NCFancypants Wrote:I tried the game...didn't get far before I noticed an issue that could probably cause trouble. The menu button it's set to in the beginning doesn't work. I looked into the database and it's set to "key_27" which is F12. I pressed F12 after figuring this out. and nothing happens. You need to change the key it uses to something that works in the database before starting the game. Otherwise, no saving or items outside of battle for you. once you get it to a key that works, you can open the menu and change the controls normally.
I changed it to 16, which is shift, I just chose it 'cause I knew the run key worked. Just throwing this out so others that might want to try don't have to figure it out on their own.
EDIT: Also, if you send me the file with all the text you added, as I see English isn't your first language, I can help with typos if you'd like.
I've played a lot of the game. And while it's interesting, the typos keep smacking me in the face in later parts of the game. It seems to get worse as the game goes on.
And finally, I feel I should warn people that there are "Feral" pokemon. So if you're not a fan of feral then you should probably be careful with this one.
comecoco19 Wrote:Hello, i just created an account to post the bugs that i've found on your game.
1.The slave girl that likes bondage, when you are going to sell her, the game display goes black and the game freezes.
2.After you kidnap the little girl on the second floor of the library and she appears on your room, if you go to the library again, you can repeat that same event.
3.When eevee (feral) is going to evolve into sylveon through the event, the game freezes.
4.Inside the Pokemon Fight Club that is on the way to Middlefart, when you select to pokefight with the rattata, if you lose the game freezes. If you choose not to fight, then you win inmediatly.
5.In Middlefart, on the cafeteria, after watching all of the events with the green haired girl named New, if you go and have sex with her, ash stays on a laid down position, even if you can moe him, he still is on a laid down position.
6.After you defeat the raichu of Major Terra, it doesn't matter if you sell them as slaves or not, the event can still be repeated if you go to the gym again.
7.If you try to catch rayquaza with a rocketball, after catching it, Ash is not able to move anywhere.
8.I don't know if this is your coding or if it is humbird0's game editor, but every time you have an event where you fight against someone, if you catch the leading person you are fighting, then the event is halted and you can restart it again.
Aside from that, i haven't found any other bugs. Pretty good game, keep the good work
NCFancypants Wrote:comecoco19 Wrote:Hello, i just created an account to post the bugs that i've found on your game.
1.The slave girl that likes bondage, when you are going to sell her, the game display goes black and the game freezes.
2.After you kidnap the little girl on the second floor of the library and she appears on your room, if you go to the library again, you can repeat that same event.
3.When eevee (feral) is going to evolve into sylveon through the event, the game freezes.
4.Inside the Pokemon Fight Club that is on the way to Middlefart, when you select to pokefight with the rattata, if you lose the game freezes. If you choose not to fight, then you win inmediatly.
5.In Middlefart, on the cafeteria, after watching all of the events with the green haired girl named New, if you go and have sex with her, ash stays on a laid down position, even if you can moe him, he still is on a laid down position.
6.After you defeat the raichu of Major Terra, it doesn't matter if you sell them as slaves or not, the event can still be repeated if you go to the gym again.
7.If you try to catch rayquaza with a rocketball, after catching it, Ash is not able to move anywhere.
8.I don't know if this is your coding or if it is humbird0's game editor, but every time you have an event where you fight against someone, if you catch the leading person you are fighting, then the event is halted and you can restart it again.
Aside from that, i haven't found any other bugs. Pretty good game, keep the good work
I can actually help with the black screen issues. I thought the game was freezing too, but it's just a black screen blocking your view. Keep hitting the OK key and it'll eventually pop back up Usually after all the 'good stuff' is over :/
Might as well add a bug I randomly had happen to me. I don't know when/how it happened, but somewhere along the lines while I was playing, EVERYTHING was reset, encounter-wise. The charmander on the lighthouse was back, even though I had already caught her, Flutters was back in her spot, I could do the shinies again if I wanted, etc.
TheShane16 Wrote:So is there a storage, i can't find one and the storage in the room doesn't work for me, help.
ct4thg Wrote:TheShane16 Wrote:So is there a storage, i can't find one and the storage in the room doesn't work for me, help.
Outside the room exists many pokecenters. Only in there and a few select places, do the storage's work.
By the way Hunden, good work with this game. Love how it's turned out and the content you included. Can't wait to see what you add next and what you'll do with that Virizion you're working on.
xeragoth Wrote:i havent posted anything in months since no interesting game had been made in so long, but i truly like your game i hope you keep doing in it
p.s. where is the camera?, how do you change to pokemon not in your current party? and how do you get a good amount of money?
NCFancypants Wrote:Hey Hund, quick question.
How'd you get working PCs in the Pokemon Centers if you can't get one in the bedroom? My best guess is you copy/pasted the Centers and edited them, correct? If so, you could have done the same with the bedroom and just gotten rid of everything except the PC, right?
It's a little late to do that now, since there's so many things happening in the bedroom, and you'd have to re-do it all, but I just thought of it, and was curious how close I was.
NCFancypants Wrote:Also, I just figured out how to copy/paste between levels. you have to click on the thing you want to copy in the map, then use ctr+C or whatever keys your computer uses to copy, then go to the map you want to put it in and paste it. Since right clicking doesn't give the copy/paste options, you have to use the keyboard. I was able to get a working PC in the bedroom this way.
For example, what I did was: Open editor. Open Cerulean Pokemon Center map. Click the third editing option. Move first sprite off of PC (since it's the 'internet' one). Click sprite, which should be Storage_0. CTRL+C to copy. Open teamrocket 13_etage (the bedroom). Click somewhere. CTRL+V to paste. Move new sprite, which was named, for me, Storage_1, onto PC. Save. Test. Works.
I don't know how to do it from scratch. But with this, you can put a PC ANYWHERE you want.
Dead2112man Wrote:Hello Hunden, first off, nicely done with what little I have played with so far, of course there are bugs, but you already know them as limitations to your current knowledge of the Humbird0 engine. And while I know ValturNaa wont be able to help you much till the start of next year do to him being away for now and then working on Pink in December for chapter two's release. You could always try to leave hit him up to try and get some answers to your questions, like how to sell items in the shop or how to make non pokemon center PC working.
Still, good luck with your project, sorry that I am just know getting around to it, but your banner post threw me off so long for it does not look like pokemon even in a Evil kind of way.
Would also comment on things you have Ash say, but those are more of matter of opinion so I wont.
flare01 Wrote:really like this game so far. got even better when i found a Pokemon center to deposit Pokemon. do you have any idea of when you will update or just whenever in the future? either way can't wait to see what is added.
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