Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:55 am

"I see..." Yamato replies, finishing his own meal a few seconds after Kayle. Knowing monkeys in his own world, he can imagine they'd be about as troublesome here. Though, if that prankster can get under her skin...err, scales...like that, he must be quite the headache. When Kayle begins stomping out of the dojo, he can't help but stand there motionless for a brief moment; sociable or otherwise, he'd rather not stay too close to a dragon-girl when she's that peeved. Eventually, he follows over to where she went, curious as to what's happening outside...

...and finds Miyumi outside, conversing with Kayle. He didn't to meet back up with another of the portal-hearted so soon, but it's not something he'd complain about...though, he is curious where that collar of hers came from...
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby jayjaycaps » Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:16 am

Jasin out his hand down and sighed. "Look, you're not making this any easier for me to apologize. I don't know anything about the beings, other than how to kill them. I don't know why they are invading, or where they come from exactly. I was just sent here to stop them. That's it. I don't need someone to have my back; I've got my sword."

Jason was really getting frustrated with Salina. She didn't know what was going on back in his realm. She hadn't seen the destruction the demons had caused, or the heartaches of dying families. She didn't know what Jason had to go through, how many friends he had lost to get here. And much to his dismay, the more he thought about it, the more she was right. He didn't know what was going on. Usually, Jason had been fine not knowing things. He just put his head down and swung his sword. But being here, in this strange realm? He needed help, as much as he didn't want to admit it. And there was no WAY he was asking for help from Salina.
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby napsii » Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:03 pm

Aleiyra rubbed the bridge of her nose, letting her blooming displeasure for this chat bubble to the surface. It was not in her character to release her frustration so visibly, but she was being confronted with more nonsense than she was comfortable swallowing at once. It would of course be arrogant to dismiss the man's words as frivolous, but this was becoming along the lines of a distraction. She had stomached already that it was wise to have a different perception of this realm, but she did not like to dither. Notoriously antisocial as she was, Alei preferred books and inscriptions over people. The vision beamed to her by the man in the kimono had her head throbbing.

"My name is Aleiyra." she introduced herself tersely, not seeming to care for the man's name. Internally, she lambasted herself. In her impatience, she'd almost glided over one thing the man in the kimono had mentioned: the Enchanted Lands. The name didn't surface in her memory, and Respite seemed to know preciously little about the realm. Even so, this man was human, and old. He knew much of this realm.

Just how far back does the technique of using the portal gems date? she pondered. It was presumable that he had used a portal gem, unless equivalent spells existed that could act the same as the gems. But that seemed unlikely, given the nature of teleportation. The gems had been in the possession of The Guild at one time or another, as well.

"I don't want to seem impatient, but this is tiring and I'm eager to move on. What are the Enchanted Lands?" she at last questioned. There was a hardline in her voice suggesting she would not accept anything but a straight answer.

Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby Thaedael » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:03 pm

"Kinoshita, Kinoshita Akito" The man said with a bow to the younger lady who continued to stand before him. "It is a pleasure to have made your acquaintance lady Aleiyra" he had stated. "The pleasure of youth is that it forces one not to want to wait for others, nor to be rushed themselves, does it not?"

He mused what to say, and how best to say it, but such words would mean little to one who does not seek to see the meaning in between. "In the continual storm of ever shifting magic, the Enchanted Lands are much akin to the city of Respite to which you hail. A constant, a refuge, a place of asylum to the events taking place around it."

He looked over to his companion, who up to this point had been more shy than he could have accounted for in times of old. Focusing his attention on Aleirya once more he continued. "In times of old it was where us humans would call the birthplace of magic, a realm of untold beauty. Home to mighty beings that would later come to be known as spirits, friends, and allies. For after-all that's where a rare breed of humans would first be born."

"Coming from the guild you would know, that the bond between spirit and human is what allowed magic to breach the barrier between our worlds. What other implications that may have probably should be forgotten, but irregardless the Enchanted Lands is the home of the spirits, and from there in rites of old you bond with one. Does that answer all your question while cutting the useless rhetoric?"

Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:23 pm

"Tell her she plays some beautiful music." Djiin says. "Tell her not to fear... Most likely she will not be hurt." Djiin looks around her surroundings some more. She tries looking around for a vantage point where if she had to kill them she could do it from far far away.
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby napsii » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:57 am

Aleiyra remained impassive. Akito was wizardly, and he had poise, but in her mounting impatience, it was becoming hard for her to appreciate the abstract qualities of his speeches. Her subconscious wanted to compare him to her former teacher, but then, her mentor had been a direct man who never opened his mouth unless there was something very material that was worth speaking. No abstractions, no reflections on the deepest and most cerebral aspects of life... Aleiyra had never relished in his company -- in fact, she did not like him at all -- because she had never relished in hers.

Because he had nothing to gain from me, only to give. she thought.

She turned from her pondering back to Akito, and was interested that there was at least one clear parallel between the spirit realm and her world. Respite's peace was palpable, and given the arcane nature of this spirit world, she lingered on what marvels the "Enchanted Lands" could have hid. The birthplace of magic must now be a shell of its former self. she stated to herself mentally. If the Enchanted Lands was where magic was born, then it could have only eroded with the ages... and with humanity.

Am I expected to subjugate -- bond -- with a spirit? she questioned herself, too reserved to ask such a foolish question aloud. She did not understand spirits, because she had never seen one until now. The greatest power came from a bond between a spirit and human... it was thoroughly disappointing. Aleiyra would have never wanted to rely on another sentience to accomplish the goals ahead of her. Power was most tolerable when it did not have a personality.

"Yes." she replied tersely.

"I must visit the Enchanted Lands." she then added.

Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby Taria » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:09 am

"Not at all!" Wong exclaims as he holds out his hand as if to give you a hand shake, except something slithers towards you from around his arm. "Meet Shaer." He explains as the serpentine creature examines you with intelligent looking eyes. Her tongue flickers in the air and oddly enough for a reptile she has eyelashes. Her scales are patterned in the colors golden and black.

"It's it nice to meet you." Kayle responds seeming friendly enough until she notices Miyumi's collar. She backs up and sinks into a readied fighting stances as she eyes Miyumi warily. "You're the one Salina needed the silver for. How do you continue to move about so freely?"

Salina ceases hammering for a moment as she murmurs softly, "And what is a sword?" She slams her tool agaisnt the tempered metal heavily, bending it at a 90 degree angle. "It's more than just a hunk of metal that's been given to you." She sets the bend against her anvil and heats the metal some more with her firey breath, apparently able to touch it with her bare hands even when it's red hot. "Some one put a piece of themselves into your weapon." She hammers down another sharp 90 degree bend, making the sword look like some kind of hook-like apparatus by now. "It is the sword smith who gives you that ally." Salina dips her weapon into the cool water as steam burst into the air and the metal cools. Retrieving it, she examines the bends and sharp edges carefully before swinging it around to test its weight. "You only see the things that are immediately at hand. You do not bother to see ahead or behind you."

"She can understand you just fine, creature." The fox woman states, tensing aggressively. There is a hilly upward slow behind you, however climbing it quickly from this angle would require a bit of finess. "You will not harm her." The musician seems somewhat distressed by all of the confrontation and begins playing a soft soothing melody.

"The Enchanted Lands are lost." Lia informs Aleiyra morosely, "It's inhabitant were chased away a long time ago, and no one who still remembers it is able to find it anymore. It was once place of beauty, but the creatures who have been invading your world did so by tooking over ours. With time, all of the humans have forgotten about us, but we are not so united on our own. This place is a graveyard, where powerful ancients sacrificed their lives to protect all the realms from the darkness, but peace is only temporary.
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:22 am

Miyumi allows herself a smile after Kayle's response until she suddenly goes into combat mode. Her question just makes Miyumi sigh. Great, another problem the wolf demon's causing for her. Even sealed up, the damn thing can't leave her alone! What was the point of it saving her life if it's just going to make it hell!?

'No, no, I mustn't think like that. If I'm dead, I can't help people anymore.' she thinks, banishing her previous train of thought. Still, there's the lingering idea of why she should be helping people in the first place if it results in a life like this. But she's gone long enough without giving Kayle an answer and she doesn't know exactly when the dragon will decide to just go for the throat, so she forms a response.

"It is not me per se that your salamander friend wanted to chain. It is... something I am forced to share my body with if I wish to stay alive that was the source of her worries. The collar seems to be suppressing it just fine. Is it supposed to suppress me too?"
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:58 pm

Yamato sees Kayle take a combat stance, and moves in to see just what's going on. However, it would seem she simply misunderstood something about the visitor (Miyumi), so he instead chooses to try diplomacy. "Relax, Kayle. This woman traveled to this land with me, though we were...separated before her and I could be properly introduced. To rectify that..."

Yamato turns to the newcomer, and bows respectively. "My name is Yamato Ryuushin. I appeared in front of Kayle, and we...got to know each other. And your name is?" He was careful to not mention the portal detail with Kayle, as he thinks suddenly materializing on her yard and scorching it was enough of a shock for her today.
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:07 pm

Miyumi for the first time notices one of the people from Respite is here as well, so focused she was on getting answers from Kayle. In the interest of not being rude, she bows as well.

"I am Miyumi Yuumei. Well met, Yamato." she can't help the small blush that appears across her face when Yamato mentions that they "Got to know each other" after his slight pause. Now she half-wonders if she didn't interrupt something with her presence.
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:42 pm

Seeing her offer, hand open stretched out towards him he instinctively reaches out and shakes it. "It's a deal madam. So what now?" Pulling his hand away he takes a seat grabbing one of the fruit on her table and taking a bite. This adventure was just getting started for Milanor and the more there was to it the more excitement there had to be. Just can't wait to see what happens next.
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby Thaedael » Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:44 am

"Everything is temporary, a thrust of grace given mortal form." he said. He walked over to where Lia continued to rest perched, running the back of his hand against her cheek. "While it may be lost in form, it will never be lost in heart. There are those that yet live whom know the way back to the enchanted lands, just few and far in between."

He turned back to Aleirya, "Why is it so important you go to the enchanted lands? What do you gain with powers unmatched beyond responsibility and duty? Having power does not make you a better person, there are plenty examples of that, myself included."

Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby jayjaycaps » Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:33 am

Jason furrows his brow, thinking carefully about what the salamander girl says. He also thinks long and hard about his response, not wanting to piss her off. "But I'm afraid your wrong." He interjects quietly, his thoughts still forming in his head. "A sword is simply a hunk of metal. Once it is crafted, the blacksmith's job is done. The smith is a tool, much like the swords he creates. It is the wielder who turns that tool into a weapon, and the general who turns that wielder into a soldier." Jason takes a moment, letting his thought sink in. Although he was sure Salina didn't agree, it was his own theory. "I am without a purpose. I have no one to lead me, no one to identify an enemy with. Without order, this sword truly is a hunk of metal."
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby berserkerhorn » Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:59 am

Djiin laughs at the music that the musician is playing. “Don’t worry… I’m not that dangerous… yet…” Djiin says. She looks at the fox “I might… if you try something against me…” Djiin says. “So tell me... why is she so important that she needs a bodyguard? I mean I understand that she plays music but, why would she need people to protect her?”
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Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby napsii » Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:33 am

Aleiyra remained impassive.

As I suspected. It was naive of me to make such an assumption. she chastised herself internally. Nothing in the spirit realm was as straightforward as her own realm. As chaos had descended over the human world, many secrets had been abandoned by their fleeing guardians. But here, even the air in her lungs could not be certain. Truly, it was a realm like no other. And Aleiyra did not like it. Not because she was impatient, but because she did not want to do.

She was being presented with questions and no way to answer them. It felt like she was being run in circles by these two. She looked to Akito questioningly.

"I do not take issue with making myself more capable. Mages devote themselves to the pursuit of power and knowledge, and I do not intend to die knowing I was inferior to someone else. When I have earned great power, I will do what I please with it." she said severely. This was one part of her personality she was stubborn about. She turned heel, looking into the distance with disappointment, but also a new wave of curiosity and will to move onward seeding in her mind.

"If there's nothing you can do for me, then goodbye." she said tersely, and began to walk off at a traveler's pace.

I do not think this realm is that minuscule. There must be something else here. she pondered.

Re: Enchanted Lands: Apocalypse

Postby Thaedael » Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:30 pm

"In order to protect something, you have to throw away everything. I guess you and I are alike. But I think you will be even greater. You will change the world. You will be a strong monster hunter. Call me sentimental but I wish we'd met under different circumstances. Let's meet again, as friends" He turned on his heel, facing his companion, "Let's go home" he stated flatly, walking off in the opposite direction to that of the girl.


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