Crimson Daggers

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Crimson Daggers

Postby Reaver » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:50 am

Camisa "Cami" Civelni- in the spymaster's quarters at the Castle
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You're sit in a chair in the spymaster's room if you were to look around you would see the signs of his rank. Everything in the room is furnished and only the best quality items are here. There is a rack of deadly looking weapons all small and sharp. The tapping of the spymaster's pipe brings you to look back at him. His face is aged but not with wrinkles more with the things he has done and his job but he still gives you a look mixed with admiration and suspicous. He flips through a few pages before coughing and looking at you. "Camisa isn't is? Look I'm going to cut to the chase, everyone has been talking about you since you brought the downfall of the Jareark Guild with your exposure of their leader. Now we need you to do the same with the Tarturk Guild so we can end this stupid rebellious uprising." He hands her the files before continuing to talk, not giving her time to say anything. "Inside you will find what we think is the location of the Tarturk Guild in the warrens, we need you to join their guild, pass the initiation and sabatoge them in however way you think is best. Since you will be undercover you will only be checking in with our contact when you uncover something of great importance, otherwise guards and any other imperial will treat you like a thief and give you no leeway. Any questions before you leave?"

Aidith Skystar- outside the King's room in the Castle
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You were standing guard to the King's room until a squad of soldiers come towards you with a figure in the middle. You can't see him until it's too late and he hugs you. "Aidith!!! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in forever." It was Zaveher one of the King's sons and a efficent battlemage. Always one of the nicer Imperials he grew up with you and is one of your closest friends besides the other guards. With a strong build, good personality and a good claim to the throne he has always had the eyes of many noblewoman but has never pursued them for some reason. He pulls away from you with a grin on his face that shows his frequent mischief. "Hey Aidith it's about time for your shift to be over and I was going down to the marketplace to pick up a order I placed would you care to join me? Just me and you?" You can almost spot a special shine in his eyes that you've haven't seen before. Your shift is over but you haven't seen Zaveher in such a while and the stories going around the city about the battlemages arn't very good but is still he is the same person you grew up with right?

Ryuuga Musashi - in the sparring room in the Tarturk Guild
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You are in the sparring room of the Tarturk Guild having a intense match with your mentor Kouga, one of the leading members of the Guild and the man that saved your life. As you two spar he updates you on info only the top members would know. "The Jareark Guild fell a couple of days ago. They were infiltrated and destoryed from the inside out by a imperial spy." He throws a couple of punches at missing you by centimeters while telling you more. "That means the Imperial tyrrants will be focusing more on us now and the Guild leader has buffed up the initiations to make sure no one is imperial spies." He's about to throw another punch when a messenger knocks on the door and hands Kouga a letter. He reads it before looking at you. "Get dressed in your street garb, bring your weapons and meet me outside the Tarturk building in 10 minutes."

Mar Pisttack- On a mission in the Warrens
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Everyone knows that when the Thunder squad comes through the warrens to hide. Their leader Mar Pisttack is renowned for her brutal ways of gaining information and today isn't any different. It was only this morning that she received orders from the Captin of the Guard telling her that one of their contacts might have gone rogue and he wants her to go to the contact's house and make sure of her alligences. One member of her squad approaches her. "Sir we have arrived at the contact's house what will be our plan of entry?" He points towards the house across the street, it's higher than most and seems to almost connect to the others down the street by rooftops. The house itself looks a little run down but thats every house in the Warrens so your move squad leader."

Tabitha Verruckt- On patrol in the Warrens in a different sector
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Being drafted and not volunterring has set Tabitha apart from most of the other guards. After being found apt enough to become a imperial guard she was given a squad and sent on patrol. After a couple of successful patrols and even stopping a couple of thieves, high ranking officals have started to t ake note of her but haven't done anything yet until today. She was brought into the office of the Sargent at Arms and after a couple of questions was told that if she was able to make it through the most deadly section of the warrens that she would be promoted. He told her chuckling "think of it like a test of will, strength and skill. Most of us have gone through it ourselves." So now she finds herself walking through the streets of the warrens earning shifty and lustful looks from asorted charcters, most wanting to get payback at a lone imperial guard but to scared to do it themselves. Ahead she can see a couple of shadows moving through the alleyways on each of her sides. Also she can she a door leading into a house which easily has access to other rooftops in the area. It looks weak enough that someone could break through it but it might hurt.

Dax Sierra- "The Wet Hole" popular bar in the marketplace
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With no current assignments going on at the Tarturk Guild you were told to take the day off, so you head to your favorite bar, "The Wet Hole" where someone can get a drink, find a place to sleep or screw a woman. Right now the bartender just served your drink but behind you, you can hear a couple of off-duty imperial guards getting a litte too touchy with a one of the serving maids. One of them grabs her hips and pulls her in her lap while another one starts moving his hand up her leg. She yells for help but no on wants to start trouble with some imperial guards. You could help her but they have their weapons with them and things might get a little bad with them being already drunk.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:55 am

Tabitha had her hand on the hilt of her sword as she walked down the streets, glaring at every single person around her, she decides to investigate the shadows in the alleys
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby napsii » Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:15 am

Cami's back was straight in the chair. She kept her legs closed together for appearance reasons, hands folded neatly over her hat which was on her lap. Again, she found herself on the Castle grounds again under the most friendly circumstances as was possible considering her current situation. She'd never dealt with the elusive and shadowy spymaster sitting before her prior to this; it'd mostly been in-and-out jobs commissioned by the Imperials.

Now her allegiance seemed official. Imperial Spy. The title of the career was fitting.

Especially for the job laid upon her. Infiltration. Deception. Nothing really stood out to her beyond his mentioning of how she had brought about the "downfall of the Jareark". It made her shiver a little. Had she? Honestly, all she did was pretend to have a secret romantic liaison with their leader to make him talk, but it was once he started to try and pull up her skirt out of lust that she had decided to turn him in. Thankfully for her, the downfall of Jareark had been attributed to another cause as their leader had kept his affair with her secret for fear that she'd be murdered or captured by the Imperials, so as far as she knew, she didn't have assassins coming after her (and more importantly, her face wasn't known to any of the figures in the rebellion either.)

"Not many...em, what if I need to get...intimate with any of them? They're crude people, so I expect it, y'know...?" was Cami's first and basically only question, spoken clearly in a non-offensive, placid tone. She rubbed her thighs together, gripping her hat and feeling awkward. She was still polite enough to maintain eye contact though.

Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby daxtinator396 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:55 am

Dax gets up from the bar as the woman cries for help his anger rising now they had 2 strikes as far as he was concerned. One they were guardsmen and two they were assualting a woman. He was just going to ask them to lay off none to nicely he though to himself as he wlaked over to them,"Leave her alone right now and maybe we all walk out of this bar with out any trouble. I`m trying to be civil but if you don`t quit manhandling this woman I`m going to get VERY angry. And that`s not something you want. Trust me." His daggers glowed brighter created an absence of light around them in their black glow as they urged him to kill them and be done with it.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:23 am

"We aren't brutes no matter what the salvages believe" she said calmly.
"Place guards on the roof, send some to the back and have a few waiting out front. We'll surround the build and then you and I shall enter though the front door." she said innocently... in fact she might care for this man.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:29 am

While he and Kouga-sensei spar, Ryuuga can't help but wear a light smile of satisfaction. Its somewhat exhilarating, each time he bears witness to his mentor's skills like this. Even with all the training they've done together, he remains the pupil, and Kouga the teacher. By all rights, he shouldn't even be able to see those fists coming...but they're the fists of his sensei, after all, so he's had time to grow used to them. That, and he's developed something of an "eye of the tiger" in training, heightening his senses just enough to predict those punches..."eye of the tiger" is a fitting name for it, given the genetics of his teacher.

However, the letter details something he can assume to be important, as he's now tasked with being armed and clothed in his street-wear within the time-frame of 10 minutes. Well, he'd better hop on that right now, so once Kouga-sensei dismisses him, Ryuuga heads back to his quarters to change. The black undershirt he wore while sparring is now accompanied by his leather chest-guard, and overlaid by his white trench-coat. Beneath that trench-coat are two sheathes on his belt, one bearing Genjitsu and the other holding Densetsu. His sparring gloves are replaced by his classic leather gloves with the curved plates, and he had the leather cup on even while sparring, so that point on the list can be skipped.

Dressed up and ready for action if trouble happens, Ryuuga makes his way up to the outside location where Kouga-sensei is waiting for him.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Reaver » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:00 am

Camisa "Cami" Civelni- in the spymaster's quarters at the Castle
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The spymaster stares at her before breaking out laughing thats falls into a coughing fit. After a few seconds it subsides and he looks at her with a grin that makes him look a whole lot younger. "Yes you will probably have to get quite intimate with a few. From our sources the intiation covers a bunch of stuff that would be very hard for any imperial trained person let alone a spy do. Also according to some contacts they have a rouge battlemage within the Guild who can scan your memories, but I hear he has quite a voracious lifestyle for women so you should be able to pass that if you "please" him." He leans forward smiling kindly before whispering softly "You must succeed on this mission and be careful because the King's eye is resting on you and if you succeed then the riches beyond your mind will be yours. But if you fail then you will be payed a visit from Thunder Squad's leader." He sighs and gets up shuffling around his room, picking up a cup of tea and taking a sip. "If you have anymore questions you better ask them because you should start moving." He seems almost impatient for you to leave but he would probably answer a couple more questions.

Dax Sierra- "The Wet Hole" popular bar in the marketplace
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The guardsmen were in the process of hiking her skirt up when you came. They look at you with semi- drunk amazment that someone would dare challenge them. They push the girl away before circling around you with their hands on their swords. There are four of them but two are almost so drunk you could knock them over but they could still cause trouble and harm someone else. The other two look sober enough and battle hardened so they will probably give you hell in this. One of them glares at you "This is your last warning citizen back away and go back to your buisness." The two sober ones pull out their swords to show they mean business while the two drunks fumble around with theirs only half-way pulling them out. The whole bar turns to you fellas and fall silent waiting to see what will happen.

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Dax- 100% ready to rumble
Guard 1- Sober 100% in front of you, sword out, ready to kill
Guard 2- Sober 100% to your right side, sword out, Tensed about to attack
Guard 3 -Drunk as hell 75% your left side, sword half-way out, looking down at his sword
Guard 4- Drunk as a skunk 50% behind you, sword in sheath, still trying to pull it out

Tabitha Verruckt- On patrol in the Warrens in a dark alley
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As you enter the alleyway you see two huge shadows block off the exit and two more enter from the darkness. They all wear the clothes of the recently destroyed Jareark Guild. They all brandish some fierce looking swords except for the biggest one who has steel gloves reaching all the way to his elbows. Those gloves look strong enough to knock you out or block your sword I'd watch out for those. They form a circle around you but stay out of sword length. One of them finally addresses while confidently swinging his sword. "So the Imperial slut decides to come back down to the Warrens to see what she and her cronies did to the once great Jareark Guild. We're finished as a guild but not as a people, so I suggest you just bend over that crate and take our cocks before we have to get rough with you."

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Tabitha- 100% ready to fight
Jareark group leader- 100% infront of you, swinging sword, ready to cut
Jareark grunt- 100% next to leader, sword out, ready to fight
Jareark grunt- 100% blocking exit, sword out, slowly approaching
Jareark muscle- 100% blocking exit, fists in boxing stance, standing guard

Mar Pisttack- On a mission in the Warrens, in the Contact's house
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The soldier nods before sending out the commands. After a couple minutes everyone is in position and the soldier comes back saluting you before stepping in line behind you. You and the soldier walk up to the door and find it unlocked. The soldier opens the door for you and follows you in, The house it's self is pretty small with three floors and looks like anyone hasn't lived there for a while. There are stairs going up and down, but so far there is no sign of the contact. The soldier closes the door behind him before looking around. "Sir if I may say so it looks like no one has been here in a while. How do you think we should check this place out?"

Ryuuga Musashi - in a hallway in the Tarturk Guild
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As Ryuuga makes his way to Kouga he gets waylayed in a hallway by Luciel, a girl one year younger than him but considered a picklocking prodigy. She puts her hand on his chest, softly pushing him against a wall while giving him a smirk. "Ryuuga, why don't you visit me anymore? I get so lonely around here and I could use help with a lock I can't pick and you might have the key to." Apparently drunk one-night stands don't exist around here. But you got some time before you have to meet Kouga.
Renegade, Mercenary, Wielder of the Shaft of Justice, Angel-Rapist, Rp Contract Killer
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:04 am

She pulls out her sword quicker that what they would of expected and blocked the swing of the man infront of her while kicking the muscle man in the crotch behind her
"Knaves! You know not what demons you have awakened!"
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby daxtinator396 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:11 am

Dax grins maliciously at them as they circle around him,"Oh wrong move fellas. You`ve made me angry." He draws his daggers and goes into a battle stance before leaping at the first drunken offender slashing at his throat with cold precision as his eyes glow black around the edges as the daggers malicious thoughts start to take hold in his brain,"Kill. Kill. Murder. Destroy." They sing in his brain as he readies for the next strike.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby napsii » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:12 am

Cami's eyes dropped towards the floor and a flustered red tinged her face. That was precisely the opposite of what she wanted to hear. She found that more often than naught, any mission never went according to plan and so she shouldn't expect even close to what she had told, but a rogue battlemage among Tarturk was a fearsome obstacle; one that she probably wouldn't be able to take chances with. She grimaced internally, just nodding her head and trying to maintain her composure. She admitted it: she'd had to get up close and personal to finish a few jobs, but that happened only rarely. Not that she was uptight or anything. She liked fun as much as the next person.

Just doing it on the job felt weird according to normal work ethics.

"Alright, that's...manageable. I'll think of a way." she said vaguely, standing up. She fit her hat onto her head and adjusted her hair a touch before taking a solid look at the files given to her and placing them...well, goddess knew where. Cami had found a million places to hide stuff inside her clothes, which had no pockets. Her three knives and two bottles of drugs were on her right now, too. Totally unnoticeable. Though one was in her hat.

"Yes, I um...understand. I won't let you down." she nodded. The watchful eye of the King himself made it impossible for her to back down; she had no choice but to do what she had to do, it seemed, but having her arm twisted so implicitly wasn't that appealing.

With that, she strode out the door with her arms at her sides, quickly skirting her way through the castle and eyeing those who passed. None of these people probably even knew who she was.

Without hesitation, she decided to take the quickest path down to the Warrens while reading the files given to her time to time. She hung around the more affluent areas for a bit, though; they looked so much prettier.

Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:18 am

When Luciel pushes him against the wall, Ryuuga already has a decent idea of what she has in mind. He can tell from how her breathing seems just a little heavier than normal, though obviously more apparent by what she says. His reply: "W-well, I've been busy...guild assignments and such, y'know? Though, I'm curious as to what this lock that you can't pick is; I thought such locks didn't even exist." That last part is spoken with an amused smirk on his face, as he knows what she means...he just wants her to say it. Truth be told, he's had something of a fancy for Luciel, despite what happened when he was drunk that one night; were it not for the alcohol, he'd probably still be a virgin right now. Ah well, it would seem this is fair reciprocation...
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Lady Foxy » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:51 am

Aidith had been holding onto her halberd with her right hand, letting the bottom touch the ground while laying her eyes upon her surroundings. Everything looks normal, which means that there aren't any shady figures around or suspicious looking people. Wait, who are those soldiers? She received the hug, looking at Zaveher with her eyes wide before letting herself have a small smirk. ''It is. Of course I would. Lead the way then, Zav.'' The nodding Aidith spoke in a firm, strong voice, but not deep or rough to be considered unfeminine. In fact, her voice was something to calm the nerves when she wasn't stressed herself.

She stepped forward and held her halberd with her two hands, in a diagonal fashion before waiting for Zahever to lead the way into the marketplace. Haven't seen him in ages, but.. He's a battlemage, means his quite busy..
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:28 am

Mar waved her hand around. Something a old vet told her about magic and how it can hide things from your eyes. It has never helped her but she still does it to this day.
"Look for papers or anything that would hold some significant's to owner and maybe where he went."
Mar continued looking though the room for anything out of the ordinary... not that this pig ever clean up.

She would every foot or so tap her foot to the floor boards to see if any noise changes happened from lets say a trap door.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:28 am

Mar waved her hand around. Something a old vet told her about magic and how it can hide things from your eyes. It has never helped her but she still does it to this day.
"Look for papers or anything that would hold some significant's to owner and maybe where he went."
Mar continued looking though the room for anything out of the ordinary... not that this pig ever clean up.

She would every foot or so tap her foot to the floor boards to see if any noise changes happened from lets say a trap door.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Reaver » Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:37 am

Ryuuga Musashi - in a hallway in the Tarturk Guild
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Luciel grins even wider as you continue to tease her. She blushes a very deep crimson before replying. "Well If you don't know what the lock is then I guess I'm talking to the wrong person." she slides her hand over your crotch, giving you a little rub before continuing down the hallway. " Besides I hear you have to meet Kouga anyways so maybe later when you get back you can have another crack at my lock." She leaves before you can say anything else so you head to the outside location and wait for Kouga. It doesn't take long for him to appear behind a wall and he greets you. "Good you're here lets begin. We have a mission to break into one of the houses in the courtyard castle. It won't be easy but the Guild leader seems to think you're up to it so your're coming with me. We'll probably have to scale the walls and jump onto the roof, it won't be a long fall but you remember how to roll so you should be fine. What we are looking for is a a group of three crimson daggers that hold some sort of great power, and we think might be a conduit for the King's own power. If we succeed this will be a major blow to the Imperials and their tyrany. So lets get going." He runs up the side of a building and starts jumping to rooftops. Better keep up.

Aidith Skystar- Route to Marketplace
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Zaveher beams with excitment before grabbing your hand and walking with you out the castle. As you two walk you get a couple of glances but none too serious since a battlemage and a Elite Guard are a normal sight. The on the way to the marketplace you and Zaveher chat about things from work to old childhood stories. "But anyways Aidith, Father is still pressuring me to chose a bride but they're all the same. They just want me for the throne and not for me. What about you? Have you met anyone special while guarding those big doors there?" He gives you a playful grin, knowing that Elite guards usually never date anyone because guarding the King is a almost 24/7 job.

Dax Sierra- "The Wet Hole" popular bar in the marketplace
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Your attack is head on and slices his neck before he can finish pulling his sword out, sending him to the ground wiggling in his own blood. One of the sober guard takes the chance and attacks you while you attack his friend. His aim is a little off so he cuts your waist, not deep enough to kill but it stings. The other two guards move in grinning at you aas they close in the circle with their swords up in defense.

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Dax Sierra- 90% cut on waist but not disabling
Guard 1- 100% sober, moving in on you, sword raised in defense
Guard 2- 100% sober, looking you in the eyes, sword in position to lunge
Guard 3- 75% drunk, looking a little scared, sword out but can barley hold it
Guard 4- 0% squirting blood out his neck

Mar Pisttack- On a mission in the Warrens, in the Contact's house
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The soldier nods before looking through the papers on the table. "Nothing on the table sir maybe we should either check downstairs or upstairs." He points towards the two perfectly good stairs.

Tabitha Verruckt- On patrol in the Warrens in a dark alley
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The man backs up in surprise, falling over himself as you block his slice. As your kick hits the muscle man in the crotch he slightly grunts (guess they all wear cups) and grabs your foot before you can bring it back, leaving you open to attack from the other two. They both quickly slash across your chest before backing up, causing pain but not completely cutting through your armor. Better get out of that hold and cut some necks really fast.

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Tabitha Verruckt- 85% foot still being held, two cuts across your armor but not too deep
Jareark Group leader- 95% on his ass looking stunned
Jareark grunt- 100% looking ready to cut you again
Jareark grunt- 100% looking ready to cut you again
Jareark muscle- 98% holding your foot, looking like a smug bastard

Camisa "Cami" Civelni- in the Warrens near the supposed location of the Tarturk Guild
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As you arrive to the location all you see is a rundown house. Thinking the intructions must be wrong you look around for a couple of minutes before two strong looking men come out of the house. They both stare at you before asking very buisness-like "Whats your business around these parts?" They finger their very sharp looking daggers while they wait for answer and if you looked past them you could see a few more eyes peering at you. Better make a good story for why your here.
Renegade, Mercenary, Wielder of the Shaft of Justice, Angel-Rapist, Rp Contract Killer
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby napsii » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:09 am

Cami had never been totally enthused by the Warrens. She'd lived here for most of her life up to her teen years, and thus knew her way around the block (literally; she even visited this place enough these days to be familiar with the danger zones and its shifting architecture) so that her trip to the location indicated to her on the files was brief. She adjusted her hat as she came across a small rundown house that was supposedly her destination and nuzzled a pebble on the ground idly. She was wise enough not to double check her files to see if she was at the right place or not in front of these peering eyes less she be exposed as an infiltrator. Not to mention, they usually had sentries who would harass her if she hung around long enough.

And it seemed they did, as two dagger-armed men came out after just a few minutes. Perhaps her clothing and figure made her stick out.

She turned towards them, an indifferent expression on her face. She appeared to pick at the cuffs of her clothing with her index finger and thumbs to express something was on her mind. Classic deception.

"Are you, Tarturk? I need to speak with someone from them." she said, lowering her voice a bit. She figured they wouldn't want a loudmouth.

"I need help from them. I, well, to put it simply I was robbed a few days ago and I need to catch who did it. The Imperials don't care." she spoke somewhat quickly and quietly. She ended her little explanation with a sigh, seeming genuinely depressed.

"Do you know anyone? I want to help in return." she questioned, adjusting her hat again with a hand.

Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:17 am

Tabitha uses her free hand to pull out her knife and stabs muscle man in the palm of his hand while twisting her leg towards his thumb
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:23 am

"You go up stairs I'll check the basement." mar is with a blank stare.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:28 am

Dax grinned again as he killed the man and gave but a slight twitch as he was cut. His eyes glowed blacker the hatred permating deeper into his being. He was only halfway aware of his actions now and he looked the gaurds in the eyes as they closed in,"You shouldn`t have done that. You`re only making it worse for yourselves. Run. Now. Or I will be forced to kill you all." He says through gritted teeth the glow flickering as he fights for control of his mind and he fients a leaping slash at the man looking back at him before ducking low and going for an uppercut with his blades aiming for the man`s throat. He`s ready to pivot quickly on his feet to block any counter attacks by his fellows if need be.
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Re: Crimson Daggers

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:56 am

Damn, seems Ryuuga was a bit too on the "hard-to-get" side with her, but he can try again later. Like she said, he needs to meet Kouga-sensei.

Heading out to meet his sensei, Ryuuga is greeted by Kouga, and briefed on the mission. Three crimson daggers, possibly a conduit for the King's there's a high-class target. A slight smile of excitement plays across his face, as he's eager to strike a strong blow against the Imperials. "Ryokai." is his response, the word for "roger that" or "affirmative" in Kouga's native language, and something that he likes to use in place of them when speaking to his sensei.

Without delay, Ryuuga follows Kouga-sensei's lead, running up the same side that his mentor took to get up, and swiftly following him across the rooftops, almost like a real ninja. Good thing Kouga trained him in this, as well as the Zanbo Mugenjin sword arts, though he's slightly more proficient in the latter.
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