- Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Obscene Dreams » Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:19 am


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Success! Without as much as a glance from suspicious eyes Julia appeared to have stolen the fruit without much cause for worry, her size proving useful under these circumstances. Taking her weight in the palm of his hand the merchant would smile with delight at her ability to commit such an act without a second thought, she was a useful tool. Inspecting the small, reddish fruit littered with what could be best described as seeds and whiskers, his finger would gesture it towards the small fairy, allowing her to claim the spoils of her first task. Speaking softly to her, crouching behind the stall, out of sight from the glares of others as he watched her, enticing her somewhat to claim her prize.

" Well done!... Your quite the sly character! I suppose you can have the very item you took as your prize, its rather sweet on the taste buds, why not try it? "

The fruit itself was known to have several effects on the body, all of which seemed to procure it as an aphrodisiac of sorts, the first few bites leading the eater to require more, gorging out on the taste before a lust would wash over they're body, throwing them into a 'heat', finally causing nausea before the victim would pass out for several hours, upon awakening to find themselves drained of they're stamina and strength, yet they're body still as lustful as before, if not more.


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A soft grunt was heard as he'd take the parchment from her, hustling it away into the folds of his armor before allowing his gaze to meet with one of the men that seemed too idly watch the waves that ran ashore, throwing a small pebble with quite the force in his direction before commanding him to take a message to the merchant she was offering too aid. His voice more rough than before, holding the dominating characteristics of a brute, his gaze only falling back to the female afterwards.

" Oi Meat!.. Go tell the merchant that came by earlier with the 'live goods' that we've found an escort, they'll be there shortly.. "

With the messenger leaving the scene the dragon like male would reach forward, prodding the female's chest with the crude thrust of his hand, the palm pressing against her right beast rather roughly through the clothing she wore, gesturing her to be off, treating her as no more than another slab of meat, confident enough that she was one of his own now, having accepted the job, she had accepted the consequences that should occur if she failed. Whether she knew them or not, He'd grunt, ushering her to be on her way.

" Off with you then... "


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Reluctantly, The bunny like woman would quickly make haste from the scene, her dexterous figure gliding across the ground between the male she had become fond of, towards her wagon. Leaping onto its wooden frame as she roughly slapped the centaurs thick skinned ass, hearing the creature whine softly before quickly dashing off, leaving a small trail of dust in its tracks, coating the Silver Crown members in a veil of dirt, hearing the sound of the female's laughter fading off into the distance as she seemed to be making a sly get away, much like the criminals of the comical stories. It was only after the commotion that Garian would take notice of a small silver bracelet like charm that had been slipped around his right wrist, most likely a gift from the bunny female, the fashionable item seemed to cling too his skin, tightly locked around the wrist, a perfect fit that didn't want to move no matter the force implied, its use was to be unknown for the time being. The crowd that had gathered scattering, many mourning the loss of they're prized coins whilst there were a few other 'Lucky' folk, seen from the beaming smiles on they're faces.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby MelissaB » Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:28 am

Eve glared at him smacking his hand away as he prodded her chest. "You do not get to touch me. I've not tasted one of your kind, don't tempt me to find out." She stepped away from her her gaze locking onto his as she turned to to follow after the messager he sent off. She growled lowly, annoyed by the man's mere presumption he was allowed to touch her regardless of his intent.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:29 am

Garian watched the Bunny Girl get into her wagon and drive off at the sight of those people coming towards them. He sighed and turned away, running a hand through his hair with a sigh, "I didn't even get her name." He said and then noticed the bracelet around his wrist, he tried to force it off and was surprised that it refused to budge. "Damn." He only groaned and started off, deciding that he had seen enough of the town and it was time to move on.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:42 am

"For me? Yay!" Julia cries out, immediately digging into the berry. She eats it so damn fast, she doesn't even notice the aphrodisiac effects of the fruit, skipping straight to the "pass out" phase, never knowing she was tricked.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Suraru » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:04 am

'Thank, a god. I thought I would have to get violent there... oh! a coin' Thought Thism grabbing the coin, then running off toward the boats. I'd be best to stay away from drunks and sailors. She stayed off the main path and made her way to the boats.

Once there, she stayed off to the side and looked for any large, unoccupied boats in harbor that she could sneak on.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Taria » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:22 am

Vander slams the blunt hilt of his sword against the skull of the wyvern as hard as he can, hoping to crack its skull or stun it.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Reena » Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:42 am

Reena watched the male approach, suddenly a lot more wary of him. She peered at his axe, seeing its surface shimmer with sharpness. Her hand darted into the pouch around her neck, her fingers brushing the metallic coins. She knew them all by touch, but would she need to use them? And, if she did, which ones did she want to use? She could try fighting him off with her creatures against his axe, but then her "special" skills might be more handy.

Her confident grin belied her fear of this wolf. She didn't know what his intentions were, and it didn't look like she wanted to find out. "You know, that coin of yours is looking pretty good," she said, waiting to see what his next move would be.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Gorbaz » Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:22 pm

Given that the townsfolk had been kind to Mongrel before, she straightened herself up and brushed down her poor-quality clothes as if to dislodge the dirt that had become encrusted in them. She was quite curious as to why there was very little going on, but the growls coming from her belly bade her to focus on the aquisition of food as a priority. Mongrel passed by some of the food baskets, gazing down hungrilly into there contents as she moved around town, before stopping by a basket full of meat. There were people moving around nearby and, rather than just steal, Mongrel decided to ask permission. After all, the townsfolk had always allowed her to have scraps in the past. Sitting on the ground next to the basket of meat, Mongrel prodded at the nearest person, then pointed at the basted. "Please?" she said. "Mongrel.... hungry"
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby jayjaycaps » Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:03 am

Jason shrugged of the merchant and their coin trading game. He didn't want to part with any of his coins. He was however, interested in finding a new sword. Jason walked over to some of the other merchants to see what they had.
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