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Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:49 pm
by Renara
Okay, maybe "like" is the wrong word, as no-one wants advertising, myself included, but since I may have to upgrade my hosting service we may not have a choice :)

Anyway, I'm setting up this poll to try to get a general idea of what our forum users are okay with seeing on the site, as these are what I will try to focus towards initially. Regardless of what categories of ads are displayed, I will limit advertising to only simple banner images and/or textual ads, i.e; nothing disruptive such as flash banners, anything with sound, or anything that could potentially distribute malware.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:56 pm
by QuizmasterBos
I don't think we should really complain about this happening. People want a good working site, fine, but that costs money. And they don't wanna pay you via external means, so why not ads. It's quick and simple.

Now, I prefer adult ads only, because:
- This is an adult site
- It generally gives us something nice to look at. I prefer seeing tits than say, Farmville ads.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:07 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
Are you talking about some kind of advertising banners that you hosting will put on site to let use more CPU resources for site ?

May be i am not right - but i think that some baners about games can even be interesting if they are not noisy and make good.

If to be honest i do not think that any of it can be problem - but just a little imagine:

What can be perfect - if banners will be really interesting to community right ?

1)So games - it is really interesting - some times i think what a game to play - what interesting is in the world. I think it even can be good and interesting if it was made right.

2)Shopping ... hm i even do not know =))) To enter the site and look wow good banner of manure for my little flower that i even do not have ... wow - i have to buy it ... !!! I think it is a little silly, but if it will be some thing that is on one idea of the comunity - why not !
But what it will be ? Computer technologies ... i do not think so. Some kind of PO ... - if not games what can be there ? PO (programs) for creating games ? :roll: :lol:
What can be the same idea to game forum about Furry ? Games for example - but i do not understand any connection about furry and goods for example =) I do not think that it will be interesting to read about some new comb ащк еру сфе ащк учфьзду :mrgreen:

3)Fast food drinks - why not i like fast food and i think a lot of people eat it in real life. But it will not be interesting - it is like some thing neutral. May be interesting to read some new stuff but not very interesting.

4)Adult sites - i even do not know. In one side it is good in other - for example read lok forums for some body from work will be more problem =))) Best porn sites of the worlds and etc - and a woman on baner :lol: Just a joke. But In intelligent correlation - it will not be the problem too it depends only what kind of site and banners content it will be. If some thing based on some thing interesting like adult games or some thing like that may be it will be interesting too. But i think not a ordinary sites (there are millions of them) - but may be i am wrong.

5)Will it really be interesting to some body there ? :roll: I even do not understand what about is this point :mrgreen:

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:00 pm
by BlueLight
I agree with ads but i have reservations about adult based ads.
I likely to go onto LOK forums and being able to navigate to the safer non sexual parts of the site, i am able to goto a coffee shop and not worry about this being an adult site. Of course that's only true if i click on smart links i know.

Now forget my last statement and lets say you did put a sex based add on the site.
Well, i personally would find the site less enjoyable to be on. nude women in a ad even for a sex based site just annoys me.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:01 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
May be i was too hasty when i was talking about sex content :mrgreen: There are a lot of not ordinary adult based projects too :mrgreen:

But in thith contexst it is very primary about of that content and reprizantation. For example some lovly picture that will not be openly a hard porn but you can understand that it is adult link is not bad at all :mrgreen: And its content if it is some how share the sites idea too :mrgreen: It will be even good.

But not some thing like banners with XXX HARD GAY PORN on it - with a picture of naked mans with yahhh i even do not want to think about it :lol:

But you are one of this site creators so i think you know better what we are talking about :mrgreen: So i think we can trust you and believe that you will make the best decision no matter what :mrgreen:

And it is really interesting to see what it will be ;)

Re: Advertising: General Interest

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:14 pm
by Ivan-Aedler
I'm with Bluelight. I prefer game adversiting than xxx because xxx is not so well seen in the culture anyway (worse in the job, for example), and without XXX ads, I can access LOK from the work too (like I always do), to give help and answer questions.

For me, no problem with ads. ;)

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:34 am
by James3167
I am very relieved that other members agree that porn/xxx ads could limit site availability to other users, themselves included when users access LoK Forums without actually being able to browse NSFW matterial without violating one or more policies/terms of use. I'm okay with ads too, we don't want to become a financial burden to you :) Just showing my support

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:08 am
by BlueLight
Hell if you did a donation drive for like a month, used a site that would accept my credit card and not just tell me it doesn't work for some unknown reason like Paypal, i'd support you.
Granted i personally could only provide like 20$ or 40 $ bucks any month and i wouldn't be willing to do it monthly.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:04 am
by Thaedael
I am pro flooding the forums with adds. Have them every third post in a thread, have them on the side, have them on the bottom, have them on the top. Have ones that say "blah blah blah continue in 10 seconds". All downloads should use adfly linking back to this website etc. Have an option to upgrade to remove ads. Have donation drives where donations are given to game makers to get certain content into the game and a portion goes to the website etc.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:17 am
by Renara
Well, the main benefit of advertising is that the income should level off at some kind of steady rate that will hopefully cover the hosting fees, plus it doesn't require users to do anything or me to badger people for donations :)
The Dreamhost VPS (virtual server with guaranteed memory/CPU) is pretty reasonable, though I think we'll need at least the 600mb limit; the support staff said 300mb ought to be enough, but my estimate puts us at around 250mb during off-peak hours, so I'm not so sure ;)

Anyway, I can afford to keep the site on that kind of plan for at least a year purely as a hobby, but since it's only the LoK site that needs the extra resources I think it'll be better to try to keep the place self-sufficient to a degree. There's a one week free trial with no limits that can be used to measure what the site actually needs, which I'll probably try sometime soon, as the downtime yesterday was horrific.

I definitely see people's point on adult advertising; I'll try to avoid it if I can, though I'm partly limited by what the advertising places allow. I'd hoped to just use Google but they don't allow adult sites, which is a bit rich since they're happy to put advertising on the custom google search engine the board uses, even though I've turned off every advertising related option ;)
Still, I'm investigating all the options! My current plan btw is to add advertising for guest users only to start with, which means that logging in will be sufficient to hide any advertising. Guest users are by far our biggest source of traffic anyway, so they're the ones costing the money in the first place :)

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:45 pm
by GoRepeat
I don't really care about ads, but just don't get those stupid cheesy adult site ads that flash colors, give epilepsy and always have gross looking chicks. Shopping or general interest ads are fine.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:34 pm
by Suraru
I really don't want adult ads on this site, but that's only because I browse this when I'm at work or in public, mostly roleplaying or talking the the general chat, so unless someone was looking over my shoulder reading the page with me, they wouldn't know I was on a porn website.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:21 am
by OwnerOfSuccuby
As i understant we only do not want that adds that are to extremly hard that do not let us to use it frome some where :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:04 am
by BlueLight
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:As i understant we only do not want that adds that are to extremly hard that do not let us to use it frome some where :lol: :mrgreen:

Because some of us are stupid enough to think people can't figure out we're chating in a porn site while at the coffee shop.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:25 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
People really can not ;) If they do not chat on the same site :lol:

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:42 pm
by Mr D
BlueLight Wrote:Because some of us are stupid enough to think people can't figure out we're chating in a porn site while at the coffee shop.

Well if you see a light blue screen with a lot of text on it than "porn site" is not the first (or in the first 50) thing that comes to mind. Because that is what most of the topics are made of.

Also about the adult tx.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:26 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
And how about adult adds that will not look like adula ads ? :lol:
(Just a joke =))))

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:33 am
by BlueLight
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:And how about adult adds that will not look like adula ads ? :lol:
(Just a joke =))))

I likely!

it would allow me to look at porn on a porn site while no one knows i'm looking at porn... This is awesome!

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:24 am
by napsii
I'd prefer it if adult advertisements were curated, since I find most of them to be distasteful and I think they might upset the aesthetic of the site's platonic content. Otherwise, I'm completely fine with general interest, etc. ads.

Re: Advertising: What Would You Like to See?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:02 am
by BlueLight
napsii Wrote:I'd prefer it if adult advertisements were curated, since I find most of them to be distasteful and I think they might upset the aesthetic of the site's platonic content. Otherwise, I'm completely fine with general interest, etc. ads.

The thing about porn ads that i've seen is the fact you basically have to be blunt about it. Thus you get what napsi saying where they're distasteful, and they look bad.
I know that project X does adults ads and well i hate being on the forum because i know at the top of the page there will be a naked women (Oh my!... sounds better with George Takei) and even when i'm at home and no other soul is there, i'm still check to make sure no one is around. Porn game, erotic writing, or porn; no problems and never worried.
I think it has something to do with the fact that we need to be able to feel we control what we see and while we have no control of what content a thread maker puts up on his thread, it's partitioned in a way that we can avoid it thus we have control. Now add to the fact that you can get distasteful ads that just looks ugly, i'll say it's a bad idea.

So ren, worst come to worst, i'd likely still go onto LOK even if you had adult ads. However i do know that i wouldn't be on as much since i do go on to LOK at school.
My best suggestion however for LOK member side of things would be to just put a restriction where if you're not signed in you get the ads. I would suggest that you make more of a effort to make sure there is a chance for underage views to back out of the site (underaged teens not looking at porn and also being honest? Oh my!)
I know that has a splash page that i believe pops up if your site cookie is too old that basically warns you that this site is adult content and has tentacles and what not. If you dislike like such things or are underange click here. I right now can only think of one instance of that for LOK and that would be the front page that i always avoid.