by Suraru » Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:29 pm
The door does open, and you now see the halls of the interior of the ship.
+20 points for being the first one to get free!
There are three directions, forward, left or right.
Well 4 if you want to go through the door you just went through.
Forward you see a short hallway, with a door at the end of it, and also forming a T-intersection with another hallway parrell to the one your in now.
Left you nothing because the hallway curves eventually blocking any further view. It is dotted with some windows, but you can't see anythign out of them unless you get closer.
Right you see a straight hallway with many doors. One the right side are 3 doors seperated by long distances, and on the left the doors are too many to count, and are seperated by about 3door/length each. The hall way ends with a large door.
"Thanks to your unfortunate life, I've found myself being more and more grateful!"
"Are you horny? Do you not want babies? Just watch porn!
They'll make you jizz in your pants, so others don't have to!"