Trunks's Q and A for the Area52/updates

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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Kalypso » Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:51 am

TAKAsasukexX Wrote:What about gardevoir will she be in it and about the story, well you know how at the end of star fox cammand how fox and Krystal get married well the could be going back to what ever it's called for their aniversery or hunnymoon and the sudenly get attacked by the sharpclaw army and fix would have his own part of the story like he could be looking for krystal but as he looks for her he then runs into a female side of the shapclaw area and fox tells her about he's looking for a girl and they are on their honymoon and she would say "well, since your going to have some fun let me show you how" from their she will strip fox from his pants and give him a blow job or they could do it viginaly, I hope

"Trunks--I'll handle this one," said Kal quite ignorantly.

It scares me that there's only punctuation at the end and the beginning of that paragraph! @.@
I kid, but I had trouble reading that--it's like listening to an eight year old on red bull--EXHAUSTING.
Gardevoir? You mean the Pokemon, right? Even though I've been gone for a while, I can still tell you Pokemon is out of the picture at the moment. Not 0.3. Not 0.4. Not 0.5 (well... maybe 0.4, but that was just for emphasis, I don't know and can't give you a straight answer about anything after 0.3).
I can tell you that it's not a core focus. I was the major factor supporting it to be one on the team (as I have a huge nostalgia for Pokemon), and since I've been gone (around August-ish) I assume it's grown weak.

Deal with it while I cry inside.
In the meantime, you'll get Starfox, Zelda and Mario. Don't exactly know where the Metroid and Pokemon Universes come in, as I need to read up on the story ideas--but they'll be sorted out LATER.
Maybe instead of making an LoK remake I'll make a Pokemon hentai flash game. That'd be fun, don't think anyone's done that yet. Besides, there's already enough Samus remakes on this forum as it is, lol.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:24 am

thanks Kal but I need to give my response as well. As kal pointed out, proof read and use punctuation. I don't even remember the results of the pokemorph poll but I think Gardevoir was one of the winners so yes eventually she'll be in it. I don't know when, but she should be in it. As for your intro story idea and the fox section. No. And I'm not taking suggestions for storyline content right now either. It's bad enough we're playing around with the opening a little so everything will make sense, I don't need even more suggestions for an opening that seem all around weak. Just so you know, this takes place well after the two have been married.
Last edited by trunks2585 on Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby toddymon » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:31 am

heh. proof reach.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Nightmenace » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:19 am

trunks2585 Wrote: As kal pointed out, proof reach and use punctuation..
well well...looks u need to proof READ too there trunks lmao

Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:07 am

Yeah yeah, bite me...fixed it.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby swirls » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:15 pm

Something Trunks said in a different (locked) thread:
trunks2585 Wrote:I said what i could :P How the game ends isn't on the list of acceptable things. I'll tell you there's two new major areas, one is the dark woods, which was never really fleshed out, so I count it as new. The other is a place that's important to the dark woods, and I'll leave it at that. Both are going to be multiple screens to explore, so you won't be shortchanged on that, the double dick demons will be the main enemies as you might have guessed, as well as a few other surprise characters. This thread probably needs to be locked, I'll see about starting up and official updates/info kinda thread later.

I was a bit curious as to why they'd be referred to as 'enemies', but now that I think about it I guess the Sharpclaws could also considered 'enemies' if you squint real hard...

A minor thing I noticed (and I may be incorrect and have to go back and check) is that the Sharpclaws in Starfox Adventures (aside from Scales) are all yellow and purple, and I don't think there are any actual green ones anywhere (though again, I don't 100% remember). For curiosity's sake, would there be Sharpclaws other than in the village (or even in the village) that are different colors, or will they just stick to green?
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby TAKAsasukexX » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:02 pm

HA! well i am on my iPhone it's super hard, it's like tryin to run on one foot. So wat ever :) :D
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:35 am

Parts of the plot are back up in the air again, another step backwards. If the team can't agree by this friday, I'll make the final choices for them.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Renara » Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:48 pm

swirls Wrote:A minor thing I noticed (and I may be incorrect and have to go back and check) is that the Sharpclaws in Starfox Adventures (aside from Scales) are all yellow and purple, and I don't think there are any actual green ones anywhere (though again, I don't 100% remember). For curiosity's sake, would there be Sharpclaws other than in the village (or even in the village) that are different colors, or will they just stick to green?

The basic warrior types come in green, there are quite a range of them though, mostly determining how difficult they are to beat, combined with what weapons and armour they have, this is the image you usually get in Google and it's a decent reference for what the major types were:
I'm sure there's a larger version of that image somewhere but I can never find it when I want to.

trunks2585 Wrote:Parts of the plot are back up in the air again, another step backwards.

I don't think there's really any step back as nothing that crucial to v0.3 is being discussed, it'd be nice to have a complete storyline decided upon right away, but that's never going to happen realistically, as elements are almost certainly going to change as the game grows, feedback is received, team members are added etc. A volunteer project like this is a living thing, it's not a case of deciding what v1.0 will be and heading there as fast as possible, it has to be done in stages and those stages may very easily change things that have already been done, it's unavoidable. Even in professional games engineering there are cuts and changes made throughout the development.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:12 am

We're having discussion about the order of opening events, so yes that does hold up the next release a bit. It might not effect things at the moment but it needs to be sorted out by the the time the animators are ready to start making scenes with ptoon-t's sprites.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Boomer » Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:30 am

Hey um one question can you gives us a percentage of how much is done (like playshapes) and also, plz don't slap me for this question
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:08 am

To be honest, no i really can't even guess at what's done by this point. I posted a summery of progress of the engine and characters and stuff somewhere before in this thread didn't I? Just go off what I said there and guess for yourself.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Scapa » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:06 pm

This question might be difficult to answer, but I'm studying multiple programming languages at the moment and would like to know how many hours (estimated) have been spend on this project so far?
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Boomer » Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:49 am

trunks2585 Wrote:To be honest, no i really can't even guess at what's done by this point. I posted a summery of progress of the engine and characters and stuff somewhere before in this thread didn't I? Just go off what I said there and guess for yourself.

hey trunks, if i am kind of rude, i don't mean to be, but i've looked, and i've seen them, the thing is idk what extent you guys are going to include in v.03 and what has finished at this point, so um yeah, but right now as a random guess, does 5-7-10% sound right?
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:54 am

I wouldn't say it's that bad. I can divide the whole project up between four parts, the artwork, the animations/scenes, the story, and the game engine. artwork is going very slow, I won't lie, it's probably between that 5-10% range. Story for the overall concept is mostly figured out, it's just fine tuning some details. what we need to know for point 0.3 I'd say is about 85-90% complete. The scenes and animations are at 0% (can't make scenes without the characters) And the game engine is a big fucking mystery that you'll have to ask ren about. I think he last told us it was around 70 percent done. You can do the math if you want, i'd say we're somewhere between 25-50 percent done.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Oriandu » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:50 am

Never give percentages when dealing with game development. That's putting down a number, and when you put down a number people have expectations. The very second expectations exist, they can very easily be dashed when someone who works on the project vanishes and things slow down, unexpected errors pop up in the engine and bad shit just happens. :P
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Renara » Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:47 pm

Oriandu Wrote:Never give percentages when dealing with game development. That's putting down a number, and when you put down a number people have expectations. The very second expectations exist, they can very easily be dashed when someone who works on the project vanishes and things slow down, unexpected errors pop up in the engine and bad shit just happens. :P

Heh, right on; we're somewhere above 0%, and somewhere below 100% :D

Scapa Wrote:This question might be difficult to answer, but I'm studying multiple programming languages at the moment and would like to know how many hours (estimated) have been spend on this project so far?

This seems more for me, and you're right it is a bit difficult to answer! In the past year I've spent quite a bit of time on the engine, and quite a lot more than I expected I'd need to; thing is, I have experience in game-engine programming, but Flash lacks a lot of common datatypes and threading, both of which meant I've had to do a load of re-inventing the wheel to get some basic code the way I need it to be for implementing the real features themselves like physics, animation handling etc. I can't give you a real time as I haven't been tracking it, and any estimate I would give would be plucked out of thin air so little use to you. If you were able to work on ActionScript coding full-time for 4 months or so you could probably bang out a game engine to the same technical level in that time, but no-one is realistically able to sit down and do that, and I know I certainly haven't as I have other work to do that occupies me almost full-time, it also wouldn't include time spent planning out how things are going to be structured, which despite being a very boring step is always one that's best undertaken.
Part of the problem with v0.3, is that even though we aren't going to expand the content a huge amount (though even just remastering it is a big undertaking), re-doing the game engine is a lot of work, as while much of it will seem familiar or go unnoticed entirely to most people playing the game, under the hood it's going to be massively different.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:25 am

Most of the story elements seem resolved, on the other hand we're now rethinking how to handle the RPG elements to the game.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Oriandu » Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:49 am

Probably not my place to say, but RPG elements are a bit of a gray area these days. They're often put into games that they just don't belong in. With a game like LoK I'd say simple RPG elements would fit better. Looking at LoK .2 as a random example, you basically have to suck off every Sharpclaw, however with a minor RPG element added in the form of skills, you could instead simply have a fellatio skill. Any more than that begs the question of purpose. A successful design is one that evolves over the course of development but still retains the core features of the original design.
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Re: Trunks's Q and A for the LoK/updates

Postby Boomer » Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:05 am

Oriandu Wrote:Never give percentages when dealing with game development. That's putting down a number, and when you put down a number people have expectations. The very second expectations exist, they can very easily be dashed when someone who works on the project vanishes and things slow down, unexpected errors pop up in the engine and bad shit just happens. :P

I don't know if this is my place to say but when people think of it like that, I say, well no shit buddy! If you want it done then do it yourself! We all know this is going to take a while, and some effort and some support so yeah.
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