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Area 52's Model Designs

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:03 am
by Malcanthet
Topic separated from parent thread as requested, feel free to edit this post Mal. ~Thaedael

*cracks knuckles and grins*

Oh, is this a challenge? I like challenges. Let me get right on that. It may take a couple days, but I'll 'pump stuff out' ... I've found my muse and a drawing groove is about to commence.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:14 am
by Thaedael
Malcanthet told me to post this; don't have much to say since it isn't mine. I will let him talk about it.


Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:42 am
by Malcanthet
Alright, here's the nude model which may matter more, since it will allow all sorts of costumes to be skinned on top of the digital art when it's made.

I will be doing the sideviews, do not worry. But remember, Mario is Missing had a 'stationary' posture which allowed for a more dynamic motion. The side view model will be the primary, these will be more to define her current character. (Assuming you go the three stages of perversion)

I feel like this one is her 'neutral' state, when she's not first landed.. and after she's been forced to do things for a bit (sexual gauge risen). I.e. not covering herself or clutching her pendant, hips are faced forward instead of away, a little further spread. Her tail is still submissive.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:51 am
by SexyFoxTime
It's ok very well, i can't wait to see her submissive or any other emotions! :D (I focus on eyes and mouth when watching sex scenes so.. xD)

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:32 am
by trunks2585
Well that's a good start, disapointing to hear the scanner isn't working but at least you can post proof of doing something, and it's clear this isn't some hack job attempt at drawing krystal, you have a style. Don't worry about if she looks innocent slutty or neutral, and while i do like the approach to doing this like mario is missing does with the stationary view, just focus on the side views for now, the stationary idea i want to include but it's just a bonus feature at this point. so a side view of krystal and then you can start on side views of the other characters, once all of them are done you can go back to doing stationary views and the other little details as well.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:13 am
by Malcanthet
Well, no use not posting the one I just finished. I edited it a little after I took the picture, so the scan will look better in all likely-hood.

I put a little hair on the back of her head since she's supposed to be tilting it downwards (it's why her head may look bigger, and muzzle longer here)

I love how her tail and hand postures came out.


God I hate this one. Sure I like the hand and tail postures, but I rushed this one horribly fast. There's so much wrong with it I could burn it >:o

Oh well I'll just end up redo-ing it later until I like it. I didn't achieve the head tilt effect I wanted, it just ended up making her head look bigger/distorted.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:54 am
by Zeus Kabob
Very good work so far. I really think you have taken krystal more toward a anthropomorphic person rather than a cartoon anthro. I like your style, and I'm rooting for you to beat the big bad Trunks.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:04 am
by KaTsuO_O
that looks really good, maybe lower the eyes a bit and the that the tail should only be three parted but this is great otherwise. I cant wait to see you draw a side view as well.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:57 am
by prettypinkpwny
Nice work so far, but there's something I don't like about this Krystal. I'm not sure what it is, though. It probably has to do with the face. Could be the eyes, the expressions, I don't know. Some other little things that caught my eye were that her knees and calves were a bit small. The lining of her crotch is kinda long too. Other than that, it's great. Looking forward to seeing the final product. Good luck.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:05 pm
by Malcanthet
Profile head aquired. I really, really really really like how this came out.

I think she's pretty!

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:48 pm
by Reaver
nice head cant wait to see the body

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:13 am
by mcbobinite
I thought the head was perfect she does look pretty, Im a lil confused though, are you saying only one artist for the characters? I was thinking it might be a lil easier and also faster if it was split up, let people take the characters they wanna but post whos doin who here. and for the different view issue, if ya want the views to be like or similar to the angel/demon girl transition animations then would you be able to just get their source file and look at the coding or download it and edit it in flash studio but just look at it's procedure/coding? I dont know that stuff but id imagine thats how itd be. im more of a drawer but nothin like thaed

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:47 am
by trunks2585
mcbobinite, the problem is if we have different artists working on the models we get a clash of different styles, and different ideals in proportions, how the style should look, range of expressions, etc. It's best to let one person do the models in this case so it doesn't look like a jumble of styles that don't belong together. Besides we don't exactly have artists jumping out of the woodwork to offer their help anyways, I sure as hell ain't. As for the comment on the angel/demon girl, that's more a coding thing you are talking about and i'm sure our programmer can swap in idle poses or specific scenes just fine without having to see how the other games do it. We just need to get teh actual poses drawn, but again one thing at a time, we get what we know we NEED first, worry about the bells and whistles later.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 6:06 am
by Zeus Kabob
@malcanthet: I really like what you are doing, and I have some constructive criticism. I think that you should put some fur effect on those cheeks, because right now, I can't un-see the cheeks blown back in the wind effect. Other than that, though, it's all really solid (and I'll be here to touch up pixels in the convert, because that's what I do).

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:29 pm
by Malcanthet
Mm, working on the 3/4 right now. My girlfriend demands some of my limited time to draw and will get fussy if I don't pay attention.

Should be done in an hour or two, with some more to follow.

Also, the reason the pictures look strange is because I have omitted color and shading, shading will come when it is inked and colored, giving the drawing more dimension. If you have a problem with the eye positioning, it'll be easy to shift it around in the flash file.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:01 am
by Malcanthet
Alrighty, here's the 3/4..

I have to fix her (your right) left nipple, and the tail is just a stand-in whenever I do this because I figure it will be a separate object that will be animated on it's lonesome. Any eye discrepancy y'all have will be simply to edit on the digital version.

I tried to capture Playshape's old pose in my own style, because you're all very familiar with it by this point. I hope the back foot isn't a problem with her on her toes, part of the walking posture. I can draw a couple separate feet or leg forms so all the pieces shift and/or work correctly so it doesn't look akward when you move her. I might move her right (your left) breast back towards the core of her body just a little.

Needless to say this posture isn't as easy as it looks to draw, because it always makes the bosom look slightly skewed.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:25 am
by mcbobinite
trunks, ah yea i kind forgot about people having different styles, was kinda focusing on how to get to the goal and not the obstacles in the way. but i thought there were two artists offering? maybe i just got the second confused with a different type of artist and just added them together, but i didnt really mean look at the angel/demon girl games to learn how, just to copy it sorta. idk if your able to go in and do a copy/paste of their scripts but thats kinda what i meant. Btw those backgrounds look amazing!the new tavern and home areas look so much more lively.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:08 am
by ronpepper
While my personal preference would be to make the portion below the knees bigger, with bigger calves and slightly longer shins, that may or may not improve it. As they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it. I'd love to see this toon in action, screwing sharpclaws like a whore. That's winning!

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 3:56 am
by trunks2585
Not too bad Malcanthet. here's my thoughts on the body that should be able to apply to other future females you draw. For the most part I like it but there are some issues, one is her breasts. I know you said you need to fix her nipple, but overall I'd give the breasts a bit more of a lift. Yeah the balloon tit look isn't realistic, but it's what everyone wants, if you check RP's avatar, that i think is a pretty good mix of a realistic bust that's been exaggerated a little. The other is like RP commented on, her legs. the lower leg does seem too lanky and boney too me and could use more calf muscle, it feels like you were squeezing there rest of her leg into the drawing.

Still this isn't a bad first run and I'd gather a lot of opinions from others to see what the community agrees on for what's working and what to change.

Re: Progress halted

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 6:59 am
by FuzzFace
Pretty good lines there. Tell me, is it any easier drawing with a tablet? I know that A lot of artists will use a normal pen/pencil and paper, but how radically different is it with an electronic one? I could say there are a lot of differences in that you can’t really “press” on it to make colors darker.

If you could draw this on a tablet with the same quality, I’d say go for it, and just slap it on the game. Changes can come later when everybody feels that they have accomplished something. Besides, everything will look different once it gets into the game.