everyone in the room, following her plan from earlier about only taking the two best looking pistols before grabbing the briefcase and walking out of the room. "Pleasure doing business. Make sure to leave a customer review form down at the front desk." Shouting back at the room full of corpses as she waited for the elevator. While she waited she took the blood-pack out, looking it over for any writing or signs before sinking her teeth into it if it looked safe enough to drink. Afterwards it was straight back to her current employer, only after discarding the bloodpack she had taken.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Diran Fay » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:54 pm

"Yeah, I am... I guess." I said, leaning across the bar as well, glancing around at everyone around them, before getting a little distracted by the cleavage being shown by how she positioned herself. Taking my eyes off her body, I refocused on my task. "I need to find someone, only problem is I don't know who. Someone threatening to start spilling a load of secrets. Any pointers you could give me?" I asked, perhaps a little overly hopeful that the first person I spoke to would actually have anything to tell me. "Also, I don't suppose there's any chance of buying a... er, drink, as it were?"
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:04 am

"yes mistress" with nothing else to actually do I open the door hoping to one be at least near my dorm and two not in the other side of the city and to be ready to seve my master for the first time.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:19 am

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The man groans as you grab him before letting out a pleasured moan as you bite into his neck and drink him to a still corpse. pale and lifeless his warmth now your own as you feel your desire for blood sated with his death. Looking over to the other one he seems to struggle before you press down onto his ribs causing him to spit blood over your cheek before you then drink him to death. Laving the room lifeless you loot and collect the brief case before departing for the elevator.(bloodpool=max 9mm pistols 14 ammo $30 gained)

Looking over the bloodpack you notice nothing wrong with it other than it's blood in a pack instead of someone's veins. Draining the pack you gulp it down the taste sweet despite it being chilled. As you drink however you get flashes of a figure calling for you and a place it resides and a desire to find them, nothing major but you can't seem to get them out of your head as you keep walking back to your sire.

Once back your sire gives you a look over and glares before snatching the briefcase from you and putting it down. Quickly snapping out a phone he calls someone. "Yeah I got the briefcase before they could distribute it. Yeah had my childe get it, seemed like a good enough test, no she made a mess judging by the look of her. Should of gone with, will clean it up before the nights out. Of course. Not a problem sir we're on our way." Putting the phone down he shakes his head before he turns and you and slams you into the wall. "I said make it look like a gang hit! You are covered in blood" He snarls his hand on your throat. "Do you even understand why you had to do as I said?" He asks you seeming more calm with his words as he leans his face away from yours though you are still pinned off of the floor against the wall by your throat.

Diran Fay
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"She not tell you? well i'm not going to spoil her game by giving you information for nothing. Tell you what though since you're so cute, you get up on this bar top, start doing a strip dance into your underwear then allow a few customers to do shots from your belly and I'll point you in the right direction as well as get you that drink." She smirks and gives you a wink. "So how about it?" She asks with a huge smile.

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Shaking her head she goes back to laying on the altar in meditation while you leave. Once outside you notice you are actually underground in a subway tunnel you can hear trains running along the tracks while seeing lights in both directions, judging by how long it took you to get here however it's likely to your left since it is closer to you unless that darkness warped you concept of time then you truly could be anywhere.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:21 am

With A Blink I shrugged "Okay!" I called to him washing my hair from all the Blood Stuck in it, once I was Finally Clean I Looked for whatever help clothe me the most before Going to him Blushing darkly as I Stood in front of him Wearing mesh shirt and stockings along with a Bikini top, Tight Booty shorts that had a Heart shaped hole showing half of my ass, a Leather long sleeve jacket that went half-way down my boobs and thigh-high Boots "I Feel Like a Whore." I Mumbled.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Diran Fay » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:32 am

I pulled back a bit in surprise. Sure, this would kind of like going on stage and having everyone's attention, which was always my dream but, I never wanted this kind of attention. This was something different altogether. TI suddenly became very aware of the lustful looks I had been getting from so many people while at this club. I remembered how comfortable I had been being naked around Eve. We didn't even know each other that well... she turned me into a vampire... its not like I asked. Suddenly struck with the inner turmoil I probably should have felt the moment I discovered I had become a vampire I shook my head and spoke.

"I... I can't do that, that's... I'm not sure if I can..." fumbling with my words, I looked to the floor "Isn't there anything else I can do? Something a little less... degrading and humiliating?"
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:50 am

ok this is good at least I am in an area of transportation If I remember clearly my dorm was near subwat station now all I gotta do is check if this is the closest one near the park or take a closer one down near my dorm I start to check the map if this is the closest if it is might as well leave and head to the park and if not time for subway ride.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:03 am

Hallucinatory blood was a new one for Katherine. It distracted her enough that she almost missed her bloodied baseball bat on the ground. She had forgotten that it had flown out the window during the fight. "Hello old friend. You missed quite the fight upstairs." Carrying it in her other hand as she walked back to her sire.

Well he could have been grateful that she had completed the job instead of just ditching his ass and never coming back but she had expected him to lash out at her anyways. She dropped her bat to the ground as he lifted her into the air, her hands clutching his own to put up a small resistance against the choking. "Hehehe, guess you'll have to deal with it." Giving him a shit-eating grin despite her situation. "You sent me in there without telling me anything about what happened to me, the fuck did you think was going to happen? But despite your lack of guidance I made it look like the work of a Satan cult since destroyed skulls and drained husks are hard to pin on gangsters. You have your briefcase so stop crying over split milk. It's unbecoming of whatever we are, something you haven't told me yet." Trying to turn the tables on him, as he did owe her an explanation for everything. Katherine very much doubted she could go back to her old life and he was beginning to make this all seem like she was being initiated into some other world. "I have had no reason to trust or follow you yet, give me one dude." This feeling of being in the dark about everything was starting to get quite infuriating, Katherine had only been playing along so far because of the threat of being murdered but with the emergence of her own powers, she needed something more concrete to keep her passive in this relationship
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