Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

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Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Mon Jun 18, 2018 5:27 am


The creatures dragging away your Warframe shouted at each other in a language you couldn't understand, and a third and fourth came to assist them in lifting your Warframe. They manage to lift it, but the strain is evident from their grunting and slow pace.

When they manage to get it through the doorway, the familiar sound of your Orbiter's alarm begins, and the creatures jump. Whatever these things are, they were somehow suppressing your Orbiter's security, but apparently had been interrupted. Shortly after, your Orbiter shakes, then rocks sideways, before righting itself again. The creatures shout at each other some more and regain their footing, then begin to pick up the pace, moving out of your view. Two more creatures take the place of the four in the doorway and start to approach, but your Orbiter shakes again, more violently, and the creatures shout at each other again, and leave with the rest.

When you discover that the creatures have left, you realize that your Ship Cephalon, once you reactivate them, should be capable of pinpointing the thief fleet's location and destination, based on their trajectory.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

After your Cephalon tracks the ships, they will know that they are heading for Mercury, and they ships which aren't part of the fleet are pursuing them. Your Cephalon is activated by giving a verbal command, after which they are always active unless otherwise is commanded.

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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:05 pm

Nana's not sure how long she was under. Time's funny like that when you're in a forced cryosleep, she supposes. She never had anyone to ask before she experienced it herself so it's hard to compare notes and be sure of her assumption. What she is sure of is that whatever explosion woke her up was not part of the Orokin's plans. After all, she doesn't feel like a drone with her free will torn from her, so she can only assume their control experiment isn't complete. That assumption only becomes more certain when she realizes she's injured. Last she was aware, she was put on ice because they wanted to use her information gathering abilities so harming her wouldn't be the best way to use that.

Pushing through the pain, she realizes she's not alone. She also has no idea what the hell she's looking at. Has the war gone so badly that baby races can infiltrate Orokin space? Still, there's one very important detail that's undeniable: They're stealing her fucking Warframe! She doesn't like the thing, the memories surrounding it being some of her least favorite, nor does she care about what happens to it really, but the boost to her information gathering abilities is her best chance of finding out what happened to Petra! So she can't allow it out of her grasp! Unfortunately she doesn't get a choice in the matter as by the time she rights herself and begins to give chase, the orbiter shakes and throws off her already shaky balance. Apparently the creatures like the shaking just as little as she does because they disappear, leaving her alone on a ship. She takes a moment to swallow her rage at this failure and starts thinking forward to what next. It can't have gotten too far away from her, so it should be possible to track the ship and get Ivara back. Quickly as she suspects she needs a lot of information very quickly.

"Lily, boot up and let's get to work!" She shouts as she does a sit-rep on herself, seeing if her "superiors" bothered to leave her clothed and, if they didn't, if they left any on the ship to fix that. While she's doing that, she sees signs that her faithful Cephalon, L1-LY, activating. Which is a problem in and of itself since she doesn't remember ever shutting Lily down. Did the intruders do that? Or was it the Orokin after they put Nana to sleep? Doesn't matter either way. The instant her Cephalon is activate, she chooses to materialize herself in front of Nana, just so she can show how annoyed she is. Well, Lily likes to be materialized in front of Nana most times out of not anyways, but Nana gets the feeling that if Lily could project just her annoyance she would in a heartbeat.

"Ugh. Fuckers were not gentle." She hears the gentle, almost innocent tone of her Cephalon wake up with her usual grace. Which is to say none at all. "Master, I hope that if I ever have to be shut off again, it's by someone with a modicum of fucking intelligence. Who the hell uses a damn EMP as their first choice!? There are so many other options if you have two brain cells to rub together!" Nana decides to just let Lily rant for a bit, knowing the rage will have to be worked out in one way or another and this is probably the least annoying option for doing that. She decides to do inventory on the ship while the Cephalon goes on. The instant there's a break in the tirade, she steps in to speed things along.

"Lily, some creatures came on board and took my Warframe. This is not acceptable." She says, letting Lily gather the rest.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll track 'em, Master. Gimme a sec." Lily takes maybe a minute before she comes back with results. "Found them. Looks like the fuckers are headed to Mercury. And it looks like we're not the only ones chasing after the idiots. There are ships not associated with their fleet closing in on the same location. We still going?"

"Of course. Come in as quiet as possible." Her Cephalon gives an affirmative and then they're off. Nana finds her curiosity increasing. Things have obviously changed in the time since she was put under. She kind of wants to see by how much. She only hopes not enough time as passed that finding Petra has become impossible.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby Littlemankitten » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:58 pm

Regira disliked surprises…. Hated them even. After all, the surprise she felt after the Orokin's little device was taken off her was not a feeling she wanted to repeat. So when something suddenly woke her up from the most peaceful time in her existence she was already in a bad mood. Opening her eyes and seeing some ugly looking creatures that seemed to be some young lesser species dragging her warframe away put her in an even worse mood. Seeing that she was also in her orbiter and not the random secluded cryochamber she remembered going into after her fit was over just made her straight up mad. She tried to push away the cyropod's lid as the creatures struggled to carry her frame, but her muscles were weak after such a long slumber and needed time to readjust back to before she slept. At least, that's what she heard from some scientist type guy just a few hours before all hell broke loose. After a few more attempts she was finally able to push the lid open, and then suddenly her orbiter rocked around violently and threw her back into the pod. By the time she got it open again, the creatures were gone. Regira was pissed.

"Navius, its morning!" Regira said in a completely calm and cheery voice despite her mood. She could hear the sounds of her cephalon actually booting up. That's surprising, those crude, waste of air, filthy creatures must of actually disabled the cephalon during their little raid as well. Thankfully, the bootup sequence was very quick and Navius materialized in front of Regiara and bowed.

"Good morning master. I have a question." Navius teleported right into Regira's face and pointed a finger into her chest. "Where have you been!? You went out for maintenance for your device, went missing for a whole DECADE, showed up out of nowhere in some old cyropod being hauled in by...." Navius visibly struggles to remember for a while, then just shakes her head. "By something! And now here you are with your device..... Gone." Navius grimices and takes a step back, as if finally realizing it was actually gone. This was the first time Navius had seen Regira's eyes for quite a long time now... They looked differeint then she remembered, more sinister.

"That's right!" Regira closed the small gap between then and hugged her cephalon, lifting her into the air and squeezing her. "Oh Navius I'm sorry! You were so worried about me! Ah you've always cared about me so much, don't worry, I'll never leave you like that again. From now on, we'll be together...forever." Regira giggles and continues to hug her cephalon, completely ignoring the cephalons questions.

"Master please let go of me, we have to worry about getting your warframe back. If you let me go I'll go track the Grineer that took your warframe." Navius tries to escape but finds that for some reason she cant escape the physical body she manifests in, as if Regira somehow makes it so she could never escape her grasp. She also couldn't even being to respond to what Regira was saying. She was always quite friendly before the device was put on but she's never hugged this hard before.

"Oh, your right. You go do that, I'm gonna make sure they didn't steal anything else. Also Grineer? What a stupid name." Regira drops and lets go of Navius, who quickly dematerializes. Navius didn't even bother telling Regira nothing else was stolen, she had to be kept occupied for now it seems. After a few minutes, Navius manages to pinpoint the location and destination of the Grineer ship.

"Master, the Grineer ship seems to be heading to a base on Mercury, and their not alone. Some other unidentified ships not part of their fleet are trailing them."

"Ok... what're you waiting for? Go follow them!" Regira snaps and continues searching around for stuff. Mostly tea leaves that weren't all dried and long past their usable date. Navius says nothing and just inputs the coordinates and proceeds to pilot the ship to the base.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby mrblah » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:27 am

Celosia watched as the thieves made off with her unwanted super weapon, dragging her Warframe out of her ship and boarding their own. Questions raced by in her head, questions she had no answers to. What were those things? How'd they find her? Why did they want her Warframe? What day was it? Each question posed several other questions she couldn't answer, with the gaps in her knowledge proving itself to be a quite vexing issue. Celosia mentally sighed. Just her luck that she'd escape one bad situation just to end up in what most probably was another...

The appearance of the two other enemies and their approach alarmed the recently awoken Tenno, and she prepared to possibly fight for her life. Combat was much rougher without her Warframe, but it didn't mean she didn't have any of her own tricks to take out a few grunts alone. As they got closer, Celosia got into a good position to try for a low lunge towards the one on the left - and had to pull back to steady herself behind her cryopod as her Orbiter shook. The alien lifeforms shouted at one another, appearing to argue about something, before they turned and departed. That... was lucky.

She wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. The moment the coast was clear, Celosia moved out from behind her Cryopod, dancing around the broken glass to get to a chair. She sat down, nursing her injured head and feeling for the damage. Celosia barely winced as her hand came back just as bloody as before, and she was able to surmise that her forehead suffered a cut. "Today is not my day, is it..." It was less of a complaint and more of an observation. She deserved far less for what she did.

"Zulul." Her tired voice spoke to seemingly nothing, with no response meeting her call. It was strange that he didn't immediately appear, but it wasn't long before she noticed the presence of her Cephalon. "Cel." A nickname she requested he referred to her by when she was still young. Celosia thought it'd be like having a friend if they called each other by such names. She was naive and she regrets it. Zulul, the sadistic bastard, never lets her live down her movement of weakness and instead delights in carrying out her request 'to the fullest extent he's able to.'

"We were just robbed, you know. I was attacked." She turned around to look at him. Her Cephalon was in his usual form of a 7'0" tall anthromorphic dog thing... she never got a straight answer from him as to why he looked like that, but it sort of suited him. "Yes. The fools even got lucky and disabled me before I could teach them the consequences of ignorance. But truthfully; the problem is yours. You were gone for so long, unprotected in your sleep -"

"Weren't you supposed to protect me?" Celosia interjected with an annoyed glare. Zulul rolled his eyes. "Expect no one to keep your best interests in mind better than yourself, and expect no one to do a better job in keeping you safe than yourself. You made the choice of sleeping, despite my warnings. Had you listened to my advice, perhaps you'd be in a better situation." Urk. He got her there. Celosia went quiet as she waited for him to continue. "They're headed for Mercury; but multiple ships not of their own are pursuing them as we must. I'm already moving us towards our destination, but I must advise you head in with caution, and I doubly advise you to remember my attempt to advise you after you ignore my advice and get yourself caught in another unfortunate situation." With his piece said, Zulul walked out of sight and de-materialized.

... Celosia sighed. She knew she was in for a lecture when she awoke, but she hadn't expected him to be so... mad? She should try to patch things up with him later. Wouldn't be good if her only companion stayed pissed off at her forever. Regardless, she should do something about the bleeding cut on her head... Celosia got up from her chair and went to go patch herself up before their arrival.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby lilbooth » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:50 pm

Ito vaulted over the cryopod, scanning for any remaining enemies and checking that the rest of her belongings and her ship was still intact. There wasn't the typical low pitched screech accompanied by escaping atmosphere. She checked the armory, her weaponry was still there. Her prized Kubrow was sitting quietly in stasis. The ship was still, despite the terrible shaking that accosted it before. Once she had made certain the rest of her belongings were in order she did a quick medical check on herself. Bleeding head, dehydration, that post-workout sore except everywhere, and what seemed like a bit of hair growth. She made her way towards the bridge and as she did, she performed a simple hand gesture and said "Spin me a web."

The ship hummed and soon after the ship's cephalon whirred back to life. The lights, navigation, and ship's resource status all turned on. Along with a harsh alarm noise that signaled that the warframe was missing. A brief moment of silence followed as the cephalon turned off the alarm.
"So?" Said Ito expectantly, and quite angrily.
"So?" Responded Kuro in her cold disconcerting voice
"Now is not the time Kuro. How did they get in, how did they take my frame and how did you let them get away?" She shouted crossing her arms and leering at seemingly an empty point in space.
"They managed to disable me, Miss. Suppressing my response system. I could not wake you or prevent their entrance or exit. Though they haven't gotten away. I am tracking their current location. They are still within the web." Replied Kuro, accompanied by the quite clacking noise of chitin on metal.
"Hmph... Fine, pursue the ship that has my frame, keep some distance though I don't what them to know we are coming." She continued as she made her way to her cabin. "Run a full analysis on our way in. I want to know what they used to sneak in." She said as she went about grooming herself.
"Watch your tone chisana. You may walk on the web but you do not spin it." Barked Kuro, dimming the lights for added effect.
"Yes yes... You've never let me forget master." She said with a brief bow as she stepped into her small bathroom. Her orbiter had the luxury of a water production station so actual showers or baths where available. After showering, shaving, and putting on the closest thing she had to armor she went straight to her galley. After an indulgently large meal, she went to her armory and then drop ship and buckled in. Geared up and still angry she began to meditate ready to battle her way to her warframe.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby Nobudi » Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:46 am

On the edge of awareness, Octavia sang to Aer. She always sang, never speaking, but they together had an understanding of each other. Of course, everyone else said the Warframes were just armor, but who were they to say that they weren't more? To her, Octavia was a piece of her that wasn't, and together They were whole. But... wait. When had she fallen asleep? They last thing she remembered was being called in stand before the Seven Emperors... and then there was a blank.

She was being carried. The beings, human. Or at least humanoid. The armor was unfamiliar though. They were... The were lugging away Octavia! "Hey!" she cried out. Or at least, tried to. She was too weak, and faded out of consciousness again.

Once she was awake again, she decided to take a look at the barren Ear- wait. The unfamiliar scene of green was confusing her. This... this was Earth, right? The barren, polluted rock that she had hid her dropship in orbit of, right? Greens and blues reminded her of images of old, before the Orokin and humanity polluted it. If that was the Earth, than how long was she sleeping for? Shaking her head, she took a look at the Orbiter. It was dark, which made her frown. Were systems offline? Probably an Electromagnetic Pulse? Simple, but not effective against Orokin technology. "SYN," she said. A cephalon was never offline. It was either on or destroyed. Upon her simple announcement, the lights flickered on, and the systems began to hum to life. Before her, the air shimmered with light. SYN, resting upon her massive, prehensile tail appeared. And she was clothed still. Good.

"Greetings again, Operator," she said, putting her hands together and inclining her head. "Where are we, and when?" Aer said, checking to make sure that the air was not stagnant. The eyes of her cephalon clouded over for a moment before replying. "Tracking star drift... Compiling and corroborating with the Cephalon Weave..." She turned to Aer and said. "Earth. Approximation of several hundred to several thousand years since the fall of the Orokin Empire."

So it did fall. They had done it. "Track the ship that departed from us. And give me status on the compartments and modules." She hoped that at least the stasis was holding Squiddles still.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:39 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nobudi Wrote:On the edge of awareness, Octavia sang to Aer. She always sang, never speaking, but they together had an understanding of each other. Of course, everyone else said the Warframes were just armor, but who were they to say that they weren't more? To her, Octavia was a piece of her that wasn't, and together They were whole. But... wait. When had she fallen asleep? They last thing she remembered was being called in stand before the Seven Emperors... and then there was a blank.

She was being carried. The beings, human. Or at least humanoid. The armor was unfamiliar though. They were... The were lugging away Octavia! "Hey!" she cried out. Or at least, tried to. She was too weak, and faded out of consciousness again.

Once she was awake again, she decided to take a look at the barren Ear- wait. The unfamiliar scene of green was confusing her. This... this was Earth, right? The barren, polluted rock that she had hid her dropship in orbit of, right? Greens and blues reminded her of images of old, before the Orokin and humanity polluted it. If that was the Earth, than how long was she sleeping for? Shaking her head, she took a look at the Orbiter. It was dark, which made her frown. Were systems offline? Probably an Electromagnetic Pulse? Simple, but not effective against Orokin technology. "SYN," she said. A cephalon was never offline. It was either on or destroyed. Upon her simple announcement, the lights flickered on, and the systems began to hum to life. Before her, the air shimmered with light. SYN, resting upon her massive, prehensile tail appeared. And she was clothed still. Good.

"Greetings again, Operator," she said, putting her hands together and inclining her head. "Where are we, and when?" Aer said, checking to make sure that the air was not stagnant. The eyes of her cephalon clouded over for a moment before replying. "Tracking star drift... Compiling and corroborating with the Cephalon Weave..." She turned to Aer and said. "Earth. Approximation of several hundred to several thousand years since the fall of the Orokin Empire."

So it did fall. They had done it. "Track the ship that departed from us. And give me status on the compartments and modules." She hoped that at least the stasis was holding Squiddles still.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

After a quick check, SYN would find that Squiddles is indeed in Stasis and could be brought out of stasis immediately, and that all compartments and modules were intact, except for the Archwing, which was missing along with her Warframe, however, the Cephalon would also come to the conclusion that with the junk parts left on the ship, a MOSTLY functioning Archwing could be constructed, if absolutely necessary.

SYN would also be capable of tracking the ships to Mercury, which she could gather has a military base on it, and that the pursuers were chasing them to that location as well.

The Orbiter took off and flew at speeds FAR greater than that of the fleeing enemy, and parked itself near Mercury, floating there, and targeted the location that the ship was preparing to land at, with the Dropship prepared.

If asked, the Cephalon would be aware that rather than going straight in, those pursuing the thieves had stopped just inside the Atmosphere and seemed to be waiting there.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

lilbooth Wrote:Ito vaulted over the cryopod, scanning for any remaining enemies and checking that the rest of her belongings and her ship was still intact. There wasn't the typical low pitched screech accompanied by escaping atmosphere. She checked the armory, her weaponry was still there. Her prized Kubrow was sitting quietly in stasis. The ship was still, despite the terrible shaking that accosted it before. Once she had made certain the rest of her belongings were in order she did a quick medical check on herself. Bleeding head, dehydration, that post-workout sore except everywhere, and what seemed like a bit of hair growth. She made her way towards the bridge and as she did, she performed a simple hand gesture and said "Spin me a web."

The ship hummed and soon after the ship's cephalon whirred back to life. The lights, navigation, and ship's resource status all turned on. Along with a harsh alarm noise that signaled that the warframe was missing. A brief moment of silence followed as the cephalon turned off the alarm.
"So?" Said Ito expectantly, and quite angrily.
"So?" Responded Kuro in her cold disconcerting voice
"Now is not the time Kuro. How did they get in, how did they take my frame and how did you let them get away?" She shouted crossing her arms and leering at seemingly an empty point in space.
"They managed to disable me, Miss. Suppressing my response system. I could not wake you or prevent their entrance or exit. Though they haven't gotten away. I am tracking their current location. They are still within the web." Replied Kuro, accompanied by the quite clacking noise of chitin on metal.
"Hmph... Fine, pursue the ship that has my frame, keep some distance though I don't what them to know we are coming." She continued as she made her way to her cabin. "Run a full analysis on our way in. I want to know what they used to sneak in." She said as she went about grooming herself.
"Watch your tone chisana. You may walk on the web but you do not spin it." Barked Kuro, dimming the lights for added effect.
"Yes yes... You've never let me forget master." She said with a brief bow as she stepped into her small bathroom. Her orbiter had the luxury of a water production station so actual showers or baths where available. After showering, shaving, and putting on the closest thing she had to armor she went straight to her galley. After an indulgently large meal, she went to her armory and then drop ship and buckled in. Geared up and still angry she began to meditate ready to battle her way to her warframe.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The Orbiter positions itself in the planet's orbit and launches the Dropship towards the enemy base. The enemy base responds immediately by deploying crude-looking anti-aircraft turrets and firing at the Dropship, however, this Dropship was built to survive and evade far more advanced attacks than this, and easily swan dives through all of the bullets, and likely looked quite impressive to the enemy, the way it performed several aileron rolls as it ducked and weaved towards the enemy base. Just as the ground drew close enough, the Dropship stops and deploys Ito onto the ground through the hatch in the bottom, a relatively safe distance from the base. Almost immediately after, an oddly-colored Liset swoops over the battlefield, performing an extremely high-speed Aileron Roll and, mid-roll, flips its hatch open and deploys an equally strangely-colored Warframe, which bullet dives into the enemy fortifications, swinging an electrically-powered bat-like weapon mid-dive, destroying a turret, before plunging out of sight.

Up ahead, beyond a nearby mountain, guards were posted at the metal door to the enemy base, a large, crudely-built fortress, which looked like it had been built from resources that were hurled from orbit at the location, with turrets and guards stationed on top. On one side, green liquid was pouring out through a grate, creating a large pool with strange fumes floating into the air, creating a big green cloud over the fortress, while the other side was mostly just a wall of metal with two other guarded doors a long distance apart. All of the guards looked roughly the same, and there was two at each door, holding the same weapons and wearing the same armor.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

mrblah Wrote:Celosia watched as the thieves made off with her unwanted super weapon, dragging her Warframe out of her ship and boarding their own. Questions raced by in her head, questions she had no answers to. What were those things? How'd they find her? Why did they want her Warframe? What day was it? Each question posed several other questions she couldn't answer, with the gaps in her knowledge proving itself to be a quite vexing issue. Celosia mentally sighed. Just her luck that she'd escape one bad situation just to end up in what most probably was another...

The appearance of the two other enemies and their approach alarmed the recently awoken Tenno, and she prepared to possibly fight for her life. Combat was much rougher without her Warframe, but it didn't mean she didn't have any of her own tricks to take out a few grunts alone. As they got closer, Celosia got into a good position to try for a low lunge towards the one on the left - and had to pull back to steady herself behind her cryopod as her Orbiter shook. The alien lifeforms shouted at one another, appearing to argue about something, before they turned and departed. That... was lucky.

She wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. The moment the coast was clear, Celosia moved out from behind her Cryopod, dancing around the broken glass to get to a chair. She sat down, nursing her injured head and feeling for the damage. Celosia barely winced as her hand came back just as bloody as before, and she was able to surmise that her forehead suffered a cut. "Today is not my day, is it..." It was less of a complaint and more of an observation. She deserved far less for what she did.

"Zulul." Her tired voice spoke to seemingly nothing, with no response meeting her call. It was strange that he didn't immediately appear, but it wasn't long before she noticed the presence of her Cephalon. "Cel." A nickname she requested he referred to her by when she was still young. Celosia thought it'd be like having a friend if they called each other by such names. She was naive and she regrets it. Zulul, the sadistic bastard, never lets her live down her movement of weakness and instead delights in carrying out her request 'to the fullest extent he's able to.'

"We were just robbed, you know. I was attacked." She turned around to look at him. Her Cephalon was in his usual form of a 7'0" tall anthromorphic dog thing... she never got a straight answer from him as to why he looked like that, but it sort of suited him. "Yes. The fools even got lucky and disabled me before I could teach them the consequences of ignorance. But truthfully; the problem is yours. You were gone for so long, unprotected in your sleep -"

"Weren't you supposed to protect me?" Celosia interjected with an annoyed glare. Zulul rolled his eyes. "Expect no one to keep your best interests in mind better than yourself, and expect no one to do a better job in keeping you safe than yourself. You made the choice of sleeping, despite my warnings. Had you listened to my advice, perhaps you'd be in a better situation." Urk. He got her there. Celosia went quiet as she waited for him to continue. "They're headed for Mercury; but multiple ships not of their own are pursuing them as we must. I'm already moving us towards our destination, but I must advise you head in with caution, and I doubly advise you to remember my attempt to advise you after you ignore my advice and get yourself caught in another unfortunate situation." With his piece said, Zulul walked out of sight and de-materialized.

... Celosia sighed. She knew she was in for a lecture when she awoke, but she hadn't expected him to be so... mad? She should try to patch things up with him later. Wouldn't be good if her only companion stayed pissed off at her forever. Regardless, she should do something about the bleeding cut on her head... Celosia got up from her chair and went to go patch herself up before their arrival.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Your Orbiter parked in the planet's orbit, and as the Dropship was prepared, a high-pitched and feminine, though clearly not female, voice came out over the Orbiter's scanner, speaking with a heavy lisp "Tenno Leeroy Jenkins, reporting, enemy is within my sights, and I'm moving to intercept.......... ENEMY WITHIN RANGE, DROPSHIP CLEARED FOR LAUNCH... LAUNCHING!" immediately after, a ridiculously-colored Liset can be seen off in the distance, plunging towards the planet, directly towards the enemy fortress at extremely high speed, performing an Aileron Roll the entire way, until it was out of sight. The fact that a Tenno came out over the Scanner was strange, given that they can choose whether they do or not, implying that he either forgot to rectify this, or he wanted his operation to be known.

As this was all observed, another Orbiter could be seen nearby, just barely, a somewhat large distance away, and they, no doubt, also saw the weird Liset plunge towards the planet, and heard everything they said.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Littlemankitten Wrote:Regira disliked surprises…. Hated them even. After all, the surprise she felt after the Orokin's little device was taken off her was not a feeling she wanted to repeat. So when something suddenly woke her up from the most peaceful time in her existence she was already in a bad mood. Opening her eyes and seeing some ugly looking creatures that seemed to be some young lesser species dragging her warframe away put her in an even worse mood. Seeing that she was also in her orbiter and not the random secluded cryochamber she remembered going into after her fit was over just made her straight up mad. She tried to push away the cyropod's lid as the creatures struggled to carry her frame, but her muscles were weak after such a long slumber and needed time to readjust back to before she slept. At least, that's what she heard from some scientist type guy just a few hours before all hell broke loose. After a few more attempts she was finally able to push the lid open, and then suddenly her orbiter rocked around violently and threw her back into the pod. By the time she got it open again, the creatures were gone. Regira was pissed.

"Navius, its morning!" Regira said in a completely calm and cheery voice despite her mood. She could hear the sounds of her cephalon actually booting up. That's surprising, those crude, waste of air, filthy creatures must of actually disabled the cephalon during their little raid as well. Thankfully, the bootup sequence was very quick and Navius materialized in front of Regiara and bowed.

"Good morning master. I have a question." Navius teleported right into Regira's face and pointed a finger into her chest. "Where have you been!? You went out for maintenance for your device, went missing for a whole DECADE, showed up out of nowhere in some old cyropod being hauled in by...." Navius visibly struggles to remember for a while, then just shakes her head. "By something! And now here you are with your device..... Gone." Navius grimices and takes a step back, as if finally realizing it was actually gone. This was the first time Navius had seen Regira's eyes for quite a long time now... They looked differeint then she remembered, more sinister.

"That's right!" Regira closed the small gap between then and hugged her cephalon, lifting her into the air and squeezing her. "Oh Navius I'm sorry! You were so worried about me! Ah you've always cared about me so much, don't worry, I'll never leave you like that again. From now on, we'll be together...forever." Regira giggles and continues to hug her cephalon, completely ignoring the cephalons questions.

"Master please let go of me, we have to worry about getting your warframe back. If you let me go I'll go track the Grineer that took your warframe." Navius tries to escape but finds that for some reason she cant escape the physical body she manifests in, as if Regira somehow makes it so she could never escape her grasp. She also couldn't even being to respond to what Regira was saying. She was always quite friendly before the device was put on but she's never hugged this hard before.

"Oh, your right. You go do that, I'm gonna make sure they didn't steal anything else. Also Grineer? What a stupid name." Regira drops and lets go of Navius, who quickly dematerializes. Navius didn't even bother telling Regira nothing else was stolen, she had to be kept occupied for now it seems. After a few minutes, Navius manages to pinpoint the location and destination of the Grineer ship.

"Master, the Grineer ship seems to be heading to a base on Mercury, and their not alone. Some other unidentified ships not part of their fleet are trailing them."

"Ok... what're you waiting for? Go follow them!" Regira snaps and continues searching around for stuff. Mostly tea leaves that weren't all dried and long past their usable date. Navius says nothing and just inputs the coordinates and proceeds to pilot the ship to the base.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Your Orbiter parked in the planet's orbit, and as the Dropship was prepared, a high-pitched and feminine, though clearly not female, voice came out over the Orbiter's scanner, speaking with a heavy lisp "Tenno Leeroy Jenkins, reporting, enemy is within my sights, and I'm moving to intercept.......... ENEMY WITHIN RANGE, DROPSHIP CLEARED FOR LAUNCH... LAUNCHING!" immediately after, a ridiculously-colored Liset can be seen off in the distance, plunging towards the planet, directly towards the enemy fortress at extremely high speed, performing an Aileron Roll the entire way, until it was out of sight. The fact that a Tenno came out over the Scanner was strange, given that they can choose whether they do or not, implying that he either forgot to rectify this, or he wanted his operation to be known.

As this was all observed, another Orbiter could be seen nearby, just barely, a somewhat large distance away, and they, no doubt, also saw the weird Liset plunge towards the planet, and heard everything they said.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

MiscChaos Wrote:Nana's not sure how long she was under. Time's funny like that when you're in a forced cryosleep, she supposes. She never had anyone to ask before she experienced it herself so it's hard to compare notes and be sure of her assumption. What she is sure of is that whatever explosion woke her up was not part of the Orokin's plans. After all, she doesn't feel like a drone with her free will torn from her, so she can only assume their control experiment isn't complete. That assumption only becomes more certain when she realizes she's injured. Last she was aware, she was put on ice because they wanted to use her information gathering abilities so harming her wouldn't be the best way to use that.

Pushing through the pain, she realizes she's not alone. She also has no idea what the hell she's looking at. Has the war gone so badly that baby races can infiltrate Orokin space? Still, there's one very important detail that's undeniable: They're stealing her fucking Warframe! She doesn't like the thing, the memories surrounding it being some of her least favorite, nor does she care about what happens to it really, but the boost to her information gathering abilities is her best chance of finding out what happened to Petra! So she can't allow it out of her grasp! Unfortunately she doesn't get a choice in the matter as by the time she rights herself and begins to give chase, the orbiter shakes and throws off her already shaky balance. Apparently the creatures like the shaking just as little as she does because they disappear, leaving her alone on a ship. She takes a moment to swallow her rage at this failure and starts thinking forward to what next. It can't have gotten too far away from her, so it should be possible to track the ship and get Ivara back. Quickly as she suspects she needs a lot of information very quickly.

"Lily, boot up and let's get to work!" She shouts as she does a sit-rep on herself, seeing if her "superiors" bothered to leave her clothed and, if they didn't, if they left any on the ship to fix that. While she's doing that, she sees signs that her faithful Cephalon, L1-LY, activating. Which is a problem in and of itself since she doesn't remember ever shutting Lily down. Did the intruders do that? Or was it the Orokin after they put Nana to sleep? Doesn't matter either way. The instant her Cephalon is activate, she chooses to materialize herself in front of Nana, just so she can show how annoyed she is. Well, Lily likes to be materialized in front of Nana most times out of not anyways, but Nana gets the feeling that if Lily could project just her annoyance she would in a heartbeat.

"Ugh. Fuckers were not gentle." She hears the gentle, almost innocent tone of her Cephalon wake up with her usual grace. Which is to say none at all. "Master, I hope that if I ever have to be shut off again, it's by someone with a modicum of fucking intelligence. Who the hell uses a damn EMP as their first choice!? There are so many other options if you have two brain cells to rub together!" Nana decides to just let Lily rant for a bit, knowing the rage will have to be worked out in one way or another and this is probably the least annoying option for doing that. She decides to do inventory on the ship while the Cephalon goes on. The instant there's a break in the tirade, she steps in to speed things along.

"Lily, some creatures came on board and took my Warframe. This is not acceptable." She says, letting Lily gather the rest.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll track 'em, Master. Gimme a sec." Lily takes maybe a minute before she comes back with results. "Found them. Looks like the fuckers are headed to Mercury. And it looks like we're not the only ones chasing after the idiots. There are ships not associated with their fleet closing in on the same location. We still going?"

"Of course. Come in as quiet as possible." Her Cephalon gives an affirmative and then they're off. Nana finds her curiosity increasing. Things have obviously changed in the time since she was put under. She kind of wants to see by how much. She only hopes not enough time as passed that finding Petra has become impossible.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Your Orbiter floats into the planet's orbit and your Dropship is prepared, however, a high-pitched and feminine, though clearly not female, voice came out over the Orbiter's scanner, speaking with a heavy lisp "Tenno Leeroy Jenkins, reporting, enemy is within my sights, and I'm moving to intercept.......... ENEMY WITHIN RANGE, DROPSHIP CLEARED FOR LAUNCH... LAUNCHING!", however, their position cannot be pinpointed, and they are nowhere in view of your Orbiter. Down below, your Cephalon can detect numerous enemy units and the ship that stole your Warframe at the Fortess, The Fortess' layout is also quite crude, with two doors on the wide right side, one door on the front, and green liquid pouring out of the other side. The general aesthetic of the Fortress makes it look as though, before it was built, all of the supplies was bombarded onto the planet from the atmosphere for convenience, and then it was haphazardly thrown together, with the tools lost and forgotten. In short, it was just as crude as their weapons and armor.

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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby Littlemankitten » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:31 am

Regira hummed a tune as they flew through space. She had learned back before she ever had an Orokin device installed on her, and she had quite fond memories of learning it with the people she loved. They were all dead now though, and it was one of the few things she could easily remember them by. Navius found following the Grinner to be among the easiest tasks she had ever done. They were so primitive that they're IR signature was almost as bright as the sun, making the task trivially easy. Once they reach the planet, Navius started to prepare the dropship. Then something strange happened. Another Tenno was apparently here, and had a dreadful sense of good color palettes. They also seemed to want the Grinner to know they were there, or anyone else in the vicinity. Both Navius and Regira cringed at what had just happened, and really didn't want to meet whoever that could be. There was another ship nearby though, clearly tenno in origin as well.

"Well Navius, it looks like we weren't the only ones to be awakened from our peaceful slumber. The Grineer have made quite the haul." Regira said with a soft chuckle, being quite amused by this information. These Grineer really were stupid. Not only did they dare try and steal from a Tenno, they clearly stole from multiple Tenno at the same time. They were just asking to be killed. Regira was more than happy to oblige with that.

"We? Master you were the one sleeping..." Navius sighed.

"Oh? I'm sorry... Maybe I should destroy your mainframe so you can experience what I did to?" Regira said sweetly. Navius tried to sputter out a response but couldn't think of how to respond, Regira would of never said something like that before she went into cryosleep. Regira giggled and waved her hand. "I'm kidding with you Navius… Anyway, take me to where they took my warframe." Regira got up and started walking to the dropship.

"Yes master." Navius was becoming more and more worried about what happened when Regira disappeared, and for once in her life as a cephalon began questioning her safety.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:49 am

"We're in range, Master. Cocksuckers don't even know we're here." Lily chimes in once they're within orbit of Mercury, putting Nana's inventory management on hold. At the very least she had time to clear the blood off of herself and make sure she's presentable. To who, she doesn't know, but it was pretty automatic so she didn't really think about it. Image is everything, after all, and a poor one can make getting information from someone more trouble than it has to be. "Dropship's ready to go when you are. Don't fuck it up down there. I'd say ain't no backup to save your ass if you fuck it up, but what else is new?" The sad part is that's entirely true. Nana hasn't had backup for her missions since Petra went missing. That's a lot of time to get used to being by herself and she still isn't.

"Roger. Alright, let's..." Her sentence and even her thought process comes to a grinding halt as she has the misfortune of hearing another Tenno over her speakers. What... just what?

"Are they a fucking idiot!?" Lily yells, able to put to words what Nana is thinking. "I mean, of all the unsubtle ways of assaulting an enemy hideout, they choose to ANNOUNCE THEIR DAMN PRESENCE FOR ALL TO HEAR!?! They're mentally retarded! Their mother shouldn't have dropped them all those times as a child!" As Lily continues her vitriolic rant, Nana feels her own befuddlement die down as her own thoughts are spewed out in full, if rather rude, detail. "...shouldn't have fucked that damn horse! Beat the kid in the head before it was even born!" The only sound now is the simulated heavy breathing of her Cephalon.

"If you're done, Lily, I'll be starting sortie now. I'll be coming in as close to where you pinpointed my Warframe to be as possible without alerting the enemy. It my Sentinel ready for combat?" She says as she makes her way to her dropship. If Abuka is ready for deployment, then she'll activate the Sentinel before she goes, but she's ready to get this over with.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby mrblah » Fri Jul 06, 2018 1:17 am

When they arrived, Celosia had just finished patching up her wound, a gauze around her head tied tight enough to have hurt a bit. She had the time to check her refrigerator for food, but it was all rotten and spoiled. Quite disappointing, but she supposed she wasn't really starving. But she even lost her bags of granola mix, and she knew those always lasted a long while, for snacks! Did they even still make granola mix in this future? Are there markets she could stop by to get food?

These were the questions Celosia was wondering as they parked, and it took Zulul's intervention to get her to realize they stopped. "We've arrived." His voice echoed within the Orbiter, and she was sure he boosted his volume up just enough to hurt her ears on purpose. "Alright..." She rubbed her ears to try and lessen the pain. "Prepare the dropship, I'm going -" Celosia was cut off as an odd voice came through the speakers, the loud and high-pitched voice reeeally not doing much help to her ears. But what she heard confused her. "Another Tenno? Why is he shouting over the Scanner?" Her question was rhetorical, but her Cephalon saw fit to answer regardless. "Perhaps he's a fool and left it on. Perhaps he wished to warn you and the other ship of his operation. Perhaps this is his silent ask for your and their assistance."

... "What other ship?" Celosia clearly hadn't been paying attention much as she was too busy worrying about her granola mix. Zulul was kind enough to literally highlight the ship in the distance. "Oh." She smartly replied. "This could be worked in our favor. Should you establish connection with this Tenno, though you should seek not to, try to get on their good side and gain their assistance. As well as the fool who just charged in." Celosia sighed. She really didn't want to deal with other people right now, but she supposed it made sense to establish a good relationship with fellow Tenno. Especially considering she's from the past and that they seemingly have a common enemy for now. "Alright, I'll try... but while I'm gone, could you find out if there's any place I could get some more granola -" "Focus on the mission, Tenno."

Ah, he's still mad. She was kind of hoping he'd simmer down a bit. Standing up out of her chair, Celosia got moving to the dropship. "Send Marks into the dropship if he's online, would you? Some help would be really appreciated right now." Because odds are, stealth is out of the question now that Leeroy ran in as loudly as he did. Goddamn it Leeroy.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby Nobudi » Sat Jul 07, 2018 7:21 am

With the Orbiter now under power towards the ship that stole Octavia, Aer began to take stock of the Orbiter. Everything was still good. The modules were dusty, but still operating. Rations were still perfectly preserved. Even Squiddles, her... tangle buddy, was still perfectly good in stasis. She could talk shit about the Orokin, but damn did they know how to make technology. While they were making their way to what appeared to be an orbital platform, they slowed down.

"SYN? Why stop here?" she asked out loud, hoping that the Cephalon wasn't... acting out. The hologram flickered to life, and she appeared. Good. Nothing out of the ordinary. "Several other ships have been detected in the vicinity, Operator. Unknown origin, but very familiar designs..." Aer frowned. "Well, try to get the orbiter into silent running and monitor any recent communications. Keep sensors running a full sweep of the situation." The cephalon bowed from her seat atop her prehensile tail. "Understood, Operator."

"Last of all, is the Armory up and running?" "The Armory and Foundry are operational. However, there are no blueprints available to create new weapons." She smiled. Perfect.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby lilbooth » Sat Jul 07, 2018 6:15 pm

Ito started moving as soon as she hit the ground. She issued a short but sharp whistle and gestured for Shiriku to follow her. "Kuro, keep tracking my frame, I'm headed for the far side of the compound."
"Of course little one." Replied Kuro in a rather disheartening tone.
"Some title other than little one would be appreciated Kuro."
"Chisana it is."

With the brief rabble out of the way and the target compound insight, Ito and her Kubro Shiriku traversed the terrain and headed for the back of the compound. Choosing to approach a door that was far away from any others. Her and Shiriku would approach as silently as possible and attempt entry without detection.
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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:02 pm

Lilbooth/Sato Ito
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

lilbooth Wrote:Ito started moving as soon as she hit the ground. She issued a short but sharp whistle and gestured for Shiriku to follow her. "Kuro, keep tracking my frame, I'm headed for the far side of the compound."
"Of course little one." Replied Kuro in a rather disheartening tone.
"Some title other than little one would be appreciated Kuro."
"Chisana it is."

With the brief rabble out of the way and the target compound insight, Ito and her Kubro Shiriku traversed the terrain and headed for the back of the compound. Choosing to approach a door that was far away from any others. Her and Shiriku would approach as silently as possible and attempt entry without detection.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Ito attempts to sneak past the armored creatures and into the Fortress.


Ito managed to sneak past the creatures as they mumble to themselves and enters the fortress, with her Kubro right behind her. The inside of the fortress, much like the outside, looked like it was made of beat-up scrap metal, and was primarily an ugly yellow-orange color.

Moving further into the base would reveal that the hallways split off straight ahead, left, and right, each with doors blocking further view a few feet into them. These hallways also had another one of the creatures, in the exact same armor, and holding the exact same weapons.

Nobudi/Aer Lyris
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nobudi Wrote:With the Orbiter now under power towards the ship that stole Octavia, Aer began to take stock of the Orbiter. Everything was still good. The modules were dusty, but still operating. Rations were still perfectly preserved. Even Squiddles, her... tangle buddy, was still perfectly good in stasis. She could talk shit about the Orokin, but damn did they know how to make technology. While they were making their way to what appeared to be an orbital platform, they slowed down.

"SYN? Why stop here?" she asked out loud, hoping that the Cephalon wasn't... acting out. The hologram flickered to life, and she appeared. Good. Nothing out of the ordinary. "Several other ships have been detected in the vicinity, Operator. Unknown origin, but very familiar designs..." Aer frowned. "Well, try to get the orbiter into silent running and monitor any recent communications. Keep sensors running a full sweep of the situation." The cephalon bowed from her seat atop her prehensile tail. "Understood, Operator."

"Last of all, is the Armory up and running?" "The Armory and Foundry are operational. However, there are no blueprints available to create new weapons." She smiled. Perfect.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The scanners are turned on and the Orbiter begins monitoring the area below. Immediately apparent, Dropships can be seen heading towards the enemy fortress, with one landing before the others, and one of the other two crashing into the fortress' roof. Yet another lands right after the first leaves. From the outside of the fortress, one couldn't tell, but there was likely absolute chaos going on inside, due to Leeroy's presence.

From her position up above, Aer could see one of them manage to sneak in, past the creatures, while the rest arrived on scene.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

mrblah Wrote:When they arrived, Celosia had just finished patching up her wound, a gauze around her head tied tight enough to have hurt a bit. She had the time to check her refrigerator for food, but it was all rotten and spoiled. Quite disappointing, but she supposed she wasn't really starving. But she even lost her bags of granola mix, and she knew those always lasted a long while, for snacks! Did they even still make granola mix in this future? Are there markets she could stop by to get food?

These were the questions Celosia was wondering as they parked, and it took Zulul's intervention to get her to realize they stopped. "We've arrived." His voice echoed within the Orbiter, and she was sure he boosted his volume up just enough to hurt her ears on purpose. "Alright..." She rubbed her ears to try and lessen the pain. "Prepare the dropship, I'm going -" Celosia was cut off as an odd voice came through the speakers, the loud and high-pitched voice reeeally not doing much help to her ears. But what she heard confused her. "Another Tenno? Why is he shouting over the Scanner?" Her question was rhetorical, but her Cephalon saw fit to answer regardless. "Perhaps he's a fool and left it on. Perhaps he wished to warn you and the other ship of his operation. Perhaps this is his silent ask for your and their assistance."

... "What other ship?" Celosia clearly hadn't been paying attention much as she was too busy worrying about her granola mix. Zulul was kind enough to literally highlight the ship in the distance. "Oh." She smartly replied. "This could be worked in our favor. Should you establish connection with this Tenno, though you should seek not to, try to get on their good side and gain their assistance. As well as the fool who just charged in." Celosia sighed. She really didn't want to deal with other people right now, but she supposed it made sense to establish a good relationship with fellow Tenno. Especially considering she's from the past and that they seemingly have a common enemy for now. "Alright, I'll try... but while I'm gone, could you find out if there's any place I could get some more granola -" "Focus on the mission, Tenno."

Ah, he's still mad. She was kind of hoping he'd simmer down a bit. Standing up out of her chair, Celosia got moving to the dropship. "Send Marks into the dropship if he's online, would you? Some help would be really appreciated right now." Because odds are, stealth is out of the question now that Leeroy ran in as loudly as he did. Goddamn it Leeroy.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Marks was loaded into the Dropship with Celosia, and the Dropship was launched towards the planet.

The enemy attempted to shoot down Celosia's ship, however, their equipment was very low-tech compared to the Dropship, and they didn't even manage to scratch it, allowing the ship to touch down on the planet completely unscathed. Once there, not to close but not too far away, the ship unloaded Celosia and Marks onto the ground. From her current vantage point, she could see the ugly orange-ish yellow fortress, which was rectangular and looked as though it had been constructed from beat-up scrap metal.

One side of the fortress had a pipe with a grate on the end, with green liquid leaking out, however the front and right side had and two doors, respectively, each guarded by two of the creatures in matching masks and armor. They didn't seem to be alerted to her presence, however, there was likely commotion within the fortress due to Leeroy's arrival.

MiscChaos/Nana Lee
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

MiscChaos Wrote:"We're in range, Master. Cocksuckers don't even know we're here." Lily chimes in once they're within orbit of Mercury, putting Nana's inventory management on hold. At the very least she had time to clear the blood off of herself and make sure she's presentable. To who, she doesn't know, but it was pretty automatic so she didn't really think about it. Image is everything, after all, and a poor one can make getting information from someone more trouble than it has to be. "Dropship's ready to go when you are. Don't fuck it up down there. I'd say ain't no backup to save your ass if you fuck it up, but what else is new?" The sad part is that's entirely true. Nana hasn't had backup for her missions since Petra went missing. That's a lot of time to get used to being by herself and she still isn't.

"Roger. Alright, let's..." Her sentence and even her thought process comes to a grinding halt as she has the misfortune of hearing another Tenno over her speakers. What... just what?

"Are they a fucking idiot!?" Lily yells, able to put to words what Nana is thinking. "I mean, of all the unsubtle ways of assaulting an enemy hideout, they choose to ANNOUNCE THEIR DAMN PRESENCE FOR ALL TO HEAR!?! They're mentally retarded! Their mother shouldn't have dropped them all those times as a child!" As Lily continues her vitriolic rant, Nana feels her own befuddlement die down as her own thoughts are spewed out in full, if rather rude, detail. "...shouldn't have fucked that damn horse! Beat the kid in the head before it was even born!" The only sound now is the simulated heavy breathing of her Cephalon.

"If you're done, Lily, I'll be starting sortie now. I'll be coming in as close to where you pinpointed my Warframe to be as possible without alerting the enemy. It my Sentinel ready for combat?" She says as she makes her way to her dropship. If Abuka is ready for deployment, then she'll activate the Sentinel before she goes, but she's ready to get this over with.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Abuka is indeed ready for combat and is loaded into the Orbiter with Nana, before launching them to the planet's serface.

On the trip there, Nana could see another Dropship nearby, and they seemed to be heading to the same location, however, Nana's Dropship was forced to evade an enemy anti-air missile, causing her to crash against the other Dropship, knocking it into a second anti-air missile, which damaged the thrusters.

The Orbiter drops Nana and her Sentinel onto the planet's serface, while the second Tenno Dropship crashes directly into the enemy Fortress' roof. From her current vantage point, she can see a group of creatures patrolling nearby, heading towards the blind spot she had landed in. She can also see that the side of the Fortress she's on has no doors, but a grate on the end of a large pipe, which is leaking a green liquid, from which gas is rising. On the other two sides she can see, the front and back, there are a set of guards and a single door each.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Littlemankitten Wrote:Regira hummed a tune as they flew through space. She had learned back before she ever had an Orokin device installed on her, and she had quite fond memories of learning it with the people she loved. They were all dead now though, and it was one of the few things she could easily remember them by. Navius found following the Grinner to be among the easiest tasks she had ever done. They were so primitive that they're IR signature was almost as bright as the sun, making the task trivially easy. Once they reach the planet, Navius started to prepare the dropship. Then something strange happened. Another Tenno was apparently here, and had a dreadful sense of good color palettes. They also seemed to want the Grinner to know they were there, or anyone else in the vicinity. Both Navius and Regira cringed at what had just happened, and really didn't want to meet whoever that could be. There was another ship nearby though, clearly tenno in origin as well.

"Well Navius, it looks like we weren't the only ones to be awakened from our peaceful slumber. The Grineer have made quite the haul." Regira said with a soft chuckle, being quite amused by this information. These Grineer really were stupid. Not only did they dare try and steal from a Tenno, they clearly stole from multiple Tenno at the same time. They were just asking to be killed. Regira was more than happy to oblige with that.

"We? Master you were the one sleeping..." Navius sighed.

"Oh? I'm sorry... Maybe I should destroy your mainframe so you can experience what I did to?" Regira said sweetly. Navius tried to sputter out a response but couldn't think of how to respond, Regira would of never said something like that before she went into cryosleep. Regira giggled and waved her hand. "I'm kidding with you Navius… Anyway, take me to where they took my warframe." Regira got up and started walking to the dropship.

"Yes master." Navius was becoming more and more worried about what happened when Regira disappeared, and for once in her life as a cephalon began questioning her safety.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

When Regira launched in her Dropship with her Sentinel, she also saw that, at the same time, an Orbiter was launching their Dropship at the same time.

The Dropship jetted towards the planet, with the other Tenno dropship nearby, traveling into enemy anti-air fire, however, a missile was fired from down below, towards the other Dropship, and it evaded to the left, bumping into Regira's dropship, knocking it off-course and causing it to hurdle towards the enemy Fortress, directly, also preventing it from dodging a second missile, which damaged the thrusters, forcing it to need to make an emergency landing. The other Dropship, however, parked itself behind a nearby mountain, while Regira's Dropship crashed directly into the enemy Fortress, crushing in the roof, putting her on what can be presumed as the third floor.

As soon as the Dropship deployed Regira and her Sentinel onto the floor of the Fortress, it began self-repairs.

The room was filled with red lights and blasting sirens, however, no creatures were in the room, but were likely on the way. The room was mostly devoid of decorations, it just had several control panels, and humanoid-sized empty glass tubes, and a single large metal door, with everything being yellow-orangein color, with red lights and unrecognizable text, likely in the creature's own language.

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Re: Warframe: Syndicate Six (IC)

Postby Littlemankitten » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:32 am

Regira let out a string of very creative curses as her dropship was hit not just by enemy missiles but another Tenno. Granted it wasn't really their fault, it would be the autopilot, plus they had to dodge out of the way of a missile but why did they have to run into HER? They could of just as easily dodged the other way. Regardless, what was done is done. When she crashed into the roof she let out another string of curses. Dropping out of the dropship, she quickly surveyed her surroundings. The architecture was just as ugly as the Grineer themselves. Which was unsurprising to say the least. Regira's companion, Verità, lifted off the ground and softly buzzed into the air, deploying its weaponry and flying slowly around Regira. With no where to hide in sight, Regira bolts for the large metal door.
I hurt you, I heal you, I hurt you again. That's the pattern.
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