The nation of Gaellion had long since recovered from the revival of the monster races. The years that had passed had seen the various civilized races work together to return men to the realm and put an end to the clear and present danger of each species dying out from decreased reproduction. Using an untold force of mages and priests the Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, and Humans banded together and tore a hole into another plane much like their own and brought through it hundreds if not thousands of men to help repopulate the realm. These men quickly rose to positions of power thanks to their being seen as saviors and prophets brought forth by the divine to aide the civilized races in their darkest times.
The monsters that still lingered on after the first den was assaulted and cleansed were hunted down though they managed to avoid most worst case scenarios with their incredible super human abilities. This all changed when King Rorgoth took his place upon the throne of man within Gaellion. He formed an elite unit of men and women known as the Templars to train others to combat and capture the monstrous species. Soon the Templars numbered in the hundreds and quickly the monsters found less and less safety in the wilds of the human kingdom. Some sought to escape to other neighboring nations while others tried to fight back and for a time it seemed as if the conflict would be unending.
Sadly for the monstrous races this did not last. The King along with several of his extra-planar mages found they could craft holy items that dampened monstrous powers and subdued the creatures by their mere presence. In droves the monsters were slain or captured to be brought to the black dungeons under Gaellion's capital city, Gaellia. There monsters were subjected to cruel experiments to see just what granted them their power. These experiments were carried out by Rorgoth's lead adviser, and a talented mage beyond that, Liegius Marcelle.
This is where you all find yourselves on this bleak morning. At least you assume it's morning as you're all woken by the blaring of the horn the guard captain carries. This dark and windowless dungeon gives you no indication of what lay beyond the enchanted stone walls that hold you. Each of you sit in a private cell with iron bars making up 3 of the four walls to your new home. Shackles adorn your wrists and shins and your personal effects are left teasingly just out of reach and within sight of your prisons. Each of you are presented with a plate of gruel for what you assume is breakfast while the guard captain makes his rounds. The four guards that accompany him laughing and cracking jokes at each of your naked forms from the safety of their position on the other side of the bars.
None of you had been experimented on yet though you'd all seen three poor souls dragged off into the room at the far end of the hall. It's heavy metal door creaking open only when the lanky doctor that the guards whispered about popped his head out to demand another subject. This Liegius would remain in that room seemingly endlessly as wails and cries filled the dungeon from the other side of the steel portal and then once silence finally graced your ears, three meals would pass and then another demand for a subject would come. This breakfast marks the third meal since the dungeon fell quiet and you each look about at the faces and exposed bodies of your fellow captives wondering who will be next.
While the minutes drag on and the guards laze about playing cards near the exit up into the castle proper you each begin to notice something. Your shackles feel lighter and looking over the restraints you each see that the chains that once held you within two feet of the stone walls had all been severed! Before any of you have the chance to speak on this occurrence a cacophony of squeaking metal fills the dungeon as each of your cell doors swing open slowly. Your gear lay but mere feet from your grasps! Though the loud grinding of the thick metal doors to your cells alerts the guard captain and his men they're not close enough to bar your exit from the metal prisons. It is time to take back your freedom or at least make these fools pay for keeping you here. You are monsters. Powerful, lust filled, pillars of greatness that nature itself cannot comprehend.
NPC appearances:
King Rorgoth -
Leigius Marcelle -