Are you talking about some kind of advertising banners that you hosting will put on site to let use more CPU resources for site ?
May be i am not right - but i think that some baners about games can even be interesting if they are not noisy and make good.
If to be honest i do not think that any of it can be problem - but just a little imagine:
What can be perfect - if banners will be really interesting to community right ?
1)So games - it is really interesting - some times i think what a game to play - what interesting is in the world. I think it even can be good and interesting if it was made right.
2)Shopping ... hm i even do not know =))) To enter the site and look wow good banner of manure for my little flower that i even do not have ... wow - i have to buy it ... !!! I think it is a little silly, but if it will be some thing that is on one idea of the comunity - why not !
But what it will be ? Computer technologies ... i do not think so. Some kind of PO ... - if not games what can be there ? PO (programs) for creating games ?
What can be the same idea to game forum about Furry ? Games for example - but i do not understand any connection about furry and goods for example =) I do not think that it will be interesting to read about some new comb ащк еру сфе ащк учфьзду
3)Fast food drinks - why not i like fast food and i think a lot of people eat it in real life. But it will not be interesting - it is like some thing neutral. May be interesting to read some new stuff but not very interesting.
4)Adult sites - i even do not know. In one side it is good in other - for example read lok forums for some body from work will be more problem =))) Best porn sites of the worlds and etc - and a woman on baner
Just a joke. But In intelligent correlation - it will not be the problem too it depends only what kind of site and banners content it will be. If some thing based on some thing interesting like adult games or some thing like that may be it will be interesting too. But i think not a ordinary sites (there are millions of them) - but may be i am wrong.
5)Will it really be interesting to some body there ?
I even do not understand what about is this point