Ether Works' Altera (IC)

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Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Oroboros1337 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:54 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It's been about a week since launch day at this point. The day that gamers around the world had been dreaming and praying for The day that those dreamers entered their nightmare. The experiences of the beta players had been highly publicised to hype up the game. Bit by bit, previews of the early zones and monsters had been released. Everyone had a chance to plan what they were going to do the moment those servers came online. Then, three hours after the game opened, the trap closed. Everyone received a message from the game server, a message that automatically opened and played for each player.

"To you, my devoted fans. Welcome to the world of Altera. It is a world that I have slaved over for years in order to perfect the technology and the setting. You stand now in my greatest work of art. However, the greatest stories ever told are never told in regards to the passive observer. They are told of those thrust into the heart of the action. Now, those people are you. You are part of this world. You experience this as though you are really here. In fact, who is to say that you are not? Your ability to log off has been disabled and will not be enabled again until someone defeats Kas'lin and closes the Rifts forever. This world is now your world. Be who you dreamed you wanted to be. Live it."

The panic had been immediate. Players across the server reacted with rage, with tears, with disbelief, and even with just plain stupification. By the time 24 hours passed, and everyone had to spend the night in the game, nobody thought it was a prank or a publicity event any more. Now, seven days later, everyone is finally starting to pick up and get on with the business of playing the game.

The starting town is called Rendle, and is where everyone has begun their journey. It has been designed a major hub and trade settlement, somewhere worthy of hosting players for many levels to come. The city is perched on the edge of a lake and has rivers running through it, dividing the city into several wards. The Castle Ward is the center of government for Rendle and where the military barracks and the leadership are. The Market Ward is where most merchants can be found and most trade is conducted. The Residential Ward is where most of the townsfolk can be living. The Guild Ward features guild halls available for purchase by player guilds as well as some local bars for socialization. Finally, there is the Old Ward, or the Thieve's Ward as it is known on the street. The Old Ward is a section of town classified by the game as a dungeon area, where poverty and crime have taken over to such a degree that the town guard don't even patrol it or enter unless absolutely necessary. There are those who live in the Old Ward still though, whether because there is money to be made working with those criminals or simply because they cannot afford to live elsewhere in the city.

Several player guilds have established themselves since the day the servers started. Three are of particular note. The first is the Vanguard, a guild dedicated to defeating the game. They are focused on building their characters and pushing for the goal of closing the Rifts as quickly as possible so that everyone can escape and return to their real lives. The Heretics are players who have decided to abandon the path of beating the game. If they cannot escape, so much the better. Outside, the real world is full of work, drudgery, disease, depression, danger, and being returned to their own bodies that were thrust upon them by accident of birth. This is their true awakening and want everyone to embrace this new life. Finally, the third group is the Gankers. A PvP alliance, these players recruit either those who are strong or those who will do what they will say. Then, they turn on their fellow players, attacking them either for the gold and experience, or just for fun. They are the trolls and the griefers.

A stone map is located in the middle of the Guild Ward, built orginally by the Vanguard. It's two meters tall and three meters across, holding a vague map of the surrounding area. Any player has authorization to make additions to the map with an enchanted quill with the board, but the Vanguard reserves editing priviledges, something they've had to use several times to remove vandalism done by the Gankers. The map shows several dungeons located by the Vanguard and made freely available to all players in the game for their farming and exploration purposes. The Old Ward is of course on the map. As well, the city's sewers have been highlighted as a dungeon, several entrances through the city marked down to be easily found. Outside the city, there is the Briar Wood, a forest zone crawling with monsters that has a recommended level of 3 for solo characters (Everyone is level 1 right now). Misty Vale is another zone highlighted, marked as a new player friendly zone with easy classed threats and a recommended level of 1. It's fog filled valleys create isolated pockets to control the size of mob groups and minimize the number of monsters that might add on to a brewing battle. Arcanos Keep is marked on the map a little ways from town, a wizard's tower that stretches up high into the sky and bearing a recommended level of 5.

Last but not Least, there is a War Zone marked on the map. A continual event, the War Zone is a Rift that opens into this area and spawns out monsters on a regular basis. The Church maintains a permanent military encampment on site and has an open call to any Champions of the Gods to come and assist them in fighting the hordes. Any players helping them will be faced with possibly large numbers of dangerous monsters, but the Church offers reward points redeemable for prizes such as powerful Buff spells and henchmen to follow you for a while.

Today, the Inn of the Gambler's Ace is open for business. On the ground floor, it has a central tavern room that has wooden tables spread about, solid and well worn chairs at them to sit upon, and a bar for those who care to sit at it and take their orders there. In the traditional manner, a dwarven bartender sits behind the bar on his stool, waiting to take orders while he whittles away at a stick. The serving staff is made up of a trio of rather shapely buxom wenches who glide through the room, taking orders and delivering drinks. People simply refer to them as the Blonde, the Red Head, and the Brunette. For those desiring a little more privacy, there are a few booths around the outside of the room with red velvet curtains that can be drawn over the entrances. Upstairs, the Inn has rooms for rent available to those players who haven't yet purchased housing, which is just about everyone.

The Gambler's Ace is usually a good place to find some good drinks and a good quest to go on. Today is no exception. Standing at the side of the room is a dark skinned man wearing arabian style heavy robes and holding an ale in his hand while he sips at it and surveys the room. He's marked as a quest giver for any players that check the interface. One of the walls of the Ace's drinking room has a series of posters stuck to it, each one holding a picture, a name, and a price, a set of bounties set by the city watch. Finally a middle aged man wearing hunting leathers is sitting at a seat by the fire, also marked as a quest giver.

With that, consider this open for RP! Anyone with a character ready to go can post in however they'd like. The Gambler's Ace is where I have as a default starting spot, consider it merely a suggestion.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:24 pm

Salora strides into the Gamblers' Ace,full of confidence. She had finally pulled herself together at being locked into the game and had finally accepted things as they were. The only thing to do now was to get stronger and play the game. The concept of being locked into a fantasy world, was rather disconcerting at first though, especially for a casual gamer, though she had accepted things now. So, now she was entering into this Inn in search of how to further her character development. She then strode over to the bounty board to check things out. Her goal being to find something relatively easy, preferable something in Misty Vale. If she can't find an easy looking quest, she'll just head to Misty veil and try leveling up the old fashioned way. She does take note pf the two people marked as quest givers, mentally noting them for a later purpose.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:12 pm

Shima's already got a seat in the Gamblers' Ace, looking over the people inside from her place somewhere near the middle of everything. Yeah, she wasted a week to depression once she found out that she was stuck in game, but she's rallying from that now, picking herself up and recruiting. She wants a squad of trusted killers to help her get as close as possible to killing Kas'lin and ending this exile from reality, but doesn't feel right around those Vanguard people to recruit directly from them. No, she wants people willing to go through hell and back with her to get the hell outta here. Because, while she is a rather hardcore gamer, she's worried about what her family will do upon seeing her stuck like this. She'd rather not think of the pain they must be going through, of the confusion and sorrow such an event brings on. So she sits, waiting for people to fill her vaguely defined criteria, ready to break some bones to break out of the game.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby joeyjoey61297 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:36 pm

Inside the Gamblers Ace Jo the bars owner resided. She was sitting behind the bar serving drinks, the bar is right next to the quest board so as people came in she had something to do. Talking to the strong adventurers entering her Tavern. Jo loved her job she got to see all kinds of people and that was exciting to her of course she also enjoyed something else. She offers a special service to anyone of her customers men or women it doesn't matter, it's one of the reasons why she does so well for herself. Inside her Tavern there is always a very enjoyable music playing in the background.
Jo looks at a new face entering her bar she sees that its an adventurer looking for a quest, she smiled and went over to say "If there is anything you need my Tavern will supply you for your quest. Also if you need 'Company' or a place to rest my bar is always open."
The Gamblers Ace is a place where people can come to play games, eat, sleep, drink, find a job, and supply themselves for a journey; and enjoy themselves to her special services.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Noosie » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:10 pm

From the upper floor of the Gambler's Ace comes a series of dull thumps and a stream of profanity, ending in the unmistakable sound of metal clearing a leather sheath. Shortly afterwards the source of this commotion comes into view: A stumbling Dark Knight in full armor hastily sheathing a large rune-carved sword with one hand, and holding the wall with the other to maintain an already precarious balance. This ends as might be expected, with the less than graceful warrior tumbling down the steps after finally using both hands to cram the weapon back into its sheath. This signals the start of another bout of swearing as the heavily armored figure begins trying to rise from the floor, its heavy metal gear making this a nearly insurmountable difficulty.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:01 am

Greg has been at the Gambler's Ace for about 5 minutes now, lounging in his seat and taking periodical looks around the room. As of now, there's two new faces in the form of a young Elven lady, and a Dark Knight who clearly has had too much to drink. The latter he actually finds amusing; he figured guys like that would hold their liquor better...oh well. Of course, there's still the lovely bar owner over yonder, and a well-tanned - and equally well-toned - martial artist lounging at her own seat. He could chat up any one of these folks, or he could check out the various quest sources for a little work...

After a moment of pondering, Greg decides to look through the quest board for a job, and maybe chat with the bar owner while he's at it. After all, she's likely heard people chatting around here before, so there's some info she'd be able to share with him...and in all fairness, she's pretty good-looking, too...
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby napsii » Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:44 am

Unlike most of her peers, Severine hadn't made a pastime of whining.

That was the only name she would ever know, as far as she was concerned. The girl better known as Emma Hayes to her family had no real friends to speak of. When the school bell tolled, she had always rushed home, straight to her computer. Those she counted among her friends were nothing more than the few usernames that she'd collected on the contacts lists of her favorite games. And yet as she walked through the streets of Rendle, she was feeling something different. There were thousands of people online right now, and every single one of them was locked in this fabricated world. Yet unlike the other games, they could not dismiss the achievements of themselves and others by logging out. This was their reality, and what happened here mattered. When someone was struck down by one of the Gankers, she actually could see the frustration and fear crossing the faces of their avatars. When a player ran out of money, it was no longer idle text chat scrolling across the screen as they begged for money: it was really like they were one of the homeless in the real world.

Emma Hayes had done little in life. But Severine the Destruction Mage could do much, much more.

The girl had to admit, though: the last week hadn't been all fun. The first few hours had been unmetered joy as countless gamers acted out the fantasies they had been anticipating for their entire lives, but when that message played in their faces and the decision to log out was revoked, it had gone from simulating a fantasy world to an enormous riot in a little under 20 minutes. People were so dysfunctional with fear, rage and disbelief that Sev couldn't even find the quest givers through the throngs of people meandering about the game world. Actually, it had been funny to see NPC's dish out some hilarious replies to players trying to shake them down for a way to leave the game, but the clutter was annoying and stopped her from making any sort of progress until a few days had passed and people were starting to get into the groove of the game. Having at last realized that the way to leave was to actually get to the endgame, the PVE environment had recovered and things were just about the illusion of a fantasy world that people had hoped for.

Yet, Sev was never concerned.

If the exit was to win, then winning she would do. There were only so many things that unidentified asshole could to do stop them. Emma had played countless MMO's and other online games over the years, and in all of them, she had ranked consistently in the global leaderboards. Actually, she had purchased Altera with the prize money from winning a tournament in another MMO. Shame to think now that it and all of those other games were going offline. The moment Altera was announced and sneak peeks of the beta content started to trickle in, gamers everywhere had almost unanimously tossed away their subscriptions to other games and pre-ordered Altera. No doubt most of them thought that was the most terrible mistake they had ever made, but for Sev this was her god-given opportunity to finally make her mark. Emma Hayes was no genius inventor or invincible athlete. If she was going to do anything to change the world, it was going to be done here, where -- just as she had thought -- things mattered. Where she could wield magical powers and become something... more.

Whistling to herself, Severine walked along the arched bridge that separated the Guild Ward from the Market Ward, nodding to a passing Cleric as they walked by. As usual, there was nothing for sale that she could afford. All of the coolest items were pathetically lucky drops from some of the higher-level mobs, and people were scalping for them. She wasn't dumb enough to buy them, of course; once people began to push further into the content, the prices of those items would drop with the rising supply. Her few enchanted items -- her robe and her amulet -- had been gifts from another player. Idiot had given them to her for free, expecting a favor in return. Even though his avatar was that of a barrel-chested, good-looking guy, he talked like an obese, 45-year old balding dude would. Some things never changed, she supposed.

She brushed by people in the streets, heading through the impeccably-laid streets toward the edge of town. Lately, she had been irritated by her inferior level. With so many people terrified of the game world, the low-level content was swamped with players trying to farm for XP without the danger. God damn noobs. Either way, that had kept her at level 1, but that was going to change today. She had meticulously constructed her character toward magic, and had already plotted out her skills and attributes over the mid-term. If there was anyone that could take on the higher content, it was her. Other people would rather hang around the taverns, but Sev thought taverns were dumb and cliche. Besides, she had never been good at talking with people or drinking. That was fine with her, though: it just meant less people heading to Arcanos Keep.

Yes... the wizard's tower outside of town. It was 4 levels above her, but who was better fit to take on magic than a mage? Plus, the level disparity just meant tons of XP and some ludicrously good drops for her ahead of everyone else.

She ignored most of what she passed as she made her way through the gates and out of town, eyes focused intently on Arcanos Keep far off in the distance. Along the way, she had spotted a Dark Elf Rogue and an Orc Berserker having a trash talking match in the middle of the street while other players looked on. The Rogue had challenged his Orc opponent to a fight, but he was having connection issues and his interface wasn't showing the challenge to duel.

Just two less people to compete with, I guess... thought Sev with a mental shrug as she had passed by.

Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Inferi » Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:32 am

The wind rushed past her face as Kayleesa’s wings caught the air currents, sending her gliding through the skies above Rendle. The ability to fly was one significant improvement over the real world, and something that she took unbridled joy in. Being able to view the world from above really changed one’s perspective on things, although she had to admit it had taken some getting used to at first. Nearly her entire first two hours had been spent just trying to figure out how to lift herself into the air and stay there, and it hadn’t been until a while after the announcement that she had actually been able to make sustained flight. Now that she could, though, it was her ideal way to travel between places, her wings carrying her much farther and faster than her feet ever could.

Like many, the announcement that they were trapped here had come as a shock to her. In fact, she had dropped right out of the air when it had come up, being in the middle of an attempted flight at that point in time. It had hurt a decent amount, but had happened had been much higher on her priority list. She had bought this game as something to take her mind away from life for a while, not to become part of the world indefinitely. While slightly shy around most people, Ashley hadn’t been in a bad situation at all. Captain of her lacrosse team and a very good student, her life had been complete with a good group of friends to add to that. This was her first time even trying something like this, and had been intended as an experiment to see whether she had even wanted to really use it. None of her friends had bothered, telling her that it was all just hype and not worth her time, and at that point she had wished more than anything else that she had listened to them.

Limping back to town, she had joined the throng of players shouting at the ‘gods’ to let them out of here, not sure of what else she could do. This lasted almost no time at all, as she quickly figured out that doing this was going to be no help, and turned her attentions to more constructive ways to accomplish this goal. While not the most outgoing person in a casual conversation, when it came to a tactical situation Ashley, or Kayleesa, as she was now, could put aside her lack of skills making conversation and just speak relevant information. She had tried to get everyone to call her by her real name at first, but the name of her character, of the angelic knight, had seemed so much more appropriate. Not to mention everyone was already calling her that, so she had just decided to let it go, and found that responding to a new name really wasn’t that difficult.

Her search led her to other players that wanted to leave as much as she did, and the group of them had decided that something needed to be done about their situation. The solution ended up taking the form of a guild, which was decided to be named the Vanguard. Kay’s role in founding it was minimal, her arrival being among the last of the founding members, but it was there, and distinguished her as one of the founding members of one of the three most important guilds in the game. That meant more work, but she had no issue with that, wanting to get home before her family started to worry too much. While she didn’t know if time outside flowed exactly the same as time in here, as long as it flowed in some way outside she knew her family wouldn’t just act like nothing was going on. She often looked up, expecting to hear them shouting at her to come back, but no voices were ever forthcoming.

Her lack of progress on leveling, an anomaly among the Vanguard founders, was due to her own caution as well as her personal desire to explore the map personally. Much of her time had been spent flying around, trying to figure out the land around the city as well as she could, as well as venturing a little farther out beyond where most people would go, just learning the land so that she could have knowledge of where things were should she need to call locations to memory. It actually came in useful a few times when it came to removing graffiti on the stone map, although that could be done by most people without a huge amount of intricate knowledge. Still, she felt that it would help to know the landscape well, so much of her time was devoted to that personal task.

At the moment, she was on the way back to the guild HQ, to see if anything new had come up. It was getting to the point where she knew she should do something besides fly around, and if there was something she could do to help then it was her obligation to do that as one of the founding members. Even if she hadn’t been among that group, though, she would still be trying to help them. Kay couldn’t understand why people didn’t want to at least have the option to leave, since they could spend as much time in here as they wanted even if people could log out. Maybe being trapped in here was a sort of freedom, since they didn’t have to worry about returning to life? That was just a strange concept to her, though, and she couldn’t accept people trying to get in the way of others that actually wanted to get out.

Tucking her wings, the angel dove, heading down at the city before spreading them and slowing her descent a thousand or so feet below where she had started. All of the major landmarks in the city were visible to her, and getting to any of them was as simple as altering her course by a few degrees. She had been to all of the Wards at one time or another, although a majority of her time in the city was spent in the Guild Ward, among members of her guild that she felt comfortable with. Only once had she been to the Old Ward once, and had been forced to leave when her attempt to stop a mugging had resulted in six men trying to attack her. Kay knew she wouldn’t be able to stay there without trying to help someone, and so she decided not to go back until she knew she could handle whatever it might throw at her. The Residential Ward wasn’t somewhere she had ever been, having no reason to go, and the other two were frequently visited areas, but she was rarely in either for long as most of the time it was one some kind of guild business.

Keeping her course straight, Kayleesa slowed her descent, flying down to land gracefully on her feet right in front of the stone map and tucking her wings in as soon as she had. A few people gave a look her way, as an angel in almost brilliant white armor wasn’t something that was easy to miss, but most dismissed her arrival as nothing. She was around a fair amount, after all, and most in the Ward had gotten used to her arrivals a few days before. The armor she wore had actually seemed a lot better when she had first thought up the character, but even though it made her stand out Kay didn’t want to change it. She liked the way it shone in the sunlight, and the look of it fit the angelic knight that her character was, at least in her eyes.

Her white boots clacking on the stone street surrounding the map, the angel made her way towards the HQ of her guild, pushing open the door and striding inside with a quick greeting to anyone she knew in the vicinity. Hopefully someone she knew was inside, and her return here would actually yield something useful.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:46 am

Lucy walked up to the middle aged man with a smile, she used her magic to attach the staff of hers to her back
"excuse me sir, you wouldn't happen to need something done would you?"
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:07 am

Adellia Reinings, or Melancholia as she was better known in the world of Altera, was excited for once in her life. She had played several other games before Altera, exploring the vast worlds of each and every game she laid her hands upon. Altera was the biggest step forward in gaming history..and also possibly the downfall of it. The creator had sealed them into the game. Left the Log Out button out of the game menus, trapping them within the confines of virtual reality until someone cleared the game..
Still, that didn't matter much to her.
The server message had indeed been shocking, but Mel took it in stride, embracing the new world. Honestly, she wasn't exactly too connected with the real world, anyway. Perhaps this was simply a world where she should've been born instead.
Others might've questioned her if she had voiced her opinions out loud, but in her mind she would already have an argument forming if she was ever asked why she would've stayed in Altera instead of returning back to reality.
Why not? This is a perfect world, is it not? No one ever dies permanently, has to work or gets ill, will they? Even if they were in a life-threatening situation, they would never die. And it is only possible in this world..
Mel smiled wryly to herself. Imagine what Sis would've said if she had ever said that to her.

It had been a week now since the launch. People had finally started calming down, making out plans for the future and how they were going to clear the game..well, most of them were, at least. As online MMOs went, you always had the trolls and griefers hiding behind the anonymity of their avatar, indiscriminately killing other players and generally being assholes. Of course Mel disliked them. She played MMOs mainly just to explore the vast worlds that virtual reality offered, taking screenshots here and there of all the beautiful scenery she could find. She disliked going into combat and so she had chosen the Fae as her race for the game, due to the Fae's innate abilities of flight and generally being very fleet-footed. Made it easy to escape from people looking to cause trouble. Another factor that had drawn her to choosing the Fae was the striking resemblance between them. Sharp, childish features defining her face. Adell didn't usually spend much time on character creation, but Altera had been different. With just a few minor changes here and there, it seemed like she was looking into a mirror..

After the creation of the Fae known as Melancholia, she had wandered around Rendle, admiring the city and just sightseeing around the place. Ether Works had waited precisely three hours before they unleashed the nightmare.
Pure panic, mass hysteria. Those were the four words Mel would've used to most accurately describe the events of what had transpired after the announcement. She hadn't fallen to such insanity itself, instead making use of her wings to get her up to the highest place in the city and observing the populace from below. She had thought it all a joke.
How wrong she had been.
Now a week after that fateful day, Mel's plans still hadn't changed. She was going to explore all of Altera, one way or another. She wasn't the most social person and tended to do things under her own strength, generally being her own independent girl. Still, there was only so much that a person could manage by herself. With some difficulty, she had explored a bit of the other places just outside the town, lost in screenshot-taking frenzies. It now left her with one place..Arcanos Keep.
She could easily see it from where she stood on the road leading directly to the wizard tower, an majestic sight. The spire towered high up into the heavens above, not unlike a stone needle piercing the clouds like some woolly fabric for a sweater.
Mel smiled to herself at that sweater thought. She did kind of miss Sis with all her overly warm hugs and clothing..but still, this was only the start of a grand adventure! Many places had to be explored!
Well, first she had to get closer to the Keep, of course. And hope that no disgruntled wizard had beef with the Fae and had a flair for chucking fireballs out the window.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Oroboros1337 » Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:56 am

The Gambler's Ace
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Salora is able to step through the crowd easily enough and find her way to the bounty posters on the wall. There are perhaps a dozen posters up right now, each of them hand written upon a rugged parchment so they can endure the wear and tear of being on public display. Each lists a name, last known location, a reward, a recommended level, and features a picture of the target in question. The higher level the poster's recommended level, the older the paper, as though there is less turn over in them due to their difficulty. Most of them are quite squarely out of her league, such as Tebbrin the Black Finger, a thief in the Old Ward with a relic blade listed as a reward and a recommended level of 53. There are a few that seem more reasonable however.

- Surly of the Third Street Gang, last seen in the Old Ward, 35 silver pieces, recommended level 2. He looks like a big fellow in his picture, completely bald with a scar on his left cheek and a nose that looks like it's been broken several times.

- Reily Estwile, last seen in Misty Vale, 20 silver pieces, recommended level 1. A hawk faced fellow is pictured here, long grey hair drawn back behind his head into a ponytail.

- Yeslla, last seen in the Market Ward, 5 gold pieces, recommended level 4. This woman's portrat shows the fine features and dark skin of a dark elf beauty.

When the Dark Knight stumbles down the stairs and into the main hall, the Blonde gives a squeak of surprise as she leaps out of the way. The drinks she was carrying are sacrificed to her rapid evasion, spilling down over the floor. She lifts her self off the ground and dusts off her skirt, then casts a worried look over at the Dark Knight, worried she'd spilled the drinks on him. She breathes a sigh of relief when she realizes he's dry. "Are... are you alright sir?"

Lucy approaches the middle aged man, and when she does, he turns towards her with an interest. When he sees who it is that is talking to him, he smiles at her and tells her, "Well hello there miss, pleased to make your aquaintance." He gestures to one of the other seats at the fire, offering her somewhere to sit and join him if she'd like. "Well, I do happen to be in a spot of need. You've got a good eye for that kind of thing, it would seem. And seeing how you carry yourself, you're probably capable in addition to being real pretty." He pauses a moment to just see how she'll take the compliment before he tells her, "I've got a spot of trouble with wolves out in the Briar Wood. They're getting themselves changed somehow into Demon Wolves, getting much more dangerous and... unnatural. I think they're changed into Demons, servants of the creatures from beyond the Rift. I'm hoping to find some people able to cull their numbers, keep this under control. Maybe even solve it. I can offer five silver a head for the demon wolves, if you can bring me the right ear off of each one."

Vanguard HQ
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As Kayleesa entered the guild hall, she did indeed find someone she knew. The guild leader, Jarvin, was standing at a table with several other guild members perusing some weapons salvaged from the guild's last raid. "The two axes on the right there, they aren't the best we've seen from Misty Vale, but they'll be a sight better than most starting weapons. I wouldn't keep them if we weren't low on axes. Take the daggers to the merchant vendors and offload them, they are bad quality and we've got enought to fill a barrel as it is." The other guildies then nod to their commander and retrieve the loot weapons, packing them up to get rid of them. While the Vanguard was hardly going to hand everyone the best equipment in the game, they did like to give their newest members some gear to help them get a head start on leveling. After all, the gear was trash drops by some of the higher level memebers and could make a real difference to the new people.

Road to Arcanos Keep
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The duel that Severine observes certainly seems off to a stilted start when she passes them by, those connection troubles posing a drastic hurdle. Not only is the Dark Elf getting bored of waiting, he seems totally ignorant of the panic growing in the berzerker's face. If the connection doesn't stabilize, it'll be like he tried to log out! The helmet would fry his mind! This duel had literally become life and death and the reliability of his internet would be the determining factor.
The weather today for the trip is beautiful. The spring air is warm and crisp, it's sun warmed breeze giving a pleasant send off to the journeys of both Severine and Melancholia as they head towards Arcanos Keep. Up high where Melancholia flies, she is treated to a view of pure white fluffy clouds, billowing across the sky without a care in the world. For the trip, the skies are her's.

Down below, Severine walks an ancient cobblestone path towards the keep. The path itself is incredibly sparse, perhaps one in ten of the frisbee sized cobbles from the original road still in their place. It's enough to provide her with a clear route though. Where the cobbles are absent, the ground is still dirt. The plant life hasn't yet reclaimed the path. Where the landscape has gentle slopes making some shallow peak and valleys, the pathway favours the valley portions, meaning that Severine's view of the landscape ahead is limited at any given time.

A half hour into her trip, Severine finds herself encountering the first monsters since leaving Rendle. A batch of four Razor Rats are milling about the pathway. Relatively low level monsters, their only threat is really the numbers they have. Each rat is large for it's species, about the size of a house cat. Their fur is more rigid than those of most creatures, their hair more like that of a porcupine. Their eyes are literally red, but at least they don't glow. Severine will have to decide how to proceed, and this does occur within sight of where Melancholia is flying. The fae girl could fly on and ignore the situation easily with her wings, or opt to try and interceed somehow.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:39 pm

Salora takes some time to read over the board, and after drifting through all the high level stuff she comes across a quest in Misty Vale. Well, that was certainly convenient. She stops to look up as a large black knight falls down the steps, which draws a girlish giggle from her as she notices his apparent state of intoxication. She then takes a moment to reflect on what her friends might be doing at this moment, if they aren't somewhere in this game. Though, she quickly banishes the thought from her mind. She has a lot of work to do before she can even consider getting back to the real world, and it looks like she finally has a starting point. She decides to go out of the inn and find any any shops that may be of use. Her goal is to get a healing potion or two, and some better armor or weapons, if her small amount of money allows. Potions are her primary goal, though. She then quickly strides right out of the Gamblers Ace and out into the town to see what she can buy to help her beat this game. Though, she did get a chilling thought, about what happens if you loose in this game, if you'll die in the real world as well. She decided she'll just have to be extra careful then so as not to find out.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:42 pm

Dax had been sitting quietly at the bar for a while as he sipped his drink. He had never really had a taste for alcohol before all this but spending so much time in the tavern drinking away his anger at being stuck here. Though as he watched the crowd shuffle through during the days from his spot at the bar he had decided maybe it was time to do something. He saw a girl heading to the bounty board and deciding he should start there. No use and just lazing around the bar all day. So he got up and wove his way through the bar alittle woozy and stumbly but that just seemed to make people want to move out of his way!
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:52 pm

Moving up alongside the elf woman (Salora), but keeping a polite distance, Greg reads over the wanted posters. Surly looks adequate for a future investment, as he'll want to hit that second level before taking him on. Reily, on the other hand, he could handle right now...though, he may want to gather a little bit of intel on him, just to be safe.

Walking over to the bar counter, Greg asks the owner: *ahem* "S'cuse me. About that Reily fellow on the wanted posters...anything of interest you've heard about him? Weapons, skills, aces up his sleeve...y'know what I mean?" Such information may prove paramount in bringing that bounty in; the poster says the recommended level is 1, but it doesn't say if the guy has any special armor, ranged weapons, or other surprises in store...and as they say, "knowledge is power."
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:48 pm

Seeing people crowd around the Bounty Board, Shima rises and stretches out, getting a little loose after spending so long just looking over the crowd. She herself walks up to the board and scans it over for what's available, more to be seen interested than anything else. She'd been in this joint for quite a while. She knew the names and faces on the posters by heart now. Another benefit is it allows her to somewhat eavesdrop on the man inquiring about Reily. If he's interested enough, she may try to recruit him to her squad of killers. At least long enough to get this Bounty over with, then she'd see if he'd be good to stick around on a more permanent basis.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:59 am

Lucy would blush about the comment on her being pretty and sat next to him
she heard the story of the wolves and nodded silently,
" I will do the best I can!"
she said happily before bowing to the man and heading off to Briar wood
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Noosie » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:56 am

During character creation there'd only been four options for body-type, but only one that was bearable. The first, looking like a little kid, was right out of the picture. It'd be annoying enough to deal with the normal chauvinistic bull-crap without making herself ridiculous. The second, being elderly, unnerved her. She'd already lost her parents to old age, and wanted no reminders that she'd one day face the same fate no matter how hard she worked to keep herself in good condition. Ugly? She got enough of that in real life, being unattractively muscular for a woman and tall to boot. And anyway. wasn't this supposed be be a fantasy? Who the hell would choose to be ugly when there was another option?

That left only beauty, which posed challenges of its own. So, she tinkered with the options as best she could, and set the body to her natural height of over six feet. Next came other, ah, proportions. After making sure she wouldn't knock people out by turning around, the knight-to-be went still smaller, deciding that if she was going to have to be eye-candy she sure as hell wouldn't try to draw more attention to it than necessary. All this led up to class selection. She went with the most badass-looking choice without stopping to consider the stats, and thereby became one of the few female Dark Knights. Her immediate reaction to her starting set of metal "armor" was to then become the first Dark Knight to be banned from the angst-ridden group chat for excess profanity.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Many gropes and propositions followed by just as many beat-downs left her stuck outside the starter zone for the Knights, which was a size-able fortress that some other faction would no doubt conquer soon enough. A long hike and a few acts of vandalism later, Riley Raji finally met another player. This was her first meeting with the Gankers, and she became unpleasantly familiar with the "knock-out" system as a result. When she finally re-spawned the other Dark Knights had mostly dissipated throughout the game world, no doubt having each decided to go against the grain and strike out on their own. Hell if she cared, she just needed to get some better armor. One attempted mugging and another re-spawn later, she received the now infamous announcement. Her immediate reaction was the same one she used outside of the game; Go to a bar, get drunk, hope it blows over.

There she met the only Dark Knight that had not yet been introduced to her anger-management problems, and noticed something rather useful: he was near the same size as her. She drank as she planned to, and with several remarkably specific promises managed to get her compatriot to pay for them. It wasn't too much later that she and he were both as happily dazed as they could get from digital beer, and went upstairs to see just how detailed this simulation got. Long story short, the next morning neither of them was in armor, and he had been shackled to the bed.

through the surprisingly sharp and painful haze of her hangover, Raji concocted a brilliant plan. She slipped out of the unkempt bed and pulled on a few bits of cloth before going downstairs for a few glasses of water while she recovered. After all, given what most of the other women were wearing she'd hardly stick out. After charging the cost to the room, she headed back up with a grin that cleared men from her path almost as fast as if she'd kicked them. Then again, those who'd been there the previous night had found out that knight or no she had no problem with handing out a few well-placed elbows and knees. Her grin widened at that, cheerful at having already established a reputation after only one day.

She got back and found her former bed-mate somewhat indisposed by both a hangover, his somewhat worse than hers given the time she'd had to recover, and the awkward predicament of being naked hand-cuffed to a bedpost. They had a good laugh until he asked to be released, at which point her answer cut his short. She was still laughing while she pulled on the rest of her clothes and began donning his far less revealing armor, though he cut hers short as well when he grabbed her sword from the floor and tried to draw it. Turns out, gauntlets make an effective weapon when used in punches. After the rather one-sided fight she drew her sword and checked to make sure it wasn't dented when he'd dropped it, then finished with the armor and stumbled out of the room, still adjusting to the plate-mail and trying to push the blade into the sheath she'd strapped to her back.

Next thing she knew, she was down the stairs with someone looming over her and calling her "Sir". This did nothing to improve what had already been an unpleasant introduction to Altera.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby napsii » Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:09 am

The trials and tribulations of a low-level character. thought Severine sardonically for most of her walk.

Before she had even tasted launch day, she was already ironing out ways in which to apply magic. The internet had been stuffed with rumors over how quickly Altera was climbing to fame, even before it had been released. The articles on falling subscription numbers in rival games, soccer mom concerns over addiction and counters for rising pre-order numbers had inspired her to do one thing: play a mage. This game was her time to shine upon the world, and she was certainly not going to put in the stops with an inferior class merely for an illusion of fun. In Altera, magic was almost infinitely versatile. From her first hour playing, she had known she made the right decision in choosing a mage with control over the elements: the game world around her had flourished with rookie magi displaying all sorts of exceedingly clever techniques. No longer were magicians limited to the pre-built spells of older games. Here, they could well and truly act out magic as they had wanted. Yet, to equally infinite disappointment, her lack of levels had translated into a lack of... well, convenience. A number of times, she had attempted to harness wind magic to fly, but had never been met with enough success to make herself comfortable.

Hence, she was walking to Arcanos Keep.

The aqua-haired girl pulled her hood down, letting the warm breeze flow over her features.

It's not that bad... I guess? I suppose this is how my chars in other games felt when I made them run everywhere non-stop. she reasoned. Beside that, it gave her time to think after being swamped with noise in Rendle's busier Wards. Even though she knew that the wind that blew across her face and tousled her hair was fake, and that the dirt and stone beneath her feet was but an illusion, it still felt calm. She always found the philosophy of existence to be boring and endlessly frustrating, but there was a seed of interest in her that found the artificiality of this world so amusing. By all rights, it looked, felt, tasted, smelled and sounded exactly like Earth, yet it was just an illusion. Even the dragon she had caught a glimpse of the other day could have been as real as an eagle in the real world if she hadn't known that such things were just a product of fantasy. Yes, only the subtlest flaws, like the user interface and the impaired physics, could suggest it was fake. But wasn't the real world equally flawed? On Earth, why could innocent people die while guilty ones lived? How come their courts and their schools were so mired with injustice? She tucked her hair behind her ear.

For the hundred thousand people stuck here, herself included, this was reality.

Without a mount to ride or a spell to carry her along, Arcanos Keep seemed like it was moving further away with every step she took. She wouldn't deny it: she was an impatient person, and hated down time. The better half of the last thirty minutes had been spent surveying the landscape, wondering what kind of intrigue was taking place between the trees, or where she could not see. Duels between players? Boss battle? Gankers trying to raid one of the Vanguard's places? The very idea that an event of interest could be going down without her presence irritated Sev. Seeing four Razor Rats blocking the road ahead set her off even more so.

Rats. Great. she thought with a huff, slowing to a stop. Compulsively, she slid her wooden staff off her back, planting it into the ground. It didn't help her spellcasting, but at least she looked cool holding it. She supposed she shouldn't really be disappointed; this was, after all, the first opportunity to take away something's hit points that she'd had in a while. She'd smoke them for a handful of XP and then go on. Simple as that. What kind of idiot couldn't take on rats? The aqua-haired girl tapped her staff on the ground, precisely one foot ahead of where it had just been placed.

One, two, three, four... she counted slowly in her head as she stepped forward. It became obvious that she was judging her distance to the rats.

"Maximum effective spell range is probably right... about..." she planted the staff into the ground next to a particular cobblestone.

"...Here." she finished, just as her hands began to glow with a quartet of magical energies. Stowing the staff away, she clasped her palms together, her heavy robe sleeves furling back to reveal the slim, elbow-high fingerless black gloves that she wore on her arms. On each hand, a variety of energies swirled. On her left hand, a finger-sized orange flame had appeared levitating above the tip of her nail, while a ribbon of bluish water summoned from seemingly nowhere swirled up and around her wrist like a snake, occasionally brushing against the flame. On her right hand, a white gust had begun to blow about her palm while below her feet, the ground seemed to quiver and shake, as if it were being picked at with a trowel. This was the glorious awesomeness of Elemental Magic. Severine raised her hands in front of her, palms flat and vertical, hands and eyes level with the rats far ahead of her.

In front of her, the air shimmered, and as if drawn into existence by glowing ink, a wide magical circle blossomed into existence, rotating slowly. Lines and runic characters were shot throughout the circle, which was gilded with a ring of artistic magical runes that shimmered and pulsed along with the circle. The concentric circle at its heart formed an almost perfect crosshair in which the distant rats were captured.

First, fire. she thought, and the tiny flame on her left hand roared into a giant, spherical orange-red fireball that drifted to the top-left corner of the circle. The fireball pulsed gently, the flames flapping in the wind.

Step two: add water. she hummed in her head, and the ribbon of water snaking around her left hand burgeoned into an enormous, bullet-like bolt of water that bolted toward the top-right corner of the magic circle, where it sloshed and pulsed idly.

Three: need some wind. she bit her lip, and the gust around her right hand wailed, seeming to become opaque as the shapeless mass of wind screamed toward the bottom-left corner of the magic circle. The air there seemed to lash and distort.

Last but not least: earth. she thought, and the ground beneath her quaked as a shortsword-sized chunk of tapered gray rock burst from the earth, levitating into position in the bottom-right corner of the circle.

Severine exhaled, and drew her hands together in a clap.

The four elemental blasts were suddenly compelled to the heart of the circle, compacting against each other into one freakish, quad-elemental bolt before with an enormous roar and a prismatic corona of energy, the blast exploded out from the heart of the circle, shattering it as it screamed through the air toward the four rats. Mid-way, the singular blast diverged again. The fireball veered off from the rest of the elements, steering itself toward the leftmost Razor Rat to consume it in a burst of flames. The water bolt, behind which trailed a wavy trail of moisture, separated and made for the next Razor Rat. The weight of water was immense, and would probably crush it to smithereens. Next, the wind blast diverged and rather than remain coherent, disassociated into what was comparable to a storm of close-knit wind blades, seeking to dice the third Razor Rat into mincemeat. The remaining earth shard deviated toward the fourth and final rat. Since it was a giant, sharp rock flying at high speed, its effect would be obvious.

That's Elemental Magic for you. thought Severine with satisfaction as she lowered her hands. Fire, Water, Earth and Wind...

Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Inferi » Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:45 am

Waiting until Jarvin had finished giving his speech to approach, Kayleesa made her way past the people carrying the weapons out. Her right wing brushed the shoulder of one, but not enough to upset the balance of either of them. Tucking her wings in was a very useful thing to be able to do, since Kay could attest to the difficulties of making her way through a crowded room with unfurled wings. Her first few attempts to do such a thing had been very unpleasant, to say the least, and she had been apologizing profusely to pretty much everyone within several feet of her. The span of her wings was by no means insignificant, and they hurt a lot more than one might expect when said person was getting hit in the head by the end of one. After the third time of this happening, she had been fed up with it, and decided that she had to try and do what birds did when they landed, namely folding her wings onto her back. It had taken her about an hour to learn to furl and unfurl her wings quickly, and since then her presence in a crowded room was a lot more acceptable.

The distributing of equipment was something that she liked to see. It was one of the more helpful things that could be done if their goal was to make their way through the game, as long as people didn’t see the distribution of the weapons as a crutch they could lean on. That was by no means the reasoning behind the action of distribution, but she figured most people were sensible enough to realize that. Reaching the end of the game was not a possibility if people weren’t willing to put in effort and make themselves better, something that she realized she would have to get on soon. Her abilities might put her on equal footing with most enemies, but it wouldn’t help if she wasn’t powerful enough to harness those abilities. Other people might be tilted more in one direction with their skills, but the principle was the same. Nobody could become powerful by receiving free handouts.

Hello, Jarvin.” Kayleesa said with a smile upon her arrival to the table, crossing her arms and remaining standing at the opposite end. She didn’t want to take a seat, since it seemed more appropriate for her to be standing right now. She almost always used his first name when speaking to him, something that few people did, preferring to call him commander, sir, or something else formal. In fact, she only didn’t use a title like that because she had known him before he was her guild leader and considered him a friend, so it seemed more appropriate to use a first-name basis. A situation on the battlefield might be different, but nothing like that had come up yet, so she couldn’t be sure.

Anything new or interesting that needs to be taken care of?” she asked, knowing that she couldn’t take care of as much as she might like to be able to. Levels had such restrictions, and she was the most restricted of them all.

There’s not a whole lot more I can do in terms of exploration, not until I can feel safer flying alone.” she added. While she could certainly fly up in the air and look down on most terrain, she had run across creatures in the sky that made her life difficult as well. Most were easy to deal with, like some birds that had attacked a day or so before, but she had seen a dragon off in the distance and wanted nothing to do with something like that for a long while. A higher level was something she wanted to obtain, but she would rather do it on guild business if possible.
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with until you realize who's in command around here.
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Re: Ether Works' Altera (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:42 am

Melancholia hummed a gentle tune as she floated on a thermal updraft, rare wind currents that Altera surprisingly was plentiful in. They must've put a lot of thought into conditions for all the winged races, too.
The Fae girl couldn't help but admire all the effort and work put into the game, evil as the intentions behind it had been. It was honestly weird how she just didn't really care about being stuck in the game, even she herself felt that way. It was in short..a new life. An artificial new life.
The thermal updraft came to an end and Mel had to work some effort into beating her wings to stay flying, sighing in disappointment. She couldn't fly of the things she disliked not being able to do. Living in the skies would've been cool..either way, she would have to land soon and go the rest of the way on foot.
Mel looked down for a suitable landing spot, catching sight of a mage defending herself against..some sort of rat. Well, at least that was what they looked like.

Her fairy wings beat heavily as she dived right down at a small clearing in the trees, located just beside the main road. Mel didn't know whether this player was one of those idiot Gankers or not, but if push came to shove, she could always help her out in a pinch. She hadn't died in the game before and was convinced it was pretty much going to be a really unpleasant why not save others from that fate if she could? After all, they were all supposed to be clearing the game together. Supposedly.
Mel pushed a lock of her crimson hair out of her eyes as she landed abruptly. Not a good landing by any means..her feet hurt a bit from that impact. But speed counted for everything right now. She darted into the trees, using their cover to observe the Mage. Was she alrig-

Flame, Water, Wind and Earth. Those were the four elements that the Destruction Mage was bending to her will into an quad-elemental magic blast.
"..Guess she didn't exactly need help."
Melancholia sighed wearily as she continued observing the battle from behind the trees, peeking out at the girl.
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