Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

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Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby MiscChaos » Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:20 am

“Welcome, Trainers, to the wonderful world of Pokemon! Laugh, travel, battle, breed, do what it is you want on your journey. Just beware the trouble on the horizon and be careful on your travels. I usually have a much longer speech where, due to my terrible sight, I ask your gender, but in the interest of not keeping you too long I'll cut it short. Good luck to all of you and may you be fruitful in your endeavors!”
-Professor Birch

In Littleroot:

The town has grown quite a bit since it was said that both Elite Four Challenger Brendan and Contest Champion May's started here. The climb has tapered off a lot, but it's no longer just a 8 person town, though it still horribly small, no bigger than 40 people now. Still, not a horrible place to start.

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Today is the day! Finally free to travel as you've wanted to your whole life, you find yourself outside of your home with your mother saying her final farewells. With nothing but the clothes on your back, the pack on your shoulders, and the Cubone sealed in his Pokeball at your side, you step out into the world, ready to take on whatever it throws at you! It's a mighty small town, so you can see 2 girls and another guy going through much the same preparations you are. They seem friendly enough from what you know of them, though admittedly, thanks to working for your mom, you haven't really had a chance to get to know them. Speak with them if you'd like! You also remember your mom's new man suggesting visiting Professor Birch just around the block to get some supplies to make starting easier. You can either do that or, well, Route 101 DOES sit right in front of you.

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Like Sammy and Katie before you, it's finally time to leave the roost. Your parents have had to do this 2 times already, but it's never easy watching your kids go into the almost dangerous life of a Pokemon trainer. Saying your farewells, you turn and get a good glimpse of the town you're so eager to leave. Because of the cramped nature of this place, you can see 2 guys and another girl in front of their homes, already ready to go off on their own adventures. Do you happen to know them? Either way, you remember, as they did with your siblings before you, your parents saying you should visit Professor Birch again for some supplies to get started with. Since this isn't the first time this has happened, you might also wanna check your PC when you get the chance to see if your parents have left anything for ya. Or, you could just hit the ground running, heading off into Route 101 to get your adventure started!

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This is it. The beginning of another legend. Someone who will be spoken of right along side Elite Four Champion Red! Or, you suppose, Elite Four Challenger Brendan, though he's much less impressive than the legend of your home region. And, while a little older than when he first started out, from much the same background, starting from a small town in the middle of nowhere to rise up. Leaving the family home, you stand ready to get started. You visited Professor O... Birch earlier in preparation of this moment, so you have a few Pokeballs and Potions to start off with, your ever faithful Charmander by your side. You can head right out if you so desire. Some people around your age seem to be answering the call of glory as you have, stepping out of their homes to start on their own journey. How well do you know these challenges to your future throne? And do you deign to speak with them or head right on out?

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Your goodbyes already said, your camera hanging from your neck, your mom's old backpack from your shoulder, and Liz from your side, it's time to head into the giant snapshot that is the world! Almost instinctively, you scan around, seeing if there's anything worth taking a shot of before snapping out of it. Professor Birch, admiring the pictures you've taken and even using some of them in his own personal PokeDex and also knowing that you intend to start your journey, has invited you to come by and pick up a few things to get you started. With the idea of her being a former trainer herself, you should also probably search your mom's pack to see if she's got anything left over from her days as a trainer. It also wouldn't hurt to check a PC for extra surprises from your folks. Hopefully you get something other than film! Well, more film anyway...

In Dewford:

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Looks like your time of being one of the boring people has come to an end. With Nobi raised to a level you consider to be strong enough for travel, it's time to begin your life of excitement! The smell of adventure reaches your nose and permeates your very being! Or that could be some food around the corner cause it does make you rather hungry. No! It's adventure! That's hunger for new sights you're feeling! The ferry's making it's rounds right now, so you'll have to kill a little time before you get off this island and into the world. Maybe head for Dewford Hall? It's apparently very trendy to hook new trainers up with basic supplies right now, so that would be a good use of your time. Being bored all the time standing around, you’ve also seen a bit of the local Gym Leader, Brawly. Maybe you can get him to give you some supplies instead? He’s within his Gym, which is rumored to be pitch black most of the time, so it’ll be a bit of a risk to try this out. Especially with the dubious time limit of the Ferry looming overhead.

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Panting, hand still red with the blood of the bastard you beat, you round the back of the PokeCenter, trying to catch your breath. With no time to to take anything but Creed with you, you're running completely blind here. After washing your hands off with the water hose nearby, you look around cautiously. Obviously going home to pick up some stuff is out and you've got a limited window to find another PC to get whatever stuff you may have out of it before your mom recovers from her shock and wipes it out. Just as you're contemplating your next move, you hear

“Like, Trendy Trisha totally willing to hand out some starter gear!” coming from the nearby Dewford Hall before Trisha starts muttering to herself too quietly for you to make out. Do you go for it? It's not like anyone would know what you've done yet. You're not even sure your mother's called the police yet. There's still some time before the Ferry comes and you can make your escape. What do you do?

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Locking up your home to keep it safe while you're gone, you stand ready to finally take on your formerly idle daydreams of adventure. You've been saving up for this, getting a backpack and paying the shipping to get a Pokedex delivered to you so you don't have to travel to get it. You've still got at least 4000 PokeYen left over for your adventure, though much of your money beyond that is saved for emergency funds in case something dreadful happens. You decided not to order Potions and such before today because, as one of the backbones of the island, you heard rumors of there being a giveaway soon. The rumors don't lie, the Dewford Hall flooding with people trying to give away a beginners set of stuff, wanting to get in on the new trendy object of the day. The Ferry won't be around for a little bit longer, but with your connections, you bet you can find at least one person with a boat to get you wherever you want to go. So do you look into that boat or wait for the Ferry? Either way, it seems like it'd be a smart move to hit up Dewford Hall first.

In Mauville:

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Alright, time to get outta this junkyard and get your quest underway. You know how you screwed up and got your scar and you know how to keep it from happening again, so you feel confident going forward. Even if that wasn’t enough, Aron’s grown enough since then that that should never happen again, giving you a whole another set of confidence. Brushing the crap off yourself, you figure out what you need to get started. You found a backpack in remarkably good shape, some rich kid must’ve gotten bored and ran off to momma, so there’s that. It’s easy to hear things around town when you routinely move through it, so you’ve heard that the Game Center might have a few people around willing to give you some stuff to get on your way. Of course, Pokemon on your hip or not, you still don’t look much like a Trainer. You’ll have to rely on your silver tongue to pull you through this one. You could also pull the same thing at Rydel’s to get a bike if you so choose, but that’d be even harder to pull off. Last you heard of Rydel giving away something for free was when Elite Four Challenger Brendan and Contest Champion May came through at the beginnings of their journeys, making it to Mauville using nothing but their Running Shoes. Still, might be a worthy challenge. Either challenge would be a good one, really.

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You’re having a relatively lazy day, letting your Ditto stand in place for you doing household chores while you lounge around when the door suddenly slams. A quick curious look reveals the source to be your master’s son looking mad enough to destroy something. Of course, the kid’s so spoiled rotten that this isn’t something new and unexpected, so you just keep out of the blast radius while he bitches to mistress about whatever’s annoyed him this time. It seems like he’s really building up steam when suddenly he’s interrupted with a

“YOU DID WHAT!?” Now it’s her turn to rant and rave, a much rarer sight, one that cows the boy into silence without even trying to raise his snooty little voice. At the end of her tirade, she stiffly points towards the boys room and he troops along, though that’s hardly the worst punishment imaginable. Taking a deep breath she turns to your Ditto posing as you.

”Lisa, go into town and retrieve Simon’s backpack if you please? He lost a fight to a wild Pokemon and threw it away in a pique of rage. Normally I wouldn’t mind this, but that pack was remarkably expensive and I’d rather it not go to waste, you see.” Your Ditto nods as it’s been trained to and your mistress roams off. Looks like your Ditto has volunteered you to do some work.

In Lavaridge:

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The day has come! With Dusky now officially your first Pokemon, you can start your region tour with no fear of getting jumped by a wild Pokemon. The only problem now is that you have nothing to start off with. Luckily for you, someone in Dewford Town decided it was “trendy” to give supplies to new Trainers. Locking up your house before your journey, you eye the PokeMart. They’ve always seemed to be up on the latest trends. Maybe you can grab something off them? Hell, if you’re willing to push your luck, you could see if Flannery will do the same!

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Without a trail to search for your target, you realize you'll have to put it off or just wander around until you pick up a clue. In the meantime, Granite's ready and waiting for your next move, sitting and looking to you for direction. If you decide to travel out of town, it'd be a good idea to pick up some supplies before you head on your way. Since the PokeMart owner heard of what you did for Granite, what with you being a frequent customer during his recovery time, she'll likely hand you some stuff to go with to thank you for looking out for an abandoned Pokemon. There's also the people who follow the latest trend, which happens to be handing out starter kits for new Trainers, to tap into if you so desire.

In Fortree:

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Preparations are complete. You’ve healed remarkably from the beating you took and you have a backpack and PokeDex ready to go. Hell, you even bet the assholes who bullied you won’t notice they’re missing until you’re long gone and too strong for them. You’ve already strengthened yourself a bit, determined not to let that happen again and your Bulbasaur wouldn’t let it happen again, guilt of being unable protect you deep in its mind. With the grunt work complete, you’d simply been waiting until you patched up to head out. You get lucky though. It seems the PokeMart’s handing out supplies for Trainers today. You can pick some up on the way out. Or you could just get outta here since the bullies WILL notice their missing stuff eventually.

In Lilycove:

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Empowered by your grant, you’ve spent the last few hours on a shopping spree, picking up a backpack and 3 Super Potions, 4 Escape Ropes, and 5 PokeBalls. Once the PokeDex your benefactors arranged for came in, you were all set to get out into the world! Your journey of discovery awaits! Of course, until the Ferry comes through, it only awaits in one direction: towards Route 121. It comes to mind that you pass by the Safari Zone while you’re traveling towards the next town, Fortree. That could be worth some time since it’d fill up your PokeDex quite nicely. You’ve even got enough time to make it to the Safari Zone and back before the Ferry arrives if you decide to wait for that. It’d be a quick way to make it over to Petalburg to collect even more data for the PokeDex and you’d even be within range to pick up a few badges. With Eevee at your side, nothing can slow you down! That list is gonna get obliterated!

Warned ya'll the intros would be brief :lol:
Last edited by MiscChaos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:44 am

Tsubaki breathes the fresh scent of adventurous spirit in the open air, her nostrils also picking up the smell of stir-fry...hmm, wonder where that came from. Perhaps it's that which makes her stomach rumble?...nay, only one thing makes her this hungry so fast, and that is adventure! Nobi concurs, as he lets out an excited bark at her side. While he'd be content with a Pokeball, Tsubaki happily lets her faithful companion travel at her side, only using the ball if he's too worn out for his own two feet...and that's not too often.

"You smell it too, eh Nobi? You'll come to love that smell, just as I have." Tsubaki encourages Nobi with an eager smile, and giving him a gentle pet on the head to accompany it. The ferry's current travel rounds give them some time before the next departure, so now would be a good time to gather supplies for their adventure...and where better to start than Dewford Hall?

"Onward!" Tsubaki shouts excitedly, pointing her finger in the direction of Dewford Hall, and sets out for it, Nobi's bark being equally eager as he follows her. The Hall's travel supplies is something no adventurer should be without, though she won't deny the local Gym didn't at least tempt her interest. Brawly's experience as a Gym Leader means she could learn some nifty tricks and tips from him - and maybe some supplies, if she's lucky - but considering how she'd have to battle several trainers just to reach him, the ferry's time limit basically makes that a no-go. The darkness of his gym is a nice spot for adventure, yes, but she has to think of the big picture here; she can always come back to the island later on, and the extra experience both her and Nobi would gain at the mainland would pay off once she got back. If she had time for both the Gym and Dewford Hall, then maybe...but once again, big picture.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:00 am

Steve practically shook with excitement as he put on his back pack and motioned for Dusky to jump inside,"Dusky here girl its time to go! Maybe we can see Flannery and she'll wish us luck and give us some supplies!" He said to her as she hopped in with the cute little sound they all make. His cute little Vulpix had grown soo much since the time he had found her as a stray with only 3 tails! So young and defenseless he had to take her in right? With his love and guidance she grew up and now she had all 6 of her beautiful red tails and her little blue scarf around her head. As he shouldered the pack she made the sound again,"Poh!" This one was mixed with excitement and happiness as she too knew that their journey was away! She gave Steve a little lick on his ear affectionately. He smiled in answer to it and headed towards the gym passing the Pokemart and taking alittle peek inside as he passed. He had heard they gave out supplies too but he would much rather get them from Flannery. He had the hots for her bad and he didn't know if she knew it. If she did well he would be quite embarrassed. She couldn't see anything in a noob like him any how but then again maybe she would see his live for his Pokémon and reconsider. He shook his head as it was just mindless ramblings in his head and continued on.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:05 am

Claire sighs. She looks around at all the other new trainers. She smiles and then walks back into her house. She runs upstairs and then walks slowly by the hallway. She smiles again as she walks past Sam's room and Katie's room. She peeks into both rooms and sees various rewards for battling and contests. "The day has finally come. It's my turn now to leave home." Claire says, quietly, to herself. She walks into her room and checks her PC. "Will probably be the last chance I get to check my e-mails for a while. Maybe I got something from Sam and Kate." she says.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby 13Lack12ose » Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:30 am

Sladen braces himself as he hears the voice. Quickly, he checks his pockets for money, a pokeball, anything that could start him out on this journey that he is being forced to take. His shoulders sag as he realizes that he has no potions or food, not even a pokeball to keep Creed in. As he has the thought, Creed perks up as he feels Sladen's negative energy. Creed floats towards him and starts making low pitched whines, indicating that he is feeding. Sladen looks at him again, remembering how Creed had been feeding off the negative energy in his home a lot too. Creed is more powerful that the average Shuppet because of this, and Sladen intends to take full advantage of it. Again, he hears some murmurs coming from Dewford Hall, from the girl handing out starter gear. "Well, I'm already a criminal, so some thievery couldn't hurt much could it?" Sladen says to Creed. The shuppet just revolves slowly on the spot as Sladen begins the plan.

Trisha notices a larger than average shuppet hanging about by the pokecenter. Thinking it's nothing, she ignores it for the time being, until it becomes more insistent, seemingly enticing her towards the back of the building. Trisha had never seen a shuppet before, and this might be her chance to study one up close. Little did she know that Sladen was waiting behind the Pokecenter with a large rock that he had found lying on the ground, intent to rob her when she came to study Creed.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Grape Me » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:38 am

Ian smiled at Aron as he tried the newly found backpack. "Hows it look buddy?" Aron made a growl of approval and Ian bent down and petted Aron's cold steel head. "It's time we head out of this hell hole buddy and start our adventure!" Ian said with a dumb look on his face. Aron made a rolled his eyes and both the trainer and pokemon laughed. Although both Ian and Aron remember the last time they tried this it ended quite poorly, but they both knew they were ready this time. With Ian's new knowledge and Aron's talent fighting other pokemon, they could never be more prepared. There was however, one issue, Ian was broke.

Ian stood up and took the backpack off. "Alright let's look what we got". He unzipped the bag and took a look inside, empty. Just great, he thought, where am I going to get the items I need to start my adventure as a pokemon trainer?

That's when it hit him, the Game Center might have a few people around willing to give some stuff. He has friends who work there and who know the manager, even though it may be difficult, maybe he can pull it off. Then another idea hit him, he could go to Rydel’s bike shop and try and get a new way of traveling faster. Then Ian cursed to himself, he remembered he tried stealing a bike from Rydel before, if he ever showed his face there again Rydel threatened to call the cops. Ian then decided going to the Game Center would probably be the wiser choice.

Ian zipped the bag back up and threw it on his back. "Alright Aron, were going to the Game Center." Aron made a cheerful growl, he always liked it there.

Ian and Aron walked out of the junkyard towards the Game Center. I guess these are the real first steps to our new adventure, Ian thought. He looked down at Aron, who walked on his four stubby legs.

He knew they were ready, he knew what to expect, but will they succeed?

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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Icaelus » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:00 pm

"Yes, Mom. I did bring the backpack..yes..bzzzttzzzbzzt..whoops, all that static! Sorry, gotta go Mom!"
Ending the call and stowing the PokeGear back in her pocket, Deni grinned a bit to herself. Ordinarily, she would've never dared end a call from Mom with such an false excuse, but the thrill of going off on her very first solo adventure in the world of Pokemon..well, it was intoxicating, to say at very least!
"Hehe. Hope Mom won't be too mad. Right, Liz?"
Deni smiled at the Treecko, who simply shrugged and shook her head at Deni's newfound rebellious attitude. Used to be such a nice gal, too..but noooo, she had to go set off on some madcap adventure and drag Liz along too. Still, not to say Liz was unwilling. The Treecko loved the innocent and rather clumsy girl with her whole heart.
"Oh, don't be like that! Come on, let's go see Professor Birch!"
The girl grunted with exertion as she heaved the heavy backpack and took a step. Gods, what the heck did Mom and Dad put in her pack..? Might as well find out. She lowered the backpack onto the ground just as she reached the outside of Professor Birch's laboratory, setting it gently onto the ground and zipping it open..
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby dndman997 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:31 am

Duo smiled down at Granite "lets go visit the mart bud" he said kneeling down to pet him and then got back up and signaled Granite to follow "after that we can look at what those kids are talking about, and then get some lunch. how about that?" he said as he and Granite headed towards the pokemart.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:15 am

Lisa’s head pops out from the fridge door that she was using to hide herself. Lisa smiles wryly at Ditto. “It’s about time we got some fresh air. Quick! Change your form quick before they notice us!” she whispers to Ditto. She grabs her backpack from her room as it contains some money that she has been paid. (200 dollars)

As soon as Ditto finishes changing back into its original form she enters the room and looks at the spoiled brat. “Can young master show me which way you came home from? “ Lisa asks the child. She does this with a large friendly smile on her face.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:51 pm

Garian whistled to himself as he put on his vest and placed the pokeballs on his belt whilst putting the potions and antidotes in his backpack before placing it on his back. He looked in the mirror before smiling at himself, the vest over his black shirt really complimented him. He headed downstairs and out the door, prepared now for his journey to make a name for himself, though he wondered if he should see the others that lived in the small town, the ones that were planning their journey as well. A belief in his mind was that they could become friends or rivals and would need to be dealt with sooner or later, either in a friendly manner, or by battling. After a brief pause he decided against it and left, heading towards the path with the weakest pokemon to either catch or fight so that his Charmander can get more training in.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby napsii » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:13 pm

"Ketchup, or..."

The antique jingle from the PA hummed in the background as Jordan paused in an aisle, weighing two red bottles in her hands with scrutiny on her face. Her slim black sneakers tapped against the laminate as a bored looking Eevee droned idly between a bottom shelf and the branded handbasket on the floor laden with a number of items. Jordan chewed the inside of her cheek. In one hand, there was Ketchup, looking tempting as usual. But on the other hand, there was also Catsup. The bottles might have looked the same, but the young woman fancied herself a smart shopper, and she was certain one or the other was the way to go. She felt a nibbling on her tall socks and looked down.

"Do you know the difference?" she turned to ask her Eevee as she bent over to show it the two bottles. The Pokemon's eyes practically wept boredom and it nodded toward the checkout. Jordan hummed, reluctant to leave without solving the mystery. There were a few times she wished her Eevee was psychic: that way it -- well, she -- could figure it out. The trainer shrugged at last; she supposed it was time to go. Placing it back on the shelf alongside the yellow containers of Mustard and Moutarde, she swept up the basket of Potions and Escape Ropes in her arm and headed for the cash. She wondered if Eevee's were capable of sighing in relief, because that's what she could swore she heard one as she walked to the cash.

"Those are the last items we need, trust me! After this we're off to Route 121." she promised with a smile smoothed out her pleated blue-and-black plaid skirt. Her white silk blouse hugged her closely, two thin black earbud wires hung around her neck, leading from the small tote bag in where she stored her music player. She blazed through the checkout as soon as possible, feeling her excitement for her coming journey start to return. Well, it had never actually left, but the mystery of the ketchup and catsup was distracting. She placed the last of her purchases into her bag and practically skipped out the door, pausing in the midday sunlight. What a great day in which to kick off her belated journey!

Yeah, most kids left for their pilgrimage when they were years younger than this, but then again, other kids tended to have school, personal responsibilities and a part-time job to deal with that made barging off at age 13 a little inconceivable. But now she was free! Well, as free as her finances allowed her.

"Well, all that considered, I think we had better make some progress before we start running out of money and have to dance for it in Mauville." she said, not realizing she was thinking aloud. Her Eevee, used enough to these random thought leakages, just nodded and squeaked in agreement. It pretty much always knew what she was thinking.

Jordan oriented herself in a direction and walked on.

"First and foremost, there's the Ferry, but it's slower than a Slowking. Soooooo I vote we visit the Safari Zone and pick up some its glorious wonders before we go catch the boat!" the girl suggested -- or rather, dictated. The pair of Jordan and her Eevee was like a totalitarian dictatorship more than democracy her words might suggest.

The Eevee squeaked again and immediately began to run on ahead of Jordan, obviously aiming for Route 121.

"Hey, wait for me!" the girl grinned, and ran off after her Pokemon.

Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby jayjaycaps » Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:10 am

Checking his backpack over one last time, Eddy slings it over a shoulder. Reaching down to rub his Bulbasaur's head, he smiles warmly. Sure, he may be hard on him, but this Pokemon was all he had. Turning around, he looked back at his hometown for the last time. He remembered the time he had fallen out of his tree and broke his arm, the time he fell in love with the Elite Four, the time he met Bulbasaur...

Shacking those memories from his mind, Eddy tightened the straps on his pack. Turning away from the town, he started off, whistling for his Bulbasaur to follow. It did, walking beside him, also a little sad to go. Eddy didn't care where he was heading, as long as he was away from here....
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:07 am

In Littleroot:

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No moves! 1 Count towards Inactivity

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Your decision to check the PC is a good one! You find an email from Sam and another one from Katie in your box. They both are pretty much the same, along the lines of “So I heard from Mom you were starting to get restless and were thinking of heading out! Here’s a little something to make your start a little smoother than mine was. PS: You should see Professor Birch for some extras”, though it seems that Sam didn’t follow that PS based on what the rest of his email said. From Sam, you pick up an Iron. Wow, that’s a bit of an expensive gift! You’ll have to thank him at some point. Katie sends you a Net Ball, showing that she thinks you have an interest in either Bug or Water Pokemon. You might wanna set her straight if that’s not the case. With your mail checked and emptied, it’s time to make your next move.

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Before you enter the Professor’s Lab, you sit the backpack down to check out what’s inside. You find a Pokeball, 2 kinds of Revives, and a vitamin of some sort. Upon further inspection, they turn out to be a Friend Ball, a Revive, a Max Revive, and Calcium. How in the world did your parents forget a stash like THIS in their pack!? Or maybe they didn’t forget… That’s a mystery for another time though. For now, with the mystery of what’s in the bag solved, you step into Professor Birch’s Lab. It’s a pretty messy deal, a duo of Pokeballs sitting on a table to your right, papers strewn all over the place -watch your step by the way-, and a few backpacks lying across the floor. The Professor himself is in the back with the computer, working on something. You’ll have to get his attention if you want anything out of him. Or you could jack a backpack. Your choice really.

On Route 101

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Heading off right out the gate into Route 101, you jump right into the tall grass looking for Pokemon. The call doesn’t get called til you’re about halfway between Littleroot and Oldale when a Wurmple crops up! To be honest, it doesn’t look all that powerful, but it DOES look ready to scrap, maybe even welcoming it. Charmander’s faster! Make your move first.

In Dewford:

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Stepping into Dewford Hall can best be described… well a circus wouldn’t be too far from accurate. There’s people running in all directions, gossiping and bringing that inform to another group who gossips some about it and so on and so forth. Has a trend changed lately? Or has something exciting just happened? Well, either way, this isn’t getting you your stuff and letting you on your way any quicker! You scan the crowd for anyone who might be in on the Item Giveaway trend, which isn’t very hard considering every other person’s holding a backpack, ready to give it away at the slightest notice. You’re trying to decide which to go to when the choice is taken right out of your hands by a slick, greasy looking fellow. He looks you up and down, imparting a creepy feeling as he does, looks at Nobi and says

“New trainer? Here ya go.” while shoving a pack into your hands. Something tells you you shouldn’t hang around this dude for much longer. Lucky, you hear the horn of the Ferry, making for an excellent excuse to get away.

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(Next time please don’t assume auto-success and ESPECIALLY don’t assume what’s going on in someone’s head outside of characters you control. I’ll allow it this time because Trisha’s not intended to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but don’t assume from here on out)

Trisha, mesmerized by the larger than average Shuppet, wonders over to investigate Creed. Only, there’s one small slip-up: She’s got a friend nearby! If you’re intent on robbing her, you’re gonna have to keep it quiet AND keep her friend distracted. Better hurry too. You hear the sound of the Ferry’s horn, signaling that it’s currently docking.

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No moves! 1 Count towards Inactivity

In Mauville:

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(Next time, don’t assume. In this case, it worked against you since I WAS planning on there being a few items in the pack.)

Your goal in mind, you head into the Game Corner and check out the potential benefactors in there.
  • There’s a rather attractive lady sitting at one of the slot machines. She looks rather calm, so she either has a rather remarkable poker face or hasn’t lost much to the machines yet, so she may be able to hook you up.
  • There’s a man in a suit with a briefcase seated next to him, who you recognize as the head of the local rich family with a wife and kid and maid at home. He rarely makes an appearance in town, making his money elsewhere most time, so his personality is rather unknown. He could be nice enough to get you something or he could be a horrible asshole. Will you take that risk?
  • You know the management and a few of the staff. Maybe focus on them instead of the clientele?

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(Since you never replied to my PM, I’ll convert your dollars to PokeYen myself. You have 5000 PokeYen. I didn’t do direct conversion via DoH’s handy site since you’d have close to 18,000 Yen. WAY too much to start off with.)

The young master hits you with a sullen glare, still smarting from being yelled at by his mother. Still, in that glare, you still see that ever present glint of lust. He’s just hitting puberty, so he’s beginning to look at you in that way. You’ve pushed this away and reported it to his parents and they left your actions up to you. So, how are you getting the information out of him? Sweetness? Intimidation? Or maybe a little something else? Or maybe you can just try your luck and head out with no info. Your choice.

In Lavaridge:

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Your decision made, you head for the Lavaridge Gym, intending to get supplies from the lovely Flannery. As you enter, you remember that the place is multi-tiered and you’ll have to find your way to way to her. You think the people lying in wait realize that you’re not here to challenge the gym and, in fact, aren’t capable of doing so. You doubt they’ll challenge you, but no way to be sure until you start on your way.

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Walking into the PokeMart, you see it’s very chill, not a lot of people in here and those that are are just milling around, picking up groceries. The woman running the Mart sees you come in and gives you a small smile, seeing Granite by your side and figuring out that the Pokemon’s as good as new under your care.

“Over here!” she waves you over, her smile widening. “I have a few items for you since I’d really hate to see such a kind individual as yourself get hurt out there.” she says, ducking under the counter to grab a few things. When she comes up, she has 3 Great Balls, 2 Super Potions, and a Revive for you. That’s quite a bit of merchandise to just be giving away! You’ll really need to thank her! Then on your way you go to investigate that trend everyone’s talking about. The people mainly into it seem to be hanging outside the Herb Shop. The best one of them is a rather earnest looking kid, looking like he genuinely wants to help out. The rest are various levels of shady, maxing at a woman who straight up looks like she’s looking to get a deal out of anyone who walks up to her. She also looks like she’ll intercept anyone headed in her general direction, so watch yourself.

On Route 119:

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Choosing not to pick up supplies at the PokeMart, you head into Route 119, just ready to get out of here. The first step to getting to the Elite Four is getting to the first gym in Rustboro. But that means crossing the across nearly the entire continent to get there. At the very least you should be sufficiently powerful for the first few gyms. Speaking of powerful, experience comes back in the way of a Zigzagoon. It must’ve just been born recently because it doesn’t look all that powerful. You’re going to have to defeat it since you didn’t get any PokeBalls.

On Route 121:

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(The image itself is too large for the forum, so here's a link instead.)

Catching up to your Eevee within moments since she’s really not trying to get away from you. Of course, “moments” is subjective here. She is a rather swift Pokemon after all. So when you catch up, you find yourself passed the first set of tall grass and at the first gate on Route 121. Making your way past the second gate gap, you run into a Pokemon. An Oddish it looks like. Was it just born? It looks rather weak. You go first!
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:26 am

Well, Dewford Hall is about as busy as one could expect. Tsubaki can hardly move herself around without bumping into someone bustling from point A to point B, and whatnot. On top of that, some greasy dude shows up out of nowhere, quite obviously checks her out, and immediately imposes an ominous "creep-factor" feeling. He also hands her a pack, though when she gets to opening it, she might have to hold her nose. "Err..." she murmurs, trying to hastily think of an excuse to make like a Pidgey and get the flock out, when...

Yay! Saved by the bell!...Or rather, the horn. Ferry time!!

"Well-there's-the-boat-gotta-go-now-kay-thanks-bye!" Tsubaki says as fast as her voice box will allow, then darts off for the ferry's harbor, Nobi following close behind. As creepy as he is, she doubts that dude would try anything..."funny" in front of her partner, and for good reason. Had he made any sly moves, Nobi would be having perv-balls for an afternoon snack!
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:28 am

Steve entered the gym amid a haze of steam and smoke to confuse challenges and mask challengers. He had forgotten all about what a pain getting through the gym was in his haste and excitement to see the beautiful and hopefully generous Flannery. He knew him and his wonderful Dusky had no chance here in this gym but with this being his first day and him with not even a poke ball to his name he was sure that no one would mistake him for a challenger. So with that in mind he looked around for the nearest person and walked up to them,"Excuse me? This is my first day as a trainer and I wanted to see Flannery. Could you direct me to her? I wanted to get some tips from her before I left on my journey!" He said with a big smile looking for all the world like an incredibly happy Sunflora.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby dndman997 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:48 am

"thank you miss" Duo says kindly "if there is anything i can do to repay i will do it when i return" he then bowed his head as he grabbed the items and headed out with Granite following close behind. Cryspin observed and noticed everyone near the herb shop. He decided to go to the earnest looking kid "hello"
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby 13Lack12ose » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:55 pm

Creed suddenly looks at Sladen, who is breathing quietly with the rock is his hand, raised high above his head. Sladen then gets the feeling that something is wrong, debating upon whether or not to go through with his plan. Quickly, Creed floats out of sight of Trisha and says "Shupp, Shupp!" nodding his horn down twice. Sladen understands what his friend is trying to tell him. Sladen puts his rock down and pets Creed, and says loudly "Gee, I wish I had some gear, I mean my Shuppet is starving out here!"
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:56 am

Claire smiles. She shuts down her PC and then goes downstairs. "Hey mom, hey dad. I think it's time for me to go off on my journey. I'm gonna stop by at Professor Birch's place real quick." she says. She runs over to her parents and hugs the two. "I'll be sure to call often. And mom, can you hang on to some of my cash please? Whenever I get some, I'll be sure to send you a little less than half." Claire says to her parents. She wipes a tear away from her cheek. She sighs and then says "Well, I think I should go now. Bye guys. I love you all." she says. She starts to walk out of the door, but stops (To wait for a response from her parents. =P ).
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Icaelus » Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:15 pm

Deni exchanged a dumbfounded look with Liz after they had examined the contents of the pack. To a new trainer such a Denieve, items like these were a godsend. Did Dad and Mom.."purposely" forget these items? She wouldn't put it past them to do so..they fawned on their one and only daughter.
"Well..uh..I guess I'm going to need all the help I can get?"
Deni grinned at Liz as she returned the items to the pack, shouldering it and stepping into the Lab..

"Mess of a place as usual.."
Denieve remarked to Liz, shrugging helplessly at Birch's disorganized manner. The man was always busy. She glanced around the lab, Pokeballs strewn on a right just to her right, along with a number of packs lying in a heap across the room. Deni sighed, walking around to the back, up behind Professor Birch, where a mischievous smile crossed her lips..
Deni yelled in Birch's ear, poking him as hard in the ribs and quickly jumping back to watch Birch's reaction.
"You should really be a lot tidier, you know!"
The girl chided the professor, a happy smile defining her face.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby napsii » Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:56 pm

"I really... ugh... wish I could afford a bike!" complained Jordan as she sprinted on full tilt. Lilycove's houses and stores flew by faster than a Pidgey with the pace she needed just to keep up with her Eevee. The furry Pokemon bounded ahead with effortless leaps, brown eyes occasionally peering back at Jordan. The white-haired girl's face crinkled with annoyance: she could practically taste the smugness roiling off her Pokemon in waves. Or maybe that was just the garbage bin she'd just passed. Either way, the inane competition was motivating and she was taking the first steps into Route 121 before she knew it. The trainer skidded to a halt, panting. She was fit, but trying to keep up with a Pokemon like an Eevee was a futile effort. The brown-furred creature skipped back to her feet, unaffected by the sprint. Jordan sighed, looking down at the Pokemon critically.

It blinked. And Jordan could swear that was a smile...

"You know, you're lucky I don't just strap on a saddle and ride you." she teased, looking ahead to the grass and trees of Route 121. The Eevee whimpered, obviously terrified by being crushed under Jordan's weight.

"Are you calling me fat?" she demanded. The Eevee's body elevated briefly in what looked like a shrug. The trainer rolled her eyes and began to walk on. With time, her irritation faded. It was hard not to be captivated by the obvious presence of Pokemon. She couldn't see them, but she could hear them winnowing around in the grass and witnessed the signs of their presence in the crushed grass, or the scratched trees. The Eevee orbited around her feet as they walked, sniffing and bounding. It was some time later, when she was debating the merits of the various types of Pokeballs in her head that she looked ahead to see an Oddish planted in the grass in front of her. She nearly jumped. Wow, she hadn't been paying attention. And come to think of it, she hadn't logged this one in the Pokedex yet. Her mom didn't usually let her go on 121.

"Aha. Making good progress already." she said in quiet triumph, slipping the red Pokedex out of her bag. The Eevee stood in front of her, curious of the young Pokemon. Pressing a button, Jordan waved the Pokedex in the direction of the Oddish.
Last edited by napsii on Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.


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