Warpland Fantasy

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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:09 am

Kayin settles down with the cat on a spot that may have been used as a sort of bed, or perhaps a seat. Straw and some sort of fabric, cotton or wool perhaps, thrown over it. She gives the cat she found and seemed to have latched a bit onto a little peck to the forehead and some ear scritches before laying her head down and letting her eyes slowly shut... thoughts of the taint, the uncertain future, and this strange village full of peaceful animals on her mind...
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:59 pm

Vale gathers up the bandages. A shame it was all she could find but it would at least keep them from tearing up their clothing even more to patch up any scrapes and cuts. It seemed they found a place that seemed warm and sheltered enough to rest in. With night starting to fall, its not like they had much choice to continue searching. Bean and Kayin seemed to be settling in already, and Vale herself felt tiredness start to creep its way over her. Letting out a yawn and as stretch, she shakes it off and stands up straight.

"We should take turns keeping watch. I'm happy to take first watch. If anyone wants to stay up with me, that'd be welcome, though we should work out a rotation so we know who to wake up when our shift is done." she says, situating herself by the entrance of the room they've clustered into, spear in hand.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Soru » Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:42 am

"I can stay watch at some point if you guys want to do that. I'm kind of used to that sort of thing." Scarlet said, her years as a thief often had her doing late night stakeouts though she won't mention those details to the others as she was still unsure how they would react to her previous profession. After all out of all of them she was the only actual criminal here and they may become untrusting of her if they find out, though considering their shared situation maybe none of them will care... shouldn't tell Mitch or Crake though when they get back, assuming if they will even be there still by then.

Scarlet looks around, trying to find a place she can relax at and probably later sleep at. There probably was something though she had to be careful of anything that the animals might be soiled or ruined.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby jondude » Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:37 am

"I mean... it's a theory... but we don't know that for sure.", Nova replies to Bean about the whole 'people were now animals' thing. Still, the fact that she entertains the possibility is uncomfortable. Long had she lived insulated from the effects of warp taint, but knowing that anything went in regards to it... well it was hard to accept on some level.

But that was enough about that. It was time for them to get some sleep.

They manage to find what appears to be an intact of run of the mill house. Inside there furniture is dusty, but mostly intact. To her surprise there is even some amount of hay and large animal furs stitched together with leather into larger blankets. There wasn't a lot mind you, but enough for them to perhaps huddle under if it got too cold. Nova helps gather things up into a single room so they could sleep in relative comfort, one with a fire place preferably, so they had options to work with. Once that was done Kayin promptly hits the literal hay, but Vale brings up an excellent point of keeping watch. It was a smart idea, and reminds Nova that she had to a lot to learn about survival. She was a fantastic fighter, and liked to think she was smart, but Thunder City education was a very tiered system dependent on your status. She could admit there was large gaps she would need to fill.

"I can take third watch then.", Nova volunteers as she undoes the belt with her new sword and places it next to her spear. "Bean and Kayin are still pretty young though. Perhaps they should just rest, unless you want to help Bean.", Nova adds, giving Bean the option given her background and all.

With that said she'd settle down next to Kayin and get comfortable, her weapons nearby just in case. If there was nothing else, she'd close her eyes and attempt to get some sleep.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Taria » Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:28 pm

The night passes by uneventfully. There are occasional noises of nocturnal scavengers or predators heard from outside the walls, but they appear sturdy enough still to deter any visitations.

Bean sits with Nova for a while during her watch and solemnly responds to her discomfort about what may have happened here, "There are many ill things that can become of a person from the taint; a peaceful death, or something like it, is at least one of the better outcomes." She stays up with Nova during the night to make conversation and to get some cool air, appearing to be uncomfortably hot as she strips down as many layers to still be reasonably modest. Then when it is time to return to sleep she seems to be suddenly cold and bundles herself in whatever can be used for warmth before having fitful sleep.

Everyone is able to rest and recover
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby jondude » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:25 pm

"I suppose that's true yes. There are certainly worse ways to go...", Nova replies to Bean during their turn at watch. While she may have spent most of her time on Thunder City's submission circuit, there was also a more full gladiatorial circuit where is very much kill or be killed. She had seen some people meet some rather grisly ends there, and for all the humiliation that occurred on the submission circuit, at least death was rare there.

When their turn ends and someone else takes over though Nova sees Bean curl up under their limited furs for warmth though. Smiling a little at the sight Nova would join her, putting her back to her help keep the smaller girl warm before heading back to sleep herself.

When she would later awake in the morning though, she would find herself essentially using Bean as a teddy bear, having rolled over and pulled the girl into her chest as they slept. She was quite the little heater! Knowing that Bean was worried that excitement would awaken the beast within her though Nova quickly tries to play it off. Letting Bean go with a stretch before sitting up and getting up. Once everyone else was up they'd need to gather up everything they had. "So... should we head back to the camp and see if Mitch and Crake are still there or do we want to check out that cave first?", she asks the group.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:56 pm

Worries that sleeping a night in the village might have some strange affect on them seemed to be unfounded as Kayin woke up, though she wasn't immediately sure of whether or not her fluffy feline friend she found had also remained. Though she wouldn't be entirely surprised if they'd wandered off at some point... Cats were often like that. In any case she stretched a fair bit before humming and saying, "I've got no problem with checking it out."
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Soru » Sun Jan 26, 2025 8:25 pm

Scarlet awakens by stretching and letting out a big yawn as the sun warms her up. She didn't get a lot of sleep, having taken her turn at watch earlier. At least she had found a rather comfortable chair and an old sheet to sleep with. After stretching she looks herself over, not seeing any changes. "Well glad to see just being in this town didn't do anything to else..." She looks to the others and is glad to see them still looking the same as well.

"So ladies..." She looks to them all. "What's the plan now? Keep exploring this place or do we head back to camp?" She asks them. "Honestly, while I would like to find more stuff to bring back I'm not sure if we should stay in this town for too long."
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jan 28, 2025 2:19 am

"I'm fine with us checking out the cave, after maybe a half hour of going over this place one more time." Kayin remarked. "We could also check and see if those two are still around and mention the town if their interested in better shelter, if nothing else. Though I don't know what they'd make of the skeleton on the throne bit."

In any case, she stretched before noting, "Though I think first priority is figuring out breakfast."
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Jan 28, 2025 11:49 am

"No one's feeling furrier than normal?" Vale asks as she rubs the last bit of sleep out of her eyes, propping her self up onto her feet using her spear for support. "Guess we're all fine then." She stretches, working out the aches along her back brought about from sleeping on the floor before moving to work on her legs so they would be ready to get moving comfortably as soon as needed, lunging forward and stretching them out.

"Didn't seem to be much in the way of food around here when I was looking around earlier. Everything I saw seemed pretty expired. And if we still think the animals around here used to be people I suppose hunting them is off the table."
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Taria » Tue Jan 28, 2025 5:51 pm

You are all starting to feel the effects of hunger

Bean wakes up groggily shortly after Nova's disentanglement, looking disheveled and ever so slightly wild-eyed. She briefly provides her input while letting the other's discuss plans, "Hunting would be good, or some other way of getting food."

The cat that Kayin was carrying around earlier seems to be actively acknowledging her presence today, but only hers; it meows at her and rubs against her feet briefly before going around the house and moving things around before settling on picking up a rusty old spoon in her mouth and setting it on a table to sit in front of it and stare at it. Outside the other animals begin to stir and make noises at each other as they similarly go through strange rituals that appear to involve manipulating random objects for an unclear purposes.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Wed Jan 29, 2025 2:57 pm

"If we went back to the river, we could try fishing with the spears?" Kayin offered as a thought, but then smiled and cooed at the cat as it meowed at her and rubbed against her feet. She pets it and is ready to give it some cuddles and hugs, but then watches as it goes about doing what seems to be some sort of ritual. As it sits in front of the spoon and stares at it, Kayin glances outside and says, "Oh yes, I am very much starting to think the animals here were, or maybe still are, people." Though she frowns, just a bit, given that the cat seemed to act more... cat like as it greeted her.

Curiosity tugs at her, and after a moment she takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and decides to try and reach out with her telepathy again. (Bid 1 Telepathy) This time though, she focuses on the cat in particular. Maybe she can speak with it, or communicate with it in some way? She'd be lying to herself if she didn't find herself somewhat wanting to bring the cat with her, since it was cute, but she wasn't sure that'd be viable... or desired.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby jondude » Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:36 pm

Nova is definitely feeling a little hungry as they wake, but nothing overly bad yet. Still it was something they'd have to address soon before it became a larger problem. Nova sighs a second later, wishing she knew a little more about plants so she could identify what was safe to eat or not.

Kayin's suggestion of going back to the river for fish seemed like a fantastic idea though, along with hunting in general. Like Vale notes though eating the critters in Torben town seems... wrong. While she recalls seeing animals such as goats, which were quite tasty, watching the cat sit in front of the spoon on the old table is a little disconcerting and only went to fortify their theory on the fate of the town's inhabitants. "Yeah... eating things from here seems wrong, and uh... might make the rest of the animals go crazy or something. I say we take we grab our stuff and check out the cave quick, then head back to camp well before dark and try to catch some fish and see if Mitch and Crake are still around."
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Soru » Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:13 am

"Hmm...not too sure about the cave, considering some of the creature's we've seen already. But if everyone wants to then I guess I can tag along." Scarlet said before they all began to feel a bit hungry and Bean suggests hunting. Scarlet thinks of possibly finding food in the town, though she didn't recall anything preserved like canned food. She looks to the animals around them but with how they're acting the theory of these animals once being people is becoming more likely. "Should we all go looking for food or should some of us stay here and keep looking around for stuff?" She asks as she looks at all of them.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Taria » Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:54 pm

Kayin rolls 5 (diff 4)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You connect with the cat telepathically and are briefly swept into another world. All the colors around you feel more faded yet also more idyllic, like a comfortable dream, as you look across the room at a brunette woman dressed in her sleep clothes smiling at you. "How was your sleep? I made breakfast." She asks. It appears that she has no awareness of any of the others within the room as it is currently just you and her in this room. And she seems to believe she is actively eating a home cooked meal, despite what her counterpart is doing.

Bean looks around at you all as you are discussing plans and weighing options. "I think so long as we don't go off somewhere dangerous, it may be fine to split up and try to accomplish different tasks. It might even be easier to get things done if we aren't worried about stepping on each other's toes. I for one don't feel like waiting around here and would rather go get resources. The question is, do we want to set up here or by the riverside?"
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:40 am

"Woah... this is... something else..." Kayin murmurs aloud as she makes the connection. She's not actually sure if she truly says it aloud or not. She spends a moment marveling at the world she sees around her and this woman. Vaguely curious, and wishing to test the bounds of things, she slowly stands and makes her way over to the table while doing her best to maintain the telepathic connection. She glances to the table to see if there is actually a plate of food there for herself as well, while saying

"My sleep was alright. Though ah, there's some... confusion on my part about your lovely town." She glances to where she remembers the others were, unsure if the telepathic connection would allow her to make her aware of the others.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Soru » Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:15 am

"Well if we're splitting up then I might want to explore the town some more. Maybe they have some preserved stuff like canned food or a farm that hasn't gone bad yet. I'm not exactly a hunter so I might be a bit useless for that. I can also see if I can scrounge up anymore clues about what happened here at at least more supplies. Though if you got a different suggestion for me I'm fine hearing it." Scarlet said as she explains what she wants to do but is open to suggestions from the others.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby jondude » Tue Feb 11, 2025 9:03 pm

"Well... I suppose it's safe enough here if you'd like to explore this place.", Nova says as Scarlet says her thing, though watches as Kayin seems to stand there and sway a little, clearing seeing something the rest of them weren't. "I guess so far we don't really have no reason to not stay here. It's run down, but there is lots of stuff we can easily repair here. We'd be fools to ignore it.

"How about this. Why don't you and Kayin stay here, and me and Bean go check out the cave while Vale joins who she thinks needs it more? Once me and Bean are done there we can go back to the camp at the river to see if Mitch and Crake are still there, and after that we can try doing some spear fishing and hopefully come pack with some food to eat. Let's try to all meat back up here sometime in the later afternoon at the latest so we still have a little day light to work with.", Nova proposes.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Thu Feb 13, 2025 1:36 am

"Considering my new gift is making it so I can talk to one of the villagers..." Kayin says aloud, "Staying here for a bit seems like a not bad idea. I might be able to learn more." She says to the others before returning her attention to her new friend. "Could you tell me more about this place?" Then she blinks, and adds, "Oh, ah my apologies, bad manners. My name is Kayin, what's yours?"

She is fully cognizant that to all the others, it seems like she is having a conversation with... a Cat. But well, warplands and the weirdness of taint.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Soru » Thu Feb 13, 2025 4:48 am

Scarlet watches as Kayin starts having a conversation with a cat.... which is honestly not the weirdest thing to happen to them since her exile. She then turns to Nova. "In all honesty, I'm not too sure how safe staying here is. Yes, there's buildings and walls but... Well while it didn't happen during our sleep this night I rather this damn tail of mine be the only actual animal part of me." She said as her tail wiggles a bit. "This warp taint stuff... is way more unpredictable than I thought before. How can we be sure we won't become animals too if we stay here?"
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