Alright, heres a version thats a little more polished and gamelike

New additions:
- Metroids

- Minimap toggle (M key). I'm not a graphic designer so dont laugh at my big blue squares too hard lol.
- And I want to brag that my scene changer is awesome sauce. Scene changing is a breeze... At any point, you can reset the game (right click -> New game menu item). Alternatively, I added a debug key H which at the main menu will open the debug scene changer and you can go directly to any level. To the people familiar with flash.. I'm not actually using "adobe scenes".. its dynamically swapping movieclips and caching in the background.
- Due to scene changer.. the cam works a little different now. It has a working Y direction change. I'm debating adding a Y scroll fudge factor... much like in the X direction where the cam kind of scrolls slowly from left<->right if you change directions.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, also added the "game over" scene aka "Samus Thing" which happens if you die. Nothing happens on full lust tho.
Stuff I'm aware of:
- Metroid anims are sometimes awkward due to metroid positioning and the fact they are floating. Also, they are scaled really big, but you prob wouldnt have noticed that if I didnt say anything heh.
- Enemies aren't aware of "gravity" just yet, and i think metroids arent inhibited by walls just yet.
An updated version of my source can be found here: Edit for Kalypso:
I reposted the flash. Its literally 1 line of code to change the quality level. I added the buttons into the options menu.. guess its as good a place as any lol. I'll have to look and see if I can optimize the code a little more too = that or reduce # of active enemies at any given time. Theres a lot of frame listeners going on - that may also be contributing to potential latency issues.