Down in the Dark
Kayin rolls 1 (diff 4)
Kayin reaches down into the pool of the power she has been harboring and that space in her mind overflows. I don't mean any harm! She broadcasts, and the message reverberates and echoes back in on herself; reassuring herself strongly that she's not here to do anything harmful at all to the creature in the dark. A pair of chitinous limbs scoops her close and start to nimbly bind her up in sticking webbing, and she is in the process of getting tied down she can feel periodic nips from a pair of needle-like fangs that inject her with venom aphrodisiac that makes her both calm and excited as pink floods her mind and vision.
Meanwhile, Scarlet hops into the narrow passage and experiences the tight squeeze, but she's used to sliding through tight spaces. She rushes forward and quickly feels more and more space to move as the walls appear to expand away from her. The tunnel thankfully appears to be unobstructed as she charges forward towards the troubling sounds and her body soon collides directly with what appears to be a firm, slightly furred spider creature that's roughly two or three times her size.
From the Forest
The trio arrive back in town with the sun high in the sky, finding the place in much the same condition as they left it; minus their human companions who seem to be elsewhere currently. Bean immediately makes her way to an open area with a fire pit and eagerly licks her lips as she sets down her loot and begins clearing the space out and searching for tools to help make this space a suitable outdoor kitchen.
The familiar black cat hanging around Kayin from this morning seems to surprisingly recognize Vale as she goes up to her leg and rubs up against her affectionately. The rest of the animal are still either oblivious or ignoring their presence entirely. After rubbing up on Vale and giving her attention for a minute, the cat starts heading over towards a direction of town and turning to look at Vale, repeating this behavior and moving back and forth as if trying to guide her somewhere.
After bean finally gets the outdoor kitchen space into a suitable state and has a fire going, she looks over to Nova with a wry smile. "So.. you want to start cooking these boars here together? Or maybe they could be slow roasted in a big pot and we could find something else to do for a while. We don't exactly have all the kitchen necessities, but I think either way it's going to be way better than MREs