well, we have members! you can play whatever character you want. just include a description in your first post, so I don't trap you in the pussy pounder machine, only to learn you have a dick
. anyone can join in at any time, just follow with the first post, AND everyone elses posts. and remember, if you make your way through every trap, you may reach the door! *wink wink* so, since we now have some people to play, I will make the first post!
the haunted houses tour had come to the grand finale, a true haunted house. the house of the man nicknamed "Le foax" though nobody knew his real name. he was famous for trapping women, and using odd contraptions to rape them for his amusement. as well as for his massive fake dick, which he had sewed on to himself after losing his real on when one of the women he raped, decided to bite. all of the people in the tour would be astonished as the fabled reports of his lingering ghost were true! little did they know... this would be a very special tour, as the ghost was angered by the tourists going through his house every evening. tonight, he would have his final revenge. as the last person in the tour came through the door and all collected in the main room, the doors slammed shut, the lights flickered, and he appeared. and he laughed, as the trap door opened and they all fell into his dungeon, a single door on one of the walls being the only way out, and a sign over it that said "you're fucked" his laughing slowly died, and the real tour began!
Skullfucking. Any questions?