Trunks's Q and A for the Area52/updates

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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:34 am

funny you should mention skills, that's exactly what we're talking about, so thank you for your input on this.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Oriandu » Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:22 am

trunks2585 Wrote:funny you should mention skills, that's exactly what we're talking about, so thank you for your input on this.

I have education in game design and development, I lack technical skills however I function with some degree of artistic ability, a basic knowledge of flash and a strong understanding of game design, mechanics, story and character design. So I have a nose for this kind of thing. Not working in game development as the industry crashed shortly after I completed the program I took, but I do retain my knowledge. :P
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:13 pm

Are you going to change the sounds? I think it sounds a little bit like they is made by materials if you get whant i mean.

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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby swirls » Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:51 pm

Renara Wrote:Image

Well I guess I didn't remember too well *sheepish*

I'm kinda wondering if there's going to be adventure-game-type elements, like needing specific items to get past specific points (like getting the whatever from Scales to go into the cave in v.2)?
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:04 pm

I don't think we're worried about changing sounds, we might add some new ones down the line, but i think what's there we are gonna keep, although there were some good audio samples from one of the samus threads that would help the project a lot.

There will be adventure elements like you suggested. (technically there already is in what we do have released, needing to screw all the sharpclaws before you get to scales, and needing the stone to get into the cave.)
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby MrBear » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:24 am

Now that Renara brings up the beta testing, I finally got a question now.

Will it be a secret, team member only beta or will people be picked. (Maybe a combination between the two?)

How will people be picked? Will it be a random, out-of-the-hat drawing, or will specific people be chosen, such as how long someone has been an active LOK forum member, or how smart they sound when they type? (Ding ding! :)).If you can't answer this, then I understand since its way too early to be asking about beta testing anyway.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Renara » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:32 am

MrBear Wrote:Will it be a secret, team member only beta or will people be picked. (Maybe a combination between the two?)

Technically speaking anything we release that doesn't have v1.0 on it is a beta, so releasing v0.3 will be a public beta test to begin with. Just to clarify :)
So really we only need a private test to try and get rid of any major bugs, though we could potentially have a second, larger group, I think the short answer though is; we don't really know yet, it depends how things are looking at the time I expect!

MrBear Wrote:How will people be picked? Will it be a random, out-of-the-hat drawing, or will specific people be chosen, such as how long someone has been an active LOK forum member, or how smart they sound when they type? (Ding ding! :)).If you can't answer this, then I understand since its way too early to be asking about beta testing anyway.

Hmm, probably nothing too complex for a large testing group, like must have been active recently, and have enough posts to no longer require approval, then probably random chance to get the number we require. The best testers from the large group would make the list for smaller test releases maybe? Like I say, I dunno for sure :)
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Csbears » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:00 pm

I'd like to know how you all have been in the past couple weeks in dealing with IRL and in finding the time to help out the project and how that relates to your well being, especially Trunks since this thread is his cross to bear. Frustrated? Elated? Constipated? (har har) I know how much you all moderate the forums and I'm curious how much does life gets in the way? All of those comments from people with 2 posts not reading the rules and asking all the wrong much time does it take to suppress them all? Is it like whack-a-mole? lolz. With all of these constraints holding you back, hypothetically speaking, how much time do you think you could be put back into this project if you didn't have to go do some meaningless dull-minded task that's only service is to be a obstacle / hurdle to work around?
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:07 pm

I'm unemployed, all i can do is look for jobs, so it's not like i'm not around. However I'm also the storyboard guy and aside from making a few small revisions, the stuff i need to actually produce is done.

I had a job interview (the first after like six months or so of trying) at a home depot in missouri a few weeks ago. and wouldn't you know it, the one day i need to be somewhere, one of the two ways into the state get shut down (i live on the illinois side maybe 20 minutes from the river 30 from where the job was). and it was the highway that was shut down, so the only way into the state was across the alton bridge complete with stoplights along the road to get there. it was fucking constant rush hour, no one was getting anywhere, i missed my interview because of circumstances beyond my control, and i never got contacted back. To say i was in a pissy mood the rest of the week would be an understatment. (bastards still havn't tried to reschedule the apointment with me even though i called them three times to explain the situation, hoping they give enough of a fuck about me, so either my message didn't get delivered and 3 people need to be fired, or they just found someone on their side of the river).

I don't actually moderate anything here, I'm not a mod, i just bitch at people, but I've worked with Ebonizza to make some calls about merging threads or if users are trolling or not. Overall he's the one to ask how long does it take to mod the forums, I just try and minimize the stupidity before he has to do something.

To be honest life isn't slowing down what I can do for this project, nor is dealing with stupid crap here, the only thing that's holding me back from working on the storyline for anything after .3, is waiting for the current version to get published, especially since I'm doing some stuff with dialog that I don't know if users will like or not.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby dryingpole » Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:07 am

Okay, don't THINK these were asked, and I apologize if I am repeating.

How large is 0.3 going to be as far as rooms/areas etc?

Is the overal tone of the game going to be fairly light, (Despite the repeated rape I mean) or is it going to be more despair/gothic?
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:05 pm

I'm not sure about all the details on the rooms question. there's going to be two new areas each with a good number of rooms or sections to explore, I think Ren also wants to make all current rooms larger than they are right now to allow for more content and making the eviroments feel larger and more expansive as well.

The tone will be fairly light, as it currently is but all the sex that's going on does have a purpose to the plot.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby kingcupworld » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:26 am

Thanks in advance...
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:33 am

Nice to see someone remembered me saying that, i sure as hell didn't. A lot of complications happened (like having to go through a rotating staff team of animators and artists till we settled on our current group. ptoon-t, yoyooyo, and eggplants weren't even with us back in February), but for the large part I stand by what I said, we should have been able to give you guys something by now, not just our scraps.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby kingcupworld » Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:39 am

I figured as much, but hope i didnt make you mad. i just thought it was funny :lol:
Thanks in advance...
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Rinzler » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:02 am

Trunks, thx for making this post I hope you make a few things clear for me through this...

so, my question is: Will Krystal be submitted to a lot of status bar that will affect her??? lemme explain myself a bit, I've read about morality bars, stamina bars, experience bars, pleasure bars, hell even an actual bar! so I wanted to know which one of these have been approved and how are they gonna affect krystal!?!? hope this question isn't a repetition and if it is pls ignore it!
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:43 am

I'll tell you what i can, sadly ren in his infinate wisdom keep's screwing around with ideas so I don't even know what all will be in it. We arn't in agreement so i'll just tell you my vision and ren's vision ok?

My vision:
Morality bar, this goes up and down based on choices you make on how to handle certain scenes. she can be innocent, slutty, or inbetween, and which side of the bar she's on is suppose to effect stuff like how she walks, and idle animations. you can bounce back and forth between the sides so you don't feel obligated to keep playing innocent or slutty.
Exp bar: exacally what you'd expect it to be, it fills up as you gain exp.
stamina bar: consider it your HP for the game, your total stamina will grow as you level up, allowing for you to take on rougher or more physically demanding scenes. pretty much like how playshapes set it up. so you could choose to jump straight to the anal rape scene first, but your stamina would be too low to endure it and you'd pass out, followed by waking up either on the ground where you tried the scene, or back at the home base with the lizard girl, note that no progress made will be lost, thought i'd clear that up right now.
pleasure bar: this is for krystal and the enemy, the higher krystal's bar is at the end of a scene, the better the rewards she gets for doing the scene, like more exp earned. the enemy's bar has to be filled up fully to complete the scene, of course.

We'd had a few other stat bars but decided they weren't really important or needed.

Ren's vision:
Morality bar: same as mine.
exp bar: same as mine.
stamina bar: still the HP but this time HP is a fixed amount.
pleasure bar: same as mine.
enemy compatibility bar: this marks your progress with different enemies and species.
Basically in ren's version, you don't level up, but your compatibility with enemies does. he's callling it 'leveling by area' honestly the details are confusing and he's suppose to give us a demo later today to show how it works. the jist of it is you'll progress in how well you can please a sharpclaw and lizard girl, and you'll gain new abilities as you do, but then you start fresh when you go into dark woods and move onto the werewolves, so you have to learn what they like, and maybe use some of the new abilities you've gained from the past area, to help you with the new enemies until you don't need the assistance from the extra abilities. that's what i understand of it anyways.

so think of it like this, my version is basic traditional RPG stuff, ren's would be more like maplestory or ratchet and clank where you upgrade weapons.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Rinzler » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:21 pm

Trunks! sorry i forgot to ask something... I wanted to know if the whole inventory system which I think has been approved, is going to be a crucial addition to the game...

What I mean for crucial is: Is it going to be for carrying items that will absolutely necessary for game completion? and if not... is it going to be only extras? or mixed?
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:17 pm

Yes it'll be crucial, you'll have key items and regular items. i see the inventory screen being LOZ style, regular items screen, key items screen, costume screen, map screen. krystal's progress with enemy groups or her level (whatever system we go with) i'd put with the key items screen so maybe just call that the quest screen or something.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:29 pm

Fuck it, I'm just gonna say it here. Anyone that can draw, write, code, animate, speak up now. Form your own team, because this shit sure as fuck isn't going to get done by Ren. He can't even get a demo to us, and most the team, not just me, are pissed off at Ren right now. I WILL jump ship to anyone that is willing to try their own hand at LoK, and I'm sure i'm not the only one. We don't need a super fancy game, we don't even need updated sprites and backgrounds (although the update would be nice i can't stand how fox, mario, and link look). All we need is a basic game, with minimal RPG elements, even as simple as what's already in place. but as it stands right now, nothing is going to happen.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Mr D » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:55 pm

trunks2585 Wrote:Fuck it, I'm just gonna say it here. Anyone that can draw, write, code, animate, speak up now. Form your own team, because this shit sure as fuck isn't going to get done by Ren. He can't even get a demo to us, and most the team, not just me, are pissed off at Ren right now. I WILL jump ship to anyone that is willing to try their own hand at LoK, and I'm sure i'm not the only one. We don't need a super fancy game, we don't even need updated sprites and backgrounds (although the update would be nice i can't stand how fox, mario, and link look). All we need is a basic game, with minimal RPG elements, even as simple as what's already in place. but as it stands right now, nothing is going to happen. sure didnt see something like this coming :shock: . I wonder how many people will form their "own teams" after reading this :D .

Oh yeah and one more thing. Do you know the screenshot of peach and browser on ? Is Ren the one that made them?
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