Your somewhere in Amarr space Just docking at a space station. You decide to take a rest. After some time, you look for an agent for some quick cash for what ever reason. A Tall greenish man greets you. He hands you a folder without speaking a word, then disappears. You look at the data,
- Code: Select All Code
1. Go here [y453.537-x383.453-z874.554]
2. Go inside station
3. ????
You look at it slightly confused, but you could use the money, 129,000,000 ISK. Its not a whole lot for some people, but it's just what you need. You decide to take a cheap ship, and fly off to the location at the specified time.
Choose Ship:
Ibis < Missiles (10 Armor, skips shields) 25 Hull, 10 armor, 50 shield
Reaper < Chain gun (5 Armor) 25 Hull, 10 armor, 50 shield
Impairor < Lasers (5 Shield) 25 Hull, 50 armor, 10 shield
Velator < Hybrid ( 3 Shield, 3 Armor) 25 Hull, 50 armor, 10 shield
You wake up in a deadspace station, in your small room. You've been here for a while. Someone opens then door, and leads you to your masters large quarters.
You just got back from a mining raid. You sit back in on your bed looking at all the money you made from a holopad. You decide your feeling bored and call your slave(s) Over.
Choose your slaves: